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Install SASS

Updated on 02/03/20241,931 Views


In the world of web development, cascading style sheets (CSS) play a crucial role in styling web pages. However, writing and managing large CSS files can become cumbersome and time-consuming. This is where SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) comes in handy. SASS is a preprocessor scripting language that compiles into CSS and offers numerous features to simplify and enhance the styling process.

In this blog post, we will explore different methods to install SASS on various platforms, including standalone installation, installation using NPM (Node Package Manager), installation with Homebrew (for Mac OSX and Linux), and installation in different environments such as React and HTML.


SASS is a CSS preprocessor that extends the capabilities of regular CSS by introducing features like variables, mixins, nesting, inheritance, and more. These features help developers write cleaner, more efficient, and maintainable CSS code.

Depending on the platform and development environment, we have several options to install SASS. In the following sections, we will guide you through each installation method, complete with examples, screenshots, and images.

What is SASS?

Before diving into the installation process, let's briefly explain what SASS is and how it can benefit your web development workflow.

SASS is a CSS preprocessor that introduces new syntax and features unavailable in regular CSS. It helps developers write more organized and modular stylesheets. Some of the key features of SASS include:

Variables: SASS allows you to define and reuse variables, making it easy to manage and update colors, font sizes, and other style properties.

$primary-color: #007bff;
$font-size: 21px;
.header {
  background-color: $primary-color;
  font-size: NaNont-size;
Nesting: SASS allows nesting CSS rules inside one another, reducing the need for repetitive and verbose code.
.navbar {
  background-color: #333;
  .nav-item {
    color: #fff;
    &:hover {
      color: $primary-color;
Mixins: SASS enables the creation of reusable styles called mixins, which can be included in multiple CSS rules.
@mixin box-shadow($x, $y, $blur, $color) {
  box-shadow: $x $y $blur $color;
.button {
  @include box-shadow(2px, 2px, 4px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1));

These are just a few examples of how SASS enhances CSS with its powerful features. Now, let's move on to the installation methods.

Methods to Install SASS- Install Anywhere (standalone)

The standalone installation method allows you to install SASS globally on your system, making it accessible from any directory.

Here are the steps to install SASS standalone:

Step 1: Open your terminal or command prompt.

Step 2: Run the following command to install SASS globally:

npm install -g sass

Step 3: Once the installation is complete, you can verify it by running the following command:

sass --version

This will display the installed SASS version, confirming the successful installation.

Install SASS Using NPM (Node Package Manager)

If you use a Node.js environment and prefer managing dependencies through NPM, you can install SASS as an NPM package.

Here's how to install SASS using NPM:

Step 1: Create a new directory for your project (if you haven't already) and navigate to it using the terminal or command prompt.

Step 2: Initialize your project by running the following command:

npm init -y

This will create a package.json file that will track your project's dependencies.

Step 3: Install SASS as a development dependency by running the following command:

npm install sass --save-dev

Step 4: Once the installation is complete, you can start using SASS in your project by importing it into your JavaScript or TypeScript files.

import sass from 'sass';

Alternatively, you can use SASS through build tools like Webpack or Gulp.

Create a package.json File

To create a package.json file, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Open your terminal or command prompt.

Step 2: Navigate to the root directory of your project where you want to create the package.json file.

Step 3: Run the following command:

npm init

This command initializes the npm package manager and prompts you to enter various details about your project.

Step 4: Follow the prompts and provide the necessary information. You can press Enter to accept the default values or type your own.

Here are the fields typically included in the package.json file:

  • name: The name of your project. This should be a unique identifier, preferably in lowercase without spaces.
  • version: The initial version number of your project.
  • description: A brief description of your project.
  • entry point: The main entry point file of your project, such as index.js.
  • test command: The command to run tests, if applicable.
  • git repository: The URL of your project's Git repository.
  • keywords: An array of keywords related to your project.
  • author: Your name or the name of the project's author.
  • license: The license under which your task is distributed (e.g., MIT, Apache-2.0).

Step 5: After providing all the necessary information, the npm init command will display a summary of your choices. Review the summary and confirm by typing yes or pressing Enter.

Step 6: Once confirmed, the package.json file will be created in the current directory with the provided information.

Your package.json file serves as a manifest for your project, tracking dependencies, scripts, and other metadata. It is essential for managing and sharing your project with others.

Remember to regularly update your package.json file as your project evolves and new dependencies are added. You can manually edit the file or use the npm or yarn commands to manage dependencies and scripts, ensuring your project remains organized and up-to-date.

Install SASS with Homebrew (Mac OSX and Linux)

If you are using Mac OSX or Linux, you can use Homebrew, a popular package manager, to install SASS.

Here's how to install SASS with Homebrew:

Step 1: Open your terminal.

Step 2: Install Homebrew by running the following command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Step 3: Once Homebrew is installed, run the following command to install SASS:

brew install sass/sass/sass

Step 4: Verify the installation by running:

sass --version

You should see the SASS version number confirming the successful installation.

