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Explode Function In PHP

Updated on 04/10/2024347 Views

PHP is a widely used programming language for creating websites. One of these functions is the explode function. It’s an excellent way to split strings into arrays.

Explode is still one of the most common developers’ string manipulation tools in PHP and is relied upon by almost all programmers daily. The explode function divides a text into an array of substrings using a provided delimiter.

This guide will tell you everything about explode in PHP, its syntax, and more.


 The explode() function in PHP is designed to split a string into multiple substrings, using a specified delimiter as a guide. You can use this function when you are parsing data from CSV files and processing user input from forms. It can be utilized even when extracting details from URLs, among other uses.

The explode() function will help you organize your code better, splitting strings into arrays consisting of substrings neatly. Also, it's binary safe, which means it can accept any number of possible character encodings without crashing or giving wrong results due to this inconsistency. So, if you're looking to wield the power of string manipulation in your PHP projects, mastering the explode() function is a must.

This guide will discuss explode in PHP in detail. We will discuss different scenarios where we can use this function in PHP.

What Is The Explode Function In PHP And How Do You Use It?

The PHP explode function is a helpful tool for dividing texts into smaller chunks depending on a predefined delimiter. It facilitates efficient string manipulation by converting a single string into an array of substrings, thereby enabling developers to process text data more effectively. 

The syntax of the explode function is given below:

explode(separator, OriginalString, NoOfElements)


Separator or Delimiter: This parameter specifies the character or sequence of characters used as the delimiter to split the original string.

OriginalString: The input string that is to be divided into an array of substrings.

NoOfElements (Optional): This parameter determines the number of elements in the resulting array. It can be:

  • A positive integer (N): Limits the number of elements to N. If the string contains more segments than N, the last element comprises the remaining portion of the string.
  • A negative integer (N): Excludes the last N elements from the array, returning the remaining substrings.
  • Zero: Results in a single-element array containing the entire string.

Here is a PHP explode example

For instance, consider a scenario where you have a sentence stored as a single string and need to extract individual words for further processing. Using explode, you can split the sentence based on spaces to obtain an array containing each word as a separate element.

$originalString = "The fast brown lion jumps over the lazy dog";

$wordsArray = explode(" ", $originalString);


In this example,

  • $originalString: This is a variable declaration that stores the original string, "The fast brown lion jumps over the lazy dog." It represents the input string that you want to split into individual words.
  • $wordsArray: This is another variable declaration where the result of the explode function will be stored. It will hold an array containing the individual words extracted from the original string.
  • explode(" ", $originalString): This is the explode function call. Here's what each part does:
  • explode: It's the PHP function used to split a string into an array.
  • " ": This is the delimiter or separator parameter. In this case, it's a single space enclosed in double quotes. It specifies that the original string should be split wherever a space occurs. This means each word will be treated as a separate element in the resulting array.
  • $originalString: This parameter represents the input string that you want to split using the specified delimiter.
  • print_r($wordsArray): This line prints the content of the $wordsArray variable, which now holds the array resulting from the explode function. The print_r function is used to display the array structure, providing a human-readable representation of its elements.




[0] => The

[1] => fast

[2] => brown

[3] => lion

[4] => jumps

[5] => over

[6] => the

[7] => lazy

[8] => dog


The output above shows how the explode in PHP splits the sentence into individual words based on spaces, producing an array where each element corresponds to a word in the original string.

Using The $limit Parameter With The Explode Function In PHP

When using the $limit parameter with the explode function in PHP, you can control the number of elements generated in the resulting array. Let's look at an example to understand its usage better:

$string = "Apple, Banana, Orange, Mango, Pineapple";

$fruitsArray = explode(", ", $string, 3);


In this example, we have a string $string containing a list of fruits separated by commas and spaces. We want to split this string into an array, limiting the number of elements to three.

By using explode(", ", $string, 3), we instruct PHP to split the string at each comma followed by space but limit the resulting array to contain a maximum of three elements.

Upon execution, the output will be:



[0] => Apple

[1] => Banana

[2] => Orange, Mango, Pineapple


As you can see, the resulting array contains only three elements, as specified by the $limit parameter. The last element includes the remaining part of the string after splitting it into three parts. This demonstrates how you can effectively control the segmentation of strings into arrays using the $limit parameter with explode in PHP.

Real-World Applications Of The Explode Function In PHP

Here are some practical ways the explode function in PHP is used.

1. Parsing CSV Data

When dealing with CSV data, it's often stored as a string where each line represents a record, and within each line, the fields are separated by commas or other delimiters. The explode in PHP function comes in handy for breaking down this structured data into a more manageable format. This can be done even when using "PHP explode online".

By using the PHP explode function in conjunction with appropriate delimiters, such as newline characters (\n) to split rows and comma-space (", ") to split individual fields, you can effectively parse CSV data into an array of arrays. Each inner array represents a row of data, with its elements corresponding to the individual fields within that row.

This parsing process allows you to extract and manipulate the data in a structured manner, making it easier to perform tasks such as data analysis, formatting, or database insertion.

