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System Calls In Operating System

Updated on 21/07/2024443 Views

The operating system (OS) is an integral part of the computing world as it connects user applications to the hardware in an effective way and helps them to function properly. On my side, I can claim that it is the subject area that students find a little bit harder to master, and this scenario becomes more terrible when they encounter system calls in the operating system.

In this tutorial, I am going to give you a systematic overview of the system calls in operating system in a way that doesn't require a rocket scientist. However, this article will summarize what is system call in OS, what are the types of system calls in OS, what is the purpose of system calls, and some important examples of system calls, along with other important things! 

Before we proceed – if you’re interested in diving deeper into the technicalities of system calls and other nuances of operating systems, you might find a master’s course in Computer Science relevant!

Now, let’s begin our journey into understanding system calls in OS, starting with how to define system call in OS and why they are important. 

What Is System Call in OS and Why are They Important 

The class of system calls plays a crucial role in the OS environment and represents a connection point between how user applications communicate with the underlying hardware system.

Picture yourself delivering a letter without knowing how to write. This is like trying the physical hardware-related operations without system calls.

These are the essential pre-defined ways given by the OS that permit user-module programs to invoke different forms of services and operations that the OS handles, e.g., reading from a disk, creating a process, or opening a connection to an open network.

The Essence of System Calls in OS

System calls provide a controlled interface to the operating system's services, making them indispensable for the following reasons:

  • Security and Protection: System calls in operating system play a mediator role to eliminate the application's direct access to the hardware and its resources. This prevents the application from interfering directly with the hardware in a way that might be hazardous or lead to a conflict of resources. Thus, all safe operation and security reliance for the system is guaranteed as only authorized and constrained operations are executed.
  • Abstraction and Simplification: They offer a convenient abstraction over the complexity of hardware operations. In other words, increasing convenience for programmers. This abstraction empowers the developers to write programs that are not constrained by hardware specific knowledge. Hence, the applications can be ported to different devices and the efficiency is achieved.
  • Resource Management: System calls play a great role in the context of living in a limited set of resources such as CPU time available, memory space, and input/output devices. To realize this, the OS takes into account such a circumstance and allocates resources accordingly so as to maintain equality in terms of access to the resources while preventing any one application from hogging them.

The Importance of System Calls

In my understanding of working with system calls in operating system and exploring the world of computer science, system calls are important because of the following reasons: 

  • Enabling User Applications: Without system calls, user applications would be unable to perform basic operations like reading or writing files, communicating over networks, or managing user input. System calls provide these essential capabilities, enabling the rich functionality we expect from modern software.
  • Uniformity Across Diverse Hardware: They offer a consistent programming interface across different hardware and system configurations. This uniformity is a primary component of the creation of moveable apps, which are supported by numerous platforms without any modifications.
  • Efficiency and Performance: The OS delegates control over processes like process scheduling, memory management, and I/O operations to the system calls, thereby improving the performance and efficiency both at the level of individual applications and of the system as a whole.

Services Provided By System Calls in OS

The purpose of system calls is to act as the backbone for various services within an operating system, enabling everything from basic file operations to complex network communications. 

These services are not just auxiliary features but are fundamental to the operation and utility of the OS, providing a wide array of functionalities to user applications. Let's explore the essential services facilitated by system calls, highlighting their versatility and critical role in system operations.

File Management

  • Creation and Deletion: With system calls, applications can manage file structuring by creating new files and directories or deleting existing ones.
  • Opening and Closing: This is achieved via the Open/Read, Close/Write, and Close/Append commands. They help maintain data integrity and resource availability.
  • Reading and Writing: Reading and writing data and storage are possible through system calls. They do this by allowing applications to read data from files and write data to files, resulting in the persistent storage of data.

Process Control

  • Process Creation and Termination: System calls enable the creation of new processes through fork or spawn mechanisms and allow for the termination of processes, either normally or forcibly.
  • Process Communication: They facilitate inter-process communication (IPC), allowing processes to exchange data and signals, which is crucial for coordinating concurrent operations.
  • Process Scheduling: System calls interact with the OS's scheduler to manage process execution priorities and execution times, optimizing CPU utilization.

Memory Management

  • Memory Allocation: System calls in operating system provide services for allocating and deallocating memory segments, which is crucial for dynamic memory management in applications.
  • Memory Protection: They ensure that memory access is properly controlled, preventing unauthorized access to restricted memory areas, thus maintaining system stability and security.

Device Management

  • Device Access: System calls offer controlled access to hardware devices like printers, network adapters, and storage devices, abstracting the complexities of device-specific operations.
  • Driver Communication: They allow for communication with device drivers, facilitating actions like sending print jobs or transmitting network packets.

Information Maintenance

  • System Information: System calls retrieve system-wide information, such as time, date, system configuration, and status information, aiding in monitoring and management tasks.
  • User Information: They manage user-related information, including user IDs, group memberships, and permissions, integral for enforcing security policies.


