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Learn HTML: A Comprehensive Tu…
1. HTML Tutorial
2. HTML Basics
3. HTML Syntax
4. HTML Elements
5. HTML Attributes
6. HTML Comments
7. HTML Semantic
8. HTML Form Elements
9. HTML Head
10. HTML Title
11. HTML Styles
12. HTML Paragraphs
13. HTML Symbols
Now Reading
14. HTML Emojis
15. HTML Formatting
16. HTML Entities
17. HTML Audio
18. HTML Images
19. HTML Lists
20. HTML Links
21. SVG in HTML
22. HTML Forms
23. HTML Video
24. HTML Canvas
25. Adjacency Lists
26. HTML Input Types
27. HTML Tables
28. HTML Table Border
29. Cell Spacing and Cell Padding
30. HTML Semantic Elements
31. HTML Layout
32. html blocks and inline
33. HTML Div
34. Difference Between HTML and CSS
35. Image Map in HTML
36. HTML Drag and Drop
37. HTML Iframes
38. Divide and Conquer Algorithm
39. Difference Between HTML and XHTML
40. HTML Code
41. HTML Colors
43. HTML Editors
44. HTML Examples
45. Class in HTML
46. HTML Exercises
48. Understanding HTML Encoding: A Comprehensive Guide
49. HTML Table Style
50. HTML Script
51. Introduction to HTML
As a tech enthusiast, I often encounter situations while working with HTML where I need to incorporate special characters and symbols. HTML symbols helped me do it very conveniently. You can easily insert a special character or symbol, using HTML symbols that you can’t really type from the keyboard.
A keyboard does not include various symbols and characters such as legal and financial symbols, mathematical functions, and so on. In such cases, the availability of HTML symbols acts as a boon.
In this tutorial, I will illustrate various HTML code for symbols and how you can incorporate these quotes while creating a layout for your webpage.
Many wonder, what are HTML symbols and why are they so important? Well, HTML symbols are those characters or mathematical functions that you cannot find directly on the keyboard just by typing them. Furthermore, various legal and financial symbols are also included within HTML symbols.
Major examples of HTML Symbols are © and ® which you have to insert within your webpage with the help of HTML codes and syntax. Otherwise, you won’t be able to include these because the keyboard does not contain special characters.
Hence, if you want to add these symbols to your HTML webpage, then you have to include these special symbols with the help of an HTML entity name, and in case the symbol does not have a specific name, you can use the entity number.
Let me provide a detailed HTML symbols list so that you get a good grasp of the major symbols used in HTML and their respective codes.
Syntax: ©
Copyright symbol HTML code:
<p>displaying the copyright sign as: © </p>
Syntax: ®
Registered symbol HTML code:
<p> displaying the registered trademark sign as: ® </p>
Syntax: ™
HTML trademark symbol code:
<p> displaying the trademark sign as: ™ </p>
Syntax: @
HTML @ symbol code:
<p> displaying this special symbol aa: @ </p>
Syntax: ¶
HTML paragraph symbol code:
<p> displaying the paragraph sign as: ¶ </p>
Syntax: §
HTML section symbol code:
<p> displaying the section sign as: § </p>
Syntax: 𝕔
HTML double-struck capital C code:
<p> displaying the double-struck capital C sign as: 𝕔 </p>
Syntax: ℅
HTML Care of code:
<p> displaying the care of sign as: ℅ </p>
Syntax: ℋ
HTML script capital H code:
<p> displaying the script capital H sign as: ℋ </p>
Syntax: ℎ
HTML Planckh constant code:
<p> displaying the planckh constant sign as: ℎ </p>
Syntax: 𝓁
Script capital I code:
<p> displaying the script capital I sign as: 𝓁 </p>
Syntax: №
HTML numero code:
<p> displaying the numero sign as: № </p>
Syntax: ℞
HTML prescription take code:
<p> displaying the prescription take sign as: ℞ </p>
Syntax: 𝕫
Double-struck capital Z code:
<p> displaying the double struck capital Z as: 𝕫 </p>
Syntax: ℧
Inverted ohm code:
<p> displaying the inverted ohm sign as: ℧ </p>
Syntax: 𝓂
Script capital M code:
<p> displaying the script capital M sign as: 𝓂 </p>
Syntax: ⅆ
Double-struck italic small D code:
<p> displaying the double struck Italic small D sign as: ⅆ </p>
Syntax: ♀
Female symbol code:
<p> displaying the female gender sign as: ♀ </p>
Syntax: ♂
Male symbol code:
<p> displaying the male gender sign as: ♂ </p>
Syntax: ✓
Check mark code:
<p> displaying the check mark sign as: ✓ </p>
These are the 20 most used HTML symbols that I have experienced in my 10+ years of journey in HTML. However, there are plenty of other symbols which exist.
In this tutorial, I’m trying to cover the most widely used HTML symbols as it is not possible to provide each one of them because there are hundreds and thousands of symbols available.
