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Deque in Java

Updated on 21/03/20244,946 Views


A 'Deque' (pronounced "deck") interface in Java describes a double-ended queue that allows elements to be entered and deleted from both ends. It provides a versatile data structure that allows for operations like adding, removing, and iterating through components. This article will delve into the various aspects of Deque in Java, including its interface declaration, methods, implementation, advantages, and disadvantages.


In Java, a 'Deque' is an ordered collection of elements that may be accessed via stack-like and queue-like operations. It enhances the 'Queue' interface with new methods for inserting and removing entries from both ends. Because of its adaptability, it is a powerful data structure for scenarios requiring efficient insertion and removal operations.

Deque Interface Declaration

The `Deque` interface is declared in the `java.util` package and is part of the Java Collections Framework. Here is the declaration of the `Deque` interface:

The above code is the declaration of the Deque interface in Java. Let's break down the code and explain its components:

  • public interface Deque<E>: This line declares the Deque interface. The interface is declared as public, which means it can be accessed from other classes. The generic type parameter <E> represents the type of elements that the Deque will hold. It allows us to use the Deque interface with different types of objects.
  • extends Queue<E>: This line indicates that the Deque interface extends the Queue interface. The extends keyword in Java is used to establish an inheritance relationship between interfaces. By extending the Queue interface, the Deque interface inherits all the methods declared in the Queue interface, such as add, remove, and element. This means that a Deque can be used as a queue and supports all the queue operations in addition to its own methods.
  • // Interface methods: This comment indicates that there are additional methods defined within the Deque interface. These methods are not explicitly shown in the code snippet but are part of the Deque interface declaration. They define the specific operations and behaviors provided by the Deque interface, such as adding and removing elements from both ends of the deque.

Overall, this code snippet defines the Deque interface, which extends the Queue interface and provides additional methods for a double-ended queue data structure.

Methods of Java Deque Interface

The `Deque` interface in Java provides several methods to manipulate the deque. Let's explore some of the important methods:

- `void addFirst(E e)`: Inserts the specified element at the front of the deque.

- `void addLast(E e)`: Inserts the specified element at the end of the deque.

- `E removeFirst()`: Removes and returns the first element of the deque.

- `E removeLast()`: Removes and returns the last element of the deque.

- `E getFirst()`: Retrieves, but does not remove, the first element of the deque.

- `E getLast()`: Retrieves, but does not remove, the last element of the deque.

- `boolean offerFirst(E e)`: Inserts the specified element at the front of the deque and returns true if successful.

- `boolean offerLast(E e)`: Inserts the specified element at the end of the deque and returns true if successful.

These methods provide convenient ways to add, remove, and access elements at both ends of the deque.

Deque Interface in Java with Example

To illustrate the usage of the `Deque` interface, let's consider a deque Java example where we maintain a list of tasks that need to be processed. We can use a deque to efficiently add new tasks at the end and process them from the front. Here's an example:


In this example, we create a `Deque` implementation using the `ArrayDeque` class. We add tasks to the deque using the `addLast` method and process them one by one by removing them from the front using the `removeFirst` method. This demonstrates the basic usage of a deque for managing a task queue.

Creating Deque Objects

To create a `Deque` object, we can use one of the implementing classes of the `Deque` interface. In Java, the `ArrayDeque` class provides a resizable-array implementation of the `Deque` interface. Here's an example of creating a `Deque` object using `ArrayDeque`:

In this example, we create a new `Deque` object named `deque` using the `ArrayDeque` class. We specify the type of elements the deque will hold, which is `Integer` in this case.

ArrayDeque Class

ArrayDeque is a resizable array implementation of the 'Deque' interface in Java. It is a general-purpose data structure that provides efficient operations for both adding and removing elements. Here are some important details about the 'ArrayDeque' class:

- It is not thread-safe for concurrent access. If you need a thread-safe implementation, you can use the `ConcurrentLinkedDeque` class.

- It does not allow null elements. If you attempt to add a null element, it will throw a `NullPointerException`.

- It provides constant-time performance for adding and removing elements from both ends of the deque.

ArrayDeque Hierarchy

The `ArrayDeque` class in Java is part of the class hierarchy as follows:

The `ArrayDeque` class extends the `AbstractQueue` class, which provides a skeletal implementation of the `Deque` interface. It also inherits from the `AbstractCollection` class, which provides a partial implementation of the `Collection` interface.

ArrayDeque Class Declaration

The `ArrayDeque` class in Java is declared as follows:

public class ArrayDeque<E> extends AbstractCollection<E> implements Deque<E>, Cloneable, Serializable {
    // Class implementation

The `ArrayDeque` class implements the `Deque` interface and also extends the `AbstractCollection` class. It also implements the `Cloneable` and `Serializable` interfaces, allowing it to be cloned and serialized.

