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13. Print In Python
15. Python for Loop
19. Break in Python
23. Float in Python
25. List in Python
27. Tuples in Python
29. Set in Python
53. Python Modules
57. Python Packages
59. Class in Python
61. Object in Python
73. JSON Python
79. Python Threading
84. Map in Python
85. Filter in Python
86. Eval in Python
96. Sort in Python
101. Datetime Python
103. 2D Array in Python
104. Abs in Python
105. Advantages of Python
107. Append in Python
110. Assert in Python
113. Bool in Python
115. chr in Python
118. Count in python
119. Counter in Python
121. Datetime in Python
122. Extend in Python
123. F-string in Python
125. Format in Python
131. Index in Python
132. Interface in Python
134. Isalpha in Python
136. Iterator in Python
137. Join in Python
140. Literals in Python
141. Matplotlib
144. Modulus in Python
147. OpenCV Python
149. ord in Python
150. Palindrome in Python
151. Pass in Python
156. Python Arrays
158. Python Frameworks
160. Python IDE
164. Python PIP
165. Python Seaborn
166. Python Slicing
168. Queue in Python
169. Replace in Python
173. Stack in Python
174. scikit-learn
175. Selenium with Python
176. Self in Python
177. Sleep in Python
179. Split in Python
184. Strip in Python
185. Subprocess in Python
186. Substring in Python
195. What is Pygame
197. XOR in Python
198. Yield in Python
199. Zip in Python
Python is a popular programming language among scientists and data scientists. The language is appealing to learn because of its comparatively simple syntax, open community, and plenty of helpful tools. As a result, many people aspire to become Python professionals to advance their careers. To become skilled in Python, we must first grasp control flow statements in Python.
Flow control is a fundamental concept in programming to dictate the order in which a program executes its statements. It is crucial for decision-making and controlling the program's behavior in Python. This article will provide an overview of flow control in Python, explain special rules, discuss different types of control flow statements in Python, highlight their importance, and more.
First and foremost, Control flow statements in Python are how you direct your programs to decide which parts of code to run. By default, programs execute each line of code in sequence, with understanding how things are proceeding.
What if you don't want to execute every single line of code? What if you have several answers, and the code must choose which one to utilize based on the conditions? What if you require the software to continually utilize the same code to perform the computations with slightly different inputs? What if you want to execute a few lines of code repeatedly until the application fulfills a condition? It is when control flow enters the picture. Control flow statements in Python direct the flow of your program's execution. It allows you to make decisions, repeat actions, and handle different situations to make your code more dynamic and adaptable.
Conditional statements in Python are used to make decisions and execute different blocks of code based on specific conditions. These conditions are defined using logical expressions that evaluate either True or False. Conditional statements in Python control the flow of your program and enable it to respond dynamically to different situations.
The if statement is the most fundamental conditional statement in Python. It allows you to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is true. If the condition evaluates to True, the code block is executed.
Example 1: Simple if decision-making statements in Python
age = 18
if age >= 18:
print("You are eligible to vote.")
Output (if age is 18 or greater):
You are eligible to vote.
In this example, the if statement checks if the age variable is greater than or equal to 18. If the condition is true (age is 18), the code block under the if statement is executed, resulting in the message "You are eligible to vote."
Example 2: Using if with Logical Operators
temperature = 25
if temperature > 30 or temperature < 0:
print("Extreme temperature alert!")
Output (if temperature is not in the range of 0 to 30):
Extreme temperature alert!
In this example, the if statement checks whether the temperature variable is greater than 30 or less than 0. If either condition is true, the code block is executed, displaying the "Extreme temperature alert!" message.
Example 3: Using if with Strings Python flow control exercises
fruit = "apple"
if fruit == "apple":
print("This is an apple.")
Output (if fruit is "apple"):
This is an apple.
Here, the if statement checks if the fruit variable is equal to the string "apple." If the condition is true, the code block executes, resulting in the message "This is an apple."
The if statement can be followed by optional elif (short for "else if") and else clauses to handle multiple conditions and provide alternative actions when the condition is false. Let's explore these constructs.
The if-else statement allows you to execute one block of code if a specified condition is true and another block if it's false. It provides an alternative action to be taken when the condition is unmet.
Example 1: Basic if-else Statement Python flow control exercises
temperature = 25
if temperature > 30:
print("It's hot outside.")
print("It's not too hot outside.")
Output (if temperature is 25):
It's not too hot outside.
In this example, the if-else statement evaluates whether the temperature variable exceeds 30 degrees. Since the condition is false (temperature is 25), the code within the else block is executed, leading to the message "It's not too hot outside."
Example 2: Using if-else with User Input Python flow control exercises
user_input = input("Enter a number: ")
if user_input.isdigit():
print("You entered a valid number.")
print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.")
Output (if the user enters "42"):
You entered a valid number.
In this example, the if-else statement checks whether the user's input is a valid number using the isdigit() method. If the input is a valid number, the code within the if block executes; otherwise, the code within the else block is executed.
