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Dequeue in Data Structures: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated on 04/02/2025503 Views

Welcome to the world of Dequeues! In this blog post, we will delve into those flexible data systems, exploring their functionalities, implementations, and actual-world packages. But, before we bounce into dequeues, let's establish a sturdy foundation through trending systems.

What is a Data Structure?

Imagine a grocery store. Aisles are organized, shelves are stocked strategically, and merchandise is classified. This systematic arrangement allows you to discover what you want, fast and efficaciously.

In the virtual world, data systems are prepared methods to save and manipulate collections of data within a computer's memory. Just like the grocery store, statistics structures offer green access, addition, elimination, and manipulation of data.

Why are Data Structures Important?

Data structures are the building blocks of efficient applications. They affect how quickly an application can access and process data. The right dequeue in a data structure for a particular task has a drastic impact on a software's performance.

Here's an analogy: Imagine you attempt to find a specific book in a library. While sifting through an unorganized pile of books can be time-consuming, properly arranged shelves will make it easier for you. And, if they are arranged alphabetically, it becomes even more easier. Data structures work the same way for computer packages!

Dequeue: The Double-Ended Champion

Now, permits meet the superstar of the display - the Dequeue (mentioned "dequeue" and "queue"). It is a double-ended queue, which means you can upload and dispose of elements from both ends (back and front), effectively.

Think of it like a two-door method. Passengers can enter and exit from both doors, which offers flexibility in movement.

Here are some key factors about dequeues:

  • Double-ended: Unlike a conventional queue (FIFO - First In, First Out), in which factors are added to the lower back and removed from the front, a dequeue lets in for operations at both ends.
  • Dynamic or fixed length: Deque implementations may be dynamic ( length can be customized) or fixed-length (restricted ability).

Real-World Applications of Dequeues

Dequeues find use in various software program applications:

Browser History Management

When you navigate to and fro through websites, your browser relies on a dequeue to hold the song of your visited pages. To add a new page in your history involves inserting it at the front, and going lower back, which calls for the elimination of the contemporary web page (the front detail) and makes the previous one (detail in the back) the present-day page.

Music Playlist Manipulation

Imagine you include songs for your song queue. You can add them to the cease (ordinary queue behavior) for sequential playback. Whereas, dequeues offer greater flexibility. Want to insert a brand new music proper after the modern-day one? Dequeues let you insert on the front to seamlessly edit the playback order.

Dequeue vs. Queue and Stack: Understanding the Differences

While dequeues percentage similarities with queues and stacks, there are key distinctions:

Queues: Elements are delivered to the again (enqueue) and removed from the front (dequeue). Think of a line at an espresso keep - humans join on the lower back and are served from the front.

Stacks: Elements are introduced and eliminated from the equal stop (regularly called the pinnacle). Imagine a stack of plates - you upload a brand new plate on the pinnacle and do away with the top plate whilst needed.

Dequeues: As mentioned earlier, dequeues provide the flexibility of including and disposing of factors from both ends.

Here's a desk that summarizes the important differences:





Insertion Point



Front or Back

Removal Point



Front or Back

Access Order

FIFO (First In)

LIFO (Last In)

Flexible (both ends)

First Out)

First Out)

Mastering Deque Operations: A Hands-On Guide

Adding and Removing Elements: Deque's Dynamic Flexibility

At the heart of deques lies their versatility to add and cast off elements at either ends. Let's explore these middle operations in detail:


1. insertFront(x)

This operation swiftly provides a new element, x, to the front of the deque.


def insertFront(x):

The above code is used to put x at the front of the deque.

2. insertRear(x)

This operation welcomes a brand new element, x, to the return of the queue..


def insertRear(x):

This code is used to put x on the rear of the deque.


1. deleteFront():

This operation removes and returns the primary detail from the deque's front, like, a front-row target audience member exiting a theater.


def deleteFront():

This code is used for elimination and to return the front element.

2. deleteRear():

This operation helps you get rid of and return the final element from the deque's rear.


def deleteRear():

This code is used to get rid of and return the rear detail.

Accessing Elements: Peeking into the Deque


1. getFront():

Curious about how to get the first detail in the deque? Make the most of this useful function.


def getFront():

This code is used to return the front element without elimination.

2. getRear():

Want to obtain the last detail inside the deque? This operation helps you obtain the last detail without any change in the queue.


def getRear():

This code is used to return the rear detail without elimination.

Additional Insights (Optional but Valuable):

1. isEmpty():

This operation reveals whether the deque is empty or not, like to check if a restaurant has available tables or is fully booked.


def isEmpty():

This code is used to check if the deque is empty.

