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jQuery HTML

Updated on 20/08/2024443 Views

jQuery HTML is the best web development option because its lightweight JavaScript library simplifies the process. Imagine a toolbox fully equipped with all the instruments to help you quickly and easily deal with HTML files, organize events, design animations, and use AJAX in your work. jQuery does the trick!

Getting Started With jQuery HTML

jQuery HTML is a major improvement in web developers' work, providing them with a tool to achieve complicated tasks like HTML manipulation and animation. Before delving into jQuery’s capabilities, let's first examine how to implement it in your HTML page and discover some basic methods to interact with your web pages.

Including the jQuery Library

There are two primary ways to include jQuery in your project:

Content Delivery Network (CDN): This is a widely used technique. CDNs host popular libraries on servers located around the world. This provides for fast loading times for users globally. Here's how to include jQuery using CDN:


<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

Use the latest version of jQuery if needed.

Local File: You can download the jQuery library from its site and host it on your local server. This is advantageous as you have more control but are responsible for updating the library. Here's the structure:


<script src="js/jquery-3.6.0.min.js"></script>

(Let us assume that the "jQuery" library is stored in a subfolder named "js" within your project directory).

Choosing the Method: CDN should be used mostly because of its great convenience and performance advantages.

Discovering the Power of Selectors

jQuery HTML’s magic power lies in its ability to specify the elements on your webpage using selectors. They serve as unique markers; thus, you can locate the parts you intend to change. Here are some fundamental selectors to get you started:

ID Selectors (#): Every element can have an ID assigned, which is unique with the help of the id attribute. To target an element with the ID "main-heading," use:



Class Selectors (.): Class concepts are used to group elements with similar characteristics. To target all elements with the class "clickable," use:



Tag Selectors: You can go for elements with a specific HTML tag. To select all paragraph elements, use:



Attribute Selectors: Identify the components by their unique properties. For example, to select all elements with the href attribute (commonly used for links), use:



Combining Selectors: Selectors can be combined using commas (,) to create more detailed rules for elements with more specific criteria. For instance, to select the first paragraph element with the class "intro," use:



By learning these selectors, you can achieve highly accurate control over each element on the web page, allowing for dynamic interactions and changes.

Discovering the Advantages of jQuery

These are just a few important factors that explaining jQuery has been so popular among web developers for so many years. Here, we go on the quest to discover its thrilling realm of jQuery and unveil its potential for designing user-friendly and interactive websites!

  1. Say Goodbye to Vanilla JavaScript: Unlike the protracted nature of vanilla JavaScript, jQuery's shorthand makes it easier to read and write. This can be viewed as a short form of phrases where you can represent complex operations in a shorter code.
  2. Cross-Browser Compatibility: The scourge of web developers is that the behavior of the different web browsers must be kept consistent.
  3. A Wealth of Plugins at Your Fingertips: However, jQuery’s strength is its wide range of plugins. Such snippets are one of the many extras that jQuery offers to further its functionality, and the range of needs that can be addressed through it is extensive.

Manipulating the DOM with jQuery HTML

The DOM stands for the Document Object Model, which is your webpages’s structure. jQuery empowers you to interact with and modify this structure using various methods:

Adding Elements (append, prepend):

These functions will help you to create new content from existing elements. The jQuery HTML append method appends content to the end, and the .prepend() method prepend content to the beginning.


<div id="myList"></div>


$("#myList").append("<li>Item 1</li>");

$("#myList").prepend("<li>Item 0</li>");


The code hereby creates an unordered list with "Item 0" being in front of "Item 1".

Removing Elements (remove, empty):

remove() function which permanently deletes an element from the DOM and .empty() function that removes all child elements from a selected element.

This approach, which is called the permanent removal of an element from the DOM along with its child elements, is one of the most commonly used methods. Here's an example:


<div id="removableElement">This element will disappear.</div>

<button id="removeButton">Remove Element</button>


$("#removeButton").click(function() {




Modifying Content (text, html):

The .text() method allows you to either set or get the text content of an element, while the jQuery html() method can be used to modify the entire HTML content within an element. Here’s an example:


<ul id="myList">

<li>Item 1</li>

<li>Item 2</li>


Traversing the DOM (parent, children, siblings):

Navigating through the DOM structure is done with the help of methods like .parent() to move a level up, .children() to find child elements and .siblings() to target elements with the same parent.


<div id="container">

<p>This is a paragraph.</p>


<li>List item 1</li>



Event Handling with jQuery HTML

Picture a page that starts dancing as soon as a user starts interacting with it. You press a button, and it does something; you fill in a form, and you get feedback, and elements react to mouse movement. This magic is displayed through different things in web development. Events consider the user actions or the system occurrences that trigger the specific responses within your web page.

jQuery HTML allows you to grasp these events and run custom code afterward, transforming your web pages into responsive ones. Let’s examine the different types of events, and how to handle them, and create engaging experiences for all participants.

A Symphony of Events

jQuery HTML includes support for a variety of events signifying user actions or browser behavior. Here are some commonly used events:

  • Click: It happens when the user clicks on a particular element (for example, buttons, links, etc.).
  • Mouseover: This action activates when the cursor moves over an element.
  • Submit: This action takes place when a form is submitted.
  • Change: This event happens whenever the value of the element (e.g., text input, select box) changes.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the endless events present in jQuery. If you need more information, the official documentation has the details in it.

Attaching Event Listeners: The .on() Method

The .on() is your way to the event handling in jQuery. It will allow you to attach event listeners to some elements or the entire document. Here's the basic structure:


$(selector).on(event, function)


  • selector: Listens to the aspects that are being played to get the event.
  • event: Outlines the type of event (for example, "click," "mouseover").
  • function: The code that will be executed when the event happens (it is called the event handler).

