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Composite Key in DBMS

Updated on 29/07/2024354 Views

In the realm of database design, keys play an important role in managing the records by uniquely identifying every record in the database table. While primary keys and surrogate keys are commonly used, composite keys present a unique approach by combining multiple columns to establish uniqueness. Understanding composite keys is essential for database architects and developers aiming to design efficient and effective database schemas.


A key in a relational database is a field or a set of fields that uniquely identifies a record in a table. While a primary key is a single field that uniquely identifies each record, a composite key is a combination of two or more fields that uniquely identify a record. This article explores the intricacies of composite keys, their applications, advantages, constraints, and best practices for their usage in DBMS.

What is a Composite Key?

A composite key, also known as a compound key, is a combination of two or more columns that uniquely identifies a record in a table. Unlike a primary key, which is a single column, a composite key involves multiple columns working together to create a unique identifier. This is particularly useful in cases where a single column does not provide enough uniqueness, or when multiple attributes need to be considered to uniquely identify a record.

For example, let's consider a table that stores customer orders. In this case, a single column such as the order ID may not be enough to uniquely identify each order. Instead, a composite key can be created using the combination of the customer ID and the order date. This ensures that each order is uniquely identified based on the customer and the date it was placed.

Use of Composite Key

Composite keys are used when a single attribute cannot uniquely identify a record, but the combination of multiple attributes can. They are especially useful in scenarios where a natural key, such as a combination of name and date of birth, is required to uniquely identify a record.

Example of Composite Key

Let us consider a scenario where we have a table for storing information about students' course enrollments. We will create a table, define a composite key, insert some records, and then display them.

Creating a Table by defining a Composite Key

CREATE TABLE student_courses ( student_id INT, course_id INT, enrollment_date DATE, PRIMARY KEY (student_id, course_id));

Now, we have created the table with the combination of student_id and course_id as composite key:

Inserting Records

Let us insert some records for our table:

INSERT INTO student_courses (student_id, course_id, enrollment_date) VALUES(1, 101, '2023-09-15'),(1, 102, '2023-09-20'),(2, 101, '2023-09-18'),(3, 102, '2023-09-25');

Now, let us see the records of the table:

SELECT * from student_courses;


In this example, the student_id and course_id together form a composite key, ensuring that each combination of student_id and course_id is unique in the table.

+------------+-----------+-----------------+| student_id | course_id | enrollment_date |+------------+-----------+-----------------+| 1 | 101 | 2023-09-15 || 1 | 102 | 2023-09-20 || 2 | 101 | 2023-09-18 || 3 | 102 | 2023-09-25 |+------------+-----------+-----------------+

Now, to check the composite key of the table, we can describe the table structure using the desc command:

desc student_courses;


+-----------------+------+------+-----+---------+-------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+-----------------+------+------+-----+---------+-------+| student_id | int | NO | PRI | NULL | || course_id | int | NO | PRI | NULL | || enrollment_date | date | YES | | NULL | |+-----------------+------+------+-----+---------+-------+

Advantages of Composite Key

  • Data Integrity: Composite keys enforce uniqueness across multiple attributes, ensuring data integrity within the database.
  • Reflecting Real-world Scenarios: They allow the representation of complex real-world relationships accurately within the database structure.
  • Performance Optimization: Composite keys can enhance query performance by efficiently indexing multiple attributes.

Composite Key vs Surrogate Key

While a composite key is formed by combining existing attributes to uniquely identify a record, a surrogate key is a system-generated unique identifier for each record. The choice between them depends on the specific requirements of the database. Surrogate keys are often used when there are no natural keys or when the natural key is complex, while composite keys are used when a natural key exists and is relatively simple.


Composite Key

Surrogate Key


A composite key is a combination of two or more columns that uniquely identify a row in a database table.

A surrogate key is a unique identifier assigned to each record in a table to serve as the primary key.

Number of Columns

Composed of multiple columns that form a unique identifier for a row.

Consists of a single column that is

specifically created to serve as the primary key for the table.

Business Meaning

The composite key is based on the inherent business meaning of the data being modeled.

The surrogate key is typically a system-generated or sequentially assigned identifier that does not carry any business meaning.


Can be more complex to manage, especially when dealing with a large number of columns.

Generally simpler to manage and maintain, as it is a single-column key.


May offer better performance in certain query scenarios due to its natural structure.

Can provide better performance in certain query scenarios due to its simplicity.

Composite Key Constraints

While composite keys offer advantages in database design, they also come with certain constraints.

