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Functional Dependency in DBMS

Updated on 26/07/2024498 Views

Functional dependency is a crucial aspect of database management systems (DBMS) that ensure data storage, retrieval integrity, and efficiency. 

Functional dependency has always been significant in maintaining the credibility and exactness of information in databases. This has been the case since the early days of database design.

Functional dependency describes the relationships between attributes within a database table. It shows how different values in an attribute or a collection of attributes determine the rest of the values. Thus, it establishes a means of maintaining data coherence and consistency.This guide explains everything about functional dependency in DBMS; we will look at its various kinds, and significance among other aspects.


Functional Dependency in DBMS is a rule that governs how one attribute relates to another within a database. It's like a guiding principle ensuring that for every value of a particular attribute, there exists a unique corresponding value for another attribute.

By the end of this guide, you will fully understand functional dependency in DBMS, I will discuss key terms on DBMS functional dependency, I will also explain its types and give practical examples.

What is a Functional Dependency in DBMS?

DBMS Functional dependency refers to the relationship between two attributes within a database, where the value of one attribute uniquely determines the value of another. This concept plays a crucial role in database design and management, helping ensure data integrity and efficient retrieval.

In simpler terms, functional dependency means that if you know the value of one attribute (the determinant), you can determine the value of another attribute (the dependent) without any ambiguity. Now, let me use an example to explain functional dependency in DBMS.

For instance, let's consider a database table storing employee information with attributes like Employee_ID, Name, and Department.





John Smith



Emily Johnson



Michael Davis



Sarah Brown


In the table above, each row represents an employee, and the columns correspond to the attributes: Employee_ID, Name, and Department. The Employee_ID uniquely identifies each employee, while the Name and Department are dependent attributes determined by the Employee_ID.

With the Employee_ID, you can uniquely determine the Name and Department associated with that employee. This demonstrates a functional dependency between Employee_ID and the other attributes. Let me explain it further;

  • Employee_ID as the determinant: In the employee database, the Employee_ID serves as the determinant because it uniquely identifies each employee. No two employees share the same Employee_ID, making it a primary key attribute.
  • Name and Department as dependent attributes: The attributes Name and Department are dependent on the Employee_ID. This means that for each Employee_ID, there is precisely one corresponding Name and Department. However, a Name or Department alone cannot uniquely identify an employee since multiple employees may have the same name or work in the same department.
  • Functional Dependency Representation: We can represent the functional dependency between Employee_ID and the dependent attributes (Name and Department) using the arrow notation. For example:

Employee_ID → Name

Employee_ID → Department

As discussed, it is worth noting that a functional dependence is a relationship between two sets of characteristics in a database table. It implies that the value of one characteristic influences the value of another in the same table. On the other hand, a fully functional dependency in DBMS is a sort of functional dependency in which one set of attributes influences the value of every other property in the table. 

Types of Functional Dependency in DBMS

Functional dependencies in a database management system (DBMS) come in various types, each serving different purposes in defining relationships between attributes. Let's discuss some of the important types of functional dependencies in DBMS:

1. Trivial Functional Dependency

A trivial functional dependency occurs when the determination of one attribute (or a set of attributes) already implies the value of another attribute without any additional information.

if the dependent attribute is always a subset of the determinant attribute, it's considered a trivial functional dependency.

Suppose we have a table storing information about products in a store. We want to express a functional dependency based on the product ID (ProductID) to determine the product name (ProductName). This represents a trivial functional dependency because the product name can be uniquely determined by its ID without any additional information.


























In the table above, the functional dependency ProductID → ProductName is trivial because each product ID uniquely corresponds to a single product name. For example, the product with ID '1001' is always 'Laptop,' and the product with ID '1002' is always 'Smartphone'. Therefore, no additional information is required to determine the product name from its ID.

2. Non-trivial Functional Dependency

A non-trivial functional dependency exists when the relationship between attributes is not immediately evident or trivial. It provides meaningful insights into how values in one set of attributes determine values in another set.

Unlike trivial dependencies, non-trivial dependencies do not involve subsets of attributes. The dependent attributes are not subsets of the determinant attributes.

If we have a table storing sales information, where each sale is identified by a unique sales ID (SalesID).

We want to express a functional dependency based on the combination of the product ID (ProductID) and quantity sold (Quantity) to determine the total price (TotalPrice). This represents a non-trivial functional dependency because the total price cannot be determined solely by the product ID or quantity sold individually but rather by the combination of both attributes.


























In the table above, the functional dependency (ProductID, Quantity) → TotalPrice is non-trivial because the total price of a sale is determined by both the product ID and the quantity sold. For example, the total price for a sale of two units of product '1001' would be different from the total price for three units of the same product. 

Therefore, the combination of both attributes is necessary to uniquely determine the total price for each sale.

 3. Multivalued Dependency

Multivalued dependency arises when you have several independent, multivalued attributes within the same table. It represents a full constraint between two sets of attributes in a table or relation.

For example, consider a database containing a table with columns like car models, manufacturing years, and paint colors. 

