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Object Creation in Java

Updated on 11/03/20244,682 Views


Java programming's core idea of object creation is the instantiation of a class in order to generate an object. Java allows for the creation of objects via a variety of methods, each with a distinct function. Writing effective and adaptable code requires an understanding of the various Java object creation methods. This article gives a general overview of object creation in Java and examines a number of techniques, including as the new keyword, the clone() method, the newInstance() of the Class class, the newInstance() of the Constructor class, object serialization and deserialization, and more.


Classes and objects in Java example programs include data and activity. Since they are dynamically constructed at runtime, programmers can build several instances of a class with various properties and states. The process of creating an object in Java example and programming is essential since it permits the use of the class's features.

How to Create an Object in Java

How many ways to create an object in Java? Let’s find out! There are several ways to create objects in Java as mentioned below:

Using the new Keyword

Making objects in Java is finished utilizing the "new" keyword. The "new" keyword distributes memory for an object and returns a reference to it. To make an object, you really want to indicate the class name followed by brackets, which can incorporate contentions for the constructor

For instance, to make an object of the class "Vehicle" without any contentions in the constructor, you would compose:

Car myCar = new Car(); 

Assuming the constructor requires contentions, you would give them inside the brackets. For example, to make a "Book" object with a title and writer, you would compose:

Book myBook = new Book("Java Programming", "John Smith"); 

Using the clone() Method

There are multiple ways of making objects in Java, and one of them is by utilizing the clone() capability. We might make a copy, or clone, of a current item utilizing the clone() capability. At the point when we need to imitate an item without making another one without any preparation, this may be helpful. There are a couple of steps we should do to create objects using the clone() capability. The Cloneable interface, which serves as a marker interface to signal that the object may be copied, must first be implemented by the class of the object we wish to copy. The class's clone() function is then overridden, and our own implementation is provided.


public class MyClass implements Cloneable { 
    private int value; 
    public MyClass(int value) { 
        this.value = value; 
    public int getValue() { 
        return value; 
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException { 
        return super.clone(); 

To make a clone of an example of the MyClass class, we can just call the clone() technique on the item:

MyClass original = new MyClass(10); 
MyClass clone = (MyClass) original.clone(); 

The object is copied but its references to other objects are still shared when using the clone() function to generate a shallow copy of the object. If a deep copy is necessary, we must manually carry out a deep copy and override the clone() function.

Using the newInstance() Method of Class Class

Using the newInstance() function of the Class class is one way to create an object class in Java. With the help of this technique, you may dynamically generate a class instance at runtime without knowing the class name beforehand. Using the newInstance() function is as follows:

  • Utilize them. class syntax or the getClass() capability to get the Class object for the predetermined class.
  • To make another occurrence of the class, call the newInstance() capability on the Class object.
  • The resultant object is cast to the proper class type.

Here's an example demonstrating the usage of the newInstance() method:

Class<?> myClass = MyClass.class; // Get the Class object 
Object myObject = myClass.newInstance(); // Create a new instance 
MyClass instance = (MyClass) myObject; // Cast the object to MyClass type 
// Perform operations on the instance 

Note that the newInstance() method is deprecated in Java 9 and removed in Java 11, so it's recommended to use other approaches like constructors or Class.forName() for creating objects in recent Java versions.

Using the newInstance() Method of Constructor Class

Java allows us to utilize the newInstance() function of the Constructor class to construct objects dynamically. We can make an item utilizing this technique without explicitly utilizing the constructor. Here is a representation:

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; 
public class ObjectCreationExample { 
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { 
        Constructor<MyClass> constructor = MyClass.class.getConstructor(); 
        MyClass obj = constructor.newInstance(); 
class MyClass { 
    public MyClass() { 
        // Constructor logic 
    public void doSomething() { 
        // Method logic 

In the above code, newInstance() creates an instance of MyClass without directly invoking its constructor. This provides flexibility and allows for dynamic object creation.

Using Deserialization

There are a few steps to take in order to construct objects in Java utilizing deserialization. Create the item you desire by first defining its class in Java example. To make a class serializable, implement the Serializable interface. Then, serialize the object into a file using ObjectOutputStream. Next, deserialize the object from the file using ObjectInputStream.

// Define the class 
public class MyClass implements Serializable { 
    // Class members and methods 
// Serialize the object 
MyClass obj = new MyClass(); 
ObjectOutputStream outputStream = new ObjectOutputStream(new FileOutputStream("object.ser")); 
// Deserialize the object 
ObjectInputStream inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(new FileInputStream("object.ser")); 
MyClass deserializedObj = (MyClass) inputStream.readObject(); 

Remember to handle exceptions appropriately when working with serialization and deserialization in Java.

Serialization of Java Objects

In Java, the most common way of changing an item into a byte stream with the goal that it could be put away in a record, conveyed over an organization, or saved in a data set is alluded to as serialization. The object can then be recreated utilizing this byte stream after deserialization. A class should carry out the Serializable connection point to help serialization. Here is an outline:

public class MyClass implements Serializable { 
    private String name; 
    public MyClass(String name) { = name; 
    public void serializeObject() { 
        try { 
            FileOutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("myObject.ser"); 
            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut); 
            System.out.println("Object serialized and saved as myObject.ser"); 
        } catch (IOException e) { 
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        MyClass obj = new MyClass("John"); 

In this example, an instance of MyClass is serialized and saved as "myObject.ser".

Deserialization of Java Objects

In Java, the expression "deserialization" portrays the method of returning a serialized object to its underlying state, generally after it has been moved or put away. It enables data persistence and distant communication by allowing object reconstruction. Here is some sample code that shows deserialization in action:

try { 
    FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("object.ser"); 
    ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn); 
    Object obj = in.readObject(); 
    // Further processing with the deserialized object 
} catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { 


A crucial component of Java programming is the creation of objects. When creating and executing software solutions, flexibility, and adaptability are made possible by understanding the many object-generation approaches that are accessible. In this article, we looked at several ways to create objects, including the new keyword, the clone() method, the newInstance() methods of the Class and Constructor classes, and object serialization and deserialization. Java programmers may easily construct and handle objects to develop reliable and scalable programs by utilizing these strategies.


1. What does Java's object creation mean?

In Java, producing occasions or objects of a class is alluded to as protest creation. It involves instating the article's attributes and apportioning memory for the item. The "new" watchword is utilized in Java to make objects, which are then trailed by the class name and any extra constructor boundaries.

2. In Java, how do you construct an object?

These are the means you should do to fabricate an object in Java: Make a class first that frames the qualities and conduct of the thing. Then, at that point, designate memory for the item utilizing the "new" catchphrase. At long last, introduce the item by utilizing the class' constructor. To make an object of the class "Vehicle," for example, you would type "Vehicle myCar = new Car();".

3. What function does a constructor do while creating an object?

A constructor is a unique method in a class that is used for creating new objects. Its goal is to conduct any necessary setup and initialize the object's state. Constructors are called with the "new" keyword and have the same name as the class. They can take parameters to set the object's initial values with certain values.

4. Can Java be used to produce numerous objects of the same class?

Yes, you can construct several objects from the same class in Java. Each item will have an exceptional distribution of memory and may have different property estimations. By utilizing the "new" catchphrase a few times in the constructor of the class, you might create a few occasions.

5. In Java, could an item at any point be produced without a constructor?

No, every Java class has something like one constructor — possibly one that is explicitly expressed by the developer or one that is certainly given by the compiler. Java consequently embeds a default constructor, which instates the item with default values, in the event that you give no constructors in your group.


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