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Belady's Anomaly

Updated on 04/03/20242,458 Views


In the world of Computer Science, page replacement algorithms play a critical role in managing memory effectively. Belady's Anomaly is a phenomenon that can occur in certain algorithms, and it can be quite puzzling for many people. This article will explore the concept of Belady's Anomaly, including its causes, examples, and different methods to mitigate its impact.


Belady's Anomaly is a counterintuitive behavior observed in page replacement algorithms, particularly when it comes to managing memory in virtual memory systems. It involves an unexpected increase in page faults as the number of allocated frames in the memory increases. This means that contrary to our intuition, adding more memory can sometimes lead to a degradation in performance rather than an improvement.

What is Belady’s Anomaly?

Belady's Anomaly can be best understood through an example. Let's consider the First In, First Out (FIFO) page replacement algorithm, one of the simplest page replacement algorithms. Imagine a scenario with four frames (allocated memory) and a reference string specifying the pages accessed in order. If we increase the number of frames to five, one would expect a potential decrease in page faults. However, the opposite happens in some cases, and the number of page faults increases. This surprising situation is known as Belady's Anomaly.

Reason for Belady’s Anomaly

The root cause of Belady's Anomaly lies in the nature of the reference string and the specific order of page accesses. When there are fewer frames available, the algorithm may replace a page that won't be needed for a long time. However, increasing the number of frames can lead to different page eviction patterns and a page that was previously not evicted may now get replaced, causing additional page faults.

One example is a stack-based algorithm in which the set of pages in memory for N frames is always a subset of the set of pages in memory for N + 1 frames. The set of pages in memory for LRU replacement would be the most recently referenced pages. If the number of frames grows, these n pages will still be the most recently referenced and hence remain in memory. If a page named b enters physical memory before a page named a, the priority of replacement for b is higher than that of a, but this is not independent of the number of page frames, and therefore FIFO does not follow a stack page replacement policy and hence suffers from Belady's Anomaly.

How Can Belady’s Anomaly be Removed?

Belady's Anomaly can be a frustrating issue, but there are techniques to mitigate its impact. One effective approach is to use more advanced page replacement algorithms, such as the Least Recently Used (LRU) or Optimal page replacement algorithms. These make more intelligent decisions by considering the recent history of page accesses or predicting future ones optimally.

Why does Belady's Anomaly Occur in First Come, First Serve (FCFS) Page Replacement Algorithm?

Belady's Anomaly is especially prevalent within the First Come, First Serve (FCFS) page replacement algorithm. FCFS replaces the oldest page in memory with the most modern one, which could lead to inefficient web page replacements. Adding more frames can adjust the order in which pages are evicted, causing formerly retained pages to be replaced. This leads to an increase in web page faults.

Belady’s Anomaly Graph

To better understand the phenomenon visually, let's take a look at a graph depicting the relationship between the number of allocated frames and the number of page faults. As we increase the number of frames, the graph might not follow our expectation of a monotonic decrease in page faults, and Belady's Anomaly can manifest as unexpected peaks in the graph.

Belady's Anomaly Example

Consider the following reference string: 1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Let's use the FIFO page replacement algorithm with three frames.

With three frames, the total number of page faults is 12. Now, let's try it with four frames.

Surprisingly, with four frames, the total number of page faults increases to 12, leading to Belady's Anomaly.

How to Eliminate Belady’s Anomaly?

To eliminate Belady's Anomaly, consider using more intelligent page replacement algorithms like LRU or Optimal. Let's apply the LRU algorithm to the previous example.

With the LRU algorithm, the total number of page faults reduces to 9, demonstrating the effectiveness of using a more intelligent approach to page replacement. By employing LRU, the algorithm identifies and replaces the least recently used page. This ensures frequently accessed pages remain in memory, resulting in fewer page faults and better overall system performance. This exemplifies how adopting advanced page replacement algorithms can successfully address Belady's Anomaly and improve memory management in virtual memory systems.

Features of Belady’s Anomaly

Belady's Anomaly possesses several unique characteristics that make it both fascinating and challenging to deal with:

1. Non-Monotonic Behavior: Unlike our expectations, adding more memory frames can increase page faults instead of a consistent decrease.

2. Algorithm Dependence: Belady's Anomaly is not universal and is specific to certain page replacement algorithms, such as FCFS.

3. Inconsistent Performance: The occurrence of Belady's Anomaly is highly dependent on the access pattern of the reference string. Different sequences may or may not exhibit the anomaly.

4. Impact on Efficiency: Belady's Anomaly can lead to inefficient memory usage and reduced system performance if not appropriately addressed.


While Belady's Anomaly may seem like a troubling phenomenon, it has some positive implications:

1. Algorithm Evaluation: The occurrence of Belady's Anomaly helps computer scientists and system designers evaluate the effectiveness of various page replacement algorithms. An algorithm that exhibits the anomaly less frequently is likely to be more efficient in managing memory.

2. Memory Management Research: The study of Belady's Anomaly has spurred research and development in memory management techniques, leading to the creation of more sophisticated algorithms that can overcome this issue.


