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Deadlock in DBMS

Updated on 30/07/2024462 Views

Have you ever been in traffic with a jam and you find yourself and others in a deadlock, unable to move on? This frustrating situation is analogous to the world of databases: status quo. A deadlock happens when two or more transactions get stuck waiting for each other, each holding a resource owned by the other. This leads to constant congestion throughout the network, which, in turn, prevents the transaction from being concluded.

Imagine a busy restaurant. Multiple transactions are being processed by the waiters (transactions) to serve the customers (data). To eliminate confusion, the waiter could temporarily hold a table (pause the access to a data resource) while taking an order. This ensures that each table is serviced by one waiter only, thus maintaining data integrity. However, a difficulty occurs when one waiter is too dependent on the other.

The Recipe for Deadlock

For a deadlock to occur in a DBMS, four specific conditions must be met, known as Coffman's conditions:

  • Mutual Exclusion: Resources (data objects) can only be accessed by one transaction at a time; they can not be accessed by more than one transaction at a time.
  • Hold and Wait: A transaction already holding a resource can request more resources.
  • No Preemption: To make the transaction unforcibly removable, it has to acquire the lock.
  • Circular Wait: The chain of transactions is formed when every transaction is waiting for the next one, which holds the resource.

Deadlock's Detrimental Impact

Deadlocks are often the reason that database performance slows down significantly. Try to envision the restaurant being trapped - there is a line of customers of all lengths, the frustration is growing, and the whole operation is becoming a slow motion. Similarly, deadlocks in a DBMS can lead to:

  • Slow response times: Transactions are idling, and we are waiting for deadlocks to be handled.
  • Reduced system throughput: The number of transactions performed within a given time unit gets smaller.
  • Resource wastage: The deadlock transactions also take up the system resources.

Deadlock Handling Techniques

The shining point is that DBMS uses different techniques to prevent or recover from deadlocks. In the next section, we'll delve into these strategies and provide you with the knowledge necessary to overcome this database burden.

The deadlock may even lead to the complete stop of the database systems that are the most effective. Think of a busy intersection where drivers all try to turn left, but each car can only go when the oncoming traffic lane is clear! This gridlock is a classic example of deadlock handling in DBMS (Database Management System). In order to prevent and break the deadlocks, we should investigate the four conditions, which are the reasons for their creation and the different types of deadlocks that can be created.

Coffman's Conditions: The Gridlock Solution

For a deadlock situation to occur in a DBMS, the four prerequisite conditions, as defined by E.G. Coffman Jr., must be met simultaneously. Let's explore each condition with a relatable example from the world of banking:

1. Mutual Eclusion

A database can only allow one transaction (data object) to access the resource at a time. It's like a safety deposit box at the bank. The box is accessible by only one customer who has the correct key at a time.

2. Hold and Wait

A process now holding a resource may send a request to the resource already allocated to another process. To continue our bank analogy, let us envision a customer (Transaction A) who took money out of their safe deposit box (Resource 1), but their passbook (Resource 2) is being updated by a bank teller (Transaction B) who is assisting another customer at the moment.

3. No Preemption

Locking resource to a transaction prevents the process from being forcefully removed. The bank won't cancel the customer’s safety deposit box key (Transaction A) because another customer (Transaction B) has the same need.

4. Circular Wait

A resource chain is formed where all the transactions are waiting for the next transaction to be completed and the resource to be released. At the bank, customer A can be waiting for transaction B while the teller may be waiting for the signature verification from another department (transaction C), which, in turn, might be waiting for the customer's updated information (Resource 2) – creating a deadlock.

These four conditions, when they coexist, are the elements that create a traffic jam where nothing can move, just like a gridlock at a busy intersection.

Types of Deadlock

Deadlocks can manifest in various ways within a database:

1. Resource Deadlock

A well-known illustration is a couple of transactions entering the waiting state to access the same data object (resource) exclusively. In our bank, customer A is in a deadlock with the teller (B) for resources (safety deposit box and passbook).

2. Transaction Deadlock

At this point, each transaction holds a resource being waited upon by the other transaction, which holds a different resource. This could be when customer A is carrying a deposit slip (Resource 1) and waiting to be served by a teller (Transaction B), who is holding a passbook (Resource 2). On the other hand, the teller is waiting for a customer (Transaction C) who is holding a withdrawal form (Resource 3).

3. Starvation Deadlock

This arises when one transaction is always denied the right of entry to resources due to better-priority transactions constantly acquiring and freeing equal sources. Imagine a situation where low-precedence transactions (ordinary client transactions) are constantly starved of entry to tellers (resources) because high-precedence transactions (corporate account updates) are constantly being processed.

