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Candidate key DBMS

Updated on 26/07/2024360 Views

Candidate keys hold paramount importance in Database management systems (DBMS). A candidate key comprises one or more columns capable of uniquely identifying a row within a table, thereby facilitating efficient data retrieval and manipulation. Candidate keys protect the integrity of data and provide database functionality.

This guide will discuss candidate keys in DBMS in detail. We will cover everything about candidate key DBMS, its practical applications, and much more.


Candidate key DBMS plays a key role in ensuring data integrity and uniqueness. It comprises one or more columns within a table that uniquely identify each row. Essentially, no two rows can have identical values for the columns forming a candidate key.

While a table can have multiple candidate keys, only one is designated as the primary key, serving as the official unique identifier for each row in the table. To effectively design and manage a database, it is important to understand the importance and the way of implementing candidate keys.

By the end of this guide, you will understand everything about candidate keys in DBMS. I will explain its syntax, how to use it, its types, and much more.

What is a Candidate Key in DBMS?

A candidate key in DBMS is a unique identifier for a record within a table that can potentially be designated as the primary key. Candidate key DBMS possesses the fundamental characteristics required for a primary key: uniqueness and minimal redundancy.

While a table may have multiple candidate keys, the primary key chosen becomes the definitive means of uniquely identifying each record. Database normalization aimed at efficient data retrieval and maintaining integrity calls for the selection of a candidate key.

It also provides the basis for joining tables together, as well as ensuring that the whole structure of the database remains intact and dependable throughout.

Syntax for Creating a Candidate Key

In SQL, you can define a candidate key by specifying a primary key constraint on one or more columns of a table within the CREATE TABLE statement. Here's the breakdown of the syntax:

CREATE TABLE table_name (

column1 datatype CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY,

column2 datatype,



  • CREATE TABLE table_name: This part of the syntax initiates the creation of a new table in the database, with "table_name" representing the name of the table being created.
  • (column1 datatype): Within the parentheses, you specify the columns of the table along with their respective data types. For creating a candidate key, you typically choose one or more columns that uniquely identify each record in the table.
  • CONSTRAINT constraint_name PRIMARY KEY: This part of the syntax imposes a primary key constraint on the specified column(s). The PRIMARY KEY keyword indicates that the column(s) defined as such will serve as the primary key for the table.

Candidate key in DBMS with examples will help you understand better. Now let’s look at a candidate key in DBMS with an example

Let's illustrate this with an example. Consider a table called "Employees" with columns for EmployeeID, FirstName, LastName, and Email. We'll designate the EmployeeID column as the candidate key.

CREATE TABLE Employees (


FirstName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,




Created Table:

Here's how the "Employees" table looks after it's created:





Practical Applications and Importance of Candidate Keys in DBMS

Candidate keys are indispensable in ensuring the integrity and reliability of a database. They are indispensable when it comes to distinguishing individual rows in a table by reference to other characteristics that make them unique. Now let’s discuss the practical applications and importance of the primary keys.

1. Database Design and Normalization

Normal forms and database design place attention on candidate keys. For instance, one can simplify the design of the database, by removing duplicate data. By understanding and selecting suitable candidate keys for tables, you can accomplish this.This implies that data should be arranged such that it is efficient enough to minimize the possibilities of risks related to insertion, update, or deletion anomalies.

For example, consider a table named "Students" with columns for StudentID, FirstName, LastName, and Email. When you designate StudentID as the candidate key, you ensure that each student's record is uniquely identified by their StudentID. This facilitates efficient database design and normalization. Here’s the query to create the candidate key:



FirstName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,




2. Data Integrity and Constraints

Candidate keys enforce data integrity by imposing constraints that prevent duplicate or inconsistent data entries.

When you designate the candidate key as the primary key or use unique constraints, you ensure that each record within a table remains unique and accurately represents real-world entities. This enhances data reliability and consistency, making the database a trustworthy source of information.

For example, Let’s say you have a table named "Products" with columns for ProductID, ProductName, SupplierID, and Price. When you define ProductID as the primary key, you enforce the uniqueness of each product's identifier, preventing the insertion of duplicate products into the database. The SQL query;



ProductName VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,




3. Improved Data Retrieval

Using candidate keys in database queries significantly enhances data retrieval efficiency. With a candidate key DBMS serving as unique identifiers, querying specific records becomes more straightforward and faster.

Whether retrieving individual records or performing joins across multiple tables, candidate keys DBMS streamlines the process and optimizes query performance.