To display an alert message when a button is clicked:


$("#myButton").on("click", function() {

alert("Button clicked!");


Event Object Properties

When an occurrence comes up, jQuery passes an event object to your event-handler function. This object contains valuable information about the event, such as:

  • target: The core thing that provoked the occurrence.
  • type: If the event was a party, concert, or any other large gathering, it is likely that the event was crowded and that social distancing was not practiced.

Preventing Default Behavior:

In such a case, you may need to stop the event from performing its default behavior. For instance, the action of clicking a link will normally lead the user to a new webpage. In the event handler, you can apply the event.preventDefault() method to override this default behavior.

jQuery HTML Examples In Action

Let's delve into some practical applications of event handling with jQuery:

  • Click Events for Buttons and Links: Incorporate the dynamic buttons that trigger actions like showing the content that has been hidden or submitting a form.


<button id="showContent">Show More</button>

In relation to this, it is essential to note that social media has become a new medium for political campaigns and a powerful tool for shaping public opinion.



$("#showContent").on("click", function() {




  • Form Validation with Event Handlers: Guarantee that users enter valid data before a form is submitted. You can validate the input using the on-change event on form elements and display error messages where applicable.
  • Dynamic Content Updates based on User Interactions: Update your webpage to make it more interesting by using the user actions as a base for content.

Through jQuery event handling, you can build webpages that will not only look appealing but also be dynamic and interactive, keeping your users engaged.

Animations with jQuery HTML

Vanilla JS animations are often very complicated, and they require a lot of tricky calculations. You can use jQuery HTML’s revolutionary and easy-to-use method to create amazingly smooth and dynamic animations on your website.

Unveiling the .animate() Method

The animate() method is the jQuery HTML animation engine. This enables you to adjust the CSS properties of an element by a desired amount over a specified period of time in order to create a smooth and natural animation. Here's the basic syntax:


$(selector).animate({cssProperties}, speed, callback);


  • selector: Use the jQuery selectors to focus on the element you want to animate.
  • CSS Properties: An object that has all CSS properties you want to animate (e.g., opacity, width, and height).
  • speed: Sets the animation length. This can be a pre-defined value (e.g. "slow", "fast") or a time in milliseconds, for example, 1000 for 1 second.
  • callback (optional): An animation that triggers an event after the animation is completed.

Animating with Style

Let's explore some commonly animated CSS properties and the effects they produce:


Ensure the element opacity, and you can get the smooth fade effects.



$("#fadeBox").animate({opacity: 0}, 1000); // Fade out after 1 second.


Width & height:

Create outstanding expanding or collapsing animations with resizable elements.


<img id="expandImage" src="image.jpg" alt="Image">


$("#expandImage").animate({width: setTimeout(function(){document.getElementById('img-example').style.width = '500px'; document.getElementById('img-example').style.height = '300px'}, 2000); // Expand in 2 seconds


Margin & padding:

Edges and gaps can be tweaked to make sliding effects, which can be used to show or hide content.


<div id="slideMenu">Slide Menu</div>


$("#slideMenu").animate({marginLeft: (".slideleft", 500); // Slide left in half a second


Updating The DOM Based On The Response Data

After getting the data from the server (in the success callback), you can manipulate the webpage content using jQuery HTML method of modification. This provides a way to update the data in real-time and without a full page reload.

Here's a basic example demonstrating a GET request to retrieve a JSON response and update a webpage element:


<div id="data-container"></div>



url: "data.json", // Replace the server-side scripts URL with your own.

type: "GET",

success: function(data) {



error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

console.error("Error:", textStatus, errorThrown);




This code gets data from a file named "data.json" and then displays the message received from the server on the element tag with the ID "data-container."

Wrapping Up:

By practising and exploring the possibilities of jQuery HTML, you will be able to utilize it to its fullest and gain new web development skills. This is how it goes, so give it a try, let the creativity run free, and create dynamic web applications that will thrill your visitors.


What is jQuery in HTML?

jQuery HTML is a fast, lightweight, and feature-rich JavaScript library that makes the navigation of HTML documents, handling of events, animation, and Ajax interactions easier for very quick web development.

Can I write jQuery in HTML?

Though jQuery source code is usually put in separate JavaScript files, it can also be included directly inside HTML <script> tags which enables developers to execute jQuery code right within HTML documents.

How to add HTML through jQuery?

Using jQuery's DOM manipulation methods, such as .append(), .prepend(), .html(), .before(), and .after(), can help you in adding jQuery to HTML content.

What is the full form of jQuery?

jQuery is not an acronym but rather a compact expression of the library's core principle of "Write less, Do more." Thus, the library makes it possible for developers to achieve more with less coding.

Where is jQuery used?

jQuery HTML is among the most popular web development tools employed to enrich the functionality and dynamic nature of websites. It is applied to all of the tasks, such as DOM manipulation, event handling, animation effects, Ajax requests, and so on.

What is jQuery and its types?

jQuery HTML is a JavaScript library that can be used to implement multiple functions and make web development procedures easy. There are different types of jQuery libraries available, each catering to specific needs, such as:

  • jQuery Core: The main jQuery library that includes these essential functionalities such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and ajax interactions.
  • jQuery UI: A bunch of user interface elements interact, together with widgets, effects, and themes, to improve the visual appeal and ease of use of web applications.
  • jQuery Mobile: A touch-centric framework that allows for the creation of responsive web applications and mobile-friendly websites.

Other jQuery plugins and extensions coming from the community are developed to meet the certain needs and add more to the jQuery's capabilities.



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