Here, the manufacturing year and paint color are independent of each other but dependent on the car model. Therefore, the car model determines both the manufacturing year and paint color, resulting in multivalued dependencies: model → year and model → color.

Car Model

Manufacturing Year

Paint Color

Remote 789



Remote 789



Remote 456



Remote 456



Remote 123



Remote 123



4. Transitive Dependency

Transitive dependency occurs when you have two functional dependencies that indirectly form a third dependency, often due to interconnected software components or programming logic. It typically occurs in relations with three or more attributes.

For example, Let's say a database containing employee identifications, employee names, and employee locations. If the employee ID depends on the employee name, and the employee name depends on the location, then the employee ID transitively depends on the location.

Employee Identification

Employee Name











In this example, the dependencies are written as: ID → name and name → location. Therefore, the transitive dependency implies that ID → location should also hold true.

Key Terms to Know on Functional Dependency in DBMS

Functional dependency in database systems involves specific terminology. Here are key terms used for functional dependency in DBMS:

  • Decomposition: This involves splitting a table with attributes determined by the same primary attribute into two tables to ensure data accuracy. For instance, separate tables for national offices using the same set of employee numbers prevent using one number for multiple employees.
  • Normalization: A fundamental concept aiming to prevent redundancy and anomalies during database construction.
  • Non-normalization: Refers to tables containing redundant data.
  • Union: Combining two separate tables with the same primary key attribute to enhance data integrity and accessibility. For instance, merging tables with employee numbers, store locations, and salary information enables simultaneous access to location and salary details with a single employee number search.

Rules of Functional Dependency in DBMS

In databases, you rely on three fundamental rules, often referred to as Armstrong’s axioms, to deduce functional dependency. These axioms are essential to grasp if you aspire to delve into the intricacies of database management:

1. Reflexive Rule

The reflexive rule dictates that if you have a set of attributes, denoted as X, and another set, Y, which is a subset of X, then X inherently determines the value of Y. This means that if you know the value of X, you can deduce the value of Y without any additional information.

2. Augmentation Rule

The augmentation rule comes into play when you introduce additional attributes to an existing functional dependency. It asserts that if you have a functional dependency X → Y and you augment both X and Y with another set of attributes, denoted as C, then the new dependency XC → YC still holds true.

Adding extra attributes to both the determinant and the dependent does not alter the underlying dependency.

3. Transitivity Rule

The transitivity rule, akin to the transitive property in algebra, stipulates that if you have two functional dependencies - X → Y and Y → Z - then it logically follows that X → Z must also hold true. In other words, if one attribute determines another, and that attribute, in turn, determines a third attribute, then the first attribute directly determines the third one as well.

Identifying and Applying Functional Dependencies in DBMS

Here's how you can identify and apply functional dependencies in real-world database scenarios:

Identifying Functional Dependencies

Understand the Business Logic: First, understand the business requirements and logic behind the data. Functional dependencies are derived from the real-world meaning of the data.

Analyze Data Relationships: Examine the relationships between attributes (columns) in your dataset or database schema. Determine which attributes uniquely identify other attributes.

Look for Patterns: Identify patterns where the value of one attribute determines the value of another. For example, if knowing the value of attribute A uniquely determines the value of attribute B, then A -> B is a functional dependency.

Consider Keys: Functional dependencies often involve keys. A key is a set of attributes that uniquely identifies a tuple (row) in a relation (table). Understanding primary and foreign keys can help identify functional dependencies.

Applying Functional Dependencies:

Normalization: Apply normalization techniques to eliminate redundancy and dependency issues. Normal forms such as 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, BCNF, and 4NF help in decomposing relations to ensure they adhere to specific dependency constraints.

Constraints and Integrity Rules: Use functional dependencies to define constraints and integrity rules on your database schema. This ensures that only valid data is stored in the database.

Indexing: Use functional dependencies to create efficient indexes. When you understand which attributes are functionally dependent on others, you can create indexes that speed up query processing.

Data Validation: Functional dependencies can be used to validate data entered into the database. Ensure that any updates or inserts adhere to the defined dependencies to maintain data integrity.

Schema Design: When designing a database schema, use functional dependencies to organize attributes into relations (tables) effectively. This helps in creating a schema that accurately represents the real-world relationships between entities.

A Practical Example of How to Identify and Apply Functional Dependencies in DBMS

Let's consider a practical example of a relational database for a library system. We'll identify functional dependencies and apply them when designing the database schema.Step 1: Identify Functional Dependencies:

  • Books Table:
    • ISBN (International Standard Book Number) -> Title, Author, Publisher, Publication Year (assuming each ISBN corresponds to a unique book)
    • Title -> Author, Publisher, Publication Year (assuming each book title corresponds to a unique book)
  • Authors Table:
    • Author ID -> Author Name, Birthdate (assuming each author has a unique ID)
  • Members Table:
    • Member ID -> Member Name, Address, Phone Number (assuming each member has a unique ID)
  • Loans Table:
    • (Member ID, ISBN) -> Loan Date, Due Date, Return Date (assuming each member can borrow each book only once)

Step 2: Design Database Schema:

Based on the identified functional dependencies, we can design the following tables:

