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jQuery addClass() Method

Updated on 19/08/2024350 Views

jQuery is a JavaScript library meant to make Document Object Mode (DOM) manipulation less cumbersome and more powerful; it smoothens the process of event handling as well as the interaction with AJAX.

Ever since 2006, when it was first launched, jQuery has revolutionized website creation. It comes with several built-in functions and methods that help make complex tasks simpler. It’s been an exceedingly common instrumentality for contemporary web development, fueling millions of websites across the World Wide Web.

addClass() is one of jQuery’s most handy methods. This method allows you to dynamically add CSS classes to HTML elements, With the addClass() you can create sleek animations, implement user interface enhancements, or design responsive layouts. The addClass jQuery method lets you customize your web pages

In this guide, I will explain how to use the addClass() method in jQuery. We will unravel its concealed potential, revealing how it can take your web development projects to new heights.


With addClass() in jQuery, you can dynamically add one or more CSS class names to selected HTML elements, opening up a world of possibilities for customization and visual refinement.

Unlike other methods, addClass() doesn't overwrite existing class attributes; instead, it seamlessly integrates new classes alongside the old ones, ensuring smooth transitions and flexible styling options. 

This method allows you to enhance your user interfaces, animate elements, or develop responsive layouts. In this guide, I am going to describe the addClass() method with examples using real codes. We will also be looking at its uses and much more.

What is the jQuery addClass() Method?

The .addClass() method in jQuery, as the name suggests, allows you to add one or more CSS classes to selected elements on your webpage. It is a jQuery method that allows you to effortlessly improve the visual appeal and interactivity of your web pages with just a few lines of code.

Now, you might ask how to add a class in javascript jQuery. Here's the syntax for the jQuery.addClass() method:

$(selector).addClass(className, function(index, currentClass)) 

Let's break the syntax down:

  • $(selector): This is where you specify the HTML element or elements to which you want to add the CSS class or classes. You can use any valid jQuery selector to target specific elements, such as IDs, classes, or HTML elements themselves.
  • addClass(className): This is the main part of the syntax where you specify the CSS class or classes you want to add to the selected elements. You can add multiple classes by separating them with spaces within a single string.
  • function(index, currentClass): This part is optional. If provided, it's a callback function that gets executed once the class addition is complete for each element in the selection. The parameters index and currentClass are also optional. The index parameter represents the element's index position in the selection, while the currentClass parameter represents the class attribute's current value.

Here's an example of the addClass  jQuery method in action:

$("#myElement").addClass("highlight", function(index, currentClass) {

console.log("Class 'highlight' added to element with index: " + index);

console.log("Current class attribute value: " + currentClass);


In the example above, we're adding the "highlight" class to an element with the ID "myElement". We've also provided a callback function to log a message once the class addition is complete, including the index position of the element and the current value of the class attribute.

Additionally, to add multiple classes in jQuery, you simply list the class names separated by spaces using the addClass() method. The syntax to add multiple classes in jQuery is as follows:

$(element).addClass("class1 class2 class3");

Common Parameters and Options You'll Encounter When Using .addClass()

Let's look into some common parameters and options you'll encounter when using .addClass():

Class Names: This is the primary parameter of the .addClass() method, where you specify the name or names of the CSS classes you want to add to the selected elements. You can add multiple classes by separating them with spaces within a single string.

Callback Function: Optionally, you can pass a callback function as a parameter to .addClass(). This function will be executed once the class addition is complete, allowing you to perform additional actions or animations.

Here are some examples;

// Adding a single class to an element


// Adding multiple classes to an element

$("#myElement").addClass("highlight border");

// Adding a class with a callback function

$("#myElement").addClass("highlight", function() {

console.log("Class 'highlight' added successfully!");


In the first example, we're adding the "highlight" class to an element with the ID "myElement". This could be useful for emphasizing certain elements on your page, perhaps to draw attention to important information.

In the second example, we're adding both the "highlight" and "border" classes to the same element. This could be handy for applying multiple styling effects or creating complex visual treatments.

Lastly, in the third example, we're adding the "highlight" class to an element and providing a callback function to log a message once the class addition is complete. This could be useful for executing additional actions or animations after the class has been applied.

