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Trees in Data Structure: A Comprehensive Guide

Updated on 29/07/2024444 Views


In the computer science sector, a data structure is a key factor that enables arranging and storing data, efficaciously. They are the building blocks on which algorithms are based to operate with the entire data, smoothly. Proper algorithms are necessary for data structures since they ensure proper data retrieval.

What is a Data Structure?

A data structure is a systematic way of arranging and storing data, which makes retrieval and modification easy. It specifies the data elements, operations that can be performed on them, and their relationships. Data structures can be divided into two groups: linear and non-linear. The former is used for specific purposes in programming, whereas the latter is used for various purposes.

Importance of Choosing the Right Data Structure for an Application

The efficiency of an algorithm is highly dependent on the accuracy of data structure selection. A properly selected data structure can improve the process of searching, sorting, and insertion. This, in turn, leads to faster and more resource-efficient programs.

Example: Take the example of a grocery list. In this case, a simple array (think of it as a fixed-size shopping cart) would be enough. However, if you are making a social media platform that allows users to follow each other, you will need a more complex data structure like a graph (imagine a web of connections).

Trees are a key non-linear data structure that are used to organize data hierarchically. A tree is a set of points connected by lines, in which every point has a father-son relationship. The root, which is the topmost node, acts as a starting point, and the nodes without children are known as leaves. Trees are widely used in different fields because of their adaptability and functionality.

Example: Imagine a family tree. The head node shows the family patriarch or matriarch, with branches descending to children, grandchildren, and all the other relations. The Tree is a structure made up of nodes and edges. Each node represents a data item, and the edges establish relationships between the nodes.

Real-World Applications of Trees

Tree structures are used in various applications:

  1. File Systems: The hard drive of your computer has a Tree structure mechanism, which organizes files and folders. The main node is the root directory, which is the root of all other subfolders.
  2. Artificial Intelligence: Classifying and predicting are the two tasks that decision trees, a type of Tree present in AI algorithms, perform. Envision a program that could recognize animals, similar to the Tree – the device could ask a set of questions ("Does it have fur?" or "Does it fly?") to reach the most accurate answer (e.g., “cat" or "bird").
  3. Networking Protocols: Internet routing protocols usually use Trellis structures to find the best way to transfer data packets.

Understanding Tree

In this section, we'll deep dive into the realm of Tree, a basic non-linear data structure. We will uncover the main features, contrast the tree-like structure with common linear structures, and introduce different types of trees with code examples.

Definition of a Tree

A Tree is an abstract data structure that is represented in the form of a real tree. As a part of this, the nodes are connected by edges.

  • Nodes: In the fundamental structure of the Tree, like the elements in an array, each node can store a data value and references to other nodes.
  • Edges: Links between nodes show the parent-child relations connected in the Trees.
  • Root Node: The Peak or the topmost node of the Tree is considered as the foundation for the entire structure. The rest of the nodes are connected to the root node either directly or indirectly.

Comparison with Linear Data Structures

The trees are different from linear data structures like arrays and linked lists, which offer a hierarchical organization. Data is not stored in a sequential order. It is stored in a parent-child relationship, which is very effective for the representation of complex relationships.


Linked Lists


The memory elements are in the same location and are accessed in a sequential order. Imagine a shelf with books that are placed side by side. You have to go through other books to find the one you want.

An element is not located adjacent to another, but rather, they are linked together by pointers. Imagine the train with various carriages, which have space between them. You select a special car by tracing the lines from the engine to it.

Trees, on the other hand, perform better at visualizing hierarchical structures. Visualize a hierarchical chart, where the CEO (root node) is on the top, followed by the department heads (children) and then the employees (further children).

Types of Tree

The Tree has a variety of structures, which are most suited for different applications. Here are some common types:

  1. Binary Tree: Each node has a maximum of two child nodes, which are the left child and the right child.
  1. Full Binary Tree: The parent of every node, except the leaf nodes (terminal nodes), must have two children.
  1. Complete Binary Tree: All levels are filled, except the last level, which has all nodes to the left side filled (this helps in efficient implementations).
  1. Balanced Tree: This type of Tree keeps a distinct height balance between left and right sub-trees, allowing for greater efficiency in search and insertion operations.
  1. AVL Tree: This Tree has a balance factor of -1, 0, or 1 for each node. These operations are done to ensure the balance is maintained during insertions and deletions.
  1. Red-Black Tree: Nodes are colored red or black based on the properties of the arrows. The red-black tree insertion, deletion, and rotation algorithms are responsible for the balancing of the tree, such that the black height remains logarithmic to the number of nodes.
  1. N-ary Tree: It is a generalization of a binary Tree where a node can have more than two children. They are important for displaying the relationships where a node may have more than two dependents.

