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String Comparison in Python

Updated on 22/01/20256,063 Views

String comparison in Python allows you to evaluate whether two strings are equal, greater than, or less than one another. It's essential when dealing with text data, such as matching user inputs or verifying passwords. However, you might encounter challenges in comparing strings with varying cases, whitespaces, or characters.

In this guide, we’ll walk through string comparison in Python example, showing how to use operators and built-in functions to compare strings efficiently. You’ll also learn how to compare two strings for similarity using different methods, making it easy to handle common string comparison tasks.

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Equal to String in Python using Relational Operators

When comparing strings in Python, the most common relational operators are == and !=. These operators allow you to check if two strings are equal or not equal to each other.

Let’s look at an example:

# String Comparison using == and != operators
string1 = "hello"
string2 = "hello"
string3 = "world"
# Check if string1 is equal to string2
print(string1 == string2)
# Check if string1 is not equal to string3
print(string1 != string3)
# Check if string2 is equal to string3
print(string2 == string3)




  • == Operator:
    • The == operator checks if two strings are exactly equal in content. In the example above, string1 and string2 are both "hello", so string1 == string2 returns True. This is a string comparison in Python example.
  • != Operator:
    • The != operator checks if two strings are not equal to each other. For string1 and string3, the values "hello" and "world" are different, so string1 != string3 returns True. This shows how to compare two strings for similarity, indicating that they are different.
  • Output:
    • string1 == string2 returns True because both strings have the same characters in the same order.
    • string1 != string3 returns True because "hello" and "world" are not the same.
    • string2 == string3 returns False because "hello" and "world" are not equal.

Why Use == and != in String Comparison?

  • The == operator is used when you want to verify if two strings contain the same characters.
  • The != operator is useful when you want to check if two strings are not equal, helping you handle mismatched data, or validate if user inputs are different.

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Equal to String in Python using Regular Expression

In Python, regular expressions (or regex) provide a powerful way to compare strings based on patterns rather than exact matches. This is especially useful when you want to match strings with certain characteristics, like finding email addresses or validating phone numbers, without requiring an exact match.

You can use the re module to work with regular expressions in Python.

Let’s look at an example:

import re
# Define two strings to compare
string1 = "hello123"
string2 = "hello123"
string3 = "world456"
# Define a regular expression pattern
pattern = r"^hello\d{3}$" # Pattern matches strings that start with 'hello' followed by exactly 3 digits
# Compare string1 using regex
match1 = bool(re.match(pattern, string1)) # Returns True if string1 matches the pattern
# Compare string2 using regex
match2 = bool(re.match(pattern, string2)) # Returns True if string2 matches the pattern
# Compare string3 using regex
match3 = bool(re.match(pattern, string3)) # Returns True if string3 matches the pattern




  • pattern = r"^hello\d{3}$":
    • The regular expression pattern r"^hello\d{3}$" matches strings that start with "hello" followed by exactly three digits.
      • ^ ensures the string starts with "hello".
      • \d{3} matches exactly three digits.
      • $ ensures the string ends right after the three digits.
  • re.match(pattern, string):
    • The re.match() function checks if the beginning of the string matches the pattern. If it does, it returns a match object; otherwise, it returns None.
    • By wrapping the result with bool(), we convert the match result into a True or False value indicating whether the string matches the pattern.
  • Result:
    • string1 = "hello123" and string2 = "hello123" both match the pattern because they start with "hello" and are followed by exactly three digits. So, both return True.
    • string3 = "world456" does not match the pattern because it starts with "world", not "hello". Therefore, it returns False.

Why Use Regular Expressions for String Comparison?

  • Pattern Matching: Regular expressions are ideal for scenarios where you want to compare strings based on certain patterns (e.g., email addresses, phone numbers, or specific formats).
  • Flexibility: Unlike simple == or != comparisons, regular expressions allow you to specify complex patterns that match strings based on structure rather than exact content.
  • Advanced Comparisons: If you need to compare two strings for similarity based on patterns, regular expressions provide a more sophisticated approach compared to basic string comparison.

String Comparison in Python using finditer()

The finditer() method from Python’s re module is used to search for all occurrences of a regular expression pattern within a string. Unlike search() or match(), which return only the first match, finditer() returns an iterator yielding match objects for every occurrence of the pattern in the string.

This method is useful when you need to find all matches of a pattern and work with the results directly.

Let’s create an example where we compare a string to a regular expression pattern and retrieve all matches.

import re
# Define a string to search
text = "Hello world! Hello Python. Hello everyone."
# Define a regular expression pattern to match the word "Hello"
pattern = r"Hello"
# Use finditer to find all matches of the pattern in the string
matches = re.finditer(pattern, text)
# Print each match and its position
for match in matches:
print(f"Found '{}' at position {match.start()}-{match.end()}")


Found 'Hello' at position 0-5Found 'Hello' at position 13-18Found 'Hello' at position 28-33


  • re.finditer(pattern, text):
    • This line uses finditer() to find all occurrences of the word "Hello" in the string text. The pattern r"Hello" matches the exact word "Hello".
    • finditer() returns an iterator, and we loop through each match object using a for loop.
  • Match Object:
    • The method retrieves the matched string, and match.start() and match.end() give the starting and ending positions of the match in the original string.
    • In the output, you can see that "Hello" is found three times at different positions.

