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Data Structure

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Stack vs. Queue: Unlocking the Key Differences

Updated on 31/01/2025308 Views

What is a Stack?

A Stack is a linear data structure where elements are added and deleted only from one end, the top (or bottom if the stack is reversed). If we have an array, random access is ever possible i.e., any element of an array is accessible at any time. Comprehension of the Difference between Stacks and Queues is fundamental in proper data organization and algorithm design.

Therefore, it is used to keep the information in place. It is the LIFO ( Last In, First Out) principle that denotes the insertion, as well as the deletion that happens from one site that is the top. Hence, a stack consists of the elements of the same data type, namely, other data type elements are not compatible with the elements in the stack. Both operations pushed and popped are carried out LIFO, which stands for ‘last-in-first-out’.

What is a Queue?

Queue is an example of linear data structure. We implement an ordered line, using FIFO (First In -First Out) principle. A Queue is a type of structure that restricts us from adding elements in the beginning and extricating them from the end. If a Queue setup is in consideration, it trains its insertion process from one end and that end is referred to as a rear. Another end from where something that you require or want to keep safe is known as the front end.

In Queue, the two technical terms to refer to insertion and deletion are enqueue() and dequeue(), respectively, and in the situation of the stack, push() and pop() are the two technical terminologies that define inserting and removing operations. Its organizational conclusion consists of two pointers that point to the first element added and the one that was inserted last.

Stack And Queue Applications And Importance

1. Stacks:

  • Expression Evaluation: Stacks are considered to be the go-to stack for the computation of expressions such as postfixes, prefixes, and infixes.
  • Function Call Stack: In the context of programming languages, stacks are utilized to store the calling order or function and the variables or parameters that come with them.
  • Backtracking Algorithms: Piles are the sole elements that implement backtracking algorithms, for instance, DFS (Depth-First Search) and recursive backtracking.
  • Undo Mechanisms: Stacks are utilized in certain applications that require the undo option as sequential options are reversed.
  • Memory Management: Pile-up is central to the management of memory revelation and dissolution in the digital world.

2. Queues:

  • Task Scheduling: Queues are the key component in task scheduling algorithms, where tasks are queued based on their arrival or priority.
  • Breadth-First Search (BFS): The idea is to use BFS methods that allow you to progress level by level in queues.
  • Printer Spooling: Print utilization will always be higher because spooling within operating systems is queueing for multiple print requests to be managed.
  • Message Queues: Queues are often used in distributed systems for the passing of messages and communication between the processes.
  • Buffering: Queues are used to intermediary data between components in cases where processing speeds are not the same system.


Definition and Characteristics:

  • A stack is a linear data structure in which all elements are placed in a fixed orderly sequence and is based on the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle.
  • Examples of this approach include instances where the necessity of first having to access and remove an element in the reverse order of its insertion is apparent.


1. Push:

  • Push something onto the stack and add something on the top.
  • The stack can be presented as an (array)-based one, which means adding a new element as `top[ ]+1` and placing it at that position.
  • A linked list-based stack brings forth a tail that goes on pointing to the previous top node.

2. Pop:

  • The pop operation gets the element at the top of the stack and removes it to go further.
  • In the case of the top being the head of the stack, if an array is used as the implementation method, then the top index needs to be decremented.

Deleting the topmost node from a linked-list-based stack usually conflates the update of the top pointer as well.

3. Peek:

  • Peak operation facilitates the retrieval of the top element of a stack without popping it into the data structure.
  • It serves as an operation of carrying the top element off the stack with the stack unchanged.
  • Such an operation can be useful if you want a look at the top element without taking it from the stack.


Definition and Characteristics:

  • Being a linear type of data, a queue also follows the First In, First Out principle (FIFO).
  • Moreover, it means the rightmost element in the array is eliminated first.
  • Queues can be done either through the usage of array-linked lists or other applicable data structures.
  • Sorted arrays are often used when sorting a list of elements where the order in which the elements were added is critical.


  1. Enqueue:
  • Rear is the enqueue operation that means adding an element at the end of the queue.
  • The queue is implemented through the use of an array, which comprises firstly adding the element at the rear index and then also increasing the rear pointer.
  • The linked list version of the queue implemented is associating a new node at the space in the queue and making the old rear node point to the new node at the space in the queue.
  1. Dequeue:
  • Dequeue from the beginning and extract an element from the queue`s header.
  • If the queue is implemented using an array, front and rear indices need to be extracted incrementing the position of the front element.
  • Rather than the queue being applied with a linked list, the front node is disconnecting and the front pointer is replaced with a direct reference.
  1. Front:
  • The front operation gives the element located at the front of the queue without removing it.
  • It returns the first element of the queue without changing the queue itself.
  • This operation is helpful when you want to observe the front element without excluding it.

The detailed descriptions should lead you to a clear understanding of the definitions, properties, and operations of stacks and queues.

Difference Between Stacks and Queues





Last In, First Out (LIFO)

First In, First Out (FIFO)

Order of Elements

Elements are accessed in reverse order of their insertion.

Elements are accessed in the same order as their insertion


Push (add), Pop (remove), Peek (access top)

Enqueue (add at rear), Dequeue (remove from front), Front (access front)


Implemented using an array, linked list, and other data structures.

Implemented through arrays, linked lists, or other structures such as hash tables.

Use Cases

Usually, these are the ones for event management, the evaluation of expressions, and undo folders.

