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Step by Step Java Tutorial Con…

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Access Modifiers in Java

Updated on 11/03/20245,991 Views


Access modifiers play a crucial role in Java programming. They enable developers to control the accessibility and visibility of classes, variables, methods, and other program components. With access modifiers, you can determine who can access and modify different parts of your code, ensuring encapsulation, data security, and code integrity.

In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of access modifiers in Java. We will explore their types, differences, usage scenarios, and best practices. By the end, you will have a solid understanding of how access modifiers empower you to control the accessibility of your code and build robust applications.

Overview: A sneak peek into access modifiers’ power!

Access modifiers are essential elements of Java's accessibility control mechanism. They define:

  • The level of accessibility for classes
  • Methods
  • Variables,
  • Other program components.

Java offers four primary access modifiers:

  • Default access modifiers in Java
  • Private access modifiers in Java
  • Protected access modifier in Java
  • Public access modifiers in Java.

Each access modifier has its own scope and rules, which allow you to precisely control who can access and interact with different elements of your code. In the following sections, we will explore each type of access modifier in detail, providing examples, screenshots, and images to illustrate their usage and benefits.

Types of Access Modifiers in Java with Examples

In Java, there are four main types of access modifiers, including:

1. Default Access Modifier in Java

The simplest access modifier is this one. When no explicit access modifier is supplied, it is used. Accessibility is offered within the same package; however, access from other packages is restricted.

Other classes in the same package can access a class, method, or variable that has the default access modifier. Classes belonging to other packages, however, are unable to use default access to access the elements. This aids in ensuring encapsulation and arranging the code within a package.

2. Private Access Modifier in Java

Java's private access modifier limits access to class members (including variables, methods, and nested classes) to other members of the same class. By prohibiting other classes' direct access to these members, it ensures encapsulation.

Any class, regardless of whether it is in the same package, is unable to access or modify a member that has been designated as private. This degree of restriction encourages data hiding within a class and helps safeguard sensitive information.

Here's an example to illustrate the usage of the private access modifier:

public class Logger { 
     private String format;
public String getFormat() {
     return this.format;
public void setFormat(String format) {
    this.format = format;

Because the format variable of the Logger class is private in this case, other classes cannot directly access or set its value.

So, in order to expose this variable to the outside world, we wrote two public methods: getFormat(), which returns the value of format, and setFormat(String), which sets its value.

3. Protected Access Modifier in Java

The protected access modifier in Java allows access to class members (variables, methods, and nested classes) within the same package as well as in subclasses, even if they are in different packages. It provides a level of accessibility that strikes a balance between encapsulation and code reuse through inheritance.

For instance:

class AudioPlayer {
    protected boolean openSpeaker (Speaker sp) {
         // implementation details
class StreamingAudioPlayer extends AudioPlayer { 
    boolean openSpeaker (Speaker sp) {
          // implementation details

If we mark the openSpeaker() method as private, it will be inaccessible to any class other than AudioPlayer. If we identify it as public, it becomes available to the entire outside world.

However, we only want to expose this function to its subclass, which is why we used the protected modifier.

4. Public Access Modifier in Java

It is as easy as it seems; Just Public! The public access modifier in Java offers the widest accessibility, allowing unrestricted access to classes, methods, and variables from anywhere within the program. It provides maximum visibility and promotes code reusability and interoperability.

For instance:

To break it down for you, here’s a summary of the differences between the types of access modifiers:

Access Modifier

Accessibility within Class

Accessibility within Package

Accessibility within Subclasses

Accessibility outside Package





















Access Modifiers and Class Members

In Java, access modifiers are used to control the accessibility and visibility of class members, such as fields, methods, and constructors. Fields can have access modifiers applied to them, with private fields only accessible within the same class, protected and default fields accessible within the same package and subclasses (even across different packages), and public fields accessible from anywhere in the program.

Similarly, methods have access modifiers that determine their accessibility, with private methods limited to the same class, protected and default methods accessible within the same package and subclasses, and public methods accessible from anywhere.

Constructors, too, can have access modifiers, where private constructors restrict object creation to within the same class, protected and default constructors allow creation within the same package and subclasses, and public constructors enable object creation from anywhere in the program.

Limitations and Restrictions when it comes to Access Modifiers

Just like everything else that is nice, access modifiers have limitations and restrictions when it comes to their use. Some of them include:

  1. Access modifiers have limitations and restrictions to ensure encapsulation and maintain code integrity.
  2. Private members are not accessible outside the class, which helps protect sensitive data and implementation details.
  3. Protected and default members are not accessible outside the package unless they are accessed through inheritance.
  4. Public members, although widely accessible, should be used judiciously to prevent misuse and maintain encapsulation.

Access Modifiers and Inheritance

Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, and access modifiers have a significant impact on inherited members. When a class inherits from another class, it inherits its members, including fields, methods, and constructors. The access modifiers applied to these members in the superclass determine their accessibility in the subclass.

