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A Comprehensive Guide on Softw…
1. Introduction
2. 2D Transformation In CSS
3. Informatica tutorial
4. Iterator Design Pattern
5. OpenCV Tutorial
6. PyTorch
7. Activity Diagram in UML
8. Activity selection problem
9. AI Tutorial
10. Airflow Tutorial
11. Android Studio
12. Android Tutorial
13. Animation CSS
14. Apache Kafka Tutorial
15. Apache Spark Tutorial
16. Apex Tutorial
17. App Tutorial
18. Appium Tutorial
19. Application Layer
20. Architecture of Data Warehouse
21. Armstrong Number
22. ASP Full Form
23. AutoCAD Tutorial
24. AWS Instance Types
25. Backend Technologies
26. Bash Scripting Tutorial
27. Belady's Anomaly
28. BGP Border Gateway Protocol
29. Binary Subtraction
30. Bipartite Graph
31. Bootstrap 5 tutorial
32. Box sizing in CSS
33. Bridge vs. Repeater
34. Builder Design Pattern
35. Button CSS
36. Change Font Color Using CSS
37. Circuit Switching and Packet Switching
38. Clustered and Non-clustered Index
39. Cobol Tutorial
40. CodeIgniter Tutorial
41. Compiler Design Tutorial
42. Complete Binary Trees
43. Components of IoT
44. Computer Network Tutorial
45. Convert Octal to Binary
46. CSS Border
47. CSS Colors
48. CSS Flexbox
49. CSS Float
50. CSS Font Properties
51. CSS Full Form
52. CSS Gradient
53. CSS Margin
54. CSS nth Child
55. CSS Syntax
56. CSS Tables
57. CSS Tricks
58. CSS Variables
59. Cucumber Tutorial
60. Cyclic Redundancy Check
61. Dart Tutorial
62. Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)
63. DCL
64. Decision Tree Algorithm
65. DES Algorithm
66. Difference Between DDL and DML
67. Difference between Encapsulation and Abstraction
68. Difference Between GET and POST
69. Difference Between Hub and Switch
70. Difference Between IPv4 and IPv6
71. Difference Between Microprocessor And Microcontroller
72. Difference between PERT and CPM
73. Difference Between Primary Key and Foreign Key
74. Difference Between Process and Thread in Java
75. Difference between RAM and ROM
76. SRAM vs. DRAM: Understanding the Difference
77. Difference Between Structure and Union
78. Difference between TCP and UDP
79. Difference between Transport Layer and Network Layer
80. Disk Scheduling Algorithms
81. Display Property in CSS
82. Domain Name System
83. Dot Net Tutorial
84. ElasticSearch Tutorial
85. Entity Framework Tutorial
86. ES6 Tutorial
87. Factory Design Pattern in Java
88. File Transfer Protocol
89. Firebase Tutorial
90. First Come First Serve
91. Flutter Basics
92. Flutter Tutorial
93. Font Family in CSS
94. Go Language Tutorial
95. Golang Tutorial
96. Graphql Tutorial
97. Half Adder and Full Adder
98. Height of Binary Tree
99. Hibernate Tutorial
100. Hive Tutorial
101. How To Become A Data Scientist
102. How to Install Anaconda Navigator
103. Install Bootstrap
104. Google Colab - How to use Google Colab
105. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
106. Infix to Postfix Conversion
107. Install SASS
108. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
109. IPv 4 address
110. JCL Programming
111. JQ Tutorial
112. JSON Tutorial
113. JSP Tutorial
114. Junit Tutorial
115. Kadanes Algorithm
116. Kafka Tutorial
117. Knapsack Problem
118. Kth Smallest Element
119. Laravel Tutorial
120. Left view of binary tree
121. Level Order Traversal
122. Linear Gradient CSS
123. Link State Routing Algorithm
124. Longest Palindromic Subsequence
125. LRU Cache Implementation
126. Matrix Chain Multiplication
127. Maximum Product Subarray
128. Median of Two Sorted Arrays
129. Memory Hierarchy
130. Merge Two Sorted Arrays
131. Microservices Tutorial
132. Missing Number in Array
133. Mockito tutorial
134. Modem vs Router
135. Mulesoft Tutorial
136. Network Devices
137. Network Devices in Computer Networks
138. Next JS Tutorial
139. Nginx Tutorial
140. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
141. Octal to Decimal
142. OLAP Operations
143. Opacity CSS
144. OSI Model
145. CSS Overflow
146. Padding in CSS
147. Perimeter of A Rectangle
148. Perl scripting
149. Phases of Compiler
150. Placeholder CSS
151. Position Property in CSS
152. Postfix evaluation in C
153. Powershell Tutorial
154. Primary Key vs Unique Key
155. Program To Find Area Of Triangle
156. Pseudo-Classes in CSS
Now Reading
157. Pseudo elements in CSS
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170. Routing Protocols
171. Ruby On Rails
172. Ruby tutorial
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175. Shadow CSS
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191. Threaded Binary Tree
192. Top View Of Binary Tree
193. Transmission Control Protocol
194. Transport Layer Protocols
195. Traversal of Binary Tree
196. Types of Queue
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200. Unix Tutorial for Beginners
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218. XML Tutorial
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a fundamental technology in web development, allowing designers and developers to control the visual presentation of HTML elements. One powerful aspect of CSS is the utilization of pseudo-classes, which provide a means to target and style specific elements based on their state or position within the document.