Advantages of Using Deque

Using a `Deque` in Java offers several advantages:

1. Efficient insertion and removal: Deque's constant-time performance for inserting and removing elements from both ends makes it suitable for scenarios requiring frequent insertion and removal operations.

2. Flexibility: Deque enables elements to be inserted and removed from both ends, making it a versatile data structure for a variety of applications.

3. Stack and queue operations: Deque extends the 'Queue' interface, allowing it to function as both a stack (Last-In-First-Out) and a queue (First-In-First-Out). This adaptability renders it a potent option for administering collections of elements.

Disadvantages of Using Deque

While `Deque` offers many advantages, it also has some disadvantages:

1. Limited access: Unlike other data structures like arrays or lists, accessing elements in the middle of a `Deque` is not efficient. If frequent access to elements in the middle is required, a different data structure may be more suitable.

2. Interface complexity: The `Deque` interface provides many methods for various operations, which can make the interface complex to understand and use for beginners.

3. Null elements not allowed: The `ArrayDeque` class, in particular, does not allow null elements to be added to the deque. This restriction can be problematic if null elements need to be included in the collection.

Operations Using the Deque Interface and the ArrayDeque Class

The `Deque` interface, along with the `ArrayDeque` class, provides various operations to manipulate and traverse the deque. Let's explore some common operations:

Adding Elements

To add elements to the deque, we can use the `addFirst` and `addLast` methods. Here's an example:

In this example, we add the elements "First" and "Last" to the deque using the `addFirst` and `addLast` methods, respectively.

Removing Elements

To remove elements from the deque, we can use the `removeFirst` and `removeLast` methods. Here's an example:

In this example, we add two elements to the deque and then remove them using the `removeFirst` and `removeLast` methods. The removed elements are stored in the variables `first` and `second`.

Iterating Through the Deque

To iterate through the elements of a deque, we can use an iterator or enhanced for loop. Here's an example:

In this example, we add two elements to the deque and then iterate through them using an iterator and an enhanced for loop.

The Class Which Implements the Deque Interface is ArrayDeque in Java

The `ArrayDeque` class is a concrete implementation of the `Deque` interface in Java. It provides a resizable-array implementation of a deque, allowing efficient operations for adding and removing elements at both ends.

Methods of Deque Interface

The `Deque` interface provides a range of methods to manipulate and access elements in the deque. Enqueue and Dequeue Java are commonly used to describe the operations of adding and removing elements from a queue data structure.

Enqueue: Enqueue refers to the operation of adding an element to the end of the queue. In the context of a Deque, it means adding an element to either the front or the rear end of the deque, depending on the implementation. The Deque interface provides methods to enqueue elements, such as addLast(), offerLast() or getLast().

Dequeue: Dequeue refers to the operation of removing an element from the front of the queue. Similarly, in the context of a Deque, it means removing an element from either the front or the rear end of the deque, depending on the implementation. The Deque interface provides methods to dequeue elements, such as removeFirst(), pollFirst() or getFirst().

ArrayDeque vs LinkedList

In Java, both `ArrayDeque` and `LinkedList` can be used to implement a `Deque` data structure. However, there are some differences between them:

- Underlying implementation: `ArrayDeque` uses a resizable array to store elements, while `LinkedList` uses a doubly-linked list.

- Performance: `ArrayDeque` generally performs better than `LinkedList` for most operations. It provides constant-time performance for adding and removing elements from both ends, while `LinkedList` requires linear-time performance for adding and removing elements from the beginning of the list.

- Memory usage: `ArrayDeque` typically requires less memory compared to `LinkedList` due to its array-based implementation.

The choice between `ArrayDeque` and `LinkedList` depends on the specific requirements of the application and the expected usage patterns.


In conclusion, a Java 'Deque' is a potent data structure that enables efficient insertion and removal of elements from both ends. It is versatile, supports stack and queue operations, and provides numerous manipulation and access methods for elements. The 'ArrayDeque' class provides constant-time performance for the majority of operations as an efficient implementation of the 'Deque' interface. By understanding how to use Deque in Java, you can enhance your ability to manage collections of elements effectively. You can also prepare for Deque in Java ISC by internalizing the concepts and examples shared in this article.


1. What is the difference between queue and deque in Java?

While both a queue and a deque are linear data structures, the main difference lies in their insertion and removal operations. In a queue, elements are added at the rear and removed from the front (First-In-First-Out order). In a deque, elements can be added and removed from both ends, allowing more flexibility in managing collections of elements.

2. What are the advantages of using a Deque over a stack or a queue?

A `Deque` offers advantages over a stack and a queue by providing a combination of stack-like and queue-like operations. It allows efficient insertion and removal from both ends, making it suitable for scenarios that require elements to be added or removed from either direction.

3. What are the types of Deque in Java?

The primary Deque implementation in Java is the `ArrayDeque` class. However, there are no direct subtypes or specialized implementations of the `Deque` interface in the Java standard library. You can create custom implementations of the `Deque` interface to meet specific requirements if needed.

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