Despite the benefits Belady's Anomaly has, there are some drawbacks also.

1. Unpredictable Behavior: The non-monotonic nature of Belady's Anomaly can make it challenging to predict how a system will behave when additional memory is allocated.

2. Performance Regression: If Belady's Anomaly occurs frequently, it can result in performance regression, as increasing memory might not lead to the expected performance improvements.

3. Algorithm Complexity: Mitigating Belady's Anomaly often involves adopting more advanced and complex page replacement algorithms, which may require additional computational overhead.

Practical Implications of Belady’s Anomaly

Theoretical in nature, Belady's Anomaly can manifest in practical scenarios, particularly in memory-constrained systems or virtual memory environments, thereby carrying real-world implications. Let us examine some practical situations in which Belady's Anomaly may manifest itself.

1. Embedded Systems: Numerous embedded systems exhibit constraints in terms of memory resources. When the amount of memory available is not enough to store all the required data and code, a page replacement algorithm is utilized to manage the memory effectively. Belady's Anomaly occurring in such instances may result in an unforeseen performance deterioration upon introducing additional memory into the system.

2. Legacy Systems: In the context of computer systems, legacy systems refer to older systems or applications that may employ straightforward page replacement algorithms, which are more susceptible to manifesting Belady's Anomaly. The performance of these systems may exhibit counterintuitive behavior when the amount of available memory is increased, leading to the occurrence of performance bottlenecks.

3. Virtualization: This refers to the practice of utilizing virtual machines (VMs) in order to share the physical memory of a host system within virtualized environments. These employ an individual page replacement algorithm for memory management. Belady's Anomaly has the potential to adversely affect individual virtual machines (VMs), resulting in inefficiencies and contention for memory resources among them.

4. Caching: Caching is a commonly employed technique in a variety of applications and web services to enhance data retrieval speeds and minimize latency. Utilizing caching while employing a page replacement algorithm that is vulnerable to Belady's Anomaly may result in less-than-optimal cache utilization and an increase in cache misses.

5. Database management systems: DBMS frequently employ caching and memory management strategies to optimize the performance of queries. In the event that the database utilizes a page replacement algorithm that is susceptible to Belady's Anomaly, it is possible for queries to encounter inconsistent performance despite an increase in memory allocation.

6. Cloud computing: This business process involves the allocation of resources by cloud service providers to virtual instances, which are determined based on the specific requirements provided. If a virtual instance experiences Belady's Anomaly due to the selection of a page replacement algorithm, it may fail to attain the anticipated enhancement in performance upon the allocation of supplementary resources.

7. Mobile devices: Mobile devices frequently possess a restricted amount of memory in comparison to desktop computers. Mobile operating systems may experience Belady's Anomaly in their memory management algorithms. This can have an impact on the performance of applications and battery life when extra memory is allocated.

8. Web servers: These are responsible for managing a significant volume of simultaneous requests, making efficient memory management a critical factor in ensuring optimal performance. Belady's Anomaly has the potential to affect web servers, resulting in unanticipated deceleration or heightened response durations as a consequence of memory allocation expansion.

In each of these situations, the occurrence of Belady's Anomaly can result in unexpected and non-intuitive outcomes. This underscores the importance of utilizing advanced page replacement algorithms that are more resilient to this phenomenon. The comprehension and mitigation of Belady's Anomaly can contribute to the optimization of memory utilization. It also enhances the overall efficacy and performance of diverse computer systems and applications.


Belady's Anomaly is an intriguing phenomenon that highlights the complexities of memory management in computer systems. Understanding the occurrence of increased page faults with the addition of more memory frames challenges our intuition. At the same time, it presents an excellent opportunity to improve page replacement algorithms. By employing more sophisticated techniques like LRU or Optimal, we can mitigate the impact of Belady's Anomaly and achieve more efficient memory usage.

Although a specific Belady's Anomaly calculator does not currently exist, researchers and enthusiasts have the opportunity to create their own simulations or utilize available memory management simulation tools to analyze and investigate the anomaly. The experiments conducted provide valuable insights into the behavior of page replacement algorithms and offer opportunities for enhancing memory management strategies.


1. Belady's anomaly occurs in which page replacement algorithm?

Belady's Anomaly is specific to certain page replacement algorithms, particularly the First Come, First Serve (FCFS) algorithm. It can also be experienced in the second chance and random page replacement algorithms.

2. Is Belady's Anomaly a common occurrence?

Belady's Anomaly is not a universal phenomenon, and its occurrence depends on the access pattern of the reference string and the specific page replacement algorithm being used. Some reference strings and algorithms may exhibit the anomaly more frequently than others.

3. How frequently does the Belady Anomaly occur?

According to the available data, the frequency of occurrence of "Belady's Anomaly" is observed as follows:

  • Belady's Anomaly affects 58.6% of reference strings when FIFO is used.
  • Up to 100 percent can be seen on arbitrary pages.

4. Which algorithm for page replacement has the lowest error rate?

The "optimal page replacement algorithm" exhibits the lowest page fault rate. In this process, sites that have not been accessed in a very long time are replaced with pages that are required.

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