Pseudo-classes in CSS extend the capabilities of standard selectors by allowing developers to target elements that cannot be selected using traditional selectors alone. These classes play a pivotal role in creating dynamic and interactive web experiences, enhancing user interactions and improving the overall aesthetics of a webpage.
Understanding the potential of pseudo-classes empowers developers to create dynamic, interactive, and visually appealing web pages, ultimately contributing to a more engaging and enjoyable browsing experience for users.
This tutorial will cover what are pseudo-classes in CSS, the various types of pseudo-classes available and their syntax. We will also discuss some practical examples of how they can be utilized to enhance user interfaces and streamline styling practices.
Pseudo-classes are denoted by a colon followed by the pseudo-class name, and they are used to define styles for various conditions that cannot be directly expressed through simple element selectors. These conditions include user interactions like hovering over an element, clicking on it, or focusing on input fields, as well as targeting elements in certain positions, like the first child or last child of a parent element.
The usefulness of pseudo-classes becomes evident in their ability to significantly enhance the user experience and design aesthetics of a website.
For instance, the :hover pseudo-class enables designers to apply style changes when a user hovers their cursor over an element, offering visual feedback and engaging users. Similarly, the :active pseudo-class allows for the application of styles when an element is being clicked, creating a tactile and responsive feel.
Form validation can also be improved using pseudo-classes like :valid and :invalid to dynamically indicate the validity of user-inputted data. Moreover, pseudo-classes are instrumental in achieving layout consistency, as they enable precise targeting of specific elements without the need for excessive class or ID attributes.
Let us look into some types of pseudo-classes in CSS:
The :hover pseudo-class in CSS is used to apply styles to an element when the mouse pointer hovers over it. It allows developers to create interactive effects and provide visual feedback to users when they interact with elements on a web page.
When the mouse pointer hovers over an element with the :hover pseudo-class applied, the specified styles take effect. These styles can include changes in color, background, size, or any other CSS property.
.button {
background-color: #007bff;
color: #fff;
padding: 10px 20px;
border-radius: 5px;
.button:hover {
background-color: #0056b3;
cursor: pointer;
In this example, when the mouse hovers over a button with the class "button," its background color changes to a darker shade (#0056b3), and the cursor changes to a pointer to indicate interactivity.
The :active pseudo-class in CSS is used to apply styles to an element while it is being activated or clicked by the user. It provides visual feedback to indicate that the element is currently in an active state.
When an element is clicked or activated (e.g., when a user presses and holds the mouse button on a clickable element), the :active pseudo-class styles are temporarily applied. Once the click is released, the styles return to their default state.
.button {
background-color: #007bff;
color: #fff;
padding: 10px 20px;
border-radius: 5px;
.button:active {
background-color: #0056b3;
transform: translateY(2px);
In this example, when a button with the class "button" is clicked, its background color changes to a darker shade (#0056b3), and it moves 2 pixels down vertically due to the `transform` property applied in the :active state. This visual change gives users feedback that the button is being pressed.
The :visited pseudo-class in CSS is used to apply styles to links that have been visited by the user. It allows developers to differentiate between visited and unvisited links, providing visual cues to users about the pages they have previously accessed.
Due to privacy and security concerns, the :visited pseudo-class has certain limitations. Developers can only modify a few CSS properties for visited links, primarily those that do not expose the user's browsing history. Common properties that can be styled for :visited links include color, background-color, border-color, and outline-color.
a:link {
color: #007bff; /* Unvisited link color */
a:visited {
color: #800080; /* Visited link color */
In this example, unvisited links will be displayed in the color #007bff (blue), and once a link has been visited, its color will change to #800080 (purple). This distinction helps users keep track of the pages they have already explored within a website.