Why Use finditer() for String Comparison?

  • Multiple Matches: If you're looking to find multiple occurrences of a substring or pattern in a string, finditer() is a great option as it gives you all matches and their positions.
  • Working with Match Objects: Unlike search() or match(), which only return a single match, finditer() provides detailed information about each match. You can access the position of each match, the matched string, and even more details using the match object methods.
  • Efficient Pattern Matching: For tasks where you need to compare or search strings with complex patterns, finditer() allows for more advanced, flexible string comparisons.

String Comparison in Python: Creating a User-Defined Function

In some situations, you might want to create a custom function for string comparison. This allows you to handle string comparisons in a more tailored way, applying specific logic or conditions that may not be covered by Python's built-in operators.

For example, you might want to compare strings while ignoring leading or trailing spaces, comparing strings case-insensitively, or applying more complex matching logic.

Let’s create a function compare_strings() that compares two strings while ignoring case and spaces.

# User-defined function to compare strings
def compare_strings(str1, str2):
# Strip spaces and convert both strings to lower case for case-insensitive comparison
str1 = str1.strip().lower()
str2 = str2.strip().lower()
# Compare the processed strings
if str1 == str2:
return True # Strings are equal
return False # Strings are not equal
# Test the function with examples
string1 = " Hello World "
string2 = "hello world"
string3 = "Hello python"
# Compare strings
print(compare_strings(string1, string2))
print(compare_strings(string1, string3))




  • User-Defined Function:
    • The compare_strings() function accepts two string parameters: str1 and str2.
    • str.strip(): This removes any leading or trailing whitespace from both strings.
    • str.lower(): This converts both strings to lowercase to ensure that the comparison is case-insensitive.
  • String Comparison:
    • After processing the strings (removing extra spaces and making the comparison case-insensitive), the function compares them using ==.
    • If the strings are the same, the function returns True; otherwise, it returns False.
  • Output:
    • For string1 and string2, the function returns True because, after processing, both strings are "hello world", which are equal, ignoring spaces and case.
    • For string1 and string3, the function returns False because "hello world" and "hello python" are different strings.

Why Create a User-Defined Function for String Comparison?

  • Custom Logic: Creating your own function gives you the flexibility to apply specific conditions when comparing strings. You can decide whether to ignore spaces, compare strings case-insensitively, or even ignore punctuation or special characters.
  • Reusable Code: With a user-defined function, you can reuse the same string comparison logic throughout your program without having to repeat code, making your program cleaner and more maintainable.
  • Simplified Comparisons: If you frequently compare strings in your program and need custom logic for those comparisons, a user-defined function helps simplify and centralize the comparison logic, ensuring consistency.

Practical Use Cases for User-Defined String Comparison:

  • User Input Validation: If you need to compare user inputs with predefined strings, ignoring case or extra spaces, a user-defined function helps streamline this process.
  • Database Matching: When matching entries from a database or list of items where exact matches aren’t required (such as ignoring case or extra spaces), you can use a custom function to handle those checks.
  • String Normalization: For tasks like normalizing strings by removing unwanted characters or formatting them to a specific style, user-defined functions are highly effective.

String Comparison in Python: Using is and is not

In Python, the is and is not operators are used for identity comparison, which checks whether two variables refer to the same object in memory. This is different from using the == operator, which checks for equality based on the values of the strings.

Let’s go through an example:

# Using 'is' and 'is not' for identity comparison
string1 = "hello"
string2 = "hello"
string3 = "world"
# Check if string1 and string2 refer to the same object in memory
print(string1 is string2)
# Check if string1 and string3 refer to the same object in memory
print(string1 is string3)
# Check if string1 and string2 do not refer to the same object
print(string1 is not string2)
# Check if string1 and string3 do not refer to the same object
print(string1 is not string3)




  • string1 is string2:
    • The is operator checks whether string1 and string2 refer to the same object in memory. Since Python uses string interning, both string1 and string2 point to the same memory location for the string "hello", so string1 is string2 returns True.
  • string1 is string3:
    • In this case, string1 and string3 point to different objects in memory, even though the values are different ("hello" vs "world"). Therefore, string1 is string3 returns False.
  • string1 is not string2:
    • The is not operator checks if two variables do not refer to the same object in memory. Since string1 and string2 point to the same object in memory, string1 is not string2 returns False.
  • string1 is not string3:
    • Since string1 and string3 are different objects in memory, string1 is not string3 returns True.

Why Use is and is not for String Comparison?

  • Memory Identity: The is operator is used when you need to check whether two variables point to the same object in memory, rather than whether they have the same content. It’s particularly useful when working with immutable objects like strings and checking if two variables refer to the same instance.
  • Efficiency: Since the is operator compares object identity, it can be faster than == in some cases, especially when comparing small or interned strings. This is because Python reuses objects like strings with identical values to save memory.

