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HTTP Get Method and Post Method

Updated on 19/08/2024450 Views

Anyone working in web development has to be familiar with the HTTP GET method and the POST method. These protocols regulate the information exchange between a client and a server, which affects how web-based communication functions. We will be concentrating on the get and publish methods in this guide. We will also discuss the get and post method differences and highlight some of their practical applications.


The Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) facilitates communication between servers and clients.

A client and server use HTTP as a request-response protocol.

Example: The server receives an HTTP request from the client (browser), and the server responds to the client. The requested content may be included in the answer, along with status details regarding the request.

Two essential verbs enabling online interactions are the GET and POST methods. Knowing their distinctions is essential for efficient web development since they are two of the most widely used HTTP request methods for communication between clients, such as web browsers and servers.

The GET Method

The Get method of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is a commonly used HTTP method that allows a client (Browser) to send a request to a specified server to obtain specific data or resources. The Get method is one of the most popular HTTP methods. The request parameter is appended to the URL. Get request is better for the data that does not need to be secure (meaning the data that does not contain images or Word documents).


In the HTML code below, we have generated a form containing text fields like Username and City. Additionally, we have inserted a PHP file called getmethod.php, to which our data will be delivered upon clicking the submit button.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<form action="getmethod.php" method="GET">


<input type="text" name="username" /> <br>


<input type="text" name="city" /> <br>

<input type="submit" />




The Username and City are shown in the following PHP, which uses the GET method.  

<!DOCTYPE html>




<?php echo $_GET["username"]; ?> </br>

Your City is:

<?php echo $_GET["city"]; ?>



The Post Method

To create or modify a specific resource or piece of data, the client (Browser) side uses the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Post method to transmit data to a specified server. The request body of the HTTP request contains the data that was submitted to the server. Eventually, the post method results in the production of a new resource or the updating of an old one. This makes it one of the most used HTTP methods because of its dynamic use. Because the sent data is contained in the request body rather than the URL, it is not one of the safest techniques. Post-request is preferable for data that must be secure. 


We have developed a form with text fields for the username and area of study using the HTML code that follows. Additionally, we have included a PHP file called postmethod.php, where our data will be transferred following a button click.

<!DOCTYPE html>



<form action="postmethod.php" method="post">


<input type="text" name="username" /> <br>

Area of Study: 

<input type="text" name="area" /> <br>

<input type="submit" />




The Username and Study area are shown in the following code using the POST method.

<!DOCTYPE html>




<?php echo $_POST["username"]; ?> </br>

YOur Area of Study is:

<?php echo $_POST["area"]; ?>



The AJAX POST Method

AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) is a powerful technique in web development allowing asynchronous communication between the client and server, enabling dynamic updates to web pages without a requirement for full page reloads. This means that the webpage can continue to interact with the user while the data gets transmitted and processed in the background. 

Among its various capabilities, AJAX facilitates sending data from the client to the server using HTTP POST requests, commonly called AJAX POST.

The AJAX POST and AJAX GET request allows developers to send data to the server using an HTTP POST request asynchronously. Unlike traditional form submissions that require a page refresh, AJAX POST empowers developers to create dynamic and responsive web applications.

Syntax of AJAX POST Request:

The syntax for making an AJAX POST request varies slightly, depending on the programming language or framework used. However, in its simplest form, an AJAX POST request typically involves the following components:

  1. URL: The endpoint on the server to which the POST request will be sent.
  2. Data: The payload of information transmitted to the server.
  3. Success Callback: A function to handle the server's response upon completion of a request.
  4. Error Callback: A function to handle any errors that occur during the request.



  url: "example.com/api/data",

  method: "POST",

  data: {

    key1: value1,

    key2: value2


  success: function(response) {

    // Handle successful response from the server


  error: function(xhr, status, error) {

    // Handle errors that occur during the request



To initiate an AJAX POST request, you first need to create an XMLHttpRequest object in JavaScript. This object enables communication with the server asynchronously. Then, you specify the request method as ‘POST’ and provide the URL of the server-side script that will handle the request. Additionally, you may include any data you want to send to the server in the request body.

Example of AJAX POST Request using JavaScript:

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();

var url = "server-side-script.php"; // URL of the server-side script

var data = "name=John&age=30"; // Data to be sent to the server

xhr.open("POST", url, true); // Initialize the request

xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // Set request header

xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {

    if (xhr.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { // Check if request is complete

        if (xhr.status === 200) { // Check if request was successful

            console.log(xhr.responseText); // Handle server response




xhr.send(data); // Send the request with the data

In this example, we create an XMLHttpRequest object and specify the server-side script's URL. We then set the request method to ‘POST’ and include the data to be sent in the request body. Once the request is complete, we handle the server's response accordingly.