Practical Applications of addClass() Method in jQuery

The addClass jQuery isn't just a handy tool for adding a splash of style to your HTML elements; it can also significantly enhance user experience and interaction on your web pages. Let's delve into some practical applications where .addClass() shines:

1. Dynamically Adding Styling Effects to HTML Elements

Let’s say you're building a website with a navigation menu that needs to visually indicate the current page. Instead of manually tweaking each page's HTML to apply the active state class, you can utilize .addClass() to dynamically add the active class to the appropriate menu item. For example:


<ul class="navigation">

<li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>

<li><a href="about.html">About</a></li>

<li><a href="contact.html">Contact</a></li>


// JavaScript JQuery

$(document).ready(function() {

var currentPage = window.location.pathname;

$('.navigation a[href="' + currentPage + '"]').addClass('active');


With this simple jQuery snippet, the active class is dynamically added to the navigation link corresponding to the current page, providing a clear visual indication to users.

2. Handling User Interactions and Feedback With addClass()

User interactions play an important role in the overall usability of a website. addClass() in jQuery comes in handy here by allowing you to toggle classes based on user actions.

For instance, let's say you have a button that changes its appearance when hovered over:


<button id="hoverBtn">Hover Me</button>

// CSS

.hovered {

background-color: #f0f0f0;

color: #333;


// JavaScript Jquery

$(document).ready(function() {


     function() {



     function() {     





With this code, the button dynamically adds the 'hovered' class when hovered over, changing its background and text color, and removes it when the mouse leaves the button, providing responsive feedback to user actions.

3. Using addClass() in Conjunction With CSS Animations and Transitions

One of the most exciting applications of the .addClass() method in jQuery is its seamless integration with CSS animations and transitions. By dynamically adding and removing CSS classes, you can create captivating animations that enhance the visual appeal of your web pages and captivate your audience.

Imagine you're designing a portfolio website to showcase your photography skills. You want to create a smooth transition effect when users hover over each image, giving them a sneak peek into the beauty of your work. With .addClass(), you can effortlessly apply CSS classes that trigger elegant animations, such as fading or scaling, upon hover.

Here's a quick example:

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


<meta charset="UTF-8">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">



  .image {

transition: transform 0.3s ease-in-out;


  .image:hover {

transform: scale(1.1);





  <div class="image">

<img src="photo1.jpg" alt="Photo 1">


  <div class="image">

<img src="photo2.jpg" alt="Photo 2">




In the example above, we have two image containers styled with CSS transitions to smoothly scale up when hovered over. However, if you want to add more complex animations or control multiple properties simultaneously, you can use .addClass() to apply predefined CSS classes dynamically.




  }, function(){




In the jQuery code snippet above, we're using .hover() to detect when the mouse enters and leaves the image container. Upon hovering, we add the "hover-effect" class to trigger the desired animation, and upon leaving, we remove the class to revert to the original state.

4. Improving User Experience Through Dynamic Class Addition

Another practical application of the .addClass() method is in improving user experience through dynamic class addition. Whether you're designing a responsive navigation menu, implementing interactive buttons, or building a carousel slider, .addClass() allows you to adapt your website's appearance and functionality based on user actions and preferences.

For example, let's say you're developing an e-commerce website with a product gallery. You want to highlight the currently selected product and provide visual feedback to users as they navigate through the gallery. With .addClass(), you can dynamically apply a "selected" class to the active product thumbnail, changing its appearance to indicate selection.







In the jQuery code snippet above, we are using .click() to detect when a user clicks on a product thumbnail. Upon clicking, we remove the "selected" class from all thumbnails and add it to the clicked thumbnail, instantly updating its styling to reflect the selection.

5. Building Dynamic Form Validation

Dynamic form validation is essential for ensuring data integrity and providing users with real-time feedback as they interact with input fields. By using. addClass with jQuery in conjunction with form validation logic, you can dynamically apply styling to indicate whether input data is valid or invalid.

