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30. Bipartite Graph
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Welcome to this tutorial, where we will delve into the subject of bipartite graphs. We'll explore its core aspects, characteristics, and importance in graph theory. A bipartite graph is a fundamental concept in graph theory. Understanding this essential structure opens up a variety of real-world applications, from computer science to operations research.
This tutorial aims to provide an in-depth examination of a bipartite graph in Graph theory. In the subsequent sections, we offer a comprehensive overview of the bipartite graph. We'll discuss definitions, important properties, associated concepts, and end with some commonly asked questions. We'll also delve into their defining features, use cases, and relationship with other types of graphs.
A bipartite graph is a particular type of graph within the broader study of graph theory. Their defining characteristic is that they can be partitioned into two sets such that no two vertices within the same set are adjacent to each other.
A complete graph is a type of graph in which every pair of distinct vertices is connected by a unique edge. In other words, it's a graph where every vertex is directly connected to every other vertex. In the case of a Complete bipartite graph, each node from one set forms a connection with all the nodes of the other set.
Complete graphs are denoted as Kn, where "n" represents the number of vertices.
Here is an example of a complete graph with 4 vertices (A, B, C, and D):
In this graph, each vertex is directly connected to every other vertex with a unique edge. For 4 vertices, there are a total of 6 edges. Complete graphs are commonly used in graph theory to illustrate concepts and algorithms due to their simplicity and symmetry.
A regular graph is a graph where all vertices have the same degree, meaning they are connected to the same number of edges. In a regular graph, each vertex has an identical number of adjacent vertices. Regular graphs are often denoted as "k-regular," where "k" is the degree of each vertex.
Here's an example of a 3-regular graph with 4 vertices (A, B, C, and D):
In this graph, each vertex is connected to exactly 3 other vertices, resulting in a regular graph. Regular graphs can have various degrees, and they often represent structured relationships in real-world scenarios.
An Euler Path is a path in a graph that visits every edge exactly once. This means that you start at a vertex, traverse edges to other vertices, and eventually end at a different vertex, covering every edge in the graph without repetition. If you can find an Euler Path in a graph, it suggests a specific sequence in which you can traverse the edges.
However, not all graphs have Euler Paths. There are specific conditions that must be met:
For example, let's consider a graph where two vertices have odd degrees (C and E):
In this graph, vertices C and E have an odd degree. This means that an Euler Path or Circuit is not possible. The condition of having either 0 or 2 vertices with odd degrees is violated.
On the other hand, if we modify the graph slightly to ensure there are exactly 2 vertices with odd degrees:
In this case, vertices C and E have an odd degree, which satisfies the condition. An Euler Path (not a circuit) is possible in this graph, where you start at A, traverse all edges, and end at E.
Euler's Theorem states that a graph G has an Euler circuit if and only if every vertex of G has even degree. The theorem holds true for bipartite graphs, as the number of edges incident with a vertex determines whether the vertex's degree is even or odd.
Euler's Theorem Component | Description |
Theorem Statement | A graph G possesses an Euler circuit if and only if every vertex of G has even degree. |
Meaning | A graph has a path that traverses every edge exactly once and returns to its starting point, if and only if each of its vertices is connected to an even number of other vertices. |
Relation with bipartite graphs | The theorem applies to bipartite graphs as the degrees of vertices determine whether an Euler circuit exists. |
Proof Method | The theorem is proved using methods of induction and graph traversal. The proof focuses on the existence of a closed circuit in a graph with vertices of even degree. |
There are several algorithms and techniques to determine if a given graph is bipartite. One common algorithm is the Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm.
Here's a step-by-step explanation of how the BFS algorithm can be used to determine if a graph is bipartite:
Result: If no conflicts arise during BFS traversal (i.e., all edges connect vertices of different colors), the graph is bipartite. If there's a conflict, the graph is not bipartite.
Pseudocode for Bipartite Graph Detection using BFS:
function isBipartite(graph, start_vertex):
create sets SetA and SetB
create a color map for vertices
assign color 0 to start_vertex
add start_vertex to SetA
create a queue and enqueue start_vertex
while queue is not empty:
current_vertex = dequeue from queue
for each neighbor in graph[current_vertex]:
if neighbor is not colored:
assign opposite color to neighbor
add neighbor to the respective set
enqueue neighbor into the queue
else if neighbor has the same color as current_vertex:
return "Not Bipartite"
return "Bipartite"
Call isBipartite(graph, any_starting_vertex)
We must also remember that this algorithm assumes the graph is connected. If the graph consists of multiple components, you should apply the BFS algorithm on each component. This algorithm works well for both directed and undirected graphs and is a common approach to determine whether a graph is bipartite or not.
Another method to determine if a graph is bipartite is to use graph coloring with the concept of two-coloring. This method doesn't necessarily require BFS traversal.
Here's how bipartite graph detection works using graph coloring:
Result: If no conflicts arise (i.e., all edges connect vertices of different colors), the graph is bipartite.
Pseudocode for Bipartite Graph Detection using Graph Coloring:
function isBipartite(graph, start_vertex):
create a color map for vertices
assign color 0 to start_vertex
for each vertex in graph:
if vertex is not colored:
assign opposite color to vertex
for each neighbor in graph[vertex]:
assign opposite color to neighbor
if neighbor has the same color as vertex:
return "Not Bipartite"
return "Bipartite"
Call isBipartite(graph, any_starting_vertex)
This method directly assigns colors to vertices based on their adjacency relationships, without explicitly performing BFS traversal. If you don't encounter a conflict during the color propagation process, the graph is bipartite.
We have traversed the fascinating terrain of bipartite graphs, exploring their definition, properties, examples, and related concepts. Understanding bipartite graphs offers a deeper insight into graph theory and its numerous applications. A solid grasp of these concepts not only enhances our problem-solving toolkit but also opens up career opportunities in diverse fields like computer science, data science, and network design. Proficiency in these concepts can set you apart in these competitive industries.
To further elevate your understanding and career, upGrad offers comprehensive courses where such concepts are explained in great detail by industry professionals.
1. Can you provide a bipartite graph example?
Consider a graph with vertices divided into two sets {a, b, c} and {1, 2, 3}. The edges are a-1, b-2, and c-3. This is a bipartite graph.
2. How is a bipartite graph different from a Complete Graph?
In a Complete Graph, each pair of vertices is connected. However, in a Complete bipartite graph, each vertex from one set is connected to every vertex in the other set.
3. What is the relation between a Regular Graph and a bipartite graph?
In a Regular bipartite graph, there are equal vertices in both sets, and each vertex connects to every vertex in the opposite set.
4. How does Euler's Theorem apply to bipartite graphs?
Euler's Theorem states a graph has an Euler circuit if and only if every vertex has an even degree. This also holds true for bipartite graphs.
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