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Operating System

OS Tutorial: Learn Operating S…

  • 47
  • 7 Hours

Understanding Critical Section in OS

Updated on 19/07/2024468 Views

Step into the realm of operating systems, where processes and threads perform their intricate dance. This tutorial initiates an engrossing journey into the core concept of the critical section in OS; it reveals synchronization's secrets and explores its inherent challenges.

I'm thrilled to be your guide on this adventure. So buckle up and get ready to dive deep into the world of the critical section in OS. Get ready to understand what is a critical section problem in OS, what a critical section problem solution in OS is like, and more! 

What is Critical Section in Operating System?

Within the grand scheme of operating systems, a critical section in OS—resembling a treasure chest contended by multiple adventurers—presents itself as merely one portion of code. In this sensitive area where data consistency and integrity take precedence, chaos can be avoided; smooth execution is then ensured: it must maintain its balance in order to guarantee success.

Envision a group of chefs collaborating in a culinary workspace, each vying for access to identical ingredients and utensils. Lacking impeccable coordination, chaos would swiftly overtake the kitchen. 

Analogously, to explain critical section problem in OS, or to define critical section problem—if multiple processes or threads engage shared resources without precise synchronization—it could unleash devastating consequences.

Let’s see what could be a critical section problem in OS, i.e., the problems that could be caused due to mismanagement or not caring for the critical section in OS. We’ll also later look at some critical section problem solution in OS. 

Critical Section Problem in OS

When multiple processes or threads concurrently attempt to access shared resources in an operating system, they encounter the critical section problem in OS; this leads to potential synchronization issues. 

In operating systems, the critical section problem can appear in a myriad of forms and each presents unique challenges. These are as follows:


Two adventurers, each in possession of a key to a treasure chest, stand at an impasse: Both await the release of their respective keys by the other. Should neither adventurer choose to relinquish his hold on his key—an act requiring trust and courage—they will remain ensnared in an eternal standoff. 

This scenario mirrors precisely what occurs within operating systems when processes become deadlocked. 

In such instances of critical section problem in OS, the processes are locked into perpetual conflict because neither party is willing or able to let go. As a result, progress stalls indefinitely, just like our digital systems freeze due to not only resource availability but also conflicting priorities among competing tasks. 


Imagine an intrepid explorer persistently brushed aside by others, perpetually denied access to the coveted treasure. Similarly, in the critical section in OS, when a process relentlessly seeks entry into shared resources but is consistently rebuffed, it leads to what we term as 'starvation'; an unending wait and compromised system performance become its consequential effects.

Race Condition

Picture two adventurers in a frenzied pursuit of an uncoordinated grasp on identical treasure: the outcome, by virtue of whoever seizes it first, becomes unpredictable. In operating systems, analogous to this scenario, race conditions manifest; these are instances where concurrent access to shared resources produces inconsistent and incorrect results due solely to the relative timing of processes or threads involved.

Priority Inversion

Picture this: a high-priority adventurer patiently awaits the release of a resource by their low-priority counterpart. Within the critical section in OS, we witness priority inversion; it's an occurrence where the high-priority process endures forced waiting—specifically for completion of its critical section by a less important task. The result? Performance degradation ensues.

Solutions to Critical Section Problem in OS

Various solutions and synchronization techniques actively aim to guarantee specific properties, addressing the core of what is critical section problem in operating system. 

Let’s look at some proposed critical section problem solution in OS. 

Mutual Exclusion

Mutual exclusion in terms of critical section in OS functions in a manner akin to only one adventurer gaining access to the treasure chest at once; similarly, it allows only a single process or thread to enter the critical section, thereby averting concurrent access to shared resources.


Progress ensures processes or threads external to the critical section, those waiting to enter, specifically, do not block; this enables system forward movement and circumvents starvation.

Bounded Waiting

This approach to critical section problem solution in OS guarantee ensures that a waiting process or thread, eager to enter the critical section, will eventually secure its turn; it thwarts both indefinite waiting and starvation.

Let's now explore some common synchronization techniques used to solve the critical section problem:

Test and Set

A hardware-supported synchronization primitive, Test and Set, atomically tests and modifies a memory location. This allows processes to coordinate their access to shared resources with precision.

Compare and Swap

Another hardware-supported synchronization primitive, Compare and Swap, atomically compares a memory location’s content with a provided value; if they match, it modifies that specific location's content.

Mutex Locks

Mutex locks—also known as mutual exclusion locks—provide a method for synchronizing access to shared resources. They allow only one process or thread at any given time. They enforce the acquisition of the lock and entry into the critical section, which is how they aim to solve the critical section problem in OS. 


Acting as counters, semaphores—integer variables—coordinate access to shared resources. Processes or threads can control access to the critical section by acquiring and releasing these semaphores.

