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A Comprehensive Examination of Docker Containers and Virtual Machines

Updated on 30/08/2024451 Views


In the current dynamic information architecture and software engineering environment, the application of services is critical. Docker and Virtual Machines are two primary technologies that are completely transforming this sector. These technologies are dedicated to the same core purpose; they have different principles but specific benefits. This article discusses the comparison of docker vs virtual machine, and difference between docker and virtual machine.

Comparing Docker vs Virtual Machine

Let’s compare docker vs virtual machine and understand each of them separately:

Understanding Docker

Docker provides the architecture to run and manage applications in lightweight, isolated, executable containers. Containers encapsulate the system components required to run an application so that it can be run uniformly on multiple platforms. Docker helps streamline development, testing, and build processes by offering a standardized unit of work.

Key Components of Docker

Below are the key components of Docker:

  • Docker Images: Docker images do not store the data instead they are read-only templates. They comprise the executable code of an application together with the runtime and surrounding libraries to execute the application. Docker images are put together from Dockerfiles which are scripts of text files used to assemble the image.
  • Docker Containers: A Docker container refers to a copy of a Docker image that can be run. Containers are separated from each other and the host using virtualization but they share the kernel on the host machine. They are everything required to run an application hence making them appear consistent in various environments.
  • Docker Hub: Docker Hub allows users to upload and store Docker images; it is a service that works in the cloud. It becomes a central point where Docker users can find and store images, automate build processes, and interact with other developers in the Docker community.

How Docker Works

Docker works on a client-server architecture. Let’s understand this in detail:

Docker Client: Using the Docker client, the user sends commands such as docker build, docker run, and docker pull. Communication between the client and the Docker Daemon is done by using REST API over HTTP.

Docker Docked: Docked is the service that processes Docker API requests and manages Docker objects such as images, containers, networks, and volumes.

Understanding Virtual Machines

A Virtual Machine (VM) is a software implementation of a computer that runs a guest operating system within a host environment. VMs have an OS and application that runs in the same way as a physical machine but runs on a layer (hypervisor) that isolates the VM from the physical hardware.

Key Components of Virtual Machines

Below are the key components of Virtual Machines:

  • Hypervisor: The hypervisor, also called Virtual Machine Manager or VMM, is the software layer that sits at the lowest level of the virtualized environment. It is a virtualization platform that virtualizes and controls the physical hardware and enables the running of multiple virtual machines on an individual physical server.
  • Guest OS: A guest OS is an operating system loaded in a virtual machine. It emulates physical hardware, and the hypervisor sets up the connection between the virtual and physical systems.
  • Virtual Disk: It is a file that presents the workings of a physical hard disk for a VM. It stores the VM’s OS, applications, and data.
  • Virtual Hardware: Virtual hardware comprises the emulated devices that the hypervisor delivers to a VM. This encompasses virtual processors, RAM, network adapters, and other hardware peripherals.

How a Virtual Machine Operates

The hypervisor is one of the most important components in operating virtual machines. It manages memory, schedules, and isolates VMs.

  • Resource Allocation: Controls the proportion of physical resources (CPU, memory, storage) available to each VM according to policy settings and priorities.
  • Isolation: Facilitates each VM to work effectively without interacting with each other for convenience and security.
  • Monitoring and Management: It offers management functions such as monitoring, optimizing, and managing a virtual machine’s resources and performing administrative operations like snapshots and migrations.

Docker Advantages Over VM

While comparing docker vs virtual machine, they both serve similar purposes but have distinct advantages depending on the context:

Faster Deployment: Docker containers can be created in seconds, while VMs will take at least a few minutes. This makes Docker an ideal framework for application development and expansion.

Isolation vs. Encapsulation: With VMs, isolation is better since each VM runs its own OS instance, which can be deemed more secure in some cases. The Docker containers run on the host OS while providing enough process encapsulation for most purposes.

Portability: The main Docker advantage over VM is that Docker containers allow the application to be bundled together with all its dependencies and resources. VMs are also portable but come with more overhead than the user bringing the operating system with him or her.

Architectural Difference Between Docker and Virtual Machine

Below are the detailed architectural differences in the comparison of docker vs virtual machine:

Docker Architecture- 

Lightweight Nature: 

Docker containers are created to be small and lightweight. The containers differ from virtual machines in that the latter utilizes the entire OS for each instance, whereas containers use a common OS in the host machine. This means that in terms of CPU and memory consumption, Docker consumes fewer resources than running multiple instances which will lead to better CPU, memory, and storage utilization.