Lock Escalation: A Double-Edged Sword

Lock escalation refers to the manner of converting a lower-level lock (e.g., on a single data item) to a higher-level lock (e.g., on a whole table) to ensure information consistency.  While this may enhance performance in a few cases, it can also increase the chance of deadlocks.  Going again to our bank instance, if the teller (Transaction B) decides to fasten the entire customer account (escalation) while awaiting patron A's statistics, it might save you other transactions from accessing any information related to that account, doubtlessly creating more deadlocks.

By knowing these conditions and deadlock versions, we can equip ourselves to identify and deal with these database roadblocks, ensuring clean and efficient operations.

Deadlock Detection and Prevention: Maintaining Order within the Database Maze

Ensuring easy operation in a DBMS (Database Management System) is important, and stopping deadlocks is crucial to attaining that. This section delves into deadlock detection in DBMS with example and the various techniques used to prevent them from taking place in the first place.

Detecting Deadlocks

Imagine a hectic intersection where more than one driver is waiting to show left, everyone desiring the space occupied with the aid of the auto in front to proceed. A comparable scenario can play out within a database when transactions compete for assets. Deadlock detection techniques help discover such conditions earlier than they propose performance troubles.

Here are two common methods for deadlock detection:

1. Wait-for Graph

This method visually illustrates the transactions and their dependencies on sources. Each transaction is depicted as a node, and arrows connect them if one transaction expects a useful resource held by another. A cycle inside this graph suggests a potential deadlock.

2. Timeout Mechanism

This approach sets a time limit for transactions to collect vital sources. If a transaction exceeds the allotted time, it is suspected to be involved in a deadlock and can be rolled back or restarted.

Preventing Deadlocks

While detection is critical, deadlock prevention in DBMS is equally important. Here are three key techniques employed by using DBMS:

1. Pessimistic Locking

This strategy adheres to the motto "Better safe than sorry." Transactions acquire locks on resources they intend to apply earlier than having access to them. This ensures no other transaction can interfere, but it may lead to reduced concurrency (the ability of multiple transactions to execute simultaneously).

2. Optimistic Locking

This method takes a greater comfortable method. Transactions continue without obtaining locks, first of all. However, when a transaction attempts to jot down information, it verifies if the facts haven't been modified using any other transaction because it was examine. If a warfare arises, one of the transactions is rolled lower back. This technique allows for better concurrency; however, it incorporates the hazard of write conflicts.

3. Timestamp Ordering

This method assigns a unique timestamp to each transaction upon initiation. When transactions compete for resources, the DBMS prioritizes the ones with the earliest timestamp. This ensures a predictable access order and stops deadlocks, but it might not be appropriate for all conditions.

Additional Considerations:

  • Transaction Duration: This implies a higher throughput, and hence, more concurrent transactions can be processed. If transactions remain locked for a longer time, it enhances the chances of collisions with other transactions.
  • Isolation Levels: Isolation levels are the boundaries that are created to see if this transaction can see the changes made by other concurrent transactions. The isolation level is higher, leading to higher data integrity, but may limit concurrency.

By including these factors along with the locking techniques discussed here, database administrators can find the right balance to prevent deadlocks and keep the database's operations efficient.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Deadlock Prevention Methods

Each approach has advantages and drawbacks. Here's a short evaluation:




Pessimistic Locking

High assure of deadlock prevention

Reduced concurrency

Optimistic Locking

Improved concurrency

Increased hazard of write conflicts

Timestamp Ordering

Predictable order of get right of entry to

Might no longer be ideal for all use instances

The best preference depends on the database's unique needs and the nature of the transactions being processed.

Deadlock Recovery: Breaking the deadlock

Even with robust prevention techniques, deadlocks can now and again arise in a DBMS. When this takes place, the system desires a mechanism to clear up the deadlock and allow transactions to proceed. Here's an exploration of various deadlock restoration strategies:

1. Rollback

Imagine two transactions (T1 and T2) vying for resources (R1 and R2) in a database. If a deadlock occurs, the rollback method basically rewinds one or more transactions to a preceding state, releasing the held assets. This allows the closing transactions to preserve their execution.

Example: Consider an ATM scenario. Transaction T1 withdraws cash from Account A (R1), while T2 tries to transfer the price range from Account B (R2) to Account A (also requiring R1). A deadlock occurs if T1 holds R1 and waits for R2 (held via T2), and vice versa. To solve this, the system would possibly roll back T1, freeing R1 and permitting T2 to proceed. T1 can then retry its withdrawal after T2 completes its switch.

2. Restart

In a restart method, the device forcefully terminates all deadlocked transactions. This is a more drastic measure than rollback, as it discards any work achieved through the terminated transactions. With any luck, the transactions can then be resubmitted to the gadget without encountering the same deadlock.

