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173. Stack in Python
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A stack in Python is a collection of elements that follows the LIFO (Last In, First Out) principle, meaning the last element added is the first one to be removed. This data structure is fundamental for various algorithms and applications, such as managing function calls and undo operations.
However, understanding how to implement a stack and its operations can be tricky for beginners. Whether you're managing data, solving problems like balancing parentheses, or simply learning the core concepts of Python, you need to grasp stack functionality well.
In this guide, you’ll see how a stack program in Python works and how you can implement it effectively.
By the end of this tutorial, you’ll have a clear understanding of stack in Python with example. Read on to learn more!
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A stack in Python is typically implemented using a list, and there are several core methods used to manipulate the stack: push, pop, peek, and isEmpty.
Let's go through them one by one, with examples to help you understand their practical application.
The push operation adds an element to the top of the stack. In Python, this is done using the append() method, which appends the element to the list.
stack = [] # Initial empty stack
stack.append(10) # Push 10 onto the stack
stack.append(20) # Push 20 onto the stack
# Output the stack
print("Stack after pushing:", stack)
Stack after pushing: [10, 20]
The pop operation removes the element at the top of the stack. This is done using the pop() method. If the stack is empty, attempting to pop will raise an error.
stack.pop() # Removes 20, the topmost element
# Output the stack after pop
print("Stack after popping:", stack)
Stack after popping: [10]
The peek operation allows you to view the top element without removing it. Python does not have a built-in method for this, but you can access the top element directly using index -1.
top_element = stack[-1] # Get the top element without removing it
# Output the top element
print("Top element:", top_element)
Top element: 10
The isEmpty method checks if the stack has any elements. Python can do this by simply checking the list’s length.
is_empty = len(stack) == 0 # Check if the stack is empty
# Output whether the stack is empty
print("Is the stack empty?", is_empty)
Is the stack empty? False
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The list data structure in Python comes with built-in methods like append() for adding items (push operation) and pop() for removing items (pop operation).
Here’s an implementation of a simple stack using Python's list:
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.stack = [] # Create an empty list to represent the stack
# Push operation: Adds an element to the stack
def push(self, value):
# Pop operation: Removes the top element from the stack
def pop(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return self.stack.pop()
return "Stack is empty!"
# Peek operation: Returns the top element without removing it
def peek(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return self.stack[-1]
return "Stack is empty!"
# Check if the stack is empty
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.stack) == 0
# Get the current size of the stack
def size(self):
return len(self.stack)
Explanation of Code:
Example Usage
# Creating a stack object
my_stack = Stack()
# Pushing elements onto the stack
my_stack.push(10) # Stack is now [10]
my_stack.push(20) # Stack is now [10, 20]
my_stack.push(30) # Stack is now [10, 20, 30]
# Output the current stack
print("Current Stack:", my_stack.stack)
# Peek the top element
print("Top Element:", my_stack.peek())
# Pop an element from the stack
print("Popped Element:", my_stack.pop())
print("Stack After Pop:", my_stack.stack) # Stack is now [10, 20]
# Check if the stack is empty
print("Is Stack Empty?", my_stack.is_empty())
# Get the size of the stack
print("Stack Size:", my_stack.size())
Current Stack: [10, 20, 30]Top Element: 30Popped Element: 30Stack After Pop: [10, 20]Is Stack Empty? FalseStack Size: 2
This is a simple stack in Python with example using a list. By implementing these stack operations, you can easily handle data in a LIFO manner.
Also Read: Data Structures in Python
While using a list for stack operations in Python works, there’s a more efficient way to implement a stack using collections.deque.
The deque (double-ended queue) is part of Python’s collections module and is optimized for fast append and pop operations from both ends. This makes it ideal for implementing a stack since the push and pop operations will have constant time complexity, i.e., O(1), unlike a list, which has O(n) for pop from the front.
Here’s the implementation of a stack using deque:
from collections import deque # Import deque from the collections module
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.stack = deque() # Create an empty deque to represent the stack
# Push operation: Adds an element to the stack
def push(self, value):
# Pop operation: Removes the top element from the stack
def pop(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return self.stack.pop()
return "Stack is empty!"
# Peek operation: Returns the top element without removing it
def peek(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return self.stack[-1]
return "Stack is empty!"
# Check if the stack is empty
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.stack) == 0
# Get the current size of the stack
def size(self):
return len(self.stack)
Explanation of Code:
Example Usage
# Creating a stack object
my_stack = Stack()
# Pushing elements onto the stack
my_stack.push(10) # Stack is now [10]
my_stack.push(20) # Stack is now [10, 20]
my_stack.push(30) # Stack is now [10, 20, 30]
# Output the current stack
print("Current Stack:", my_stack.stack)
# Peek the top element
print("Top Element:", my_stack.peek()) # Output: 30
# Pop an element from the stack
print("Popped Element:", my_stack.pop()) # Output: 30
print("Stack After Pop:", my_stack.stack) # Stack is now [10, 20]
# Check if the stack is empty
print("Is Stack Empty?", my_stack.is_empty()) # Output: False
# Get the size of the stack
print("Stack Size:", my_stack.size()) # Output: 2
Current Stack: deque([10, 20, 30])Top Element: 30Popped Element: 30Stack After Pop: deque([10, 20])Is Stack Empty? FalseStack Size: 2
In Python, the queue module provides a FIFO (First-In-First-Out) queue implementation, but it can also be used to implement a stack by adjusting how we interact with the queue.
