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Redirect in JavaScript

Updated on 09/08/2024449 Views

The ability to control where a user ends up on your website is essential. Redirect in JavaScript provides a flexible way to send users to different pages, either immediately or based on certain conditions.

Redirect in JavaScript also allows us to offer enhanced user experience by guiding users seamlessly through our website. We can redirect them to mobile-optimized pages, protect restricted content, or offer a smoother flow after they take actions like submitting a form.

We can also respond to the user's environment and detect their browser, location, or the time of day, and tailor the experience accordingly. We can cover all our bases by redirecting visitors away from broken (404) pages or ensuring old URLs still take users to the updated content. 

JavaScript redirects, when used strategically, empower you to create a more responsive and user-centric web experience. Let’s learn how to use them effectively in this tutorial.

What is a Redirect in JavaScript?

In web development, a redirect is the act of sending a user from the webpage they originally requested to a different one.  JavaScript redirects are specifically redirects that are triggered by JavaScript code running in the user's web browser.

How Does Redirect in JavaScript Work?

Here is how redirect in JavaScript works:

  • User Visits a Page: Their browser loads a webpage (let's say, product-old.html).
  • JavaScript Executes: That page has JavaScript code containing a redirect instruction.
  • Changing Destination: The JavaScript code tells the browser, "Wait! Don't stay here, instead, go to this other page (product-new.html)".
  • Browser Obeys: The browser automatically navigates the user to the new URL.

Why Use JS for Redirects?

While server-side redirects (controlled by your backend) are often more robust, JavaScript redirects have their place:

  • Conditional Logic: Redirects based on user actions, browser type, time of day, etc. For example, redirecting mobile users to a mobile-optimized version of your site.
  • Delayed Redirects: Sending the user to a different page after a timer. A simple example could be a "Thank You" page redirecting after a few seconds.
  • Security Precaution (Less Common): In niche cases, preventing the user from accidentally viewing cached, sensitive content.

Common Use Cases of Redirect in JavaScript

Let us discuss some common use cases of redirect in JavaScript.

Conditional Redirects

Here are some conditional redirects:

  • Device Detection: Send mobile users to a yoursite.com/mobile, or desktop users to the full site.
  • Geolocation: Redirecting users to a country-specific version of your website (language adjustments, etc.).
  • User Status: Redirect logged-out users to a login page when trying to access protected content.
  • Compatibility Checks: Redirect if a user's browser is too outdated to support your site's features.

Delayed Redirects

Here are some delayed redirects:

  • "Thank You" Pages: Display a message after a form submission, then redirect after a few seconds.
  • Splash Screens (Use Sparingly): A brief intro page before redirecting to the main website.
  • "Leaving Our Site" Notices: Delay a redirect to an external site, giving the user a chance to cancel.

Error Handling Redirects

Here are some error-handling redirects:

  • 404 Not Found: If a user tries to access a non-existent page, redirect them to a helpful custom error page.
  • Session Timeout: Redirect users to a login page if their session expires.

Less Common (But Sometimes Useful)

Some uncommon redirects:

  • A/B Testing: Redirect a subset of users to a variation of a page for testing purposes.
  • Legacy Support: Redirect from very old URLs to their updated equivalents if you've restructured your website.

Implementing Redirect in JavaScript

The window.location object in JavaScript represents the current webpage's URL and provides ways to manipulate it, including causing redirects. The two most important properties for us are:

  • window.location.href

Contains the current URL. Assigning a new URL to this property triggers a redirect.

  • window.location.replace()

Similar to assigning to .href, but it replaces the current entry in the browser history. This generally prevents the user from hitting "back" and returning to the page that had the redirect.

Now that we know about window location redirect and window location replace, let us check out some JavaScript redirect examples.

JavaScript Redirect Example Snippets

1. Simple Instant Redirect in JavaScript:

window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";

2. Delayed Redirect in JavaScript:

setTimeout(function() {


}, 3000); // Redirect after 3 seconds

3. Conditional Redirect in JavaScript (mobile detection):

if (/Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {

  // Simplified mobile device check

  window.location.href = "http://yoursite.com/mobile";

Security Considerations

Let us now discuss some important security considerations when working with redirect in JavaScript.

1. Open Redirect Vulnerabilities

Imagine your JavaScript redirect code takes part of the new URL from the current URL's query string (e.g., yoursite.com/redirect?target=somepage). An attacker could craft a malicious link like yoursite.com/redirect?target=https://evilsite.com. An unsuspecting user clicking that link would be sent to the attacker's site.

Here are some mitigation methods:

  • Whitelisting: Have a strict list of allowed redirect destinations. Never take the entire target directly from user-supplied input.
  • Relative paths: If the redirect is always within your site, use relative paths (/new-page instead of full URLs).
  • URL encoding: Thoroughly encode any user-provided data used in the redirect to help prevent injection attacks.

2. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Risks

Even if your JavaScript redirect window logic is watertight, if you inject unescaped user-supplied data into any JavaScript code on the page (including the redirect code itself), you could open yourself up to XSS attacks.

Here are some mitigation methods:

  • Always sanitize input: Never trust data coming from the user. Utilize robust HTML and JavaScript sanitization libraries to remove any potentially executable scripts from the input.
  • Escape dynamic values: Be especially cautious when creating redirect URLs within JavaScript string templates. Use proper escaping functions.