Now, let's look at an example to see how the explode() function can be applied to parse CSV data:

Consider a scenario where you have CSV (Comma-Separated Values) data stored in a string:

$data = "Alice, Wonderland, 25, female

Bob, Smith, 30, male";

You can use the explode() function to process this CSV data and organize it into a structured format:

// Split the CSV data into rows

$rows = explode("\n", $data);

// Iterate through each row and split it into individual elements

foreach ($rows as $key => $row) {

$rows[$key] = explode(", ", $row);



The output will be:



[0] => Array


         [0] => Alice

         [1] => Wonderland

         [2] => 25

         [3] => female


[1] => Array


         [0] => Bob

         [1] => Smith

         [2] => 30

         [3] => male



In the example above, the CSV data is first split into rows based on the newline character (\n). Then, each row is further split into individual elements using explode(). This allows you to effectively parse and manipulate CSV data within your PHP application.

2. Processing User Input From Forms

When users submit data through forms on websites, it often comes in the form of a string with multiple values separated by a delimiter.

For example, consider a form where users can select multiple hobbies using checkboxes.

When the form is submitted, the server receives a string containing all the selected hobbies separated by commas or other delimiters. You can use the explode() function to split this string into an array of individual values for further processing. Here is the code

// Assume $_POST['hobbies'] contains a string like "Reading, Swimming, Cooking"

$hobbies_string = $_POST['hobbies'];

// Split the string into an “explode array php” using a comma as the delimiter

$hobbies_array = explode(", ", $hobbies_string);

// Now $hobbies_array will contain individual hobby values


3. Extracting Data From URLs

URLs often contain query parameters separated by special characters like "&" or "?". If you need to extract specific parameters from a URL string, you can use the explode in PHP function to split the URL into segments and then further split those segments to extract the desired data.

For example, let’s say you want to extract data from this URL “https://example.com/”

$url = "https://example.com/page.php?name=John&age=30&gender=male";

// Split the URL to extract the query parameters

$url_parts = explode("?", $url);

// Extract the query string part

$query_string = end($url_parts);

// Split the query string to extract individual parameters

$query_params = explode("&", $query_string);

// Now $query_params will contain key-value pairs of parameters

foreach ($query_params as $param) {

list($key, $value) = explode("=", $param);

echo "Key: $key, Value: $value<br>";



In conclusion, explode in PHP is a valuable tool for dividing strings into arrays based on specified delimiters. Throughout this guide, we have discussed its syntax and various practical applications. We touched on how to use it to parse CSV data to handle user input and extract information from URLs.

When you master the explode function, you can efficiently manage a variety of real-world tasks in your PHP projects. When you are dealing with structured data like CSV files or extracting parameters from URLs, the explode function helps you to parse and manipulate strings effectively. 

So, the next time you face a string manipulation challenge in your PHP code, remember the explode function—it's an indispensable tool for segmenting strings into manageable components.


  1. What is exploding in PHP?

Exploding in PHP refers to the process of breaking down a string into smaller components called substrings based on a specified delimiter. It's akin to splitting a string into parts, making it easier to work with different segments of the text.

  1. How to explode words in PHP?

Exploding words in PHP is accomplished using the explode() function. This function takes a string and a delimiter as input and returns an array containing the substrings. For instance, if you have a sentence like "The quick brown fox," you can explode it by spaces to get an array of individual words: ["The," "quick," "brown," "fox"].

  1. What's the distinction between implode and explode in PHP?

While both implode() and explode() functions deal with string manipulation in PHP, they serve opposite purposes. Explode() splits a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter, whereas implode() joins array elements into a single string using a specified glue string.

  1. How do you get the explode value in PHP?

In PHP, after using the explode function on the explode string PHP, you can obtain the resulting array by assigning it to a variable. This array contains the substrings generated from the original string based on the specified delimiter. You can then access individual elements of the array using array indexing or iterate through the array to perform further processing.

  1. What is the reverse of explode in PHP?

The reverse operation of explode in PHP is performed using the implode() function. While explode() splits a string into an array of substrings, implode() merges array elements into a single string. So, if you have an array of words, you can use implode() to concatenate them into a sentence.

  1. Is explode deprecated in PHP?

No, explode() is not deprecated in PHP. It remains a widely used and essential function for string manipulation tasks in PHP applications. It provides a straightforward way to split strings into arrays, and its functionality is not deprecated or discouraged in PHP.

  1. What is the difference between strtok and explode in PHP?

strtok() breaks a string into tokens based on a list of specified delimiters, while explode() splits a string into an array based on a single delimiter character. strtok() is useful for parsing strings with various delimiters, whereas explode() is suitable for simpler splitting tasks with a single delimiter.

  1. How to remove the last element in PHP?

To remove the last element from an array in PHP, you can use the array_pop() function. This function removes the last element of an array and returns it, effectively reducing the size of the array by one. It's a convenient way to eliminate the last element when you no longer need it in your array.

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