Serves for process scheduling, hosting of print queues, and in the BFS algorithm of graph traversal.

Use Cases and Scenarios:


Use Case: Function Calls

Scenario: When a function is being called, its whole execution is paused and the values of all its local variables as well as parameters are stored in its memory. When the function is done running, what it needs to do is restore the point of execution from the place it was invoked. By implementing the stack data structure which allows controlled encounters, behavior is managed. Every function’s call of its local variables and parameters is stored on the stack temporarily and the reverse process of popping the variables from the stack is done when the function returns to continue execution.

Program Example (in pseudo-code):

function main():
print("Main function")
print("Back to main")

function function_A():
print("Function A")
print("Back to Function A")

function function_B():
print("Function B")


Use Case: Print Queues

Scenario: In an office environment, the delivered documents to the printer stand in a queue before printing. The printer accepts a new document only when the queue is empty. This means that documents enqueue as they are submitted with the latest document going to print first (FIFO). This thus prevents the biases in the 1st printing stage, where documents are being arranged in the order that they were requested.

Program Example (in pseudo-code):

class PrintQueue:
def __init__(self):
self.queue = []

def enqueue(self, document):
self. queue.append(document)

def dequeue(self):
if len(self.queue) > 0:
return self. queue.pop(0)
return "Queue is empty"

printer = PrintQueue()
printer.enqueue("Document 1")
printer.enqueue("Document 2")
printer.enqueue("Document 3")

print(printer. dequeue()) # Output: "Document 1" (First document printed)
print(printer. dequeue()) # Output: "Document 2" (Second document printed)

These realizations demonstrate how stacks and queues may be employed differently and lay the fundamentals for the grasp of the actual designation of their place in programming.

Stack Data Structure:

  1. Array-based Implementation:
  • Stack as a data structure can be implemented in an array-based way, with a single one-dimensional array as the representation of the stack.
  • This is the variable, which is most likely denoted top and is used to keep track of the top element in the stack.
  • The element to be added to the stack is positioned at a position top of the stack and the top is increased by one when the element is inserted.
  • An element from the stack is removed by popping it out. The position of the element, which is pointed by the top pointer is returned and the top pointer is decremented.
  1. Linked List-based Implementation:
  • A data structure stack and queue in linked list type would be carried out using a chain of nodes, each node containing data plus a reference to the subsequent (pointer) item in the chain.
  • At the head of the stack is where the head of the linked list is located.
  • A new block is brought on the top of the stack by creating a new node and making a link to the current top of the stack, the top is then modified to point towards the new block.
  • The action of pulling an element from the stack is analogous to removing the topmost node from the structure while advancing the top pointer to the following node.

Queue Data Structure:

  1. Array-based Implementation:
  • Humanize by one sentence: In the array-based implementation, a queue is represented by a one-dimensional array.
  • The queue is signified by the two pointers, usually called front and rear, which are used to splice the two ends of the queue.
  • When an element is accepted, the node is appended at the position indicated by the tail and the tail is advanced.
  • If a thing is withdrawn from the queue, the element that takes its place of being under the position indicated by the front is returned and at the same time, the front is increased.
  1. Linked List-based Implementation:
  • Implementing a linked list data structure is the only option in case of a linked-list implementation to represent a queue as each node of the linked list both holds the data and points (refers to) the next node.
  • The two pointers, also called front and back, are in charge of the that queues take place at their front and rear, respectively.
  • Removing an element from the queue implies that a node to be removed is in front of the primary node, i.e., the front is updated to a location of the next node.

Final Words!

In conclusion, the fundamental difference between stacks and queues lies in their underlying principles of operation: LIFO (Last In, First Out) is used by the stacks’ algorithms; and FIFO (First In, First Out) - by the queues. It is the principle that makes them work effectively and have their particular application end purposes. Stacks fulfill the contexts including the function call, arithmetic expressions evaluation, and undo operations. Here, elements are processed in a reversing order where elements are added last in the queue.

On the other hand, the principle of the queue is used not only in the printing queues but also in task scheduling and BFS in the graphs, and the processing of the element is made according to their insertion like first in is first in out. This background knowledge of individual features of stacks and queues enables us to find applicable solutions for these data structures in many programming and algorithmic tasks.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q. What is stack and its example?

A stack is a linear data structure that uses the Last In, First Out (LIFO) rule, which is the element that was last added to the stack and is the first one to be removed.

Example: Think about the undo feature of a text editor. Every action (typing, deleting, formatting) is logged as a separate operation on a stack.

Q. Is a stack a data structure?

Of course, the Stack is a structure of data that is very crucial within the context of computer science as well as programming. It could be implemented according to a wide range of data structures such as arrays, linked lists, and so on.

Q. Why is a queue called FIFO?

The queue is classified as FIFO which means First In, First Out. The enqueue, on the other hand, alters the queue in the sense that the element that is enqueued first will be the one that will be dequeued first.

Q. What is the principle of a queue?

FIFO (First In, First Out) is the principle of a queue. This suggests that the queue will have the element that was added first (at the head) and removed earlier.

Q. Explain queue with an example?

A queue is a data structure that operates according to the principle of First In, First Out (FIFO), which is specifically used in situations such as print or task queuing, where items are processed in the order they were added to the queue.

Q. What is a stack used for?

Stacks are used in programming for managing function calls and recursion, expression evaluation, and updos, completing the task according to the standard Last In, First Out (LIFO) order.

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