Let’s say you have a contact form on your website that requires users to input their email address. You want to validate the email input field as a user type and provide visual cues to indicate whether the entered email is valid or invalid. With .addClass(), you can dynamically add CSS classes to the input field based on the validation result.


$("#email").on("input", function(){

var email = $(this).val();

if(validateEmail(email)) {


} else {




  function validateEmail(email) {

// Regular expression for email validation

var re = /\S+@\S+\.\S+/;

return re.test(email);



In this jQuery code snippet above, we're using .on("input") to detect changes in the email input field as users type. The validateEmail() function checks if the entered email matches the specified pattern for a valid email address. Depending on the validation result, we dynamically add either the "valid" or "invalid" class to the input field using .addClass(), updating its styling to provide visual feedback to the user.

6. Creating Interactive Sliders and Carousels

Sliders and carousels are popular components in web design for showcasing images, products, or featured content in a visually appealing manner. With addClass jQuery, you can enhance the interactivity of sliders and carousels by dynamically adding and removing CSS classes to control transitions and animations.

Let's say you're developing a homepage for an e-commerce website and want to include a product carousel to showcase featured items. You want the carousel to automatically transition between products and provide navigation controls for users to browse manually. With.addClass(), you can addClasses to control the appearance and behavior of the carousel elements.




var currentIndex = $(".carousel-item.active").index();

var nextIndex = (currentIndex + 1) % $(".carousel-item").length;





In this jQuery code snippet above, we added the "active" class to the first carousel item initially to display it as the default active item. When users click on the carousel navigation control, we use .addClass() and .removeClass() to update the active item, triggering smooth transitions between products.

Common Mistakes When Using jQuery addClass() and How to Fix Them

When working with the addClass jQuery method, it's important to avoid common mistakes that can hinder the functionality of your web projects. Here are some frequent errors and how to rectify them:

1. Forgetting the Dot in Class Names

Mistake: Writing $(element).addClass("myClass") without the "." before the class name.

Fix: Ensure you include the "." before the class name to properly designate it as a class selector. Use $(element).addClass(".myClass") instead.

2. Incorrect Targeting of Elements

Mistake: Not accurately targeting elements with your jQuery selector, leading to addClass() having no effect. 

Fix: Double-check your selectors to ensure they accurately identify the elements you want to modify. For example, $("p") correctly targets all paragraph elements for class addition.

3. Adding Duplicate Classes

Mistake: Repeatedly applying the same class using addClass(), leading to cluttered code and inefficient styling. 

Fix: Check if the class already exists on the element before adding it. You can use jQuery's hasClass() method to verify this. Only add the class if it's not already present.


In conclusion, jQuery's addClass() method is a handy tool for making your web pages look and feel better. It helps you add styles to your elements dynamically, making them more interactive and engaging for your users.

When you understand how to use addClass() properly and avoid common mistakes like forgetting to add a dot before class names or targeting the wrong elements, you can make your web development journey smoother and your websites more attractive.

With the information in this guide, you can now explore the possibilities of addClass jQuery, and have fun making your web projects stand out!


  1. What is the use of addClass in jQuery?

The addClass() method in jQuery is used to add one or more CSS classes to selected HTML elements dynamically.

  1. How do you add a class to an element when using jQuery?

To add a class to an element using jQuery, you can use the addClass() method followed by the name of the class you want to add. For example: $(element).addClass("className");

  1. How to remove class and addClass in jQuery?

To remove a class from an element and add a new class in jQuery, you can use the removeClass() method followed by the addClass() method. For example: $(element).removeClass("oldClass").addClass("newClass");

  1. How to add multiple classes in jQuery?

jQuery allows you to add multiple classes to an element by separating the class names using spaces within the addClass() function. For example: $(element).addClass("class1 class2 class3");

  1. What does addClass() do?

The addClass() method in jQuery adds one or more CSS classes to selected HTML elements. It allows you to dynamically change the styling or behavior of elements on your webpage.

  1. What is the addClass method in JavaScript? 

The addClass() method is not native to JavaScript itself; it's a method provided by the jQuery library. It's used to add CSS classes to HTML elements dynamically, making it easier to manipulate the appearance and behavior of web pages.




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