Install SASS with Yarn

If you prefer using Yarn as your package manager, you can install SASS through Yarn.

Here's how to install SASS with Yarn:

Step 1: Open your terminal.

Step 2: Run the following command to install SASS:

yarn add sass

Step 3: Verify the installation by running:

sass --version

The installed SASS version will be displayed, indicating a successful installation.

Yarn installation

If you are working with JavaScript frameworks like React, you can install and integrate SASS into your build process using SASS loaders.

Here's an example of installing SASS in a React project:

Step 1: Create a new React project or navigate to an existing one.

Step 2: Open your terminal and run the following command to install SASS and the necessary loaders:

npm install sass sass-loader --save-dev

Step 3: Configure the SASS loader in your webpack.config.js file:

module: {
  rules: [
      test: /\.scss$/,
      use: [

Step 4: You can now import and use SASS styles in your React components:

import React from 'react';
import './styles.scss,'
const App = () => {
  return <div className="app">Hello, SASS!</div>;
export default App;

How to Install SASS on Windows

To install SASS on Windows, you can use any of the methods mentioned earlier, such as the standalone installation or NPM installation. The installation process on Windows is similar to that on other platforms.

However, it's worth noting that you must have Node.js installed on your Windows machine before you can use NPM or install SASS NPM.

Here's how to install SASS on Windows using the standalone method:

Step 1: Open the Command Prompt or PowerShell.

Step 2: Run the following command to install SASS globally:

npm install -g sass

Step 3: Verify the installation by running:

sass --version

You should see the installed SASS version, indicating a successful installation.

How to Install SASS in HTML

To use SASS in HTML, you must compile SASS code into regular CSS and link the compiled CSS file in your HTML.

Here's how to install SASS in HTML:

Step 1: Write your SASS code in a .scss file (e.g., styles.scss).

$primary-color: #007bff;
.header {
  background-color: $primary-color;

Step 2: Compile the SASS code into CSS using the SASS command:

sass styles.scss styles.css
This command will generate a styles.css file.

Step 3: Link the compiled CSS file in your HTML:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
  <header class="header">

Now, when you open the HTML file in a browser, it will apply the styles defined in the SASS file.

Install SasS React

To install SASS in a React project, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a new React project or navigate to your terminal's existing React project directory.

Step 2: Open your terminal or command prompt.

Step 3: Run the following command to install the required dependencies:

npm install node-sass sass-loader --save-dev

This command installs node-sass and sass-loader packages as dev dependencies in your project. node-sass is the SASS compiler for Node.js, and sass-loader is a Webpack loader that allows importing SASS files into your React components.

Step 4: Once the installation is complete, you can start using SASS in your React components. You can create .scss files and import them into your components.

For example, let's say you have a styles.scss file in the same directory as your React component App.js. Open App.js and import the SASS file as follows:

import React from 'react';
import './styles.scss';
const App = () => {
  return (
    <div className="app">
      <h1>Hello, SASS in React!</h1>
export default App;

Step 5: You can now write SASS code in the imported styles.scss file and apply the styles to your React components. For example, you can define SASS variables, nesting, mixins, and more to enhance your CSS development experience.

Step 6: After making changes to your SASS files, save them, and the changes will be automatically compiled and applied to your React components when you run your project using npm start or any other build command.


In this blog post, we explored various methods to install SASS, a powerful CSS preprocessor that enhances the development workflow. We covered standalone installation, NPM installation, Homebrew installation, and installation in different environments like React and HTML.

You can use SASS's features, such as variables, nesting, mixins, and more, to write cleaner and more maintainable CSS code.

Whether you're a web developer working on a personal project or part of a development team, incorporating SASS into your workflow can greatly improve your productivity and code organization.


1. What is SASS?

SASS (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a CSS preprocessor that extends the capabilities of regular CSS by introducing features like variables, nesting, mixins, and more.

2. How do I install SASS?

There are several methods to install SASS, including standalone installation, installation using NPM, installation with Homebrew (for Mac OSX and Linux), and installation in specific environments like React or HTML. Choose the method that suits your platform and development needs.

3. Can I install SASS on Windows?

Yes, you can install SASS on Windows using any of the installation methods mentioned earlier. Ensure that you have Node.js installed before proceeding with the installation.

4. How do I use SASS in HTML?

To use SASS in HTML, you must compile the SASS code into CSS and link the compiled CSS file to your HTML file. Use the SASS command to compile the code and link the resulting CSS file in the HTML's <head> section.

Remember to update the CSS file whenever you change the SASS code.

5. Can I use SASS in React?

Yes, you can use SASS in React by installing the necessary loaders, such as sass-loader. After installing the loaders, you can import SASS files in your React components and use the SASS syntax to write styles.

Remember to install SASS loader in your webpack configuration file.

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