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Docker Compose

Updated on 30/08/2024464 Views


As a developer, I remember the days of manually configuring and launching multiple containers for my applications, a process riddled with complexities and prone to errors. Then I discovered Docker Compose, a game-changer in container orchestration. With Docker Compose, I can define, manage, and deploy multi-container Docker applications effortlessly, all thanks to a simple YAML file. It makes the setup and management of interconnected services efficient, offering a great workflow for deploying complex application environments.

What is Docker Compose?

Docker Compose is a powerful tool that empowers developers to define, manage, and deploy multi-container Docker applications using a simple and descriptive YAML file called docker_compose.yml. It addresses the complexity of orchestrating multiple containers that need to interact with each other, providing an efficient workflow for managing interconnected services.

In a typical application stack, different services like databases, web servers, and application code often need to run in separate containers. Manually starting and linking these containers can be cumbersome and error-prone. Docker Compose simplifies this process by allowing you to define all the services, their configurations, and dependencies in a single file. This file outlines the necessary details such as the images to use, the ports to expose, the volumes to mount, and the networks to connect, making it easy to bring up the entire application stack with a single command.

Benefits of Using Docker Compose

Docker and Docker Compose offer a range of benefits that simplify the process of managing multi-container applications. This makes it an invaluable tool for developers and operations teams alike. Here are some of the key advantages:

1. Simplified Multi-Container Management

Docker Compose enables you to outline and manage multiple containers in a single docker-compose.yml file. This simplifies the orchestration of complex application stacks, enabling you to bring up, scale, or tear down the entire environment with a single command.

2. Consistent Development Environments

By using Docker Compose, developers can ensure that their development, testing, and production environments are consistent. This eliminates the "it works on my machine" problem, as the same configurations are used across all stages.

3. Improved Productivity

With Docker Compose, setting up and running an application stack becomes much faster and easier. It helps developers to emphasize more on writing code and less on managing infrastructure. The automation of environment setup reduces setup time and increases overall productivity.

4. Efficient Scaling and Orchestration

Docker Compose supports horizontal scaling, allowing you to adjust the number of container instances for any service as needed. This makes it easy to handle increased loads and ensures that your application can scale efficiently.

Installing Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a vital tool for managing multi-container Docker applications. To effectively use Docker Compose, you need to ensure that Docker Engine is installed on your system. Below are the steps for installing Compose on different operating systems.


Before installing Docker Compose, Docker Engine must be installed either locally or remotely. Here is how to get started with the required setup:

  • Docker Desktop for Windows and macOS: Docker Compose comes pre-installed.
  • Linux Systems: Install Docker Engine first by following the instructions on the Get Docker page.


Let's summarize the installation steps for macOS, Linux, and Windows.

1. Install Docker Compose on macOS

For macOS users, Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop. Simply install Docker Desktop for Mac, and Docker Compose will be ready to use.

2. Install Docker Compose on Linux

For Linux users, Docker Compose needs to be installed separately by downloading the Docker Compose binary from GitHub’s Compose repository release page. Follow these steps:

Download Docker Compose:

sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/<version>/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Replace <version> with the desired version number.

Apply for executable permissions:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose

Verify installation:

docker-compose --version

3. Install Docker Compose on Windows

For Windows users, Docker Compose is included with Docker Desktop for Windows. By installing Docker Desktop, Docker Compose will be automatically available.

Create the Compose File

Once Docker Compose is installed, the next step is to create a docker-compose.yml file to define your application’s services.

Create a file named docker-compose.yml at the root of your project.

Define the version:

version: "3.8"

Define Services: Here is an example of defining a service:



image: node:12-alpine

command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"


- "3000:3000"

working_dir: /app


- ./:/app





MYSQL_DB: mydatabase

Define Various Services

To define and configure the necessary services for your application:

App Service: Define the app container:



image: node:12-alpine

command: sh -c "yarn install && yarn run dev"


- "3000:3000"

working_dir: /app


- ./:/app





MYSQL_DB: mydatabase

MySQL Service: Add a MySQL service definition:



image: mysql:5.7



MYSQL_DATABASE: mydatabase


- mysql-data:/var/lib/mysql

Volumes: Define volumes for data persistence:



Running the Application Stack

Now that we have created our Docker Compose file to define our application stack, it is time to start up the services and get our application running.

Stop Other Running Instances

Before starting our application stack, it is essential to ensure that there are no other instances of the application running. Use the following command to stop and remove any existing containers:

docker rm -f <container_ids>

You can find the container IDs by running docker ps.

Start the Application Stack

To start all the services defined in our docker-compose.yml file, we will use the docker-compose-up command. To run everything in the background, we will add the -d flag:

docker-compose up -d

Upon running this command, Docker Compose will create the necessary network and volumes, pull the required images, and start the containers for each service. You should see output similar to the following:

Creating network "app_default" with the default driver

Creating volume "app_mysql-data" with default driver

Creating app_app_1 ... done

Creating app_mysql_1 ... done

Examine the Logs

To monitor the logs of our services and ensure everything is running smoothly, we can use the docker-compose logs -f command. This command combines the logs of all services into a single stream, allowing us to see real-time updates. For example:

docker-compose logs -f

You will see logs from each service, prefixed with the service name. This helps to distinguish between the logs of different services. If you want to focus on logs from a specific service, you can specify the service name at the end of the command.

