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Multiprogramming Operating System

Updated on 19/07/2024462 Views

I’m here today to help you understand a fascinating part of computer science—a multiprogramming operating system. This is one of those ideas that completely revolutionized how computers go about managing tasks, from doing them one after another to a method that is more active and saves time.

So, what is multiprogramming operating system? You’ll find out by the end! 

In this tutorial, I will explain what multiprogramming operating systems are. First, I will briefly define multiprogramming operating systems and then discuss further nuances like a multiprogramming operating system diagram, examples, and more. 

Let’s begin! 

What is a Multiprogramming Operating System?

A multiprogramming operating system is similar to a magician who can do many tasks at the same time in computing. It is made to make sure the CPU always has work by handling several programs together so that if one program must wait for its task to finish, another takes its place and works with the CPU's capacity. This clever system enhances efficiency and maximizes the use of computer resources.

Envision a kitchen with several meals being made at the same time. As one dish is baked in the oven, pausing there, the cook is busy cutting up vegetables for a different recipe. This kitchen is similar to a computer system that runs multiple programs at the same time, with the chef acting like the central processor and each dish being like a different program.

Keeping the analogies and metaphor aside, here is what a brief multiprogramming operating system diagram could look like: 

A multiprogramming operating system diagram typically showcases the CPU at the center, with various programs surrounding it. These programs are in different states: some awaiting CPU time, others waiting for input/output operations, and the rest being executed. This diagram visually represents how the operating system manages these programs, transitioning them between waiting and execution states to keep the CPU as engaged as possible.

When using multiprogramming operating systems, they handle many programs in memory at once and manage them well. This makes the computer work faster than systems that run only one task at a time. It also sets up the basics for more complex features like time-sharing, which improves how quickly the system responds. and interacts with users.

Types of Multiprogramming Operating System

Exploring the realm of multiprogramming operating systems, I understand, is like discovering a wide playground with many kinds of events, every kind showing a different set of features and benefits. 

Traveling through these areas has shown me how each system is specially made to handle several tasks well and change for varied computer surroundings. I want to tell you about different types of multiprogramming operating systems that I have come across.

Batch Processing Systems

In my research, I initially discovered systems for batch processing. To me, they seemed like a smoothly running machine made for being efficient. From what I understood, these systems carry out multiple tasks in a row and they don't require any input from myself or anyone else during the process. It is very interesting to see how they make the CPU work better by putting the same tasks in a line and doing them all together. Hence, the computer uses its power well, doing groups of jobs instead of one by one.

Time-Sharing Systems

As I explored more, I came across time-sharing systems that showed me a completely different layer of interaction and quick reaction in running several programs at once. These systems make it possible for many users, including me, to use the computer simultaneously. It seems like we are all using one strong computer together, and the system is quickly changing between our different jobs, allowing everyone a bit of the CPU's time. This helps us to finish our tasks well without interfering with each other.

Real-Time Systems

My trip next brought me to systems that work in real-time, where the timing is very important. These systems are designed for jobs where it's critical to have good timing, like managing machines or dealing with data that comes in live. What impressed me was how they sorted tasks by how urgent they were, making sure that the most important activities were done on time. It's similar to a hospital emergency room where doctors have to make fast decisions about which patients need immediate care depending on how serious their situation is.

Network Operating Systems

Finally, my journey led me to the study of network operating systems; it was like uncovering the central structure that supports today's connected world. These systems are designed for controlling networks, and they help different devices talk to each other while managing resources shared among them. It is like I have discovered the main center of a train network, which guides the trains (data packets) to their right places and makes sure they get there promptly and without any disturbances.

Every multiprogramming operating system I have looked into has its own method for handling and running several tasks, which shows how flexible and changeable the idea of multiprogramming is. These systems make sure we use our computer resources well, from batch processing to immediate activities, so that we can do a lot in a small amount of time.

People who want to learn about the detailed parts of operating systems will find upGrad's courses a good place to begin, because they give thorough lessons on these topics.

Multiprogramming Operating System Examples

As I explored different multiprogramming operating systems, I saw many good multiprogramming operating system examples of how this idea works. Each system has its own special style and they demonstrate the way multiprogramming makes things more efficient, helps to control resources, and provides for people using the computer at the same time. I want to show you a few examples that really caught my attention, emphasizing how important they are in the field of computers.


The first time I encountered UNIX, a name well-known for handling many programs at once, its skill to manage several users and jobs at the same time made a deep impact on me. The design of UNIX shows how strong multiprogramming is because people like me can open many different programs at the same time, such as text editors, compilers, and internet browsers. They all work together without problems in one system. It's similar to a juggler who can keep many balls up in the air without any trouble.


