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Unix Operating System

Updated on 19/07/202477 Views

As I delved deeper into the world of operating systems, I became increasingly fascinated by the Unix operating system. Originating in the late 1960s, Unix has not only endured but flourished through numerous technological advancements, laying the groundwork for many modern OS designs. My exploration of the Unix operating system has involved studying its roots, grasping its fundamental principles, recognizing its standout features, and discovering the multitude of Unix variations that have evolved over time.

In this tutorial, let’s understand the basics of Unix operating system. We’ll also look at the crucial example of Unix Operating System. But first, even before we define Unix Operating System, I believe it is a good idea to quickly gloss over the history and evolution of Unix Operating System. 

Evolution of Unix Operating System 

My growing passion for Unix was in no small way a result of the history of its inception at AT&T's Bell Labs, where legends like Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie had doggedly plotted and built the utilities known as “Unix tools” for user convenience. It was not only Unix that impressed, but by 1973, it was re-written in C, and to me, this move bears the hallmark of undeniable innovation. 

What distinguishes Unix from other systems is the programmers' decision to make the code portable. This feature allowed it to spread in the academic environment, thus foreshadowing developments that set the stage for worldwide adoption and adaptation.

  • 1969: The Birth of Unix
    Individuals such as Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, with their foresight, brought Unix into existence at AT&T's Bell Labs. They initially developed it on a DEC PDP-7 minicomputer; later emerging as the solution to an imperative need for a superior interactive operating system.
  • 1973: Unix Rewritten in C
    Dennis Ritchie's rewriting of Unix in the C programming language initiated a significant transformation: it enhanced its portability, broadened potential hardware compatibility, and accelerated widespread adoption--all vital factors that propelled Unix to its current prominence.
  • Late 1970s: The Spread of Unix
    The source code distribution of Version 6 Unix drove the spread of Unix beyond its origins at Bell Labs, infiltrating academia. This era initiated a flurry of experimentation that birthed numerous derivatives in the Unix realm.
  • 1980s: Diversification
    BSD and System V, the two main branches of Unix, have each cultivated their unique features; however, this epoch also ushered in Unix fragmentation. In response to these divergences–an emerging issue at that time–the POSIX standard surfaced with a mission: to standardize system interfaces.
  • 1990s: Commercialization and Competition
    With the introduction of commercial versions like Solaris Unix Operating System, HP-UX, and AIX; the Unix landscape expanded, catering to enterprise requirements. Simultaneously, Linux emerged as a potent open-source system akin to Unix; it encapsulated an ethos of collaboration that defines Unix.
  • 2000s to Present: Enduring Legacy
    Market changes and the decline of certain Unix versions do not negate its enduring influence: it continues to shape modern operating systems such as macOS and Linux. The fundamental principles—simplicity, portability, multitasking—that Unix embodies persistently guide computing across a multitude of platforms.

For those intrigued by Unix and eager to delve deeper into computer science, exploring upGrad's Computer Science courses can offer a structured and comprehensive learning path. upGrad provides a platform to not only learn about Unix but also to master a wide array of computing concepts and technologies that are pivotal in today's digital age.

Basics of Unix Operating System

As I delved deeper into Unix, I began to understand its foundational structure, which is elegantly simple yet profoundly powerful. Let’s see what lies in the basic design of the Unix operating system.


Like the computer's boss, the Unix kernel ensures smooth operation. It facilitates communication between software programs and hardware components; much like a brain instructing body movements. Moreover, it manages resources—memory and processing power—in an effort to guarantee swift and efficient functionality of all operations. It's like a superhero making sure everything works perfectly behind the scenes.


Functioning as a command interpreter, the shell served me: it was my gateway to the Unix system; an entity that enabled direct interaction between users and kernel via a command-line interface (CLI) – I found this fascinating. The shell possessed a remarkable capacity to decipher user commands--translating them into executable actions for the kernel. Unix presents diverse shells: Bourne Shell, C Shell, and Korn Shell–each endowed with unique scripting capabilities and syntax, thus bestowing upon users/developers not only flexibility but also resilience.

File System

In likening the file system of Unix operating system to an intricately arranged cosmos, one observes a universal treatment of everything as files: regular data files; directories – even hardware devices. This uniform approach to file management streamlines and refines the system, rendering it adaptable and expandable. The rooted in its hierarchical structure--commencing from the root directory ('/') --the file system fosters efficient organization of storage; this paves the way for effortless accessibility and administration of files.

Processes and Job Control

The Unix system introduced me to its multitasking capabilities through the concept of processes, which execute individual tasks. Each process in Unix holds a unique process identifier (PID) and can create child processes; this enables complex operations and services to run concurrently. I found job control particularly fascinating: it allows users not only to start or stop background and foreground tasks but also provides them with command over the entire multitasking environment.

User and Group Management

The key feature of Unix is its capacity to support multiple users: it allows numerous individuals to log in and use the system concurrently. The operating system assigns a unique user ID (UID) to each user via an efficient user-and-group management system; this setup enables effective access control—users can also participate in various groups. Such a configuration not only facilitates resource sharing but simultaneously reinforces crucial security measures as well as isolation protocols for each individual user.


