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Python Functions Scope

Updated on 04/12/20241,769 Views

Python's versatility and power as a programming language are well-known. To harness its full potential, you need to understand the Python functions scope. In this extensive tutorial, we will delve deep into the intricacies of Python function scope, offering solutions to frequently asked questions while presenting hands-on illustrations. Let's begin our exploration!

What is Python Function Scope?

In the realm of Python programming, 'scope' pertains to the extent of access to variable names within a program. Python employs a system comprising four key scopes, denoted by the acronym LEGB, which encompasses Local, Enclosed, Global, and Built-In. These distinct scopes establish a hierarchy that dictates the sequence in which the Python interpreter explores and retrieves variable names and their associated values. This systematic approach ensures the precise identification of variables based on the order of these scopes.

The LEGB rule is a fundamental principle in Python's scope resolution. It establishes a hierarchy of scopes, dictating the sequence in which the interpreter attempts to retrieve a variable's name and value. It starts with the Local scope, where the variable is defined within a specific function. If the variable is not found there, the interpreter proceeds to the Enclosed scope, which relates to variables in enclosing functions. Following that, it looks at the Global scope, where variables are defined at the module or script level. Lastly, if the variable is not found in any of the previous scopes, there - in the Built-In scope, which contains Python's predefined names and functions. This systematic approach ensures that the correct variable is retrieved based on the order of these scopes.

Local Scope

Step 1: Establishing Local Variables

Local variables are declared within a function, and they are accessible and modifiable only within that specific function. They play a crucial role in encapsulating data within a function and avoiding naming conflicts in larger programs.

Step 2: Example

Let's illustrate a straightforward case of a local variable in Python:

In this scenario, my_var is explicitly declared as a local variable, confining its reach solely within the boundaries of the my_function's scope.

Step 3: Precedence

The concept of variable scope is crucial for understanding how variables are accessed and prioritized within a program. This concept establishes a hierarchy among different scopes, with local scope holding the highest priority. When a variable is declared within a particular function, it is classified as a local variable. Local variables hold a higher priority in Python than variables in other scopes, including enclosed, global, and built-in.

This implies that when a local variable shares an identical name with a global variable, the local variable takes precedence and is employed within the function. In simpler terms, the local scope is prioritized over the global scope. This behaviour guarantees that the variable defined within the function is the one that is both accessed and modified, effectively creating isolation from the global variable with the identical name.

Enclosed Scope

Step 1: Nested Functions

The enclosed scope involves variables in nested functions. In Python, you can define functions within functions, creating a hierarchical structure of scopes. Variables defined in an outer function can be accessed in inner functions.

Step 2: Example

Step 3: Precedence

Enclosed scope variables have the second-highest precedence. If a variable isn't found in the local scope, Python looks in the enclosed scope before checking the global scope.

Global Scope

Step 1: Variables Outside of Functions

Global scope includes variables defined outside of functions. "These variables can be accessed from any part of your code, making them ideal for storing data that requires sharing across different sections of your program."

Step 2: Example

Step 3: Precedence

Global scope variables have the third-highest precedence. If a variable is not found in local or enclosed scopes, Python looks in the global scope.

Built-in Scope

Step 1: Predefined Names and Functions

The built-in scope encompasses Python's predefined names and functions. These names and functions are always accessible. They include fundamental functionalities for Python programs and provide a foundation for the language.

Step 2: Example

Step 3: Precedence

Built-in scope variables have the lowest precedence. "In cases where a variable is not located within the local, enclosed, or global scopes, Python will conduct a search in the built-in scope."

"How to Declare a Local Variable in Python

Step 1: Declaring Local Variables

Declaring a local variable is straightforward—simply assign a name to it within a function. Using meaningful variable names enhances the readability of your code."

Step 2: Assigning Values

"The next step is to give a local variable a value once it has been defined. Different data kinds, including integers, texts, and lists, may be included in this value.

Step 3: Local Scope

Remember that a local variable is accessible and modifiable only within the function where it's defined. Attempting to access it outside the function will result in a "NameError."

What Is the LEGB Rule in Python?