3. Choose the Victim

This approach entails choosing a transaction to rollback based on a predefined set of criteria.  The selected transaction (the sufferer) is sacrificed to interrupt the deadlock and unfasten up resources for the closing transactions.  Selection criteria can vary depending on the DBMS, but elements like transaction rollback cost (quantity of work to undo) or transaction priority may be considered.

Example: A database gadget may pick out to rollback a transaction with a smaller variety of database modifications (decrease rollback fee) to limit records loss.

Importance of Logging Mechanisms

Deadlock recuperation heavily relies on transaction logs that record all database operations. These logs are crucial for correctly rolling lower-back transactions or restarting them from a regular country.

Imagine a deadlock occurring at some point during an online purchase. Transaction logs could enable the device to undo any partial updates made by the deadlocked transactions (e.g., adding gadgets to a purchasing cart but no longer completing the checkout). This guarantees record integrity and allows users to retry their purchases without fact inconsistencies.

Minimizing Deadlock Impact

While healing strategies can deal with deadlocked conditions, minimizing their incidence within the first location is perfect. Here are a few top practices:

  • Transaction Granularity: Design transactions to access the minimal required resources, reducing the potential for conflicts.
  • Timeout Mechanism: Implement timeouts for waiting transactions. If a transaction does not accumulate a helpful resource within a distinct time, it's terminated, preventing indefinite waits.
  • Locking Strategies: Use anti-deadlock locking mechanisms like pessimistic locking (obtaining locks before accessing information) to save you conflicts.

Real-World Examples of Deadlock in DBMS

Deadlocks can arise in numerous ordinary applications that rely upon databases. Here are more than one common conditions:

1. Online Shopping Carts

Imagine you're shopping online and adding items A and B to your cart. While you're finalizing your purchase for item A, another patron tries to buy item B. If both transactions require updating stock stages (locking the information), a deadlock can arise. Your transaction waits to fasten object B held by the other patron, and vice versa. This creates a frustrating state of affairs for both customers.

2. Banking Applications

Consider a situation in which you transfer money from your account (account A) to a friend's account (account B). The transaction entails debiting account A and crediting account B. A deadlock may ensue if both accounts are related to the identical purchaser profile and require updating balances concurrently. Your transaction waits to debit A while the gadget waits to credit B, leading to a processing delay.

3. Airline Reservation System

An airline reservation device manages flight bookings, passenger statistics, and seat availability. Deadlocks can occur if transactions attempt to reserve an equal seat on the same flight. To prevent this, airways might employ optimistic locking. The system allows reservations to continue without instant locking. However, while finalizing the booking, it verifies the availability of the seats. If not, an error message signals the user, and the transaction is rolled back, stopping a deadlock.

Wrapping Up: Taming the Deadlock Beast

Although unwanted, deadlock in DBMS is a potential hurdle in any DBMS environment. By understanding the core ideas, prevention strategies, and recuperation strategies, database administrators can successfully control deadlocks and ensure clean database operations. Remember, a nicely tuned DBMS with suitable deadlock coping mechanisms fosters a continuing consumer experience and most desirable database performance.


1. What is deadlock and what are its types?

Deadlock in DBMS refers to a scenario where two or more transactions are unable to proceed because each is looking forward to the other's release of a resource, resulting in a stalemate. There are several forms of deadlocks, including resource, transaction, and starvation deadlocks.

2. What are the 4 components of deadlock?

The four vital conditions for deadlock to arise, additionally referred to as the Coffman Conditions, are:

  • Mutual Exclusion: Each useful resource need to be either presently assigned to exactly one process or to be had.
  • Hold and Wait: Processes should hold sources allotted to them while looking for additional sources.
  • No Preemption: Resources cannot be forcibly taken away from a process protecting them; they must be released voluntarily.
  • Circular Wait: A circular chain of or greater methods exists, wherein each method is looking for a resource held by the subsequent method within the chain.

3. What is a deadlock problem example?

An example of a deadlock problem is:

  • Process A holds Resource X and requests Resource Y.
  • Process B holds Resource Y and requests Resource X.

Both processes are looking forward to the alternative to launch the aid they need, resulting in a deadlock.

4. What is called deadlock?

A deadlock is a situation in which or greater competing actions are each waiting for the other to finish, stopping any movement from intending.

5. What is the deadlock?

A deadlock is a state in which two or more procedures cannot proceed because each is expecting the opposite to release a resource, resulting in a stalemate.

6. What is deadlock in a diagram?

In a diagram depicting deadlock, you'll generally see a cycle of approaches, each conserving aid required through the next system in the cycle, developing a round wait circumstance.

7. What is a lock-in deadlock?

In the context of deadlock, a lock refers back to the mechanism used to control of access to resources. When a procedure holds a lock on a resource, it prevents different approaches from gaining access until the lock is released.

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