For example, suppose you have a table named "Orders" with columns for OrderID, CustomerID, and OrderDate. By indexing the CustomerID column, which serves as a candidate key, you accelerate data retrieval operations related to specific customer orders, enhancing overall system performance. Here is the SQL command






Properties Of Candidate Keys in DBMS

Candidate key DBMS possess several key properties that define their effectiveness and reliability. Here are seven of them;

1. Uniqueness

One of the most important characteristics of a candidate key is its capacity to ensure uniqueness. Each key-value combination has to be unique to a single table entry. This prevents duplicate records and maintains the database's integrity and correctness.

2. Minimality

The minimality property states that a candidate key should have the fewest number of qualities required for unique identification. By minimizing the number of attributes, redundancy is reduced, and the database structure supports normalization for efficiency and streamlined data storage.

3. Applicability

A candidate key database must be applicable for use as a primary key. This implies it should be capable of forming associations with other tables in the database. Applicability confirms the candidate key's significance in maintaining relational integrity and supporting efficient data retrieval via relationships.

4. Stability

Stability is critical for a candidate key, as the values within it must remain relatively stable over time. A stable candidate key lowers the need for frequent changes, guaranteeing database consistency and avoiding needless system disturbances.

5. Domain

The domain property demands that a candidate key's values fall inside the domain of its attributes. This guarantees that the values are genuine and relevant to the data they represent, ensuring that the candidate key accurately and reliably reflects real-world entities.

6. Atomicity

Atomicity emphasizes that each property of a candidate key must be indivisible or atomic. This attribute improves the clarity of data representation and adds to the overall efficiency of the database structure.

7. Consistency

Consistency is an important characteristic that assures uniformity in the format and structure of the candidate's essential values. Consistent candidate keys simplify data administration and improve database dependability.

Types of Candidate Keys

Candidate keys can vary in their structure and composition, offering different ways to uniquely identify records within a table. Let's explore the various types:

1. Simple Candidate Key

A simple candidate key consists of a single column that uniquely identifies each record in a table. For instance, consider an "EmployeeID" column in an "Employees" table. Each employee's ID serves as a simple candidate key, ensuring the uniqueness of employee records.

2. Composite Candidate Key

Conversely, a composite candidate key comprises multiple columns that, when combined, uniquely identify each record. For example, in an "Orders" table, a composite candidate key could consist of both "OrderID" and "CustomerID" columns. Together, these columns uniquely pinpoint a specific order placed by a customer.

3. Super Key

A super key is a set of one or more columns that can uniquely identify a row within a table, although it may not be minimal. It can encompass both simple and composite keys. Super keys provide a broader scope of uniqueness than candidate keys and serve as the foundation for identifying potential candidate keys within a table.

4. Minimal Super Key

On the other hand, a minimal super key is a super key with the least number of attributes necessary to uniquely identify each row in a table. Unlike regular super keys, minimal super keys aim to minimize redundancy and optimize the database structure by employing the fewest attributes required for uniqueness.

Example showing the different types of candidate keys

Suppose we have a table named "Students" with columns for StudentID, FirstName, LastName, and Email.

Students Table:




















In this example:

  • StudentID serves as the simple candidate key, uniquely identifying each student.
  • FirstName and LastName together could be a composite candidate key.
  • StudentID and Email together could form a super key.
  • StudentID alone could also serve as a minimal super key, as it's the simplest combination necessary for unique identification.

Best Practices for Choosing the Right Candidate Keys

Selecting the appropriate candidate keys is a critical aspect of effective database design. The choice of candidate keys has a considerable impact on a database's performance, scalability, and flexibility. And it is important to find a candidate key in DBMS correctly. To make informed decisions, consider the following best practices:

1. The Uniqueness

Prioritize candidate keys that guarantee uniqueness across records. This ensures that each row in the table can be uniquely identified without any ambiguity. Unique keys prevent data duplication and maintain data integrity over time.

2. Consider Minimum Size

Opt for candidate keys that are concise and compact. Smaller keys occupy less storage space and contribute to faster query execution. Avoid excessively large keys, as they can impact query performance and consume unnecessary resources.

3. Stability

Choose candidate keys that remain stable and immutable over time. Keys prone to frequent changes can introduce complexities in database management and compromise data consistency. Stability ensures the reliability and predictability of key values throughout the database lifecycle.

4. Business Meaning

Select keys that have inherent business significance and relevance to the data they represent. Meaningful keys enhance data comprehension and facilitate effective communication between database stakeholders. Aligning keys with business concepts improves clarity and facilitates smoother data management processes.