Shared OS Kernel: 

Docker containers rely heavily on the shared OS kernel. Containers are like virtual machines in that they run independent processes in the space of the host OS environment but use the same kernel. This is because when using containers, the size of the container is reduced as well as the resources required to run it as containers do not need the full OS, unlike the VM.

Virtual Machine Architecture

Heavyweight Nature:

Compared to VMs, Docker containers have a lower overhead. They all stand for an entire guest operating system and a virtual version of the hardware an OS requires. This means that identical resources are used, creating high CPU, memory, and storage consumption overhead.

Full OS Isolation: 

Each VM is an entirely isolated system operating on its own OS, thus providing a reasonable separation from the host OS and other VMs. This level of isolation means that an application that is running in one VM cannot interfere with or affect an application that is being run in another VM and vice versa. This leads to high levels of security and stability.

Real-Life Examples in Comparison of Docker vs Virtual Machine

Let's explore real-life examples in comparison to Docker vs. Virtual Machines, highlighting the specific scenarios where each technology excels:


  • Microservices Architecture

Organizations such as Netflix & Spotify use Docker containers to adopt microservices. These microservices run in their containers and are managed independently by the development teams. Such characteristics as Docker’s lightweight and fast startup of the container make it easy to work with a large number of small applications at the same time.

  • Continuous Integration & Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) Process

Docker is, therefore, crucial to the CI/CD processes of tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Facebook. There is a need to standardize containers for use in building, testing, and deploying applications across all phases of the SDLC. Developers can build containers that encapsulate applications so they will function well in any environment.

Virtual Machines

  • Legacy Application Migration

Many banks and governmental bodies have massive old applications that do not fit containerization. Virtual Machines address the issue by being able to host these legacy applications without the need for modification. Every VM can have a legacy application with its respective OS and software requirements, which can be continued for business continuity.

  • High-Security Applications

Virtual machines (VMs) have been extensively used in sensitive industries such as healthcare and finance to host critical applications and data. VMs offer a stronger separation of applications and users from each other, making such environments more secure against abuse. VMs allow better isolation than physical machines, making them suitable for complying with the regulations of such industries.

Hybrid Approaches

  • Kubernetes Clusters

Apple and Twitter use a mixed approach that involves using both Docker containers and Virtual Machines with the help of Kubernetes. It is necessary to mention that Kubernetes orients both containers and VMs and allows organizations to benefit from both these technologies. Containers can run application microservices, while VMs can provide stateful services running legacy applications.


In the above guide, we have covered the docker and vm difference while comparing docker vs virtual machine and most of the related topics. Container and VM tools such as Kubernetes can manage both Kubernetes containers and VMs so that an organization can reap the benefits of both technologies. This offers a unique combination of compatibility for most infrastructure setups across multi-cloud environments and legacy systems integrations.

In the comparison of docker vs virtual machine, they both are very useful technologies that work as indispensable tools in the current IT industry. They both have their unique strengths and areas of application which makes them suitable to be used simultaneously rather than excluding each other. 


1. Explain the difference between a Docker and a virtual machine?

Containers run the same OS that the host machine runs, and interaction occurs using the Docker engine, while functions of the VM include emulating a physical computer as well as the OS with the help of the hypervisor.

2. Why use Docker instead of a virtual environment?

Docker is an open-source platform that allows users to create portable, lightweight containers to package applications along with their dependencies to run them with minimal overheads, unlike VMs.

3. Is Docker safer than VM?

Yes, Docker can utilize containerization technology with security features to eliminate the risks.

4. Should I use Docker or VirtualBox?

It all depends on your needs and your situation. Docker is used to create and run applications in lightweight containers, while VirtualBox is more helpful in creating and managing virtual machines, with each system acting as a separate operating system.

5. Can I use Docker as a VM?

Docker is not a worthy substitute for virtual machines. However, virtual machines can be used to run Docker containers when necessary.

6. What's the purpose of Docker?

Docker container technology automates environment creation, simplifies distribution, and makes application execution more uniform.

7. Is Docker faster than VM?

Generally, yes. Today, Docker containers will boot up much faster and utilize fewer resources than VMs because they run on the same kernel of an operating system.

8. What is Kubernetes vs Docker?

Kubernetes is a container orchestration tool for managing containers across a cluster of computing nodes. On the other hand, Docker is a containerization product that creates or manages containers.

Kechit Goyal

Kechit Goyal

Team Player and a Leader with a demonstrated history of working in startups. Strong engineering professional with a Bachelor of Technology (BTech…Read More

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