Example 3: Using if-else for Grading
score = 75
if score >= 90:
grade = "A"
grade = "B"
print(f"Your grade is {grade}.")
Output (if score is 75):
Your grade is B.
This example calculates a student's grade based on their score. If the score is 90 or higher, the student receives an "A" grade; otherwise, they receive a "B" grade, as defined in the else block.
The if-elif-else ladder is used when you have multiple conditions to evaluate in a sequence. It allows you to test each condition one by one until one of them is true, at which point the corresponding code block is executed. If none of the conditions is true, the code block under else is executed.
Example 1: The if-elif-else Ladder
score = 75
if score >= 90:
grade = "A"
elif score >= 80:
grade = "B"
elif score >= 70:
grade = "C"
grade = "D"
print(f"Your grade is {grade}.")
Output (if score is 75):
Your grade is C.
In this example, the if-elif-else ladder evaluates the student's score and assigns a grade based on the score range. The first condition is not met, so it moves on to the next condition, and so on. Since the score is 75, the "C" grade condition is met, and the corresponding message is printed.
Example 2: Using if-elif for Time of Day Greeting
from datetime import datetime
current_time =
if current_time < 12:
greeting = "Good morning!"
elif current_time < 18:
greeting = "Good afternoon!"
greeting = "Good evening!"
Output (depending on the current time):
Good afternoon!
In this example, the if-elif-else ladder determines the appropriate greeting based on the current time of day. Depending on the time, it selects the corresponding greeting message to display.
Example 3: Using if-elif-else for Category Selection
user_input = input("Enter a category (A, B, C): ")
if user_input == "A":
category = "Luxury"
elif user_input == "B":
category = "Mid-range"
elif user_input == "C":
category = "Economy"
category = "Unknown"
print(f"You selected the {category} category.")
Output (if the user enters "B"):
You selected the Mid-range category.
The user selects a category (A, B, or C) and then assigns the appropriate category name based on their input. The if-elif-else ladder gives the correct category name.
iterative control statements in Python allow you to execute a block of code repeatedly. They perform repetitive tasks, iterate over data structures, and handle various scenarios where actions need to be repeated.
Python has two main types of loops:
The for loop iterates over a sequence (such as a list, tuple, string, or range) or any other iterable object. It executes a block of code for each element in the sequence to perform actions on each element.
Example 1: Using for Loop with a List
fruits = ["apple," "banana," "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:
print(f"I love {fruit}s.")
I love apples.
I love bananas.
I love cherries.
In this example, the for loop iterates through the fruits list, and for each fruit, it executes the code block inside the loop. This results in the message "I love [fruit]s." being printed for each item in the list.
Example 2: Using for Loop with a String
word = "Python"
for letters in words:
Here, the for loop iterates through the characters of the string "Python" and prints each character on a separate line.
Example 3: Using for Loop with Range
for i in range(1, 6):
print(f" The Square of {i} is {i**2}.")
The square of 1 is 1.
The square of 2 is 4.
The square of 3 is 9.
The square of 4 is 16.
The square of 5 is 25.
This example uses the range() function to generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to 5 (inclusive). The for loop then iterates through this sequence, calculating and printing the square of each number.
The while loop in Python repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a specified condition remains true. It is useful when you need to repeat an action until a certain condition is met.
Example 1: Basic while Loop
count = 1
while count <= 5:
print(f"The Count is {count}.")
count = 1
The count is 1.
The count is 2.
The count is 3.
The count is 4.
The count is 5.
In this example, the while loop continues to run as long as the condition (count <= 5) remains true.
Example 2: Using while Loop for User Input
password = "secret"
user_input = input("Enter the password: ")
while user_input != password:
print("Incorrect password. Try again.")
user_input = input("Enter the password: ")
print("Access granted.")
Output (assuming incorrect password inputs before entering "secret"):
Enter the password: incorrect
Incorrect password. Try again.
Enter the password: wrongpass
Incorrect password. Try again.
Enter the password: secret
Access granted.
This example uses a while loop to repeatedly prompt the user for a password until they enter the correct password ("secret").
Example 3: Using While Loop with a Counter
counter = 0
while counter < 3:
print(f"Processing item {counter 1}")
counter = 1
Processing item 1
Processing item 2
Processing item 3
Here, the while loop is used to process items in a task. The loop continues until the counter reaches 3, at which point it stops.
Flow control is crucial in Python for the following reasons:
Control flow is a fundamental concept in computer programming, and it is essential for writing programs that execute logic-based computations for you. It is also a crucial component of being fluent in Python.
Remember always to use a colon after your condition statement and to indent the line you want to run the same amount - these are typical good practices to follow when using Python.
1. Can I use multiple "elif" statements in an "if-elif-else" ladder?
You can have multiple "elif" statements to check multiple conditions before reaching the "else" block.
2. What happens if I forget to indent my code in a control flow statement?
Not using proper indentation will result in a syntax error. Python relies on indentation to define code blocks.
3. Can I use logical operators in my conditions?
Yes, you can use logical operators like "and," "or," and "not" to create complex conditions in your control flow statements.
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