5. Consistency With Data Model

Ensure that the chosen candidate keys align with the overall data model and schema design principles. Consistency in key selection promotes coherence and cohesion within the database structure, facilitating easier maintenance and scalability as the database evolves over time.

How A Candidate Key DBMS Is Different from Primary, Superkeys, and Secondary keys

In DBMS, just like candidate keys, there are other keys that are crucial components for ensuring data integrity and facilitating efficient data retrieval. Each key type plays a unique role in defining the structure of a database table and its relationships with other tables. Below we will compare candidate keys with other key types.


Candidate Key

Primary Key


Secondary Key


A candidate key is a collection of one or more properties that uniquely identify a record in a database. A table may include many candidate keys, each of which must assure uniqueness.

The primary key is a distinct candidate key that is chosen as the principal method of uniquely identifying records in a database. Unlike candidate keys, a table can only have one main key, which assures uniqueness and non-null value.

A superkey is a set of attributes that can uniquely identify a record within a table. It may contain extra attributes beyond what is necessary for uniqueness.

Secondary keys are attributes or sets of attributes that are not part of the primary key or candidate keys. They provide alternate means of accessing data and are used for indexing and improving query performance.


Database designers choose all probable candidate keys based on their uniqueness and low repetition. These are alternatives for primary keys.

The primary key is the candidate key selected from a pool of possible keys. Designers choose the primary key depending on several criteria, including simplicity and efficiency.

Superkeys are identified during the process of identifying candidate keys. They include all attributes that ensure uniqueness, and designers may choose among them to designate a primary key.

Secondary keys are determined based on the requirements of the database and the desired access patterns for data retrieval. They are selected to optimize query performance and facilitate efficient data access.


Candidate keys must meet the fundamental requirements of uniqueness and low redundancy, but the database system does not impose any specific limitations.

The primary key has limitations, such as guaranteeing uniqueness and non-null values. It serves as a foundation for ensuring data quality and reinforcing linkages.

Superkeys do not have specific constraints, but they serve as a foundation for determining candidate keys and primary keys.

Secondary keys may have constraints applied to them based on the requirements of the database and the intended usage patterns. Constraints may include uniqueness constraints or foreign key constraints, depending on the role of the secondary key in the database schema.


A table can contain several candidate keys, each of which uniquely identifies a record.

A table can only have one primary key, which is used to identify it and make associations with other tables.

Superkeys can be numerous, as they include all possible combinations of attributes that ensure uniqueness within a table.

Secondary keys can exist alongside primary keys and candidate keys, providing additional access paths to the data stored in the table.


In conclusion, candidate keys are essential components in relational database management systems (DBMS), serving as unique identifiers for records within tables.

Throughout this guide, we have explored the syntax for candidate key DMS creation and their practical applications in database design and normalization. We also look at best practices for selecting the right candidate keys.

Additionally, we have compared candidate keys with other key types, such as primary keys, superkeys, and secondary keys, highlighting their unique characteristics and roles within a DBMS.

When you follow the guidelines outlined in this guide and consider the specific requirements of your database system, you can effectively leverage candidate keys to optimize data management. And there is no doubt this will help enhance query performance, and maintain the integrity of your database over time.


  1. What is an example of a super key and candidate key?

A super key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies tuples in a relation, such as {EmployeeID, SSN}. A candidate key is a minimal super key, like {EmployeeID}.

  1. What are alternate and candidate keys in DBMS?

Candidate key DBMS is a minimal set of attributes that uniquely identifies tuples, while an alternate key is any candidate key other than the primary key selected to uniquely identify tuples.

  1. What is the unique key and candidate key?

A unique key ensures that all values in a column are unique, while a candidate key is a set of attributes that uniquely identify tuples in a relation.

  1. What is closure and candidate key in DBMS?

Closure in DBMS refers to the set of all attributes that can be functionally determined from a given set of attributes. A candidate key is a minimal set of attributes whose closure includes all attributes in the relation.

  1. What is a candidate key?

A candidate key is a minimal set of attributes that can uniquely identify tuples within a relation in a database.

  1. What is a candidate key with an example?

An example of a candidate key could be {ISBN} for a table storing information about books, ensuring each book is uniquely identified by its International Standard Book Number.

  1. What is Superkey in DBMS?

In DBMS, a super key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies tuples within a relation. It may contain more attributes than necessary to uniquely identify tuples.

  1. How do you write a candidate key?

To define a candidate key, you select a minimal set of attributes from the relation that collectively uniquely identify each tuple within that relation.

  1. Is a candidate key an attribute?

No, a candidate key is not an attribute itself, but rather a combination of attributes within a relation that uniquely identifies tuples.

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