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Docker Swarm: A comprehensive Overview

Updated on 30/08/2024451 Views


Docker Swarm is one tool for container orchestration. Swarm Mode, introduced in Docker 1.12, enables you to start several containers on multiple Docker hosts. Docker employs an overlay network for service discovery and an integrated load balancer to scale the services. The ability to modify the network and volume parameters of the Docker services without having to manually restart them is one of the primary advantages of Docker Swarm. Docker will update a service job, stop it, and launch a new service task with the revised configuration when the old one expires.

This is How Docker Swarm Works

Launching services are required when you want to deploy a container in the swarm initially. The service is made up of several identical picture containers. Since these services are installed inside nodes, a minimum of one node must be deployed to launch a swarm. The management node is in charge of job allocation, task dispatch, and task scheduling, as shown in the diagram below. The manager's application programming interface (API) serves as a conduit for HTTP protocol communication between the worker and manager nodes. One cluster can take advantage of the service provided by the other. The worker node completes the task execution in its entirety.

Docker Swarm Initialization

The command "Docker Swarm init" is used to initialize the Docker Swarm cluster. We will use this command to turn the Docker Engine into a Swarm Manager. Once in Swarm Mode, you may enable the Manager and Worker nodes, and the Swarm will divide up the workload among them. Following the Swarm Mode Initiation:

  • The swarm will arise following the initialization of the Docker Swarm init.
  • The present node will become a manager node after the swarm has come into existence. It will also produce a single token.
  • The produced token will be utilized to continue connecting the worker and master nodes.

Architecture of Docker Swarm

Within Docker Swarm, nodes come in two varieties:

  • The Manager Node: Manages and performs tasks at the cluster level.
  • The Worker Node: Takes in and finishes the assignments that the manager node gives it.

Although a worker node cannot be formed without a management node, a single manager node may be constructed. Seven is the optimal value for the management node count. Scalability does not increase with an increase in the number of manager nodes.

Docker Swarm Features

Features of Docker Swarm are listed below:

  1. Docker Swarm Cluster Management: The Docker Swarm Cluster management features include the ability to create Swarms and deploy applications using the Docker engine CLI. To administer a swarm, no further orchestration software is needed.
  2. Load Balancing: The swarm automatically distributes the load across the ports when any service is deployed on a specific port.
  3. Scaling: The swarm manager automatically adjusts by adding or deleting jobs to maintain the appropriate condition as you scale up or down.
  4. Multi-Host Networking: Swarm is capable of including multiple overlay networks, allowing you to choose the network on which to deploy your service at the time of deployment. When the swarm manager initializes or changes the application, it automatically allocates addresses to the containers on the overlay network.

Why Would Someone Use a Docker Swarm?

A solution for container orchestration used to grow and deploy Docker containers is called Docker Swarm. With Docker Swarm, we can manage several nodes, or clusters, in place of a single host, allowing us to deploy and maintain our containers across numerous hosts.

  1. By establishing the container on a different, available node, Docker Swarm ensures that our application will always be accessible even if one node fails.
  2. By adding more nodes, we may scale up or down the containers based on the incoming traffic.
  3. The Docker Swarm will automatically balance the incoming load if there are multiple containers.
  4. Mutual TLS authentication and traffic encryption between nodes are two of the security aspects of Docker Swarm.
  5. Failed nodes and containers will automatically be handled by Docker Swarm. We can maintain high availability in this way.

To put it simply, Docker Swarm is primarily utilized for the deployment, scalability, and management of the cluster's nodes and containers.

Various Docker Swarm Modes

There are two primary modes in Docker Swarm. These include:

  • Global Mode: Docker Swarm will maintain containers in all slave and master nodes when operating in the global mode. It will keep up with the container replicas on every cluster node that is accessible.
  • Replicated Mode: Docker Swarm will launch the containers according to how many replicas you need. It will launch the containers based on node availability if you require three replicas.