2. Size():

This operation unveils the variety of factors present in the deque, like a scoreboard that displays the variety of gamers in a crew.


def size():

This code is used to return the number of factors inside the deque.

Implementations of Deque

Deques can be used for specific underlying statistics systems. Like a coin has two sides, it has its pros and cons. Here, we will explore two common implementations: array-based and linked list-based dequeues.

1. Array-based Dequeue

An array-based deque makes use of a hard and fast-length array to shop factors. It gives efficient random access but may have barriers in terms of size and memory usage.


  • Fast random access: Elements may be accessed immediately with the help of their index in constant time (O(1)).


  • Fixed size: The size of the deque is constant at initialization and it can not be dynamically resized. This may be a downside if the number of elements isunknown ahead.
  • Potential wasted space: If the deque isn't always usually crammed to potential, there can be wasted space within the array.
  • Resize operations: To Insert or delete elements requires a transfer of factors in the array, main to O(n) time complexity in the worst case.

Code Example:


class ArrayDeque:
def __init__(self, capacity):
self.array = [None] * capacity Initialize array with None values
self.front = 0 Index of the front element
self.rear = 0 Index of the rear element (points to the next available space)
def isEmpty(self):
return self.front == self.rear
def size(self):
Consider the wraparound scenario (explained later)
return (self.rear - self.front) % len(self.array)
def insertFront(self, data):
Check if there's space at the front (considering wraparound)
if (self.front == 0 and self.rear == len(self.array)) or (self.rear + 1) % len(self.array) == self.front:
print("Overflow: Deque is full")
Handle the wraparound scenario (explained later)
if self.front == 0:
self.front = len(self.array) - 1
self.front -= 1
self.array[self.front] = data Insert at the front
def insertRear(self, data):
Check if there's space at the rear (considering wraparound)
if (self.front == 0 and self.rear == len(self.array)) or (self.rear + 1) % len(self.array) == self.front:
print("Overflow: Deque is full")
self.array[self.rear] = data Insert at the rear
self.rear = (self.rear + 1) % len(self.array) Update rear considering wraparound
def deleteFront(self):
if self.isEmpty():
print("Underflow: Deque is empty")
return None
data = self.array[self.front]
self.array[self.front] = None Remove element from front
Handle the wraparound scenario (explained later)
if self.front == self.rear:
self.front = self.rear = 0
self.front = (self.front + 1) % len(self.array)
return data
def deleteRear(self):
if self.isEmpty():
print("Underflow: Deque is empty")
return None
Handle the wraparound scenario (explained later)
if self.rear == 0:
self.rear = len(self.array) - 1
self.rear -= 1
data = self.array[self.rear]
self.array[self.rear] = None Remove element from rear
return data


  • The ArrayDeque class is initialized with a hard and fast ability and represents the maximum variety of factors it may hold.
  • Front and rear indices are the positions of the front and rear factors, respectively.
  • The isEmpty and size strategies go through the emptiness and return the range of factors, efficiently.
  • insertFront and insertRear cope with insertions on the front and rear, respectively. They consider a unique case referred to as wraparound, in which the rear index may reach the end of the array and need to be reset to the beginning (circular style).
  • DeleteFront and deleteRear strategies remove elements from the front and rear, respectively. They deal with the wraparound state of affairs in which the front or rear index can be adjusted after deletion.
  • Notice how those techniques set the detail's fee to none after deletion. This facilitates the discovery of empty slots in the array but may require better judgment depending on the implementation.

2. Linked List-based Dequeue

A related listing-based deque makes use of a doubly linked list to keep elements. This method offers dynamic resizing.


  • Dynamic size: The size of the deque can be increased or decreased depending on the requirement, which makes it appropriate for scenarios where the quantity of factors is unknown.
  • Efficient insertion/deletion at both ends: Since the linked list structure lets in changes at any node, insertions and deletions at the front or rear can be completed in consistent time (O(1)).


  • Slower random access: To access factors by their index calls for traversing the linked list, which leads to slower retrieval in comparison to arrays (O(n) time complexity in the worst case).
  • Memory overhead: Each node in the linked listing retrieves additional data for linking, which leads to slightly better utilization compared to an accessible array.