AJAX POST Request jQuery: 

Using jQuery simplifies making AJAX requests. The following example demonstrates how to perform an AJAX POST request using jQuery:


    url: "server-side-script.php", // URL of the server-side script

    type: "POST", // Request method

    data: { name: "John", age: 30 }, // Data to be sent to the server

    success: function(response) {

        console.log(response); // Handle server response



In this jQuery AJAX POST example, we specify the URL, request method, and data to be sent to the server. The success function handles the server's response once it is received.

AJAX POST requests are indispensable in modern web development for enabling dynamic interactions between the client and server. Whether using plain JavaScript or jQuery, mastering the AJAX POST method empowers developers to create responsive and interactive web applications. By leveraging AJAX, developers can enhance user experiences by seamlessly exchanging data between the client and server asynchronously.

The GET vs POST method: The Differences Between the Methods




Data Transmission

Data is appended to URL

Data is transmitted in request body

Data Size

Limited by URL length restrictions

Can accommodate larger data payloads


Commonly used for data retrieval

Commonly used for data submission


Less secure due to data exposure in the URL

More secure as data is not exposed in the URL

Browser History

Requests stored in browser history

Requests not stored in browser history


Requests can be bookmarked

Requests cannot be bookmarked

Cache Memory

Requests stored in cache memory

Requests not stored in cache memory

Data Visibility

Data visible to everyone

Data not displayed in the URL

Data Type

Only ASCII characters allowed

All types of data allowed

When to Apply the GET Method and POST Method

So now that you have a good understanding of these methods, when do you use each? Here is an overview:

  • For activities that retrieve data without causing any negative effects, use GET.
  • When doing operations on the server, such as creating or changing resources, use POST.
  • Sensitive data should never be transmitted over GET.

Selecting between the GET method and POST method is essential for web service architecture since it guarantees proper action execution while maximizing efficiency and security.

POST API Security 

In web development, especially in API development, where data interchange between clients and servers happens, the HTTP GET method and POST method are essential. Yet, to defend against frequent online dangers, it is imperative to reinforce these techniques with strong security measures. Let us take a closer look at GET and POST method security in the context of developing APIs. Here are some security measures for the HTTP GET Method:

  • HTTPS Encryption: Encrypting data transmitted over HTTPS ensures secure communication between clients and servers, preventing eavesdropping and data tampering.
  • Input Validation: Validate input parameters received via URLs to prevent SQL injection and other injection vulnerabilities. This ensures that only expected data formats are processed by the server.
  • Rate Restrictions: Implement rate restrictions to mitigate against misuse and Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. Limiting the frequency of requests from a single client helps maintain server performance and prevents abuse.
  • Cache Management: Exercise caution when caching GET requests to ensure that sensitive data is neither exposed nor stored in cache memory. Proper cache management helps prevent data exposure vulnerabilities.

GET API Security 

Wondering how to enhance security with the GET Method? Here is the answer:

  • HTTPS Encryption: Like the GET method, always use HTTPS encryption to secure data transmission between clients and servers.
  • Token-Based Authentication: Implement token-based authentication mechanisms such as OAuth or JWT to authenticate API requests. This ensures that only authorized users can access sensitive resources.
  • Input Validation and Sanitization: Validate and sanitize input data to prevent Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and SQL injection attacks. Proper input validation ensures that malicious code cannot be injected into the server-side processing.
  • Anti-CSRF Tokens: Implement anti-CSRF tokens to protect against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks. These tokens verify that the request originates from a legitimate user, mitigating the risk of unauthorized actions.

Best Practices for API Security:

  1. Content-Type Validation: Validate the Content-Type header to ensure the API processes only expected data formats. This prevents data format-related vulnerabilities and ensures data integrity.
  1. Security Testing: Regularly conduct security testing, including vulnerability assessments and penetration testing to identify and address security flaws in APIs. Tools like Akto can help automate security testing processes and identify vulnerabilities.

Final Words!

It is essential for efficient web development to comprehend the subtle differences between the GET method and the POST method. Although they provide data flow between clients and servers, their methods and applicability for different tasks differ. Developers may create secure and reliable web applications satisfying the requirements of contemporary digital environments with a grasp of these core ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between the GET and POST methods?GET Method: It is Used to request data from a server by appending parameters to the URL. This method is also suitable for retrieving data, but not recommended for sensitive information due to visibility in the URL.

POST Method: This method sends data to a server within the request body. It is ideal for submitting sensitive information or larger data payloads. It also offers better security and can modify server-side data.

2. What is in the POST method?The POST method includes data transmitted within the request body. This data can vary and may include form inputs, JSON payloads, or any other information intended for processing by the server.

3. What are the GET and POST methods in Postman?In Postman, the GET and POST methods are HTTP request methods used to interact with APIs and web services.

GET Method in Postman: It is used to retrieve data from a server by sending parameters in the URL.

POST Method in Postman: This method is used to send data to a server within the request body, typically for submitting forms or creating new resources.




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