Let’s Get Started with Docker Swarm

Take note of the instructions listed below to familiarize yourself with Docker Swarm mode.

  • Step 1: The Docker engines in swarm mode must be initialized initially.
  • Step 2: Add the nodes to the Docker Swarm cluster after establishing the swarm mode. The following command can be used to join the nodes by the requirements. When you activate the swarm mode, two tokens will be generated: one for the worker node and another for the manager node.
  • Step 3: Confirm that you are ready to begin deploying your application within a Docker Swarm using containers. The Docker Swarm will handle the application's deployment and scalability among the worker nodes.
  • Step 4: You may manage the swarm by adding or removing worker nodes, scaling the services, and monitoring the swarm state with the use of the Docker Swarm cli.

In a Docker Swarm, What is a Stack?

A stack consists of one or more services that are deployed together as a single unit. The stack is deployed via a compose file, which contains information about the stack's service and all necessary configurations.

Stack makes it incredibly simple to install and manage complicated containers, such as several containers in a Docker Swarm. Docker Compose is a single file that helps us with deployment. We may define all required configurations in yaml. They deployed and scaled together, I promise.

You can use Docker Swarm to roll back to the earlier version of the application if we deploy the updated version and end users discover any faults while using it.

Note: The main purpose of the stack is to ensure easy deployment of multi-container applications.

Swarm Configuration: Important Concepts

Important concepts of Swarm configuration are listed below:

  • Node: A Node is a Docker engine instance that establishes a connection with the Swarm. One physical computer or cloud server can support one or more nodes. Nodes might be workers or managers. Worker nodes get assignments, or tasks, from the manager node. Manager nodes send tasks to worker nodes, which then receive and complete them.
  • Services: A service is a general term for a group of jobs that employees must complete. An HTTP server that is operating on three nodes as a Docker container is an example of a service. 
  • Load Balancing: Docker comes with a load balancer that distributes the processing of requests among all the containers in the service.

Filters in Docker Swarm 

Types of filters in Docker Swarm are listed below:

  • Restrictions: Users are prohibited from launching containers on specific Docker hosts under certain circumstances.
  • Drain Node: The Docker Swarm will not allocate any replicas to any node if we apply Drain Nodes to it. 
  • Port: By installing the same port apps on two distinct nodes, port conflicts between programs are avoided.

CLI Commands for Docker Swarm 

A list of CLI commands for Docker Swarm: 

  1. Mode Docker Swarm init The swarm is initialized with this command:

docker swarm init [OPTIONS]

  1. Docker Swarm Join: This command allows a node to be joined to a swarm. Depending on the token you give with the –token flag, the node joins as either a manager or worker node.

docker swarm join [OPTIONS] HOST:PORT

  1. The Docker service creates: This command for cluster administration needs to be run on a Swarm manager node.

docker service creates [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]

  1. Docker service inspects: This command is utilized to examine a specific service, and it will provide a JSON-formatted display of all the information.

docker service inspect [OPTIONS] SERVICE [SERVICE...]

  1. Docker service ls: This command allows you to view an exhaustive list of every service available on the network.

docker service ls [OPTIONS]

  1. Docker service rm: This command helps to eliminate a particular service.

docker service rm SERVICE [SERVICE...]

Comparing Docker Container and Docker Swarm


Docker Container

Docker Swarm


Single container deployment

Orchestration of multiple containers


Manual scaling

Automatic scaling based on defined rules

High Availability

Limited to single-container resilience

High availability through multiple container instances

Load Balancing

Requires external tools or configurations

Built-in load balancing for service distribution


Individual container management

Centralized management of container clusters

Use Cases

Development, testing, single service deployment

Production-grade deployments, microservices


Simple, suitable for small projects or testing

More complex setup, suitable for larger deployments

Tools and Techniques

  1. Prometheus and Grafana:
    • Prometheus collects metrics from Docker containers.
    • Grafana visualizes these metrics, helping you monitor performance and resource usage.
  2. ELK Stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana):
    • Collects, processes, and visualizes logs from Docker containers.
    • Helps in diagnosing issues and analyzing container behavior.
  3. cAdvisor:
    • Provides resource usage and performance metrics for Docker containers.
    • Integrates well with Prometheus for detailed monitoring.
  4. Docker’s Built-in Logging Drivers:
    • Supports various logging drivers (json-file, syslog, journald, etc.).
    • Configurable per-container basis for flexible log management.