  • Increased complexity: The use of composite keys can add complexity to the database design. Managing relationships and ensuring data integrity becomes more challenging when multiple columns are involved.
  • Performance impact: In some cases, using composite keys can impact performance, especially when dealing with large datasets. Indexing and querying composite keys may require additional resources and optimization techniques to maintain good performance.
  • Data Insertion Constraints: Inserting data into tables with composite keys can be more complex, as all constituent attributes must be considered.

Best Practices for Using Composite Keys

While composite keys offer many benefits, it is essential to follow best practices to ensure their effective use:

  • Choose the right columns: Select the columns that truly contribute to the uniqueness of the record. Including unnecessary columns can complicate the database design and impact performance.
  • Keep the composite key concise: Avoid creating composite keys with too many columns. A longer composite key can increase the complexity and make it harder to manage.
  • Consider data type compatibility: Ensure that the data types of the columns in the composite key are compatible. Mismatched data types can lead to errors and inconsistencies.
  • Document the composite key: Document the composite key in the database schema documentation. This helps other developers and administrators understand the structure and relationships within the database.

By following these best practices, you can effectively utilize composite keys in your database design and ensure their optimal performance.

Challenges and Considerations of Using Composite Keys in Database Design

Normalization Complexities

  • Data Redundancy: Composite keys can lead to data redundancy, as the combination of multiple columns as a key may result in duplicate data across the database.
  • Update Anomalies: Inserting, updating, or deleting records in tables with composite keys can pose challenges as it requires careful consideration to avoid update anomalies.

Database Design Intricacies

  • Complexity: Using composite keys can make the database schema more complex, especially when dealing with relationships between tables.
  • Query Performance: Queries involving composite keys may be more complex and may require careful indexing and query optimization to ensure efficient performance.

Maintenance Overhead

  • Indexing Considerations: Managing indexes for composite keys requires careful planning to ensure optimal query performance.
  • Data Integrity: Ensuring data integrity becomes more complex when using composite keys, as the database must enforce the uniqueness of combinations of columns.

Practical Implications

  • Application Development: Application developers need to be aware of the composite key structure when writing code for data retrieval and manipulation.
  • Documentation and Training: Database administrators and developers need to document and understand the composite key structure thoroughly, which may require additional training and resources.

Potential Hurdles

  • Scalability: As the database grows, managing composite keys can become increasingly challenging, potentially impacting the scalability of the system.
  • Migration and Refactoring: Changing or refactoring tables with composite keys can be more complex and may require careful planning and execution to avoid disrupting the existing data and applications.

By understanding these challenges and considerations, database designers and administrators can make informed decisions when choosing to implement composite keys in their database systems. It ensures awareness of the practical implications and potential hurdles they may encounter.

Wrapping Up!

In conclusion, composite keys play a crucial role in maintaining data integrity and ensuring efficient data retrieval in database management systems (DBMS). By combining multiple columns, composite keys provide a unique identifier for each record in a table. They allow for precise identification, establish relationships between tables, and improve query performance.

Understanding the concept of composite keys and their benefits is essential for database administrators and developers. By following best practices, considering challenges and alternatives, and properly implementing composite keys, you can design well-structured and reliable databases.

So, dive into the world of composite keys, explore their importance in the realm of DBMS, and unlock the potential for robust and efficient data management.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let us discuss some frequently asked questions:

Q. What would be an example of a composite key?A. An example of a composite key is a combination of "employee_id" and "department_id" in an employee table, where both columns together uniquely identify each record.

Q. What are composite keys and unique keys in DBMS?A. A composite key is a key composed of multiple columns to uniquely identify records, while a unique key ensures that all values in a column or a combination of columns are distinct within a table.

Q. What is a composite and a candidate key?A. A composite key is a combination of multiple columns that uniquely identifies a record, while a candidate key is a set of one or more columns that could uniquely identify a record.

Q. What is the difference between a primary key and a composite key?A. A primary key is a single column or a combination of columns that uniquely identifies each record in a table, while a composite key is specifically a key composed of multiple columns to achieve the same uniqueness.

Q. Can composite key be null?A. Yes, a composite key can contain null values, but only if the combination of columns is still unique.

Q. Can a composite key be duplicated?A. No, a composite key cannot be duplicated within a table. Each combination of values in the composite key must be unique.

Q. Is the composite key a primary key?A. A composite key can be a primary key if it uniquely identifies each record in a table, but it is not the only way to define a primary key.

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