  • Socket Operations: System calls in the operating system play a critical role in providing services like socket operations for network communication using protocols like TCP/IP.
  • Data Transmission: They also facilitate data transmission over network connections, which is essential for the operation of web browsers, email clients, and other networked applications.

If you’re curious about “how do system calls in OS work?” keep reading

On that note, if you want to dive even deeper into system calls in OS on a practical level, you might want to check out some of upGrad’s software-related certifications and get hands-on with these concepts!

How Do System Calls In OS Work?

System calls in operating systems are the critical link between user applications and the kernel's control over hardware and system resources. Here's a streamlined look at how system calls in OS function:

  • Invocation: Applications invoke system calls, like reading a file or creating a process, via high-level OS APIs that abstract away the complexities.
  • Context Switch: Initiating a system call triggers a switch from user mode to kernel mode, allowing the CPU to execute privileged kernel operations. This is facilitated by a software interrupt or a special instruction.
  • Parameter Passing: Arguments for the system call are passed to the kernel, typically via registers, including the system call number and necessary parameters like filenames or process identifiers.
  • System Call Handler: The kernel's system call handler then validates and maps the call number to the appropriate kernel function for execution.
  • Execution: In kernel mode, the requested operations are performed, be they hardware interactions, resource management, or data structure modifications.
  • Return to User Mode: After completing the input processing, the kernel transfers the outcomes back to the application and switches the CPU to user mode, enabling the application to continue its process with the updated information or results.

Now, let’s look at some of the most important system calls that are routinely used in OS.

Important system calls used in OS

Let's explore some of the most important types of system calls used in operating systems and the roles they play.

Process Control

  • fork(): Duplicates the calling process, enabling multitasking and parallel process execution.
  • exec(): Replaces the current process's image with a new one, crucial for running new programs.
  • wait(): Halts the calling process until a child process exits or receives a signal, ensuring process synchronization.
  • exit(): Ends the calling process, releasing its resources and notifying the system of its completion.

File Manipulation

  • open(): Accesses a file, returning a descriptor for operations like reading or writing.
  • read()/write(): Transfers data to/from a file, essential for data handling.
  • close(): Ends file operations on a descriptor, freeing resources.
  • unlink(): Removes a file from the filesystem, freeing up space.

Memory Management

  • brk()/sbrk(): Modifies the size of the data segment, allowing dynamic memory allocation or deallocation.

Device Management

  • ioctl(): Configures device parameters for device-specific operations.

Information Maintenance

  • getpid()/getppid(): Fetches process IDs of the caller and its parent, important for process tracking.
  • stat(): Gathers file attributes, aiding in data management based on metadata.


  • socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), connect(): Establishes and manages network connections, foundational for networked applications.

These system calls represent essential tools for interacting with the operating system, managing resources, and facilitating communication, both internally among processes and externally over networks. They encapsulate complex operations into manageable actions, streamlining application development and execution.

Wrapping Up

System calls in operating systems are indispensable, facilitating a myriad of essential operations from process management to file handling and network communication. Their understanding is crucial for anyone looking to delve deeper into the complexities of operating systems or aiming to harness the full potential of computing in software development and beyond. 

For those inspired to further explore this critical component of computing or to advance their knowledge in technology, engaging with upGrad's comprehensive courses could be your next step towards mastering the field. Embark on this educational adventure with upGrad and join a community committed to technological excellence and innovation.


  1. Why are system calls important?

They are crucial for security, abstraction, and efficient resource management. System calls enforce a controlled environment where privileged operations can be performed safely without granting applications direct access to hardware resources, thereby maintaining the integrity and stability of the system.

  1. What is a common example of system call?

Here’s more than one example of system call. For file operations: open(), read(), write(), and close(). For process control: fork(), exec(), exit(), and wait() are commonly used. Network operations often involve functions such as socket(), bind(), listen(), accept(), and connect().

  1. How are system calls different from library functions?

Library functions are part of the user-space code that applications can use to perform specific tasks. These tasks may internally use system calls to request kernel-level services. System calls operate at a lower level, directly interacting with the operating system's kernel, and are essential for performing operations that require kernel intervention.

  1. Can user programs directly access kernel functions without system calls?

No, user programs cannot directly access kernel functions due to the protection mechanisms of modern operating systems. System calls provide the necessary interface for user programs to request kernel-level operations in a controlled and secure manner.

  1. How are system calls implemented in different operating systems?

Operating systems typically employ either a software interrupt or a specialized instruction to transition from user mode to kernel mode, although the specific implementation details may differ. 

A table or map within the kernel associates each system call number with its corresponding kernel function. Parameters are passed using registers or memory, and a dispatcher within the kernel invokes the appropriate function.

  1. Can system calls fail?

System calls can fail due to various reasons, such as invalid parameters, insufficient permissions, or resource limitations. When a system call fails, the operating system typically returns an error code to the application. This enables the application to handle the error by retrying the operation, fixing the issue, or informing the user.

Rohan Vats

Rohan Vats

Passionate about building large scale web apps with delightful experiences. In pursuit of transforming engineers into leaders.

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