Operations on Tree

A Tree operation includes operations like search, insert, and delete, inside the structure. Here are some key operations:

  1. Traversal Techniques: These techniques help us go through all nodes in the Tree at once.
  1. In-order Traversal: Helps you find the node to the left, then the root, and finally the node to the right. It is frequently utilized in the output of data in the ordered fashion for a Binary Search Tree (BST).
  1. Pre-order Traversal: By visiting the root node first and then the left subtree, it finally goes on to the right subtree. This allows one to copy the structure of a Tree.
  1. Post-order Traversal: By visiting the left subtree first, it moves to the right subtree, and the root node at the end. This is helpful for tree deletion algorithms.

Applications of Tree

Because of its hierarchical nature, the Tree structure provides a tool to organize and manipulate data. Here are some compelling use cases:

1. Priority Queues

Priority queues are characterized by elements' priority based on a certain value. Consider the hospital emergency room where patients are attended to based on the seriousness of their illness. A Tree can be utilized to build a priority queue, where those with critical conditions (higher priority) are attended to before those with trivial problems (lower priority).

Example of Max Heap (Binary Tree):


class PriorityQueue:

def __init__(self):

self.heap = []

def insert(self, item, priority):

# append new element at the end of the heap.

self.heap.append((priority, item))

# It is required to re-arrange the heap to preserve the priority order (Max Heap)

def remove(self):

# Delete the element with the highest priority and place it at the top of the list (root).

# Re-arrange the heap to ensure that the priority is maintained (Max Heap)

# Usage example

pq = PriorityQueue()

pq.insert("Patient A", critical)

pq.insert("Patient B", serious)

pq.insert("Patient C", minor)

# The next element to be eliminated will be "Patient A" (crucial).

2. Representing Hierarchical Relationships

Trees structures are well-known for being an excellent representation of hierarchical relationships, where elements have parent-child connections.

  • File Systems: Think of your computer's file system for example. Folders are parent nodes, which hold files (child nodes) and subfolders (grandchild nodes) in a manner that resembles a tree.
  • Organizational Structures: In the same way, organizational chart can be visualized as a Tree with the CEO at the root, then department heads (children), and individual employees (leaf nodes) reporting to them.

3. Huffman Coding (Data Compression)

Huffman Coding is a method to compress data. It replaces the longer codes with the shorter ones in the more frequent characters and vice versa. Trees, in this sense, are very important in this process. The characters and their frequencies are embedded in a Tree, so the shortest paths from the root to a leaf are occupied by the most frequent characters.

Example (An abridged version of Huffman coding through a binary tree):
















4. Game Development (Collision Detection and Pathfinding)

Game development in recent years has increasingly involved Tree structures. They can be used for:

  • Collision Detection: The maze can be an example of a game character. A Tree can be used to create the maze layout and ensure that the character can bump into walls.
  • Pathfinding: More often than not, games have characters travel to find the best route to achieve their goals. Trees are like A* search algorithms, which can calculate the paths within the game environment, efficiently.

These data structures are known for their capability to handle hierarchical data, which is an advantage that makes them a flexible tool for programmers.

Advanced Tree Operations

Beyond basic operations like insertion, deletion, and traversal, Tree manipulation involves advanced tree data structure techniques:

1. Finding the Height and Depth of a Tree

  • Height: The total number of edges from a root node to the farthest root node.
  • Depth: The number of edges from a chosen node to the root node.


def height(root):

if root is None:

return 0

return 1 + max(height(root.left), height(root.right)) is returned.

def depth(node):

if node is None:

return -1 # The node is not in the Tree.

return 1 + depth(node.parent)

2. Balancing a Tree (AVL Rotation Techniques, Red-Black Tree Rotations)

AVL Trees and Red-Black Trees are self-balancing. As a result, they provide quick search and insertion operations. Rotations, which can be referred to as rearranging subtrees, are the balancing technique that keeps the height of the Tree balanced.

3. Finding the Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) of Two Nodes

The LCA of two nodes in a Tree is the deepest common node that is an ancestor of both nodes. More only, it is the root node of the Tree that is a parent (or grandparent, or further ancestor) to both of the nodes. Finding the LCA is useful in various applications, such as:

  • Version control systems: Finding the common ancestor of two versions of the same file.
  • Network routing: Finding the most common point of a network for two devices.

There are multiple algorithms to find the LCA, but here's a common approach that works for Binary Tree:

  1. Start at the root node.
  2. If both target nodes are discovered on the same facet (left or proper) of the modern node, then the new node is the LCA.
  3. If one goal node is at the left side and the other is at the right facet of the cutting-edge node, then the new node is the LCA. (This is because the cutting-edge node is the primary node that has each target node as descendants on opposite sides.)
  4. If neither goal node is observed (e.g., they're both at the left, however, the modern-day node has no left child), recursively search the precise toddler subtree (left or right) based totally on where the goal nodes might be placed.