If you wish to master important concepts in JavaScript and other programming languages, you can join upGrad’s software engineering courses.

Practical Considerations for Redirect in JavaScript

User Experience

  1. Visual Feedback:
  • Countdown Timer: Display a "Redirecting in X seconds..." message, with the value of X decrementing.
  • Progress Bar: A visual progress indicator can be effective in situations with a slightly longer delay.
  • Clear Messages: If the redirect is conditional, explain briefly why the user is being redirected ("Detecting mobile device... Redirecting to mobile site").
  1. Cancellation (Sometimes): For non-essential redirects, provide a small "Cancel" link to let the user stay on the current page if they change their mind.


  1. Semantic Announcements: Use ARIA live regions to announce the redirect to screen reader users. Update the live region with the countdown or the purpose of the redirect.

Example: <div aria-live="polite">Redirecting to login page...</div>

  1. Focus Management: After the redirect, be sure to set focus to a sensible heading or element on the new page to help screen reader users regain their orientation.

Web Analytics

  1. Enhanced Tracking: If keeping accurate analytics across redirects is essential, you'll likely need to:
  • Send a custom event to your analytics service right before the redirect occurs.
  • Configure your analytics tool to correctly interpret sessions that span multiple pages due to redirects.
  1. Alternatives: Consider whether server-side redirects might be preferable if intricate web analytics are a core requirement of your project.

Redirect in JavaScript Function Example

Here is an example that shows JavaScript redirect to URL:

The above is a working example of using redirect to another page in JavaScript that I have created with the help of HTML and CSS. You must first create three files (index.html, style.css, and script.js) and paste in the code below.

Code for index.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>



  <title>Redirect Example</title>

  <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">



  <h1>Redirection Scenarios</h1>

  <button id="mobileRedirect">Go to Mobile Version</button>

  <button id="delayedRedirect">Redirect in 3 Seconds</button>

  <div id="message"></div>

  <script src="script.js"></script>



Code for styles.css:

body {

  font-family: sans-serif;

  display: flex;

  flex-direction: column;

  align-items: center;

  justify-content: center;

  height: 100vh;

  margin: 0;


Code for script.js:

// Mobile Redirect (Simplified Detection)

document.getElementById('mobileRedirect').addEventListener('click', () => {

  if (window.innerWidth < 768) {  

    window.location.href = 'https://www.example.com/mobile'; 

  } else {

    displayMessage('You seem to already be on the desktop version.'); 



// Delayed Redirect

document.getElementById('delayedRedirect').addEventListener('click', () => {

  displayMessage('Redirecting in 3 seconds!');

  setTimeout(() => {

    window.location.replace('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ'); // A little surprise! 

  }, 3000); 


// Helper function 

function displayMessage(text) {

  document.getElementById('message').textContent = text;


In the above redirect through JavaScript program, the HTML sets up two buttons and a message area. The first button triggers a redirect to a hypothetical mobile site if the screen width is small. The second button triggers a redirect to a (surprise!) YouTube video after a countdown.

Finally, we use the displayMessage Function as a simple helper to update the message area for user feedback. This is a very simple JavaScript redirect to new page example. You can use JavaScript redirect to URL for many more advanced purposes as well.

Wrapping Up

Whenever possible, server-side redirects are generally preferred for reliability, SEO, and to avoid scenarios where JavaScript is disabled. Also, use JavaScript redirects judiciously. Unnecessary or unexpected redirects can be jarring for the user. 

Generally, you want the user to be able to hit the back button naturally. For major parts of your site structure, search-engine friendly redirects should be implemented on your server if possible.

Finally, always remember that browser developer tools are your friend. Use them to inspect network requests and see if your JavaScript redirect triggered successfully. If you wish to master JavaScript and other programming languages, you can join upGrad’s software engineering courses.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How to Redirect to Another Webpage Using JavaScript
Use window.location.href = 'http://new-url.com'; to immediately send the user to a different webpage.

2. What Is the Use of Redirect in JavaScript?
JavaScript redirects can be used for conditional redirection (e.g., based on device type), delayed redirects, or in niche cases to manage user navigation in specific scenarios.

3. How Does Redirection Work?
Redirection, in general, instructs the web browser to fetch a different URL than the user originally requested, effectively changing their destination. For example, with location JS redirect, we can redirect users from a certain country to a country-relevant domain (Examples: .uk, .us or .in).

4. What is a JavaScript redirect?
A JavaScript redirect is a redirection triggered by JavaScript code that executes within the user's web browser.

5. How to redirect to a URL using JavaScript?
Use the following code: window.location.replace('http://your-page.com');

6. How to redirect after 1 second in JavaScript?
Use the setTimeout function:

setTimeout(function() {

  window.location.href = "https://www.example.com";

}, 1000); // 1000 milliseconds = 1 second

7. How to redirect to a route in JavaScript?
This depends heavily on your routing library (React Router, etc.). You'd likely use a library-provided function to change the route programmatically.

8. Are JavaScript redirects bad for SEO?
If used excessively or incorrectly, they can potentially confuse search engines. Server-side redirects are generally preferred for primary redirects whenever possible.




Working with upGrad as a Senior Engineering Manager with more than 10+ years of experience in Software Development and Product Management.

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