"In Python, when you attempt to access a variable, the Python interpreter follows a specific order of scope resolution known as the LEGB rule. This means it searches for the variable sequentially, starting with the local scope, followed by the enclosed scope, the global scope, and finally, the built-in scope. The first occurrence of the variable that the interpreter finds within these scopes is the one that will be retrieved."

Step 1: Hierarchy of Variable Resolution

The LEGB rule is a hierarchy Python follows to determine the scope of a variable. LEGB stands for Local, Enclosed, Global, and Built-in. Python searches for a variable in this order.

Step 2: Variable Resolution

"When referencing a variable in your Python code, the process begins by checking the local scope. If the variable isn't located there, Python proceeds to examine the enclosed scope, followed by the global scope, and lastly, the built-in scope."

Step 3: Understanding Variable Precedence

Understanding the LEGB rule is crucial for variable resolution. It ensures that the correct variable is used based on the defined scopes, preventing naming conflicts and unexpected behaviour in your code.

How Can I Use the Nonlocal Keyword in Python?

Step 1: Modifying Enclosing Scope Variables

The nonlocal keyword allows you to modify variables in an enclosing (non-global) scope. This is particularly useful when dealing with nested functions. It ensures you can update variables in the nearest enclosing scope.

Step 2: Preventing Scope Confusion

The nonlocal keyword helps prevent scope confusion by specifying that a variable should be modified in an enclosing scope rather than creating a new local variable with the same name.

Step 3: Practical Examples

Let's consider an example:

When Should I Use the Global Keyword in Python?

Step 1: Declaring Global Variables

The global keyword is used to declare a variable as global. "The global keyword in Python facilitates the accessibility and alteration of a variable from any part of your code. Employ the global keyword when you intend to modify a global variable while operating within a function." The Global scope encompasses variables defined at the module or script level, while the Built-In scope holds Python's predefined names and functions.

Step 2: Avoiding Variable Shadowing

Using the global keyword ensures that you are working with the global variable rather than creating a new local variable with the same name. This helps avoid variable shadowing.

Step 3: Practical Example


In conclusion, a strong grasp of Python function scope is essential for writing efficient and bug-free code. "By gaining a comprehensive understanding of the four distinct scopes in Python (local, enclosed, global, and built-in), grasping the LEGB rule, and mastering the utilization of nonlocal and global keywords, you can enhance your proficiency in Python programming."

The LEGB establishes a precise sequence for the interpreter to search for variable names and their corresponding values. When referencing a variable in Python, the interpreter follows a sequential search through the Local, Enclosed, Global, and Built-In scopes. It starts with the Local scope, which pertains to variables defined within a specific function. If the variable is not found there, the interpreter proceeds to the Enclosed scope, which includes variables in enclosing functions.

The Global scope encompasses variables defined at the module or script level, while the Built-In scope holds Python's predefined names and functions. This systematic approach ensures that Python accurately identifies variables based on the order of these scopes, providing clarity and consistency in variable resolution across the code.


Q1. What is the outcome when attempting to retrieve a local variable beyond the function where it's declared?

Trying to access a local variable outside its defining function will lead to a "NameError" due to the variable being out of scope.

Q2. Is it possible to use identical variable names in separate scopes without causing conflicts?

Indeed, it is permissible to employ the same variable names in distinct scopes without encountering any clashes. Each scope has its namespace.

Q3. What is the significance of the LEGB rule in Python?

The LEGB rule defines the order in which Python looks for a variable: Local, Enclosed, Global, and Built-in. Understanding this rule is crucial for variable resolution.

Q4. Are there any restrictions on modifying global variables within a function?

To alter a global variable within a function, you must specify it as "global" within the function to indicate your intention to manipulate the global variable.

Q5. What does the built-in scope in Python hold in terms of importance?

The built-in scope contains Python's predefined names and functions, providing fundamental functionalities for Python programs. Built-in names and functions are always accessible.

Q6. How can I create a variable with global scope in Python?

"To establish a variable with global scope in Python, you should declare it outside the confines of functions. This approach grants the variable universal accessibility throughout your code, designating it as a global variable."

Q7. What are the potential issues of using global variables extensively in Python?

Extensively using global variables in Python can lead to several issues, including code complexity, increased chances of naming conflicts, and reduced modularity. It's generally recommended to use global variables sparingly to maintain clean and maintainable code.


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