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Transaction in DBMS

Updated on 29/07/2024565 Views

In database management systems (DBMS), transactions play a pivotal role in ensuring the integrity and consistency of data operations. Understanding the concept of transactions is crucial for anyone involved in database design, development, or administration. This article aims to provide a detailed insight into transactions in DBMS, covering their definition, operations, states, schedules, serializability, properties, and real-life significance.

The transactions in DBMS represent a sequence of operations treated as a single logical unit of work. The primary purpose is to ensure that database operations are performed reliably and efficiently, maintaining data integrity. For example, consider a banking system that deducts the amount from one account and credits it to another. In this scenario, a transaction ensures that either the operations get completed from both sides or none at all, preventing inconsistencies in the database.

What Does Transaction Mean in DBMS?A transaction in DBMS refers to a logical unit of work performed against a database. Its purpose is to ensure data consistency and integrity by allowing multiple operations to be treated as a single indivisible unit. This means that all the transaction operations are completed or none of them are applied to the database.

Importance of Transactions in DBMS

Transactions are essential in maintaining data integrity, ensuring the database remains consistent despite concurrent access and potential system failures. They allow for reliable and secure data manipulation and are fundamental to the reliability and efficiency of modern database systems.

For example, consider a banking application where a fund transfer from one account to another is initiated. This transaction would involve deducting the amount from the source account and crediting it to the destination account. The entire operation must be treated as a single transaction to ensure that either the debiting and crediting operations are successful or neither occur to maintain data consistency and integrity.

Operations of Transactions

Transactions typically follow a set of operations to ensure the ACID properties are upheld. These operations are:

  • Read: During a transaction, data may be read from the database. The read operation retrieves data from the database for subsequent operations within the transaction.
  • Write: Data may be modified or inserted into the database during a transaction. The write operation makes changes to the database as a part of the transaction.
  • Commit: Once all the operations within the transaction have been completed, the changes are permanently applied to the database using the commit operation.
  • Rollback: If an error occurs during the transaction, or if the transaction cannot be completed for any reason, the rollback operation is used. It is used to undo the changes made by the transaction, restoring the database to its state before the transaction started.

For instance, consider an online shopping application where a customer places an order. The system reads the product details, modifies the inventory to reflect the purchase, commits the changes if the payment is successful, and rolls back the transaction if the payment fails.

Transaction States in DBMS:

In a database management system (DBMS), a transaction refers to a unit of work performed against a database. Transactions in a DBMS go through different states during their lifecycle.

  • Active: In this state, the transaction is currently being executed. It is actively accessing and updating the database.
  • Partially Committed: After the transaction has executed all its operations successfully, it enters the partially committed state. This means that all the changes made by the transaction are recorded in the database's log but are not made permanent.
  • Failed: If an error occurs during the execution of a transaction, it enters the failed state. This could be due to various reasons, such as a system crash, deadlock, or violation of integrity constraints.
  • Aborted: When a transaction enters the failed state, it needs to be rolled back to maintain the consistency and integrity of the database. This process of undoing the changes made by the transaction brings it to the aborted state.
  • Committed: Once the changes made by the transaction are permanently stored in the database, it enters the committed state. At this point, the changes are visible to other transactions.
  • Terminated: After a transaction has been successfully committed or aborted, it enters the terminated state. In the terminated state, the transaction is complete and the resources it held are released.

Each of these states plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and consistency of the database when dealing with concurrent transactions.

Transaction Schedules:

In a database management system (DBMS), a transaction schedule refers to the specific order in which transactions are executed. Here is a detailed explanation of transaction schedules in DBMS:

  • Serial Schedules: In a serial schedule, transactions are executed one after the other without interleaving. This ensures that the outcome is consistent but may not be the most efficient use of resources.
  • Non-Serial Schedules: In these schedules, transactions are interleaved or executed simultaneously. This can improve system throughput but may lead to issues, such as data inconsistency and concurrency control problems.

The choice between serial and non-serial schedules depends on the application’s requirements, balancing between consistency and performance.