Example (Finding LCA in a Binary Tree):


/ \


/ \ \


Let's find the LCA of nodes named D and F.

Following the set of rules steps:

  1. Start at the root (A).
  2. D is at the left (subtree) and F is on the right (subtree) of A.
  3. Therefore, A is the LCA, as it's the primary ancestor with each D and F as descendants on opposite sides.

Python Implementation (Recursive Approach):


def find_LCA(root, node1, node2):

if root is None:

return None

if root is node1 or root is node2:

return root

left_LCA = find_LCA(root.left, node1, node2)

right_LCA = find_LCA(root.right, node1, node2)

if left_LCA and right_LCA:

return root # LCA found as root has both descendants on opposite sides

return left_LCA if left_LCA else right_LCA

This code recursively explores the Tree until it reveals the LCA or reaches a useless give-up (None).

By understanding these superior operations, you could leverage Tree systems to their full potential in your programming endeavors.

Working with Tree in Python

Now that we've explored the principles and programs of Tree, let us delve into their application in Python. We'll cover the creation of a custom Tree class, basic operations, and exploration of beneficial libraries.

Creating a Tree Class

Here's a primary Python code snippet for a Tree class:


class Node:

def __init__(self, data):

self.data = data

self.Left = None

self.Right = None

elegance Tree:

def __init__(self):

self.Root = None

# Implement methods for insertion, deletion, traversal, and many others.

This code defines two lessons:

  1. Node: This represents a person node inside the Tree. It has attributes for data, a left child pointer, and a right child pointer.
  2. Tree: This elegance represents the complete Tree structure. It has a characteristic root that factors into the root node of the Tree.

We can create new nodes through the use of the Node elegance constructor, which specifies the data it holds. The Tree class constructor initializes an empty Tree with a root set to None.

Implementing Traversal Methods

Traversing a Tree entails journeying every node in a specific order. Here are the traversal methods:

  1. In-order traversal: After visiting the left subtree and the basis node, it eventually reaches the proper subtree.
  2. Pre-order traversal: After visiting the root node and left subtree, it eventually reaches the right subtree.
  3. Post-order traversal: After visiting the left and right subtree, it ultimately reaches the foundation node.

Example (In-order Traversal):


def in_order_traversal(root):

if root:


print(root.data, stop=" ")


This code recursively traverses the Tree. It first visits the left subtree, then prints the current node's data, and finally visits the right subtree.

In-order traversal of a sample Tree (A is the basis):






In-order traversal, it would printed as: D B E A C F

Visualizing Traversal (Optional):

You can use online tree visualization equipment to create a visual illustration of the Tree and its traversal path. This can be useful for learning how the traversal methods work.

The implementation of Pre-order and Post-order traversal strategies can comply with a similar logic, with the order of visiting the basis node and its kids being adjusted.

Implementing Insertion and Deletion Functions

The insertion and deletion of the nodes in a Tree contain finding the best vicinity and manipulating the guidelines. These operations can vary depending on the specific Tree kind (Binary Tree, AVL Tree, and many others.).

Example (Simple Binary Tree Insertion):


def insert(self, data):

new_node = Node(data)

if self.Root is None:

self.Root = new_node


parent = None

contemporary = self.Root

whilst True:

if data < contemporary.data:

parent = current

current = current.Left

if new is None:

parent.Left = new_node



discern = modern

current = modern-day.Right

if modern is None:

discern.Proper = new_node


This code iterates through the Tree, comparing the data of the brand-new node with existing nodes. It unearths the proper figure node and inserts the brand new node as its toddler (left or right) depending on the data price.

Deletion and balancing operations for Tree can be more complex and are beyond the scope of this primary implementation. It is recommended to explore online resources and tutorials, devoted to precise Tree sorts for in-depth factors of these functionalities.

Libraries for Tree in Python

Python offers built-in modules and external libraries that can simplify operating with Tree:

heapq module

This module provides functionalities to implement precedence queues, which can be represented as Tree.

Example (Using heapq for Priority Queue):

import heapq

# Create a priority queue (Max Heap)

pq = []

heapq.heappush(pq, (5, "Task A")) # Higher priority

heapq.heappush(pq, (3, "Task B"))

heapq.heappush(pq, (4, "Task C"))

# Print the elements in order of priority (highest first)

while pq:

priority, task = heapq.heappop(pq)

print(f"Task: {task} (Priority: {priority})")

This code snippet showcases how the heapq module can be used to put a priority queue in force through the use of a heap data structure. Here is a breakdown of what the code does:

  • Import heapq module: We import the heapq module, which presents functionalities for working with thousands in Python.
  • Create an empty precedence queue: We initialize an empty listing pq, which is a great way to serve as our precedence queue.
  • Push elements with priorities: We use the heapq.Heappush(pq, (priority, project)) feature, to feature elements to the queue. Here, every element is a tuple containing the venture's precedence (higher range method better precedence) and the challenge description.
  • Heapq.Heappush: It guarantees that the heap belongings are maintained, which means the detail with the best precedence (lowest cost in this example) will continually be at the basis of the heap.