Condition Variables

Processes or threads can utilize condition variables to wait for a specific condition's fulfillment prior to advancing; this facilitates efficient coordination and synchronization among processes.

I highly recommend upGrad's courses on various domains in computer science, software engineering, and more for those curious to dive deeper into synchronization techniques and their implementations.

Strategies for Avoiding Critical Section Problem in OS

Synchronization techniques indeed aid in resolving the critical section problem in OS. However, some other strategies can also be employed—either to evade or significantly reduce the occurrence of critical sections. We shall delve into a few of these tactics:

Fine-Grained Locking

In a fine-grained locking method of tackling the critical section problem in OS, we break down the critical section into more specific parts and apply locks to individual resources—not the entire critical section; this strategy enhances concurrency and minimizes contention.

Lock Hierarchies

Hierarchies of locks establish a predetermined acquisition order, thereby guaranteeing consistent and non-circular acquisition of locks. This way, the critical section problem in OS is maneuvered around. 

Read-Write Locks

Multiple processes or threads can concurrently read shared resources with the use of read-write locks. However, they must grant exclusive access for write operations. By permitting parallel reads and upholding data consistency in this manner, we optimize performance.

Optimistic Concurrency Control

In optimistic concurrency control, processes or threads proceed without strict synchronization; this strategy presupposes rare conflicts. This approach minimizes potential issues related to critical section problem in OS. 

Lock-Free and Wait-Free Data Structures

Concurrent access, crucial for enhancing performance and scalability in concurrent environments, traditionally necessitates the use of locks. However, designers have specifically crafted lock-free and wait-free data structures to circumvent this need for traditional locking mechanisms. These innovative solutions permit concurrent access without any waiting or locking processes.

Concluding Remarks

Mastering the concept of the critical section in operating systems is paramount; it forms the foundation for coordinating and synchronizing concurrent processes and threads. To cultivate robust, efficient concurrent systems, one must grapple with challenges inherent to this problem: understanding its implications, exploring potential solutions, and devising effective strategies are all integral parts.

Embarking on your journey into the world of operating systems and concurrent programming, you must remember that mastering the art of synchronization is key—it unlocks parallel computing's full potential. Conquer the critical section problem with appropriate tools and techniques, and thus, constructing systems that harness concurrency power becomes within reach.

I highly recommend you explore upGrad's diverse technical courses if you're eager to expand your knowledge and skills in operating systems and concurrent programming. With offerings that span from computer science to software engineering—upGrad provides comprehensive learning paths designed for mastering the intricacies of operating systems and concurrent programming.

Gear up and embrace the challenges awaiting you in the realm of computer science and engineering. May your quests overflow with triumphs of synchronization and concurrent victories!


  1. What is a critical section in an operating system?

In an operating system, we identify a critical section as a code segment. Here, multiple processes or threads access shared resources concurrently—a situation that necessitates meticulous synchronization for the preservation of data consistency and integrity.

  1. Why is managing critical sections important?

To prevent the emergence of synchronization issues like race conditions, deadlocks, and data inconsistencies when multiple processes or threads concurrently access shared resources, critical sections must be managed with utmost importance.

  1. What are the common problems associated with critical sections?

Deadlocks, a common problem in critical sections, emerge when processes lock onto resources and await each other's release indefinitely. Starvation occurs as shared resources consistently reject process access. Another issue is race conditions: these arise due to the dependency of concurrent outcomes on their relative timing. Priority inversion represents yet another concern—it forces high-priority processes into waiting states for low-priority ones.

  1. What are some synchronization techniques used to manage critical sections?

Hardware-supported primitives, such as Test and Set and Compare and Swap, along with software-based mechanisms like mutex locks, semaphores, and condition variables, are synchronization techniques employed in managing critical sections.

  1. What is the critical section example?

Multiple processes accessing a shared file or data structure represent an example of a critical section. Improper synchronization in this scenario could precipitate not only data corruption but also inconsistencies.

  1. What are the types of critical sections?

Based on the type of shared resources they access, specifically, data or devices, we can classify critical sections: data critical sections that access shared data, device critical sections that tap into commonly used devices, and hybrid ones that operate in tandem with both.

  1. What is the difference between critical section and critical region in OS?

In the operating systems context, we often interchangeably use the terms "critical section" and "critical region." Both denote a code portion where multiple processes or threads concurrently access shared resources.

  1. What are the features of the critical section?

Mutual exclusion, ensuring that only one process or thread can enter at a time, and progress, which prevents blocking processes outside the critical section from those waiting to enter— these are key features of a critical section. Moreover, bounded waiting is also crucial: it guarantees every waiting process will eventually get its turn.

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