  • Books:
    • ISBN (Primary Key)
    • Title
    • Author
    • Publisher
    • Publication Year
  • Authors:
    • Author ID (Primary Key)
    • Author Name
    • Birthdate
  • Members:
    • Member ID (Primary Key)
    • Member Name
    • Address
    • Phone Number
  • Loans:
    • Member ID (Foreign Key referencing Members)
    • ISBN (Foreign Key referencing Books)
    • Loan Date
    • Due Date
    • Return Date

Step 3: Apply Functional Dependencies:

  • Normalization:
    • Ensure each table is in at least Third Normal Form (3NF) to eliminate redundancy and dependency issues. The third Normal Form (3NF) ensures that all non-key attributes are dependent only on the primary key and no transitive dependencies exist between non-key attributes.
    • Splitting tables to adhere to functional dependencies, ensuring atomicity of attributes.
  • Constraints:
    • Define primary and foreign key constraints to enforce referential integrity.
    • Implement unique constraints where appropriate to ensure the uniqueness of data.
  • Data Validation:
    • Implement triggers or stored procedures to validate loan transactions, ensuring they adhere to defined dependencies and constraints.
  • Indexing:
    • Create indexes on frequently queried attributes or columns involved in functional dependencies to optimize query performance.

Importance and Benefits of Functional Dependency in DBMS

Functional dependency plays an important role in ensuring data integrity and optimizing database structure in DBMS. Here are the key reasons why functional dependency is essential and beneficial:

1. Data Integrity

Functional dependencies are important for maintaining data integrity within a DBMS. By establishing rules that govern the relationships between attributes, DBMS can enforce constraints to prevent inconsistent or incorrect data from being entered into the database.

2. Normalization

Functional dependencies are integral to database normalization. Database designers can use functional dependencies to split huge tables into smaller, more manageable ones. This reduces data duplication and anomalies, thereby improving data consistency and efficiency.

3. Efficient Storage

Normalizing a database according to functional relationships results in more efficient data storage. Smaller, normalized tables require less storage space, which is particularly beneficial for large databases. It helps optimize resource utilization and improve database performance.

4. Ease of Maintenance

Databases with functional dependencies are easier to manage. When changes are necessary in the database structure or schema, the impact of those changes is localized. This reduces the risk of introducing errors or inconsistencies in the data and simplifies maintenance tasks.

5. Prevention of Data Redundancy

Functional dependency helps prevent data redundancy by ensuring that the same data does not exist repetitively across the database or network of databases. This leads to a more streamlined and efficient data storage system.

6. Maintenance of Data Quality and Integrity

Establishing functional dependency often results in a more effective and less redundant data system, leading to higher data quality and integrity. By defining clear relationships between attributes, functional dependency helps in maintaining accurate and reliable data.

7. Reduction of Error Risk

Functional dependency reduces the risk of errors within documents and datasets by organizing information more effectively and storing it concisely. This minimizes the chances of data inconsistencies and improves overall data accuracy.

8. Productivity Gains and Cost Savings

Properly configured databases with functional dependency allow for increased productivity and cost savings within a company. Accessing centralized and accurate information quickly leads to improved decision-making and operational efficiency.

9. Identification of Poor Designs

Functional dependency helps identify poor database designs by revealing data inconsistencies spreading across tables. It allows database administrators to detect areas that require improvement and optimize database structures for better performance and reliability.


In conclusion, functional dependency in DBMS is important for keeping data organized and accurate in database systems. Functional dependency will always remain essential for ensuring data accuracy and reliability.

Throughout this guide, we have examined different types of dependencies and how they work. We have also examined key terms, rules, and benefits of functional dependency. Following these rules and understanding these benefits helps make databases more efficient and easier to use.

Functional dependency helps ensure that DBMS works well and provides accurate information. When used properly, functional dependency can build databases that are reliable and useful for making decisions and running organizations smoothly.


  1. What is functional dependency in DBMS symbols?

Functional dependency in DBMS is represented using arrow symbols (->). For example, if we have attributes X and Y, where X determines Y, it is denoted as X -> Y.

  1. What is a functional dependency diagram?

A functional dependency diagram visually represents the relationships between attributes in a database. It shows how one attribute determines another, helping to understand the dependencies between them.

  1. What are functional and transitive dependencies?

Functional dependency describes the relationship between two attributes, where the value of one uniquely determines the value of another. Transitive dependency occurs when attribute A determines attribute B and attribute B determines attribute C, thus implying that attribute A indirectly determines attribute C.

  1. What is a trivial and non-trivial functional dependency in DBMS?

Trivial functional dependency occurs when the determination of one attribute implies the value of another without additional information. Non-trivial functional dependency, on the other hand, provides meaningful insights into how values in one set of attributes determine values in another set.

  1. What is a function dependency?

A functional dependency exists when the value of one attribute (or a set of attributes) uniquely determines the value of another attribute (or set of attributes) in a database table.

  1. What is functional dependency and its types?

Functional dependency in DBMS refers to the relationship between attributes where the value of one determines the value of another. Its types include trivial, non-trivial, multivalued, and transitive dependencies, each describing different relationships between attributes within a database.

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