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ACID Properties in DBMS

Updated on 29/07/2024378 Views

The concept of ACID originates from DBMS (database management systems), which stands for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability in systems. These represent the four pillars of ACID properties that ensure database transactions happen seamlessly, more so where there are multiple simultaneous transactions. This guide gives a detailed overview of the four properties of ACID. 

Overview of ACID 

The atomicity property in ACID ensures database integrity by ensuring all database transactions happen in their entirety or none. The consistency property preserves data correctness by ensuring every transaction transitions the database from one valid state to another. The isolation property’s primary function is ensuring transactions operate independently, whereas the durability property ensures transactions remain the same, even after system failure. 

ACID Properties of Transactions in DBMS

It is now time to take a detailed look at the four primary properties of ACID. This section will cover the definitions, characteristics, and importance of ACID. You can also expect examples illustrating how each ACID property plays its role in the DBMS ecosystem.  Below are the different ACID properties in DBMS with examples.

1. Atomicity 

The concept of atomicity in ACID is to treat each transaction in a database as a single, indivisible unit. The atomicity property will roll back any data transaction in case of failure in any single, indivisible unit. The database will remain in its initial state in case of a rollback, thus preventing partial updates that could lead to data inconsistencies.

Characteristics of Atomicity 

Here are atomicity roles in ensuring database transactions conform to the all-or-nothing operation. 

  • Indivisibility 

The atomicity trait ensures that a database transaction is an indivisible unit of operation. These transactions also must go through successfully as a unit or none at all. =

  • Fail-Safe Operation

It is inevitable to experience hardware/software failure when dealing with database transactions. In such cases, atomicity guarantees there are no partial changes, thus ensuring maintaining the integrity of the database.

  • Rollback Mechanism 

What happens if you experience a system (software/hardware) failure while changing to the database? In such an event, atomicity will trigger the rollback mechanism to return the database to its initial status. 

  • Error Recovery 

Atomicity aids in error recovery by ensuring incomplete transactions do not affect the database, thus enhancing the recovery of databases from errors. 

  • Consistency Maintenance 

The all-or-nothing transaction trait of Atomicity enhances the database's consistency across operations.

  • Transaction Management

Atomicity is an essential time management tool because it facilitates complex transaction management by bundling multiple transactions (into a single transaction) for easier management and execution.

Example Atomicity in a Transaction

Transferring money between two bank accounts is one of the best illustrations of atomicity. Let us say you want to transfer $500 from your savings account to your checking account. You can simplify the process into two steps:

  • Deducting $500 from your savings account.
  • Adding $500 to your checking account.

The banking system must execute both steps in a single transaction to maintain a correct and reliable database state. This is where atomicity plays a critical role. Atomicity will bundle the transaction steps and execute them as a single transaction.

What happens if the $500 deduction from your savings account happens, but the credit transaction to your checking account fails? In such an event, atomicity in the banking system will roll back the transaction to its initial state. That means the banking system will roll back the $500 debit transaction from your savings account. 

The above illustration covers the scope atomicity plays in DBMS because it prevents your accounts from losing or gaining money unjustly due to partial transaction completion. Atomicity reconciles your bank accounts and ensures you have the correct balances in your accounts. 

2. Consistency 

The concept of consistency in ACID ensures every transaction brings the database from one valid state to another valid state, thus adhering to all predefined rules, constraints, triggers, and integrity constraints. The consistency trait guarantees that all data written in the database is valid according to predefined rules, preventing data corruption. 

Characteristics of Consistency 

Below are characteristics of consistency properties in ACID. 

  • Rule Adherence

Consistency guarantees that every database transaction conforms to the predefined rules and constraints of the database schema. Rule adherence is essential in maintaining database integrity. 

  • Data Validity

Data validity checks and ensures that data written into the database is valid,  preventing the insertion of erroneous/conflicting information.

  • Constraint Enforcement 

Consistency trait enforces integrity constraints such as primary key, foreign key, and unique constraints, ensuring that data relationships are maintained correctly.