Serializability is a concept in database management systems (DBMS) that ensures the correctness of concurrent transactions. When multiple transactions occur in a multi-user DBMS, it is crucial to maintain the illusion that transactions are executed one at a time, even though they might get executed concurrently. Serializability guarantees that the final result of concurrent transactions is equivalent to their serial execution.

Serializability Levels

  • Conflict Serializability: This level ensures that the execution of concurrent transactions is equivalent to some serial execution, preserving the order of conflicting operations (read and write) in each pair of conflicting transactions.
  • View Serializability: View serializability is a stronger guarantee than conflict serializability. It ensures that the execution of concurrent transactions is equivalent to some serial execution, preserving the read and write operations' order for each data item.

Conflict Operations

In the context of serializability, two types of operations are considered conflicting:

  • Read-Write Conflict: This occurs when one transaction reads a data item that another transaction is writing to.
  • Write-Write Conflict: This occurs when two transactions are trying to write to the same data item simultaneously.

Ensuring SerializabilitySeveral techniques are used to ensure serializability in DBMS:

  • Locking: Transactions acquire locks on data items to prevent other transactions from accessing them concurrently. This ensures that conflicting operations do not interfere with each other.
  • Timestamp Ordering: Each transaction is assigned a unique timestamp and the transactions are ordered based on their timestamps to ensure serializability.
  • Validation: Transactions are executed without acquiring locks and their final state is validated to ensure that it is equivalent to a serial execution of the transactions.
  • Two-Phase Locking: Transactions follow a two-phase locking protocol where they acquire locks in a growing phase and release locks in a shrinking phase. This protocol ensures serializability by preventing conflicts between transactions.

Properties of DBMS

The properties of transactions in DBMS, often referred to as ACID properties, are fundamental for ensuring reliability and consistency:

  • Atomicity: Atomicity ensures that all operations within a transaction are treated as a single and indivisible unit. Either all the operations within the transaction are executed successfully or none of them are. This property guarantees that even in the event of failures or errors, the database remains in a consistent state. For example, in a fund transfer, if the debit occurs successfully, the credit must also occur.
  • Consistency: Consistency ensures that the database remains in a valid state before and after the transaction. It defines a set of rules and constraints that the data must adhere to. If a transaction violates these rules, the changes are rolled back and the database is restored to its previous consistent state.
  • Isolation: Isolation allows concurrent transactions to work independently without interfering with each other. Each transaction is isolated from others and their intermediate states are not visible to other transactions until they are committed. This property prevents data inconsistencies and conflicts that can arise due to concurrent access.
  • Durability: Durability ensures that once a transaction is committed, the changes made to the database are permanent and survive system failures or crashes. The changes are stored in non-volatile storage, such as disk, to ensure their persistence. This property guarantees that the database can recover from failures and maintain data integrity.

These ACID properties collectively provide a strong foundation for reliable and consistent transactions in DBMS. They ensure that the database remains in a consistent state and can recover from failures or errors, making it a robust and trustworthy system for data management.

Wrapping Up!

Transactions are a fundamental concept in DBMS that enables reliable and consistent data management. They provide a way to control and manage changes made to the database, ensuring the integrity and reliability of the data. Transactions bring the benefits of atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID properties) to the database, providing a strong foundation for reliable and robust systems.

Understanding the importance of transactions, their characteristics, and the techniques involved in transaction management is essential for developers and administrators. It lays the foundation for maintaining reliable and robust databases, enabling seamless data management and consistent application performance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let us discuss some frequently asked questions:

1. What is a transaction log in DBMS?

A. In a database management system (DBMS), a transaction log is a file that keeps a record of all transactions that modify the database.

2. Why are transactions important in DBMS?

A. Transactions ensure that database operations are performed reliably and consistently, maintaining data integrity and preventing inconsistencies.

3. What is the significance of the ACID properties in transactions?

A. The ACID properties ensure that database transactions are executed reliably and consistently, preventing anomalies and preserving data integrity.

4. How do transactions in DBMS impact system performance?

A. While transactions ensure data consistency, the choice between serial and non-serial schedules can impact system performance, with serial schedules potentially leading to reduced performance due to sequential execution.

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