Best practices for using access modifiers with inheritance:

  • You should use the appropriate access modifier for each member in the superclass based on its intended visibility and accessibility.
  • Use the protected access modifier for members that should be accessible to subclasses but not to the wider scope.
  • Avoid using the public access modifier for members that are not intended to be directly accessed outside of the class hierarchy.
  • Be mindful of the principle of encapsulation and try to limit the visibility of members to the minimum required for proper subclass functionality.
  • When extending a superclass, carefully consider which members to override and whether their access modifiers need to be adjusted in the subclass to ensure proper functionality and maintain encapsulation.

Access Modifiers and Packages

Access modifiers in Java play a crucial role in controlling the visibility and accessibility of classes, interfaces, variables, and methods. They also interact with packages, which are used for organizing related classes and providing encapsulation. Here are some best practices for using access modifiers with packages:

Best practices for using access modifiers with packages

While using access modifiers with packages, consider the following practices that will make your work better and easier:

  • Choose appropriate access modifiers for classes, interfaces, variables, and methods within a package based on their intended visibility and accessibility.
  • Use the default access modifier when no access modifier is specified. This allows access to members within the same package but restricts access from outside the package.
  • Minimize the use of public access modifiers for classes, interfaces, and members within a package, as it exposes them to the wider scope and can potentially lead to tighter coupling and decreased encapsulation.
  • Consider using the protected access modifier for members that need to be accessed by subclasses or classes within the same package.
  • Use the private access modifier for members that should not be accessed directly outside the class, promoting encapsulation and reducing dependencies.
  • Avoid using public access modifiers for internal implementation classes that are not part of the public API, as it may unnecessarily expose implementation details and limit future design changes.
  • Regularly review and refactor access modifiers within a package to maintain a clear and well-defined API while ensuring proper encapsulation and information hiding.

Algorithm to Use Access Modifiers in Java

Let’s see a practical example:

We have a banking application with the following classes:

  • BankAccount - A class representing a bank account.
  • SavingsAccount - A subclass of BankAccount representing a savings account.
  • Transaction - A class representing a transaction.

We'll go through the algorithm to determine the appropriate access modifiers for the classes and their members:

1. Identify the visibility requirements

In our case, the following is true:

  • BankAccount: This class should be accessible by other classes within the same package. It contains sensitive information like the account balance, so direct access from outside the package should be restricted.
  • SavingsAccount: Since it's a subclass of BankAccount, it should have access to the protected members of BankAccount. It should also be accessible by other classes within the same package.
  • Transaction: This class represents a transaction and should be accessible from any class within the application.

2. Now choose the access modifiers

  • BankAccount: We'll use the default access modifier (no modifier) for the class, making it accessible within the same package only.
  • The SavingsAccount: It requires access to the protected members of the superclass because it is a subclass of BankAccount. Therefore, for the inheritance relationship, we'll use the protected access modifier. Additionally, we'll also use the default access modifier to make it accessible within the same package.
  • Transaction: Since it needs to be accessible from any class within the application, we'll use the public access modifier for the class.

3. Review and validate the access modifiers

  • BankAccount: The default access modifier ensures that the BankAccount class is accessible within the same package but not accessible from outside the package. Sensitive information like the account balance is encapsulated and protected.
  • SavingsAccount: The protected access modifier allows SavingsAccount to access the protected members of BankAccount. The default access modifier further ensures that it is accessible within the same package. This promotes code reuse and maintains encapsulation.
  • Transaction: The public access modifier enables any class within the application to access the Transaction class. This allows for easy interaction with transaction-related functionality.

Through this algorithm, we have used proper access modifiers, ensured proper encapsulation, code organization, and controlled visibility based on the specific requirements of each class.

However, the choice of access modifiers will always vary depending on the specific requirements of your application.

Key Takeaways:

  • Access modifiers in Java enable developers to control the accessibility and visibility of classes, variables, methods, and other program components, ensuring encapsulation and code integrity.
  • Java offers four primary access modifiers: default, private, protected, and public.
  • Default access modifier provides accessibility within the same package but restricts access from other packages.
  • Private access modifier limits access to class members within the same class, ensuring encapsulation and data hiding.


1. What are non-access modifiers in Java?

Ans: Non-access modifiers in Java are modifiers that do not control the accessibility of classes, methods, or variables. They modify the behavior or characteristics of elements in a program, such as final, static, abstract, synchronized, etc.

2. How does the public access modifier differ from the private access modifier?

Ans: The public access modifier allows unrestricted access to classes, methods, and variables from anywhere in the program, while the private access modifier restricts access to members within the same class only. Public members can be accessed from any part of the program, whereas private members are only accessible within the class itself.

3. How do access modifiers apply to class members?

Ans: Access modifiers apply to class members (fields, methods, and constructors) to control their accessibility and visibility. They determine who can access and invoke these members within the class, in subclasses, and from other parts of the program.


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