Common Pitfalls with is and is not in String Comparison

  • Using is for Value Comparison: A common mistake is using is to compare values of strings rather than their identities. For example, string1 is "hello" might return True due to string interning, but this behavior can be unreliable in more complex cases. Always use == when you want to compare string values.
  • String Interning: Python performs string interning for strings that are immutable and often reused. This means strings like "hello" might share the same memory reference even if they are created separately in different parts of the program. For example, string1 = "hello" and string2 = "hello" may refer to the same object due to interning.

String Comparison in Python: Using Case Insensitive Comparison

In Python, string comparisons are case-sensitive by default. This means that "Hello" and "hello" are considered different strings. However, in many situations, you might want to compare strings without considering case, especially when dealing with user inputs, file names, or other text data.

Python provides ways to handle case-insensitive comparisons to make your code more flexible.

Let’s look at an example:

# Case-insensitive string comparison using lower()
string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "hello"
string3 = "World"
# Compare string1 and string2 in a case-insensitive manner
print(string1.lower() == string2.lower())
# Compare string1 and string3 in a case-insensitive manner
print(string1.lower() == string3.lower())




  • lower() Method:
    • string1.lower() converts the string "Hello" to lowercase, resulting in "hello".
    • string2.lower() converts "hello" to "hello".
    • Now, both strings are "hello", so the comparison returns True.
  • Comparing Different Strings:
    • When comparing "hello" and "world", the result is False because even in lowercase, the strings are not equal.
  • Why Use lower()?
    • Using the lower() method ensures that the comparison ignores the case of the characters. It helps to compare two strings for similarity when the case does not matter.

Alternative Method: Using casefold() for Case Insensitive Comparison

In some cases, you might want to use the casefold() method, which is more aggressive than lower() and works better with certain characters in different languages. It's the recommended method for case-insensitive string comparisons in Python.

string1 = "Hello"
string2 = "hello"
string3 = "Hellö" # A string with an umlaut
# Compare string1 and string2 using casefold()
print(string1.casefold() == string2.casefold())
# Compare string1 and string3 using casefold()
print(string1.casefold() == string3.casefold())




  • casefold() Method:
    • casefold() is similar to lower(), but it also handles some special characters better (e.g., letters with accents in different languages).
    • For example, string1 = "Hellö" and string3 = "Hellö" would compare as equal with casefold(), but would fail with lower() due to the accented ö.
  • Comparing "Hello" and "hello":
    • Both "Hello" and "hello" are converted to "hello", so the comparison returns True.
  • Why Use casefold()?
    • If you need a more reliable, locale-independent comparison, especially when working with non-ASCII characters, casefold() is the better choice over lower().

Why Use Case-Insensitive Comparison?

  • User Input Matching: When accepting input from users, it’s common to want to ignore whether they enter uppercase or lowercase letters. For example, "HELLO" and "hello" should be considered the same.
  • Text Searching: Case-insensitive comparisons are useful when searching through text or performing validations, as users may input text in varying cases.
  • Consistency: For tasks like comparing file names or URLs, it's often necessary to compare them without worrying about their casing. For example, "image.JPG" and "image.jpg" should be treated as the same file.

Also Read: Naïve String Matching Algorithm in Python: Examples, Featured & Pros & Cons


1. What is string comparison in Python?

String comparison in Python refers to checking if two strings are equal, similar, or meet certain conditions, using operators or functions like ==, !=, or regular expressions.

2. How do I compare two strings in Python for equality?

You can compare two strings for equality using the == operator, which checks if both strings have identical content, as shown in a string comparison in Python example.

3. What’s the difference between == and is in string comparison?

The == operator compares the values of strings, while is checks if two variables point to the same object in memory. Use == for value comparison and is for identity comparison.

4. Can I compare strings ignoring their case in Python?

Yes, you can compare strings case-insensitively using str.lower() or str.casefold(), making it easier to compare two strings for similarity without worrying about capitalization.

5. What is the purpose of finditer() in string comparison?

finditer() is used to find all occurrences of a regular expression pattern in a string, allowing you to perform advanced string comparison in Python with pattern matching.

6. How do I compare two strings for similarity using regular expressions?

You can use re.match() or re.finditer() with a regular expression pattern to compare two strings for similarity and find matching substrings.

7. How do I check if two strings are identical, including whitespace?

Use the == operator, but be cautious about extra spaces. You can strip the strings of whitespace using str.strip() before comparing them for more accurate results.

8. What does the is operator do in string comparison?

The is operator checks if two variables reference the same object in memory, which can be useful for identity comparison, but not for checking string values.

9. Can I compare strings that are not exactly the same but have similar content?

Yes, you can use regular expressions with re.match() or fuzzy matching techniques to compare two strings for similarity even if they are not exactly identical.

10. Is there any built-in Python function to compare two strings for similarity?

While Python doesn't have a specific function for string similarity, you can use difflib or regular expressions to compare two strings for similarity based on patterns or partial matches.

11. How do I compare two strings while ignoring extra spaces?

You can use str.replace() or str.strip() to remove extra spaces before comparing strings, ensuring that only the relevant content is compared in your string comparison in Python example.


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