Then there is Linux, which seemed like getting acquainted with an open-source cousin of UNIX. Linux got from UNIX the ability to do many programs at once, and this makes it very flexible for different uses such as personal computers, big computer systems for organizing data, and also small built-in systems. I discovered many opportunities when I started using Linux because operating systems such as Ubuntu and Fedora provide easy-to-use interfaces along with a strong foundation for running multiple programs.


As I looked into Windows, it fascinated me how much it has transformed. It started out very simple and now has become strong for running many programs at the same time. Users can open lots of different applications together because of this growth. When you do things such as edit a document, listen to music online, or look at websites, Windows handles these activities without problems. It gives users an easy time. This is similar to observing a conductor directing an orchestra where every player (program) performs their role together well.


I also explored macOS, which is the system provided by Apple for running multiple programs. It has a basis in UNIX and brings together multiprogramming capabilities with a user interface that is both beautiful and easy to use. This combination makes an easy-to-use space that still keeps high performance and ability, letting both creative workers and programmers use all the power of their machines. It feels like I have discovered a harmony between attractiveness and productivity within one system.

People who want to learn more about the details of these systems might find that taking courses from upGrad is a good way to gain knowledge and hands-on skills. upGrad offers complete learning programs in computer science and technology for different kinds of interests and levels of ability.

Advantages of Multiprogramming Operating System

My research into the advantages of multiprogramming systems emphasized how important they are in today's computers. This is what I found most notable:

  • Improved use of the CPU: A big benefit is the significant betterment in how the CPU is used. When many processes can be in memory at the same time, it means that there's consistently work for the CPU to do, which reduces the time it does nothing. It is similar to having many cooks in a kitchen busy, making sure that nobody is waiting without work.
  • Improved resource allocation: The systems adjust the distribution of resources to several processes as needed for best performance, similar to a library distributing books to patrons when they require them, enhancing the use of the library.
  • Cost efficiency: Multiprogramming systems make better use of resources, so there's less need for more hardware. This saves money for companies. It is like using one room with many purposes rather than having separate rooms for each activity.

Disadvantages of Multiprogramming Operating System

However, my journey also highlighted some challenges inherent to multiprogramming systems:

  • Complexity in management: As more processes are added, managing them and their needed resources becomes more complicated. It's similar to planning a big event where it gets harder to coordinate everything when there are many people taking part.
  • Security and privacy concerns: Securing data and keeping it private gets harder when many systems use the same resources. It is like trying to keep things secret in a big office where everyone can hear talks and see papers easily.
  • Potential for resource starvation: Sometimes, some tasks can take too much control over the resources and cause a shortage for the rest. It's like when people who come first to a buffet eat most of the dishes, so those who come after have fewer choices left.

Final Words

As we come to the end of this tutorial, it is worth reiterating that multiprogramming operating systems represent a fascinating evolution in how computers manage tasks, offering a blend of efficiency and complexity. As we've explored, from its definition to its types, examples, advantages, and challenges, it's clear that multiprogramming has fundamentally changed computing for the better.

For those curious to learn more or delve deeper into the technicalities of operating systems, I highly recommend checking out upGrad's comprehensive courses. Whether you're aiming to enhance your technical skills, pivot to a career in IT, or simply satiate your curiosity about how operating systems manage the juggling act of multiprogramming, there's a wealth of knowledge waiting to be explored. Embark on your learning journey with upGrad and unlock the doors to a deeper understanding of the digital world that powers our lives.


  1. What is a multiprogramming operating system?

    It's an OS that allows multiple programs to reside in memory at once, efficiently managing their execution.
  1. How does a multiprogramming OS differ from a single-program OS?

    Multiprogramming optimizes CPU use by handling multiple tasks simultaneously, unlike single-program OSes that manage tasks sequentially.
  1. What are the benefits of a multiprogramming OS?

    Increased CPU utilization, improved system responsiveness, and enhanced throughput are key benefits.
  1. What is multiprogramming with an example?

    Modern operating systems like Windows and Linux, which handle running multiple applications at once, exemplify multiprogramming.
  1. Why is multiprogramming important?

    It's crucial for maximizing resource use and improving the efficiency and capacity of computing systems.
  1. Is multitasking the same as multiprogramming?

    While closely related, multitasking often refers to the concurrent execution of tasks within a single application, whereas multiprogramming involves managing multiple applications or processes by the OS.
  1. Can all types of operating systems support multiprogramming?

    Not all, but most modern operating systems are designed to support multiprogramming to some extent.
  1. What challenges does multiprogramming OS face?

    Resource management complexities, security concerns, and potential for system slowdowns are significant challenges multiprogramming operating systems face.

Pavan Vadapalli

Pavan Vadapalli

Motivated to leverage technology to solve problems. Seasoned leader for startups and fast moving orgs. Working on solving problems of scale and l…Read More

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