  • Trigger Execution

Consistency in DBMS ensures the appropriate execution of triggers and enforces additional business logic or data validation rules.

  • Concurrency Control

Consistency mechanisms in DBMS include concurrency control methods for preventing simultaneous transactions from interfering with each other and maintaining data correctness in multi-user environments.

  • Error Handling

Error handling methods deal with errors gracefully ensuring that the database state remains consistent, even in the presence of failures or exceptions during transaction processing.

Example Illustrating Consistency in Transaction Processing

Flight booking systems provide a clear example of consistency in transaction processing. Assume you want to book a flight for a particular airline. The flight booking system will initiate a method for checking the availability of seats. The system will book your seat if it is still available and deduct it from the remaining pool of seats. 

Consistency comes into play by guaranteeing that you can only book an available seat, preventing double booking of seats. The flight booking system achieves this through concurrency control mechanisms like locking. The system will lock and reserve your seat until the completion of the transaction or if you or the airline cancel the seat. 

Assuming the booking process fails at any stage, the system will roll back the transaction and return the seat to the pool of available seats. The flight booking database remains consistent, with only valid and accurate booking records, preventing double bookings or inconsistencies in seat availability.

3. Isolation 

Isolation refers to the independent database transactions that prevent concurrent transactions from interfering with each other's outcomes. The isolation method ensures transactions see a consistent overview of the database, preventing concurrent transactions and maintaining data integrity and consistency.

Characteristics of Isolation

Below are characteristics of isolation within the ACID properties in DBMS. 

  • Transaction Independence

Transaction independence ensures each transaction operates independently of others, allowing multiple transactions to run concurrently without affecting each other's outcomes.

  • Concurrency Control

Concurrency control comprises mechanisms such as locking timestamping, and multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) to manage concurrent access to data, thus preventing interference between transactions.

  • Read Consistency 

Isolation guarantees that a transaction sees a consistent snapshot of the database state, even if other transactions modify the data concurrently. 

Write Serialization

Isolation serializes conflicting writes on the database to prevent data anomalies like lost updates, dirty reads, non-repeatable reads, and phantom reads.

  • Isolation Levels

The isolation process creates different levels (e.g. Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Serializable), to balance data consistency and performance depending on application requirements.

  • Data Integrity

The Islatioan mechanism safeguards data integrity by preventing transactions from accessing intermediate or inconsistent states of other transactions, ensuring a reliable database state.

Example of Isolation in Concurrent Transactions

Let us take an example of a library database system. Isolation is critical in such a system where multiple users borrow books simultaneously. You can assume that Jane and John want to borrow a copy of a popular book via the library system.

The isolation process will ensure that if Jane begins the borrowing process, John cannot concurrently borrow the same book before Jane’s transaction concludes. In this scenario, isolation prevents multiple users from borrowing the same book simultaneously by maintaining the database consistency. 

In the same breath, isolation ensures that John sees a snapshot of the database if Jane is still in the middle of borrowing the same book. The database will show the book as unavailable until Jane cancels the borrowing process, thus rolling back the changes and reflecting the book as available. The process prevents John from assuming the book is available due to Jane’s incomplete transaction, maintaining accurate information for all users.

4. Durability 

Durability in DBMS ensures changes are permanently written on the database after a successful commit. The changes in the database will then remain the same even in the event of a system failure. The durability trait ensures the changes to the database are durable, providing reliability and ensuring the persistence of changes over time.

Characteristics of Durability 

Below are characteristics of durability within the ACID properties. 

  • Persistent Storage

Persistence storage guarantees transactional commit is kept in non-volatile storage like a disk drive (HDD) or solid-state drive (SSD), even if the system shuts down unexpectedly.

  • Write-Ahead Logging (WAL)

Durability mechanisms will include techniques like WAL, where there is a log of changes before effecting them to the database. The WAL procedure aids in recovery in case of a system failure. 

