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Iterator Design Pattern

Updated on 19/07/20242,606 Views


The iterator design pattern is a fundamental concept in software design. This allows you to access the elements of a collection without exposing its underlying structure. Imagine having a box of different-shaped blocks - square, triangle, circle, and so on. With an iterator, you can go through each block one by one, regardless of its shape.

The iterator design pattern isn't just a theory. It's a practical tool you'll find in real-world coding. From managing databases to controlling game environments, it's a pattern that's everywhere in software development.

With the iterator design pattern, you can write cleaner code, make fewer errors, and increase your programming efficiency. So, whether you're a budding coder or brushing up on the basics, understanding its basics is a step forward in your coding journey.


This tutorial will provide comprehensive insights into the iterator design pattern. We will share a real-world example of the iterator design pattern to solidify your understanding further. To visualize the structure of this pattern, a class diagram will be provided, which will make the pattern's workflow easier to understand.

We'll explore the advantages and disadvantages of the iterator design pattern. As with any tool, understanding its strengths and limitations is vital to using it best in your code projects.

What is an Iterator Design Pattern?

The iterator design pattern is a common pattern in object-oriented programming. It offers a way to access elements of a collection (like an array or list) without revealing the underlying structure of the data. It uses a special object called an iterator, which moves through the collection step by step. This pattern makes your code cleaner and easier to read, as it separates the algorithm for navigating the data from the actual operations performed on the data. It's an efficient and organized way to deal with complex data structures in your software projects.

Iterator Design Pattern Example

Let's look at a simple example of the iterator design pattern in Java. Assume you have a list of books in a library and want to go through each one without exposing how they are stored.

Here, the Iterator<String> object navigates through the list of books. The hasNext() method checks if there are more books in the list, and the next() method gets the next book.

Arrays.asList("Book 1", "Book 2", "Book 3") creates a fixed-size list backed by the specified array. Arrays.asList() is a method in the Java Arrays utility class. It takes an array or multiple arguments (varargs) and produces a List object that is backed by the original array. The resulting list is a fixed-size list, meaning you cannot add or remove elements from it.

In this code, "Book 1", "Book 2", and "Book 3" are the arguments passed to Arrays.asList(), and a list of these books is created.

Afterward, books.iterator() is used to create an Iterator object that can traverse through the list. The while loop then uses this iterator to print out each book in the list one by one.

This way, we can go through the entire list without knowing how it's stored internally.


Advantages of Iterator Pattern

  1. Abstraction: The iterator pattern hides the underlying data structure of a collection. For instance, whether you're dealing with an array, a list, or a set, you can traverse the collection in the same way with an iterator. This simplifies your code and makes it easier to understand.
  2. Code Reusability: You can reuse the same code to traverse different types of data structures. Let's say you wrote a function that finds the average rating of a list of movies. If you used an iterator, you could also use the same function to find the average rating of a set of movies.
  3. Ease of Modification: Since the iterator separates navigation from the operations you perform on data, it's easier to add, remove, or modify data structures. For example, if you change a data structure from a list to a tree, you only need to update the iterator, not the entire code.
  4. Better Control: The iterator pattern lets you control the iteration process. For instance, you can choose to skip certain elements in a collection, something that's hard to do with standard loops.

Iterator Design Pattern Class Diagram

Let's break down this class diagram.

  1. We begin with two interfaces, Iterable and Iterator

The Iterable interface is responsible for providing an Iterator. The Iterator interface defines traversal methods, like checking if there are more items and getting the next item.

  1. We have two concrete classes ConcreteAggregate and ConcreteIterator.

ConcreteAggregate shows the collection we want to traverse and provides an Iterator when asked. ConcreteIterator is the actual iterator that knows how to traverse a specific collection.

  1. We have a Client class, which is the one that needs to traverse the collection. The client only knows about the Iterable interface and is not aware of the specific ConcreteAggregate or ConcreteIterator classes.
  2. The diagram shows the relationships among these elements. The Client uses the Iterable interface. The ConcreteAggregate class implements the Iterable interface and provides a ConcreteIterator when requested. The ConcreteIterator class implements the Iterator interface, showing it provides the necessary traversal methods.

UML for Iterator Pattern

Let's break down this diagram step by step.

  1. Iterator Interface:

This is a contract for an object that enables traversal through a collection. It typically has methods to check if there's another item and move to the next.

  1. Iterable Interface:

This is a contract for any collection that can be traversed using an iterator. It contains a method to provide an iterator for the collection.

  1. ConcreteIteratorClass:

This is a concrete implementation of the Iterator interface. It holds the collection being traversed and keeps track of the current position within the collection. It knows how to move through the collection and can tell when there are no more items.

  1. ConcreteAggregate Class:

This is a concrete implementation of the Iterable interface. It holds the collection and can provide an instance of the ConcreteIterator to traverse it.

