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Introduction to GIT Tutorials

Learn from basics to advanced concepts of Git designed designed for beginners and professionals.

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Introduction to GIT Tutorials

Updated on 07/10/2024357 Views

Git is a free and open-source version control system capable of handling projects of different sizes with incredible efficiency. This indispensable DevOps tool is used for source code management, but it's so much more than that.

Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 specifically to develop the Linux kernel. Developers worldwide have since taken it up and developed it. Today, this is the most popular version control system, which millions of developers depend on daily. According to statistics, over 87% of developers use Git, and platforms like GitHub host millions of repositories that use it.

Git allows one to follow up on changes made in any code one is working on, which makes work easier and facilitates better cooperation. In this article, we will discuss “What is Git?” its uses, features, concepts, and more.


Git is an open-source version control system that revolutionizes the way you manage your projects. It meticulously tracks the changes you make to your files, so you always have a detailed record of what has been done. This feature is invaluable because it allows you to revert to specific versions whenever necessary.

Git also excels at facilitating collaboration. It enables multiple people to work on a project simultaneously, with their changes seamlessly merged into one source; Git provides a reliable and efficient way to keep your work organized and synchronized. It is used by many developers and software teams.

By the end of this Git tutorial, you will have a good grasp of what Git is and how it functions. I will touch on its uses, features, commands, and every other thing you should know.

What is Git?

So what is git? Git is a powerful version control system designed to track changes in computer files, most commonly useful for managing source code in software development. When you install Git on your computer, it stores your files and their revision history locally. This means you have a complete record of your project's evolution right on your machine.

Also, one can use various online hosts such as GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket that could store a copy of their files, including their history, in the cloud. This central repository enables you to submit your changes as well as receive them from others, making it easier for you to work with fellow developers.

Let’s have more Git introduction. One of the essential features of Git is its ability to automatically merge changes. Let’s say you and a colleague are working on different parts of the same file. Git can seamlessly integrate these changes, ensuring that no one's work is lost in the process. This makes it incredibly efficient for team projects where multiple people need to update the same codebase simultaneously.

Uses of Git

Git's uses extend beyond just tracking changes and managing source code. Now, you might ask what the use of Git is. Here are some additional uses of Git:

  • Git is used to monitor changes in source code.
  • With Git, source code is managed by distributed version control technologies.
  • Git has a Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) where changes pushed to a repository can automatically trigger builds and tests.
  • It is used for documentation and version control
  • Git is also useful for collaboration, educational projects, and personal learning
  • Git guarantees backup and recovery, and you can easily recover previous versions of your project if something goes wrong.

Features of Git

Git is packed with features that make it an indispensable tool for developers. Here are some of Git’s key features in further detail:

1. Version Control and History Tracking

Git helps manage the changes to your code by maintaining a detailed history of modifications. It allows numerous developers to work in parallel without conflicts, offering features like branching and merging to handle concurrent work streams. This allows for a simple rollback to earlier versions when necessary.

2. Free and Open Source

Git is free to use and open source, which means you can contribute to its development or customize it to suit your needs. This has fostered a large, active community that continuously improves the tool.

3. Supports Non-Linear Development and Collaboration

Git excels at handling non-linear development through branching and merging. You can create multiple branches for different features or experiments and merge them into the main branch when ready without disrupting the main codebase.

4. Creates Backups

Every time you commit your code to Git, you're essentially creating a backup. This ensures you always have a safe version to fall back on if anything goes wrong.

5. Scalable

Git is designed to handle projects of varying sizes, from small personal projects to large-scale enterprise applications. Its performance remains efficient even with large codebases and numerous contributors.

6. Distributed Nature

Git is a distributed version control system, which means every developer has a complete copy of the repository on their local machine. This redundancy improves collaboration and provides a robust backup system.

7. Speed and Efficiency

Git is incredibly fast and efficient. Common operations like committing changes, branching, and merging are optimized to ensure that you can work quickly and efficiently.

How to Install Git On Your Computer

Getting Git up and running on your computer is a straightforward process. Here's how you can install Git on different operating systems:

1. Download Git

Head over to the Git website where you'll find detailed instructions for installing Git on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

2. Install Git

  • Windows: Download the Git installer for Windows from the Git website. Launch the installer and follow the instructions that appear on the screen. The default settings are generally fine, but you can customize the installation to depending on your needs.
  • 2macOS: The easiest way to install Git on macOS is through Homebrew. If you don't have Homebrew, you can get it from Homebrew's official site. Once you have Homebrew, open the Terminal and type brew install git.
  • Linux: Git can be installed via the package manager that comes with your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu, you can open the Terminal and type sudo apt-get install git.

3. Verify the Installation

Once you've installed Git, you should verify that the installation was successful. Open your command prompt or terminal and type:

git --version

If Git is installed correctly, you’ll see a version number printed on the screen, like Git version 2.30.0.

4. Configure Git

After installing Git, it's a good idea to configure it with your name and email. This data will be connected to your commits:

git config --global "Your Name"

git config --global ""

Important Concepts in Git You Should Know

Now, let’s discuss important concepts in this tutorial for beginners in Git.

1. The Branches and Merging Concepts


Here is an example of a branch on GitHub

Branches allow you to work on different parts of your project without affecting the main codebase. They are pointers to specific commits. For example, if you're developing a new feature, you can create a branch, work on the feature independently, and merge it into the main branch once it's ready.


Merging transfers modifications from one branch to another. After completing a feature on a branch, you merge it into the main branch to incorporate your changes. If conflicts arise, Git provides tools to resolve them.

git merge <branch-name>: merges the designated branch into the active branch. One of the key commands in the Git lesson is merge.