Specifically, we can use the LifoQueue class in the queue module. This class behaves like a stack and follows the Last-In-First-Out (LIFO) principle.
The main advantage of using the queue module is that it is thread-safe, meaning it can be used in multi-threaded environments where multiple threads interact with the stack concurrently.
Here’s how you can implement a stack using the queue.LifoQueue class:
import queue # Import the queue module
class Stack:
def __init__(self):
self.stack = queue.LifoQueue() # Create a LifoQueue object for stack
# Push operation: Adds an element to the stack
def push(self, value):
# Pop operation: Removes the top element from the stack
def pop(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return self.stack.get()
return "Stack is empty!"
# Peek operation: Returns the top element without removing it
def peek(self):
if not self.is_empty():
temp_stack = []
# Move all items to a temporary stack
while not self.stack.empty():
top_element = temp_stack[-1]
# Push items back into the original stack
for item in temp_stack:
return top_element
return "Stack is empty!"
# Check if the stack is empty
def is_empty(self):
return self.stack.empty()
# Get the current size of the stack
def size(self):
return self.stack.qsize()
Explanation of Code:
Example Usage
# Creating a stack object
my_stack = Stack()
# Pushing elements onto the stack
my_stack.push(10) # Stack is now [10]
my_stack.push(20) # Stack is now [10, 20]
my_stack.push(30) # Stack is now [10, 20, 30]
# Output the current stack
print("Current Stack:", [item for item in list(my_stack.stack.queue)])
# Peek the top element
print("Top Element:", my_stack.peek())
# Pop an element from the stack
print("Popped Element:", my_stack.pop())
print("Stack After Pop:", [item for item in list(my_stack.stack.queue)])
# Check if the stack is empty
print("Is Stack Empty?", my_stack.is_empty())
# Get the size of the stack
print("Stack Size:", my_stack.size())
Current Stack: [10, 20, 30]Top Element: 30Popped Element: 30Stack After Pop: [10, 20]Is Stack Empty? FalseStack Size: 2
A singly linked list is useful for implementing a stack because it allows dynamic memory allocation. This means we can add or remove elements without needing to resize or shift them as we do with arrays or lists.
Let’s start by implementing the stack using a singly linked list.
# Define a Node class to represent each element in the linked list
class Node:
def __init__(self, data): = data # Store the data = None # Initialize the next pointer to None
# Define the Stack class that uses a singly linked list
class Stack:
def __init__(self): = None # Initialize the stack with no elements
# Push operation: Adds an element to the top of the stack
def push(self, value):
new_node = Node(value) # Create a new node with the given value = # Point the new node to the current top of the stack = new_node # Move the top pointer to the new node
# Pop operation: Removes the top element from the stack
def pop(self):
if not self.is_empty():
popped_value = # Get the data of the top node = # Move the top pointer to the next node
return popped_value # Return the popped value
return "Stack is empty!"
# Peek operation: Returns the top element without removing it
def peek(self):
if not self.is_empty():
return # Return the data of the top node
return "Stack is empty!"
# Check if the stack is empty
def is_empty(self):
return is None # Return True if stack is empty, else False
# Get the size of the stack
def size(self):
current = # Start from the top node
count = 0
while current:
count += 1 # Count the nodes
current = # Move to the next node
return count # Return the size of the stack
Example Usage
# Create a stack object
my_stack = Stack()
# Push elements onto the stack
# Peek the top element
print("Top Element:", my_stack.peek())
# Pop an element from the stack
print("Popped Element:", my_stack.pop())
# Check the size of the stack
print("Stack Size:", my_stack.size())
# Check if the stack is empty
print("Is Stack Empty?", my_stack.is_empty())
Top Element: 30Popped Element: 30Stack Size: 2Is Stack Empty? False
A stack program in Python is a data structure that follows the Last In, First Out (LIFO) principle. It allows you to add and remove elements in a specific order. You can implement a stack using lists, collections.deque, or linked lists.
In Python, a stack allows you to add elements using append() and remove elements using pop(). For example, stack = [] adds elements to the stack, and stack.pop() removes the top element.
The basic operations in a stack include push (adding an element), pop (removing the top element), peek (viewing the top element without removing), and is_empty (checking if the stack is empty).
You can implement a stack in Python with a list by using append() to add items and pop() to remove items. For example, stack = [] and stack.append(1) pushes an element, while stack.pop() removes the top element in a stack program in Python.
Yes, you can use collections.deque for stack in Python with example. It is well-suited for stack operations since it allows efficient appending and popping from both ends, providing better performance for stack program in Python.
In a stack program in Python, both lists and collections.deque allow adding and removing elements. However, collections.deque is optimized for stack operations, offering more efficient performance, particularly when you frequently add or remove elements from the stack.
A stack in Python with example can also be implemented using the queue.LifoQueue class from the queue module. It mimics stack behavior with methods like put() for adding elements and get() for removing elements, making it a suitable choice for stack programs in Python.
A singly linked list for stack implementation allows dynamic memory allocation. This means you don't need to predefine the size of the stack, making it more memory-efficient for larger datasets.
Yes, Python stacks, whether implemented using lists or linked lists, grow dynamically as needed. Lists grow automatically, and in a linked list, new nodes are added without resizing the entire structure.
When you try to pop an element from an empty stack, you get an IndexError with a list-based stack. To avoid this, check if the stack is empty using is_empty() before popping.
To check if a stack is empty in Python, use if not stack for lists or stack.empty() for a queue.LifoQueue. If the stack is empty, these expressions return True.
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