Configuring Health Checks

Health checks ensure that your containers are running optimally. You can configure health checks in your service definitions using the following example:

version: "3"



    image: nginx


      replicas: 3


      test: ["CMD-SHELL", "curl -f http://localhost || exit 1"]

      interval: 1m30s

      timeout: 10s

      retries: 3

      start_period: 40s

Docker Swarm Secrets

Managing sensitive information securely within the cluster is essential. Docker Swarm Secrets allows you to manage and store secret information like passwords, API keys, and certificates securely.

Creating and Using Secrets

  1. Create a Secret:

echo "my_secret_password" | docker secret create db_password -

  1. Using Secrets in Services:

version: "3.1"



    image: mysql


      - db_password



    external: true

Secrets are encrypted at rest and during transit, ensuring that sensitive information is protected.

Final Thoughts

Docker Swarm offers a user-friendly and efficient solution for organizing and managing containerized applications at scale. With its simplicity, built-in features for clustering, scaling, and high availability, Docker Swarm empowers developers and organizations to streamline their deployment workflows and focus on delivering value to their users. While Kubernetes may dominate the container orchestration landscape, Docker Swarm remains a compelling choice for teams seeking a straightforward and accessible solution. 


1. What is Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm is a clustering and orchestration tool provided by Docker that allows users to manage a cluster of Docker hosts as a single virtual system. It enables the deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications across multiple nodes.

2. What is the difference between Docker and Docker Swarm?

Docker is a platform used for running, developing and shipping applications using containerization technology. Docker Swarm, on the other hand, is a tool for orchestrating and managing multiple Docker containers across multiple hosts, providing features for clustering and scaling containerized applications.

3. Is Docker Swarm the same as Kubernetes?

No, Docker Swarm and Kubernetes are different container orchestration tools. While both are used for managing containerized applications, they have different architectures, features, and approaches to orchestration. Docker Swarm is simpler and more tightly integrated with Docker, while Kubernetes is more feature-rich and widely adopted in enterprise environments.

4. Is Docker Swarm still used?

Yes, Docker Swarm is still used, especially in environments where simplicity and ease of use are prioritized over advanced features. While Kubernetes has gained more popularity in recent years, Docker Swarm remains a viable option for smaller-scale deployments or organizations already invested in the Docker ecosystem.

5. What is the benefit of Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm makes it easier the management and scaling of containerized applications by providing user-friendly interface and built-in clustering capabilities. It allows for easy deployment of applications across a cluster of machines, automatic load balancing, and high availability.

6. Who uses Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm is used by organizations of various sizes, from startups to enterprises, that seek a straightforward solution for orchestrating and managing containerized applications. It is popular among small to medium-sized businesses and development teams looking for a simpler alternative to Kubernetes.

7. What are the features of Docker Swarm?

Docker Swarm offers several key features, including:

  • Container orchestration
  • Automated scaling
  • Load balancing
  • High availability
  • Rolling updates
  • Service discovery
  • Node management

8. What are the two types of Docker Swarm services?

Docker Swarm services can be classified into two types:

  • Replicated Services: These services run a specified number of identical tasks, ensuring high availability and scalability.
  • Global Services: These services run one task on each node in the swarm, providing a decentralized and fault-tolerant approach.

9. Is Docker Swarm free?

Yes, Docker Swarm is an open-source project and is available for free as part of the Docker platform. There are no licensing fees required with using Docker Swarm for container orchestration.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

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