  • Redo/Undo Logs

Durability mechanisms utilize Redo/Undo logs functionalities to track changes in database transactions. The Redo/Undo functionalities allow for replay or rollback during recovery.  

  • Transaction Commit Confirmation

Transactional commits ensure the database recognizes changes as complete after safely recording and logging in durable storage. It guarantees data integrity by preventing data loss during a system failure.     

  • Data Replication

Data replication involves duplicating databases in multiple storage devices or locations to ensure redundancy and availability, further enhancing data resilience and disaster recovery capabilities.

  • Recovery Procedures

The Recovery procedure is the process the system undertakes to restore the database to a consistent state after a failure, replaying transactions from the log to reconstruct lost or corrupted data.

Example of Durability in Database Recovery

Let us imagine an online shopping experience to illustrate the durability properties of ACID. You can expect several steps while completing an online purchase, including item deductions from inventory, customer order history, and payment updates. Durability ensures such transaction logs are reflected in the database once the purchase process is complete.  

The online shopping experience is an ideal example because the purchase record will remain in the platform’s storage, even after a system crash. The e-commerce platform can recover the customer’s order upon system recovery. The durability property guarantees reliability in the e-commerce platform by maintaining consistency of order records and inventory levels, thus enhancing customer trust and satisfaction.

Implementation of ACID Database Transactions

Implementation of ACID properties relies on strategies like logging mechanisms, transaction processing, concurrency control techniques, and recovery protocols.  

1. Logging Mechanisms

Database systems log the changes to a transaction log before modifying data. The log transactions are crucial when replaying or rolling back transactions. An ideal example is Write-Ahead Logging (WAL), where changes are first written to the log before being applied to the database.

2. Transaction Processing

Transactions are units of work that consist of multiple operations. They execute fully or roll back entirely if any part fails. Transactional processing coordinates the execution and management of transactions.

3. Concurrency Control Techniques

Concurrency control techniques maintain the isolation property of ACID. The techniques prevent interference between concurrent transactions accessing/modifying the same data. They include techniques like locking, timestamping, and multi-version concurrency control (MVCC).

4. Recovery Protocols

Recovery protocols ensure the durability of transactions and handle system failures. Recovery protocols use the transaction logs to restore the database to a consistent state after a system crash or failure. The database implements protocols like the redo/undo operations to roll back or replay transactions.


Understanding ACID properties in DBMS means comprehending atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability in databases. The four ACID properties collectively provide the foundation for building robust and error-resistant database applications.


1. What are the ACID properties in DBMS?

ACID properties refer to the atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability of database transactions.

2. What are ACID properties in DBMS interview questions?

The questions revolve around your holistic view of the four properties (atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability) concerning database management. 

3. What are the properties of Rdbms?

Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) is a set of properties that define their functionality and capabilities in managing data. The properties include data as tables, data integrity, Structured Query Language (SQL), transaction management, normalization, indexing, concurrency control, backup, recovery, security, scalability, and performance.  

4. What are the ACID properties of MS SQL?

Microsoft SQL Server, a popular relational database management system (RDBMS), fully supports the ACID properties to ensure the integrity and reliability of database transactions. 

5. What is ACID and its example?

ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability; the four key properties of database transactions. An ideal illustration of ACID implementation is in the banking, library, booking, and e-commerce database management systems. 

6. What are the properties of the acids?

ACID is an acronym for ACID is an acronym for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability, which provide the four pillars of properties in database transactions.

7. What are the 7 properties of acid?

The seven key properties of ACID include Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability, Persistence, Reliability, and Resilience in DBMS.

8. What are the 4 main properties of ACID?

The four core properties of ACID include Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability in database management systems. 

9. What are ACID properties in simple words?

ACID properties ensure database transactions are reliable by guaranteeing; Atomic (all or nothing), Consistent (maintaining data integrity), Isolated (independent of other transactions), and Durable (permanently saved even in the event of system failure).

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