Process factors in priority order:

We use a while loop until the queue isn't empty (pq).

  1. Inside the loop, we call heapq.Heappop(pq). This feature removes and returns the element with the best priority (lowest price) from the queue, efficiently preserving the concerned order.
  2. We unpack the returned cost into priority and undertaking variables, representing the task's precedence and outline, respectively.
  3. Finally, we print the project info using an f-string.

This example demonstrates a simple application of Tree through heaps. The heapq module gives a convenient way to manipulate priority queues, which might be essential in diverse eventualities wherein duties need to be processed based on their importance.

binarytree module

This is a famous third-party library, especially designed for operating with Tree in Python. It offers functionalities for:

  1. Creating and manipulating Tree structures.
  2. Visualizing Tree systems in various codecs (textual content, ASCII art, and so on.)
  3. The implementation of commonplace Tree operations like insertion, deletion, and traversal.

Example (Using binarytree for Tree Creation and Traversal):


from binarytree import Node

# Create a sample Tree

root = Node("A")

root.left = Node("B")

root.right = Node("C")

root.left.left = Node("D")

root.left.right = Node("E")

# Print the Tree in-order

print("In-order traversal:")

tree.InOrderTraversal(root) # Using binarytree function

# Visualize the Tree (text format)

print("\nTree structure:")


This code demonstrates developing a Tree through the use of the Node elegance from binarytree. It then utilizes built-in abilities for in-order traversal (InOrderTraversal) and textual content-based visualization (display).

Benefits of the use of libraries

  1. Simplified code: Libraries offer pre-written functions, decreasing the want to write down complicated good judgment from scratch.
  2. Efficiency: Libraries are frequently optimized for normal overall performance.
  3. Readability: The use of libraries can be easy to understand.
  4. Visualization: Libraries like binarytree offer valuable visualization equipment for debugging and know-how Tree systems.

Final Words: Embracing the Power of Tree

We've embarked on an adventure to recognize Tree data systems. As technology evolves, Tree systems continue to play a critical feature in numerous domain names:

  • Big Data Processing: Tree can be used to effectively store and manipulate massive, hierarchical datasets, generated in fields like social media assessment and scientific studies.
  • Machine Learning: Decision wood, a type of Tree structure, is widely utilized in machine learning algorithms for type and prediction responsibilities.
  • Graph Databases: Tree standards are hired in graph databases, which can be gaining traction for representing complicated relationships amongst entities in interconnected structures.

By an active incorporation of Tree, you will unlock their capability and grow to be an all-rounder programmer. Remember, the secret is to test, explore, and embody the strength of a hierarchical data company!


1. What is a tree in data structure?

In data form, a tree is a hierarchical structure composed of nodes interconnected through edges. It resembles an inverted tree with a root node and branches extending downward, forming a bendy organizational model.

2. What is the structure of a tree?

A tree accommodates nodes associated with the useful resource of edges. The topmost node, referred to as the root, serves the region to begin. Nodes are prepared into tiers, and every node, besides the foundation, has a parent. Nodes without children are leaves, whilst people with a common decision are siblings.

3. What is a tree structure in a data model?

A tree form in a data version shows a hierarchical structure. It represents determine-baby associations, bearing in thoughts green storage and data retrieval. This model fits conditions in which elements are arranged in a smooth hierarchical order.

4. What are the types of binary trees?

Binary trees are of the following types:

  • Full Binary Trees: Each node has either zero or 2 kids.
  • Complete Binary Trees: Nodes are arranged from left to right.

5. What is a tree, and how does it artwork?

A tree is a data form that organizes factors hierarchically, fostering green data instances and retrieval. Its root serves as the region to begin, and nodes branch out, developing a form perfect for various packages.

6. Why use a tree data structure?

Trees provide green data enterprise, permitting brief seek, insertion, and deletion operations. Their hierarchical nature fits scenarios where relationships are clearly hierarchical, which include file systems, enterprise employer charts, and expression parsing.

7. What is a tree and its applications?

A tree's packages span numerous domains. They are utilized in:

  • File Systems: Representing the hierarchical form of directories and documents.
  • Organization Charts: Capturing the hierarchy in organizational systems.
  • Expression Parsing: Facilitating the evaluation of mathematical expressions.
  • Databases: Supporting the indexing and retrieval of data effectively.

Understanding trees in data structures is critical for designing optimized algorithms and systems, supplying an effective device for dealing with hierarchical relationships in diverse computational scenarios.

Kechit Goyal

Kechit Goyal

Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech…Read More

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