Significantly, Unix's inherent networking capabilities expand communication and data sharing opportunities: the ability to connect numerous Unix systems underscores—through its ecosystem's creation of network protocols and tools—the operating system's contribution to Internet advancement; indeed, it promotes progress in networked computing.

Key Features of a Unix Operating System

Exploring Unix further, I was drawn to the key features that make it stand out. Its multitasking capability allows multiple processes to run concurrently, a feature I found invaluable for productivity. 

Here are some of the key attributes that define Unix operating system:

  • Portability: The implementation in C endows it with portability, allowing it to operate across an extensive spectrum of hardware: from desktops – even through to servers.
  • Multi-User Support: This feature offers the ability for numerous users to access it simultaneously, devoid of any conflicts; therefore, it proves exceptionally suitable in collaborative environments.
  • Multitasking: Effectively handles the concurrent execution of applications and processes.
  • Hierarchical File System: Establishes an organized framework for file storage, streamlining data organization.
  • Through scripting within the robust shell environment, Shell Scripting empowers task automation and executes complex operations.
  • By connecting commands and passing output from one to another, Pipes and Filters simplify sophisticated data processing.
  • Security: Ensures stringent access control over files and directories to define user permissions.
  • Networking: Provides seamless TCP/IP networking support for connectivity and communication across networks.
  • Extensive Tools and Utilities: This comprehensive suite includes a wide array of utilities that cater to file manipulation, programming, and system administration.
  • Documentation: Furnishes comprehensive guidance on commands and functionalities, aiding in learning and issue resolution

These features collectively make Unix a powerful, versatile, and reliable operating system, suitable for both server environments and personal computing.

Different Types of Unix Operating System

My journey then led me to the diverse landscape of Unix variants, each with its unique flavor and offerings. 

Here’s an exploration of the different types of Unix operating systems, highlighting their uniqueness and the contexts in which they excel.

BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)

The University of California, Berkeley initiated the BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution) as enhancements to the original AT&T Unix. Variations such as FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and NetBSD exist, each emphasizing distinct aspects like speed, security, and compatibility. These versions boast excellence in server operations and networking capabilities.

Solaris Unix Operating System

Sun Microsystems creates the Solaris Unix Operating System, renowned for its capacity to manage substantial tasks and unique features such as ZFS, DTrace, and Zones that enhance performance and organization. Big businesses favor this system due to its reliability and advanced functionalities.


Apple Inc. develops macOS, which builds on a Unix-based foundation known as Darwin and incorporates elements from BSD. With its unique combination of Unix's robust core and an intuitive graphical interface, macOS garners popularity among creative professionals, developers, and general users—all appreciating the marriage between reliability intrinsic to Unix operating systems with ease-of-use functionalities it offers.


Linus Torvalds and his team created Linux as one of the open-source Unix operating systems, bearing similarities to Unix. This connotes that anyone can utilize or modify it; hence its widespread usage across various applications: personal computers, servers—among others. Different versions have emerged--Ubuntu, Fedora--tailoring specifically for these disparate uses.


As I think about the Unix Operating System, I am impressed by how important it has been for computers. The way it was made, all the cool things it can do, and all the different versions it inspired still affect how computer systems work today.

Start learning with upGrad and explore the world of Unix and more. Whether you already know a lot or are just starting out, upGrad has courses that can help you learn and become really good at operating systems. These courses are made for people who want to work in technology, and they will teach you everything you need to know to succeed. Don't miss this chance to learn about computers with upGrad by your side.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  

  1. What are the key features of the Unix Operating System?

    Task switching, support of multiple users, and text-based commands provided portability for Unix, and in general, it was advanced for its time.
  1. What are the 3 main parts of UNIX?

    The kernel, the shell, and the file system take the place of the three most important parts in the Unix construct.
  1. What are some popular Unix distributions?

    BSD, Solaris Unix operating system, and macOS are the most known members of the family of Unix-like systems, with some common advantages.
  2. Is Windows a UNIX or Linux?

    Windows is not the same as Unix or Linux; it is a different operating system released by Microsoft having their own architectural designs.
  3. What programming languages are commonly used in Unix?

    C is on likely terms with Unix, together with zsh and bash shell scripting languages.
  4. How many types of UNIX OS are there?

    There are numerous types of Unix OS, including proprietary and open-source ones, such as Solaris Unix and BSD.
  5. What are some common Unix commands?

    The Unix core commands include ls, cd, grep, and chmod among others.
  6. Is Unix still relevant today?

    Unix's principles and its derivatives, particularly Linux, play a crucial role in modern computing environments.
  7. Where can I learn more about Unix?

    You can look at various online resources to learn more about Unix. If you want to dive even deeper and gain an even better understanding, consider checking out upGrad’s computer science courses!
  8. What is Unix used for?

    Unix is used for a broad spectrum of computing needs, from servers and desktops to embedded systems.
Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Working with upGrad as a Senior Engineering Manager with more than 10+ years of experience in Software Development and Product Management.

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