  1. Client Class:

This class uses the Iterable interface to get an Iterator and uses the Iterator to move through the collection. It doesn't need to know about the ConcreteAggregate or ConcreteIterator classes.

  1. Relationships:

The Client class uses the Iterable interface, and the ConcreteAggregate class implements it and provides a ConcreteIterator when asked. The ConcreteIterator class implements the Iterator interface.

The Iterator pattern decouples the process of traversing a collection from the specific details of how the collection is arranged, and navigation is done. This makes the client code simpler, more robust, and easier to maintain.

Implementation of the Above UML

Here’s the UML (Unified Modeling Language) diagram for the iterator design pattern using a practical example; a collection of books in a library.

  1. Iterable (Aggregate): This represents the collection of items we want to traverse. In our example, it's the collection of books in a library.
  2. Iterator: This is an interface that provides methods to access and traverse through the elements in the aggregate. Using our library example, an Iterator would be like a librarian who knows how to fetch each book one by one without needing to understand how they are organized.
  3. ConcreteIterator: This is a specific implementation of the Iterator interface. It defines how to access and traverse the aggregate specifically. In our case, a ConcreteIterator could represent a librarian who knows how to retrieve books organized by genre, then by author's name.
  4. Client: This is the entity that uses the iterator. In our library, the Client could be a library visitor who wants to browse through all the books.

In the UML diagram:

  • The Client only interacts with the Iterable and Iterator interfaces, so it doesn't need to understand the specifics of how the books are organized or how the librarian fetches them.
  • The ConcreteAggregate implements the Iterable interface and provides an instance of the ConcreteIterator when requested.
  • The ConcreteIterator implements the Iterator interface, providing specific ways to navigate through the books.

The strength of this pattern is in this separation: the client can focus on what to do with each book, while the details of how to move from one book to the next are neatly encapsulated in the iterator.

Advantages And Disadvantages of Iterator Design Patterns



Simplicity: It simplifies the client code by removing the responsibility of traversal from the collection class.

Overhead: There's an extra cost in creating and managing iterators, which may not be efficient for small collections.

Abstraction: The client doesn't need to know the internal structure of the collection.

Complexity: It might be an overkill if the traversal is simple and doesn't change often.

Uniformity: It provides a uniform way to traverse different collections.

Incompatibility: If you need to traverse the collection in a specific way that the iterator doesn't support, it becomes less useful.

Flexibility: You can change the traversal algorithm without changing the client code.

Immutable Collections: Some collections are immutable, meaning you can't modify them. Iterators on such collections can only read, not write.


The Iterator pattern can be powerful for complex collections with changing traversal needs but might be unnecessary for simple collections with fixed traversal methods.

Difference Between Iterator Design Pattern and Template Method Design Pattern

Iterator Design Pattern

Template Method Design Pattern


Used for traversing elements in a collection without exposing its internal structure.

Used to define the skeleton of an algorithm and let subclasses redefine certain steps.


Ideal when you want a standard way to traverse your collections.

Ideal when you have a multi-step process with the same structure, but some steps might vary.


Allows changes in the traversal algorithm without changing client code.

Allows changes in some parts of an algorithm without altering its structure.

Difference Between Iterator Design Pattern and Proxy Pattern

Iterator Design Pattern

Proxy Design Pattern


Used for accessing and traversing elements in a collection without revealing its internal structure.

Used to provide a surrogate or placeholder for another object to control access to it.


Useful when you want a standard way to traverse through a collection.

Useful when you want to manage, control, or coordinate access to another object, such as delaying the cost of creation and initialization until needed.


Provides flexibility by allowing the traversal algorithm to be changed without affecting client code.

Can improve performance and memory usage by creating objects on demand and provides a level of security by controlling access to the original object.


The iterator design pattern offers a valuable way to access elements in a collection without revealing its internal structure, improving flexibility and code organization. However, its utility should be assessed based on the project's specific needs, considering potential trade-offs such as overhead costs and unnecessary complexity for simple collections.


1. What does the Iterator Design Pattern do in multithreaded environments?

In a multithreaded environment, the iterator design pattern can lead to issues if multiple threads are iterating over and modifying the same collection concurrently. This is why synchronizing access is important when using this pattern in such situations.

2. How does the Iterator Pattern differ from the Collection Framework in Java?

This pattern provides a general way of accessing elements in a collection, while the Java Collection Framework offers specific iterator implementations for various data structures. In other words, the Iterator Pattern is the concept, and the Java Collection Framework is an application of this concept.

3. Why does the Iterator Pattern matter in Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?

The iterator pattern is a key aspect of OOP because it promotes encapsulation. By abstracting the details of traversing a collection, the pattern makes it easier to maintain and modify code, one of the primary goals of OOP.

4. How does the Iterator Pattern relate to the Single Responsibility Principle?

The iterator pattern follows the Single Responsibility Principle, separating the traversal responsibility from the collection class. This leads to cleaner, more maintainable code.

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