Code Example:


class Node:
def __init__(self, data): = data
self.prev = None = None
class LinkedDeque:
def __init__(self):
self.head = None
self.tail = None
def isEmpty(self):
return self.head is None
def size(self):
current = self.head
count = 0
while current:
count += 1
current =
return count
def insertFront(self, data):
new_node = Node(data)
if self.isEmpty():
self.head = self.tail = new_node
else: = self.head
self.head.prev = new_node
self.head = new_node
def insertRear(self, data):
new_node = Node(data)
if self.isEmpty():
self.head = self.tail = new_node
new_node.prev = self.tail = new_node
self.tail = new_node
def deleteFront(self):
if self.isEmpty():
print("Underflow: Deque is empty")
return None
data =
if self.head == self.tail:
self.head = self.tail = None
self.head =
self.head.prev = None
return data
def deleteRear(self):
if self.isEmpty():
print("Underflow: Deque is empty")
return None
data =
if self.head == self.tail:
self.head = self.tail = None
self.tail = self.tail.prev = None
return data


  • The Node class represents a single node within the doubly related listing, storing the statistics and references to the previous and next nodes.
  • The LinkedDeque class manages the head and tail guidelines of the related list.
  • Similar to the array-based implementation, isEmpty and size methods test for vacancy and go back to the variety of factors.
  • InsertFront and insertRear effectively upload factors at the front and rear of the linked listing through manipulation of the node recommendations.
  • DeleteFront and DeleteRear remove the elements from the front and rear, adjusting the head and tail recommendations.

Applications of Deque

Deques, with their particular potential to effectively help insertions and deletions at each end, have emerged as an essential building block in computer science. We've explored how deques are instrumental in diverse applications:

  1. Browser Navigation: Deque operations strengthen the seamless back-and-forth navigation via your web search records.
  1. Undo/Redo Functionality: Deques offers the spine for the implementation of undo and redo actions in software programs, helping you to check errors or revisit previous states.
  1. Algorithm Design: Deques may be used to expand efficient algorithms for duties like sample matching in textual content or the manipulation of strings.
  1. Network Optimization: Deques can help to optimize network protocols and data transmission through handling statistics correctly.

Final Words

When you acquire the expertise of deques, you gain a valuable device for designing and imposing green answers across an extensive variety of computing challenges. As you progress to your computer science journey, you'll stumble upon deques in diverse contexts, solidifying their importance in the world of statistics structures.


1. What is dequeue and its sorts?

A deque, brief for ‘double-ended queue’, is a versatile statistics structure that allows insertion and deletion of elements from each end – front and rear. Deques can be labeled into two predominant sorts:

  • Input-Restricted Deque: Only lets in deletion from each end that limits insertions to one quit.
  • Output-Restricted Deque: Enables insertion at each end. However, it limits the deletions of one end.

2. What is a dequeue in a queue?

In the context of a queue, a deque represents a unique case where insertions and deletions are allowed at both ends, not just at the rear like a conventional queue. This stronger flexibility offers additional functionalities for numerous programs.

3. What is a dequeue operation?

A deque operation involves both putting or deleting a detail at either end of the deque. Common operations encompass:

  • Insert Front: Add a detail to the front of the deque.
  • Insert Rear: Add an element to the rear of the deque.
  • Delete Front: Remove an element from the front of the deque.
  • Delete Rear: Remove an element from the rear of the deque.

4. What is a dequeue?

A deque, or double-ended queue, is a data structure that lets in factors to be delivered or removed from both ends. It combines the capabilities of a stack and a queue, which presents versatility in the implementation of diverse algorithms.

5. What are the four types of linked lists?

The 4 sorts of linked lists are:

  • Singly Linked List: Each node factors to the subsequent node within the sequence.
  • Doubly Linked List: Nodes have guidelines for each of the next and previous nodes.
  • Circular Linked List: The closing node points lower back to the first, and forms a loop.
  • Doubly Circular Linked List: Combines features of doubly linked and circular related lists.

6. What are the applications of a dequeue?

Deques are used in conditions that call for efficient execution of insertion and deletion operations from both ends. Some commonplace programs consist of:

  • Undo Mechanisms in Software: Dequeue can be used to put into effect undo functionalities.
  • Job Scheduling: dequeues are very useful to handle responsibilities that have different priorities.
  • Palindromic Checks: Tests if a sequence may be examined from the front and backward path.

7. What can be the advantages of dequeue?

The primary gain of a deque is its flexibility. It affords a service at both ends, which makes it very accessible for situations in which elements need to be inserted at the top or removed from the tail.

8. What does the dequeue seem like in real life?

A physical instance of a deque may be determined in a printer enqueue. Jobs can be published from each side of the queue, and the completed jobs may be accumulated from either side, which demonstrates that a queue is a dynamic structure.

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