Also, let me provide you with some symbols along with their syntax in a tabular form by creating certain categories so that you can better understand which symbol falls under which category and how you can use them while creating your HTML webpage.
Let me illustrate some of the most common currency symbols in HTML along with their syntax with the help of the below-mentioned HTML symbols chart.
Symbol | Entity Name | Entity Number | Name |
€ | € | € | Euro |
£ | £ | £ | Proud Sterling |
¥ | ¥ | ¥ | Yen |
¢ | ¢ | ¢ | Cent |
₤ | N/A | ₤ | Lira |
₣ | N/A | ₣ | Franc |
Here’s presenting the HTML symbols code table for mathematical functions. I’ve curated this tabular chart to provide the most useful mathematical function symbols that you can apply in HTML.
Symbol | Entity Name | Entity Number | Name |
* | × | × | multiplication |
÷ | ÷ | ÷ | division |
+ - | ± | ± | addition or subtraction |
< | < | < | less than |
> | > | > | greater than |
≤ | ≤ | ≤ | less than or equal to |
≥ | ≥ | ≥ | greater than or equal to |
√ | √ | √ | square root |
∑ | ∑ | ∑ | sum |
∞ | ∞ | ∞ | infinity |
ƒ | &fnaf; | ƒ | function |
∫ | ∫ | ∫ | integral |
∂ | ∂ | ∂ | partial differential |
∏ | ∏ | ∏ | any product |
∃ | ∃ | ∃ | there exists |
I have worked with a lot of creative symbols throughout these years. I believe you are also searching for a guide that can help you find and apply numerous other symbols that you want to add to your web page.
Let me walk you through a variety of HTML symbols with the help of the table.
Symbol | Entity Name | Entity Number | Name |
® | ® | ® | registered trademark |
© | © | © | copyright |
™ | ™ | ™ | trademark |
← | N/A | ← | left arrow |
→ | N/A | → | Right arrow |
↑ | N/A | ↑ | up arrow |
↓ | N/A | ↓ | down arrow |
♠ | ♠ | ♠ | black spade |
♣ | ♣ | ♣ | black club |
♥ | ♥ | ♥ | black heart |
♦ | ♦ | ♦ | black diamond |
☮️ | N/A | ☮ | peace symbol |
♧ | N/A | ♧ | white club |
♤ | N/A | ♤ | white spade |
♢ | N/A | ♡ | white diamond |
♡ | N/A | ♡ | white heart |
★ | N/A | ★ | black star |
☆ | N/A | ☆ | white star |
⚑ | N/A | ⚑ | black flag |
I have been associated with a law firm for years now and that is why the most commonly used HTML symbol for me has been the copyright symbol. So let me showcase a simple illustration using the copyright symbol so that you can better understand how this concept works:
<p>This is how you should demonstrate the copyright symbol: ©</p>
<p>This is how you should demonstrate the copyright symbol: ©</p>
This is how you should demonstrate the copyright symbol: ©
This is how you should demonstrate the copyright symbol: ©
HTML is a very vast subject and HTML symbols are a significant part of it. In my early days, this complete HTML guide helped me a lot to understand the underlying concepts and how I can conveniently work with various HTML components. The special symbols in HTML play a key role in designing an interactive and informative webpage for the users as I have loved creating such unique web pages throughout these years.
Also, upGrad is an incredible place to start if you are considering pursuing a career in HTML technology. Regardless of which stage you are in your professional journey, upGrad provides top-notch professional online courses crafted and developed by industry experts. upGrad partners with popular universities to offer you the skills and expertise you need to become successful in this sector.
1. What are the symbols in HTML?
HTML symbols are the special characters, legal and financial symbols, or mathematical functions that you do not find on the keyboard while typing and hence these symbols have to be included with special quotes and references. The most popular examples are the copyright sign or registered trademark symbol.
2. Why do we use HTML symbols?
Sometimes, we want to insert some specific information into our webpage but that is not available on the keyboard and hence we can’t type the same. In that case, HTML symbols are applied to insert special characters that are not available on the keyboard.
3. How do I use HTML symbols?
There are certain HTML code for symbols and that is the easiest way you could use HTML symbols in our web pages. By applying the entity name or entity number you can incorporate HTML symbols, conveniently.
4. Can HTML symbols be styled like regular text?
To style an HTML symbol just like a regular text, you need to change the font type. In order to do that you can use <sub> (HTML symbol type) </sub>. I used it in titles and it walked but it won’t really work everywhere.
5. Where can I find a list of HTML symbols and their codes?
It is very easy to find a list of HTML symbols online. There are several websites that contain information regarding the same. I have also provided a list of HTML special symbols in this tutorial.
6. Are HTML symbols supported in all web browsers?
HTML symbols are supported in all the major web browsers such as Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Safari, iOS for Safari, and Chrome for Android browsers. You can use any of these browsers to make use of HTML symbols in your webpage.
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