2. Pull Requests

Here is how Pull Requests in Git works;

  • Creating a PR: When you have changes ready for review, you create a pull request. This notifies your team that your code is ready for evaluation.
  • Review and Discussion.
  • git pull origin <branch-name>: Pulls changes from the remote repository.

3. Repositories (Local and Remote)

Local Repository

This resides on your computer and includes all project files and their history. You make commits and track changes here.

Remote Repository

Here are examples of repositories on GitHub

Hosted on platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket, it facilitates collaboration by allowing multiple developers to push and pull changes. Contemporize your local repo with the remote repo to share work and retrieve updates. git init builds a new Git repository in the project directory from scratch.

4. Commits and Snapshots

Commits are snapshots of your project at specific points in time. Each commit records the changes made, who made them, and when. This helps track project history and revert to earlier versions if necessary. Staged modifications are committed with the command: git commit -m "message".

5. Workflows

Now that you understand “what is Git?” Let’s take a look at Git workflows. The Git workflow is divided into three main states:

Working Directory: This is where you modify your files. When you clone a repository, you create a working directory with all the files from the repository. Here, you can edit, delete, or add new files.

Staging Area (Index): After modifying your files in the working directory, you need to stage them. Staging is like preparing your changes for the next commit. You use the git add command to add changes to the staging area. This step allows you to review and select specific modifications to include in your next commit.

Git Directory (Repository): Once your changes are staged, you commit them to the Git directory, which is your local repository. The git commit command saves the changes from the staging area as a new commit in your repository. Commands like git push upload your commits to a remote repository, while git pull fetches modifications from a remote repository to your local repository. They are part of the git basic commands.

Git and Remote Repositories

Keeping a copy of your Git repository on remote repository services like Gitlab, GitHub, or Bitbucket allows you to work with other developers more conveniently by providing a central location where you can upload and download changes. Here are the differences and comparisons between the three.





Primary Use

Hosting Git repositories

Hosting Git repositories

Hosting Git repositories

Open Source Projects

Free for public repositories

Free for public repositories

Free for public repositories

Private Repositories

Free with limits; Paid plans available

Free for unlimited private repositories

Free with limits; Paid plans available

CI/CD Integration

GitHub Actions

Built-in CI/CD (GitLab CI/CD)

Bitbucket Pipelines

Issue Tracking

GitHub Issues

Built-in issue tracker

Built-in issue tracker

Code Review

Pull requests

Merge requests

Pull requests

Unique Features

It has GitHub Pages for static site hosting.

Integrated DevOps lifecycle and GitLab Pages for static sites

Integration with Atlassian tools (e.g., Jira, Confluence)

Why Use Git with GitHub?

GitHub hosts your Git repositories remotely, making it easy to share and collaborate on code. For instance, you can push your changes to a remote repository on GitHub, and other team members can pull those changes to their local repositories. This setup ensures everyone is working with the latest version of the project. This is an important part of the git basics tutorial.

An Example Showcasing How Git is Used by Developers When Building Software

This is the step-by-step git command of how a developer would use git in software development and in a project-based learning Git.

1. Creating Your Local Git Repository

Create a project folder on your computer: mkdir simple-git-demo

Navigate into the folder: cd simple-git-demo

Initialize a Git repository: git init

2. Adding and Committing Code

Create a file demo.txt with some initial content.

Stage the file: git add demo.txt.

Use git commit -m "Initial Commit" to commit the file.

3. Tracking Changes

Modify demo.txt with new content.

Check the status: git status.

Stage the changes: git add demo.txt.

Commit the changes: git commit -m "Updated demo.txt".

4. Branching and Merging

Create a new branch: git branch test

Switch to the branch: git checkout test

Make changes and commit in the test branch.

Merge the test branch back into master: git checkout master then git merge test

5. Working with Remote Repositories

Create a repository on GitHub.

Use git remote add origin <repository-url> to add the remote repository.

Utilize git push -u origin master to push your local changes to the remote repository.


Git is a powerful version control system that changes how software developers handle, cooperate in, and deploy software projects.

Within this complete Git tutorial, we have examined the basic ideas behind “What is GIt?” right from the very first commits, branches, and merges to more advanced areas such as pull requests and remote repositories. We also discussed its main characteristics, such as distributed nature, speed, and efficiency, which help developers work on small- and large-scale projects conveniently.

Now that you understand Git, you've gained the ability to track changes in your projects effectively, revert to earlier versions when needed, and collaborate more efficiently with your team.


  1. What is Git, and why is it used?

Git; being a decentralized version control system helps track changes made to source code throughout the development of software. It is widely used in managing and collaborating on any kind of software development project.

  1. Are Git and GitHub different?

Yes, Git and GitHub are different. While Git refers to the version control system itself, GitHub is built around it and provides hosting for Git repositories along with extra features like issue tracking, pull requests, project management, etc.

  1. What is the full meaning of Git?

Git doesn't have an official full form. It's simply called Git, which is a play on the word "get."

  1. What is Git for beginners?

Git for beginners is a version control system that tracks changes in source code during software development. It helps beginners learn how to manage their projects, collaborate with others, and maintain project history effectively.

  1. What language is used in Git?

Git is primarily written in the C programming language.

  1. What is the main objective of Git?

The main objective of Git is to manage the changes in source code during software development, allowing developers to collaborate efficiently and maintain project history.

  1. What are the major benefits of Git?

Major benefits of Git include:

  • Tracking changes and history
  • Collaboration and code review
  • Backup and recovery
  1. Who created Git?

Linus Torvalds established Git in 2005 to help with the development of the Linux kernel.

  1. Is Git a programming language?

No, Git is not a programming language. It is a version control system used to manage and track changes in software projects.

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