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How to Install Python on macOS

Updated on 04/12/20244,711 Views


Python, one of the widely-used platforms for coding and automation, is the developer’s paradise. Regarded as one of the most accommodating programming languages, it can be highly efficient in immense virtual environments.

Whether you are a seasoned developer or a novice, this blog will double your chances of getting to know the Python environment and setting it up on macOS. Stay tuned and learn how to install Python on macOS in one go!


This tutorial will press on the topics of step-by-step installation of Python via Homebrew and system installation among others. Furthermore, it will touch upon the endless possibilities of using Python for Mac automation. We will also introduce developers to check for the version of the Python currently in use. More topics include the limitations of the language as well as a focus on Homebrew as a major package installer.

How to Check the Version For Python on Mac

There are several ways to check for a Python version over macOS. Keep reading to know how to access the version on macOS.


To know the version of Python from Mac, follow these steps:

Step 1: Go to Applications>Utilities.

Step 2: Press on Terminal in the Utilities list.

Step 3: After you have the Terminal page open, type python3 -m ensurepip or python -m ensurepip.

Step 4: Press ‘return’ and you will find Python open for accessing.

Script: sys Module

By using a sys module, you can check the version of Python on your Mac. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the terminal.

Step 2: Use this command.


Step 3: After the text editor is displayed, you can type the following code.

‘sys’ module
import sys
print("Python version")
print("Version info.")

Step 4: The script will import the ‘sys’ module and print the current version of Python.

Step 5: Save this script by entering ‘Ctrl’ + 0 and ‘Enter.’

Step 6: Exit the text editor by entering ‘Ctrl’ + ‘X.’

Step 7: Execute the script by running this command.

chmod +x

Step 8: Run the command to execute the script for checking the version of Python.


The two main variables used in this code are ‘sys.version’ and ‘sys.version_info’.

  1. sys - sys defines a built-in module available in Python. It offers access to system-specific functions and parameters, including a Python interpreter.
  1. sys.version - sys.version is used in Python like an attribute as it contains a string representing Python’s version. On printing this command, you can find an example of this–

3.8.5 (default, Jan 27 2021, 15:41:15)

  1. sys.version_info - This attribute is a tuple containing the version of Python but in a more structured way. It includes all elements representing major version, minor version, micro version, as well as serial, and release level.

IDE (Integrated Development Environment)

Integrated Development Environments accommodate a list of integrated tools meant to help developers with writing, editing, and managing code in general. Let’s talk about three IDEs readily available —PyCharm, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), and Jupyter Notebook.

  1. PyCharm - PyCharm is a powerful tool used in Python and developed by JetBrains. It offers a set of integrated tools for code completion, debugging, and version control integration.

To check the version of Python in PyCharm, you have to open the console and enter import sys followed by print(sys.version) or print(sys.version_info).

  1. Jupyter Notebook - Jupyter Notebook lets developers create an environment for executing a code cell containing the script of Python. To access this, you have to type the same code as in PyCharm.
  1. Visual Studio Code - Visual Code Studio is a free-to-use, open-source editor by Microsoft. Its extensions include Python by Microsoft and Python for Visual Studio Code by Don Jayamanne.

3 Ways to Install Python on Mac

If you wish to install Python, Mac offers multiple ways in which developers can manually install the language. To access the latest version of Python, users may still need access to Python 3. To do this, there are three alternatives. Let’s have a look at this.

  1. Command Line Developer Tool - The XCode Command Line Developer tool is a tool that launches Python on macOS.
  1. Homebrew - In Mac, install Python via Homebrew as it is a common way to begin one’s developing journey. Homebrew is a package installer that works by installing Python through the brew install python command.
  1. Package Installer - The official Python website offers a direct way to install Python with its Package Installer.

How to Install Python on Mac Using Official Installer

With the official installer available on the main website of Python, users can download and install the language. Here are the steps for installing Python using the installer:

Step 1: Download the Official Installer from

Step 2: Open the download folder and click on python-<version>-macosx.pkg to open the file.

Step 3: Run the Installer.

If you wish to change or update your Python version later, you can simply uninstall the current version and follow the above steps again to download the installation file for the version of your choosing. All the latest versions of Python get updated in Python’s office website and are free to download for all users.

How to Install Python from Homebrew

With Homebrew, install Python and reap the benefits throughout the entirety of your development career. To install Python using Homebrew, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Install Homebrew by entering this command:

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 2: Update Homebrew by entering this command:

brew update

Step 3: Install Python by entering this command and running it:

brew install python

Step 4: Verify installation by entering this command:

python --version

Note: To verify pip, use this command:

pip --version

Limitations of Installing Python from Homebrew

Homebrew’s popular package allows the developer to install the latest version of Pythons safely and run it efficiently. However, there are limitations to it that one must consider before moving forward with the package manager. Let’s go through these drawbacks.

  1. Version control: Although Homebrew provides access to different versions of the same software, it may not always carry the latest version. In this case, the developer has to wait for Homebrew to update its formulae.
  1. Isolation: Due to the nature of the installation, the package manager may get into conflict with the system and with its other packages throughout the system.
  1. Virtual environment: In the virtual environment that Homebrew offers with tools like venv or virtualenv, developers have to manage tasks manually. The commands one can use are brew update and brew upgrade.
  1. Updates: One has to update Homebrew and Python packages manually, failing which the system is at risk for vulnerabilities.
  1. Dependency environment: Homebrew introduces several tools and other packages for Python itself which increases dependency thereby risking unexpected behavior and causing conflicts.
  1. Limited customization: Installing Python with homebrew can be a dead end as it can download only the default configuration. This may not include all the features, which may require the developer to compile Python from the source or use a different Python distribution altogether.


So far, we have established that installing Python on macOS isn’t quite the straightforward process that one would expect it to be. However, for its powerful package that aids development and scripting, it is surely a way to go forward.

With Homebrew Python installation, and XCode, the language comes as a readily available platform for coding and automation. Get started with Python today and experience multiple functionalities on a macOS system.


1. How do I install Python on macOS via pip?

To install Python on macOS, you have to start with the pip tool offered by Python. To do so, open Terminal from Utilities under Applications. After this, type python3 -m ensurepip or python -m ensurepip and press return. This should install the pip and let you run the application.

2. Under what conditions does pip auto-install?

When it comes to pip installing itself, these criteria need to be fulfilled: a non-modified virtual environment on Python, and Python that has been downloaded from the main website i.e.

3. Does macOS have pip?

If you’re looking for pip in macOS, scoop over to the Favorites menu and select Applications. In the icons menu, you should find Utilities. You can find the Terminal option there and install pip with commands.

4. How can I manage Python on my macOS?

For managing and installing Python for Mac, you can install a Homebrew package manager. A Homebrew package has all the features including a stable interface needed for the installation and management of Python. With Homebrew, install Python and reap its benefits.


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