Access the Application

At this point, our application should be up and running. It can be accesses through your web browser or any other client application. If everything is configured correctly, you should be able to interact with your application as expected.

Basic Docker Compose Commands

Docker in Docker Compose simplifies the management of multi-container Docker applications by providing a set of intuitive commands. Below are some of the fundamental commands to get you started:

1. Start All Services

Use the following command to start all services defined in the docker-compose.yml file:

docker-compose up

2. Stop All Services

To stop and remove all running containers, networks, and volumes created by docker-compose up, run:

docker-compose down

3. Install Docker Compose Using pip

If Docker Compose is not installed on your system, you can install it using pip:

pip install -U docker-compose

4. Check the Version of Docker Compose

Verify the installed version of Docker Compose by running:

docker-compose --version

5. Run Docker Compose File

Launch your Docker Compose services in the background (detached mode) using:

docker-compose up -d

6. List Running Containers

To see the list of running containers managed by Docker Compose, execute:

docker-compose ps

7. Scale a Service

Adjust the number of container instances for a specific service using the --scale option. For example:

docker-compose up -d --scale <service-name>=<number-of-instances>

8. Use YAML Files to Configure Application Services

Docker Compose uses YAML files, typically named docker-compose.yml, to define and configure application services. These files specify the containers, their configurations, networks, and volumes required for your application.

Real World Example

Let's consider a Docker Compose file example to manage a web application stack consisting of a frontend application served by Nginx and a backend API powered by Node.js and MongoDB.

Docker Compose configuration

We will define a docker-compose.yml file to orchestrate our services:

version: "3.8"



image: nginx:latest


- "80:80"


- ./frontend:/usr/share/nginx/html


- backend


image: node:14

working_dir: /usr/src/app


- ./backend:/usr/src/app


- NODE_ENV=production


- "3000:3000"


- database


image: mongo:latest




- mongo-data:/data/db




  • frontend: This service uses the Nginx image to serve static files for our frontend application. We can map port 80 on the host to port 80 on the container and mount the local frontend directory into the container to serve the static files.
  • backend: The backend service uses the Node.js image to run our API server. We mount the local backend directory into the container and expose port 3000. It depends on the database service.
  • database: This service uses the MongoDB image to provide the database backend for our application. We define an environment variable to set up the initial database and mount a volume for persistent data storage.

Running the Stack

To start the application stack, navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker-compose up

This command downloads the necessary Docker images, create and start the containers, and connect them based on the defined configuration.

Final Thoughts

The way developers coordinate and manage multi-container Docker systems is revolutionized by Docker Compose, which emerged as a vital tool in contemporary software development. With its powerful features for defining services, networks, and volumes and its easy-to-use YAML-based configuration, teams can easily expand applications, guarantee consistency across environments, and improve development workflows. To tackle the complexity of containerized settings, Docker Compose becomes invaluable, from simplifying deployment procedures to improving teamwork and productivity.


1. What is Docker Compose used for?

Docker Compose is used to mark out and manage multi-container Docker applications. It simplifies the process of orchestrating multiple containers, making it easier to set up, manage, and deploy complex application environments.

2. Explain the difference between Docker and Docker Compose?

Docker acts as a platform for developing, shipping, and running applications in containers. On the other hand, Docker Compose is a tool for outlining and managing multi-container Docker applications. Docker Compose simplifies the orchestration of multiple containers.

3. What is the difference between Docker Compose and Kubernetes?

Docker Compose is designed for managing development and testing environments, whereas Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform suitable for production deployments. Kubernetes offers more advanced features for scaling, managing, and automating containerized applications.

4. What is Docker Compose build for?

Docker Compose build is used to build Docker images from a Dockerfile for services defined in a Docker Compose file. It automates the build process, ensuring consistent image creation for multi-container applications.

5. Why use Dockerfile and Docker Compose?

Dockerfile is used to define the build process for creating Docker images, while Docker Compose is used to define and manage multi-container applications, including the services, networks, and volumes required for deployment.

6. When to use Docker and Docker Compose?

Docker is used for containerizing and running individual applications, while Docker Compose is used for managing multi-container applications with interconnected services. Use Docker for single-container deployments and Docker Compose for multi-container setups.

7. Is Docker Compose free?

Yes, Docker Compose is free and open-source software and is included with the Docker Desktop installation for Windows and macOS. It can be installed separately on Linux systems.

8. How to Docker Compose an Image?

To build and run a Docker Compose image, define the services in a docker-compose.yml file, specify the build context and Dockerfile for each service, and then use the docker-compose-up command to start the application stack.

9. Describe Docker image?

A Docker image is a standalone, lightweight executable package that contains everything you need to run a software, including the code, runtime, libraries, dependencies, and system settings. Images are used to create containers in Docker.

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Working with upGrad as a Senior Engineering Manager with more than 10+ years of experience in Software Development and Product Management.

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