The :lang pseudo-class in CSS is used to apply styles to elements based on the language specified in the "lang" attribute of the HTML document. It allows developers to create language-specific styles for multilingual websites, ensuring that content is visually distinguished based on the language it is written in.
p:lang(en) {
font-family: "Helvetica", sans-serif;
color: #333;
p:lang(fr) {
font-family: "Arial", sans-serif;
color: #444;
In this example, the :lang pseudo-class is used to target <p> (paragraph) elements with different language attributes. When the language is set to English (lang="en"), the paragraphs will have the font-family "Helvetica" and a color of #333. When the language is set to French (lang="fr"), the paragraphs will have the font-family "Arial" and a color of #444. This helps to ensure that text in different languages is presented in a visually appropriate manner.
The :focus pseudo-class in CSS is used to apply styles to an element when it receives focus. It is commonly used with interactive elements like form inputs, buttons, and links, providing visual feedback to indicate that the element is currently active and can be interacted with, typically through keyboard navigation or mouse clicks.
When an element gains focus, such as when a user clicks on it or navigates to it using the "Tab" key, the :focus pseudo-class styles are applied. These styles can include changes in color, border, outline, or any other CSS property.
input[type="text"] {
border: 1px solid #ccc;
input[type="text"]:focus {
border: 2px solid #007bff;
outline: none; /* Removing default focus outline (not recommended for accessibility) */
In this example, when a text input element receives focus, its border changes to a thicker blue (#007bff) to indicate that it is active. We also remove the default focus outline (using `outline: none`) for a cleaner appearance, but it's generally recommended to retain or customize the focus outline for better accessibility.
The :first-child pseudo-class in CSS is used to target the first child element within its parent container. It allows developers to apply specific styles to the first child element without the need for assigning a specific class or ID to that element.
ul li:first-child {
font-weight: bold;
div p:first-child {
color: #ff0000;
In the first example, the :first-child pseudo-class is applied to the <li> elements within an unordered list (<ul>). It sets the font weight to bold for the first <li> element, making it stand out from the rest of the list items.
In the second example, the :first-child pseudo-class is used for <p> elements within a <div>. It changes the color of the first <p> element to red while leaving the other <p> elements unchanged.
The :first-child pseudo-class selects only the first child element of its parent, regardless of its type or content. If there are other non-element nodes (e.g., text nodes or whitespace) before the first child element, they will not be affected by this selector.
To create a simple tooltip that appears when hovering over an element, you can use the :hover pseudo-class in combination with CSS and HTML.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
.tooltip {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
cursor: pointer;
.tooltip:hover .tooltiptext {
visibility: visible;
opacity: 1;
.tooltiptext {
visibility: hidden;
opacity: 0;
position: absolute;
bottom: 100%;
left: 50%;
transform: translateX(-50%);
background-color: #333;
color: #fff;
padding: 5px;
border-radius: 3px;
transition: visibility 0.2s, opacity 0.2s;
white-space: nowrap;
<title>Simple Tooltip Hover</title>
<div class="tooltip">
Hover over me
<span class="tooltiptext">This is a tooltip</span>
In this example, we have a div with the class tooltip that wraps the content we want to show the tooltip for. The tooltip content is placed within a span element with the class tooltiptext. The CSS is used to control the tooltip's appearance and behavior. When the user hovers over the .tooltip element, the .tooltiptext element becomes visible and fades in.
This simple tooltip demonstrates the power of CSS pseudo-classes like :hover to create interactive and informative user interfaces. The tooltip appears when the user hovers over the designated element, providing additional context or information without cluttering the main content of the webpage.
Here are the differences between CSS classes and pseudo-classes:
Aspect | CSS Classes | Pseudo-Classes |
Purpose | Apply specific styles to one or more elements. | Define styles based on element state or position. |
Syntax | Defined with a dot (.) before the class name. | Defined with a colon (:) before the name. |
Application | Added to HTML elements using the class attribute. | Directly applied to standard element selectors. |
Reusability | Highly reusable. Same class can be used on many elements. | Used to target specific conditions or states. |
Usage | General styling purposes. | Interactive and responsive design elements. |
Examples | .button, .highlight, .section, .nav-link. | :hover, :active, :nth-child(odd), :focus. |
Use Cases | Styling components consistently. | Adding interactivity without JavaScript. |
Interaction with HTML | External to HTML content. | Integrated within HTML element selectors. |
Affects Element Styles | Yes, can change various style properties. | Yes, can alter style when specific states occur. |
A pseudo-class selector in CSS is used to target and style elements based on their state or position in the document tree. CSS classes are user-defined identifiers to group elements for applying shared styles, while pseudo-classes are special keywords to style elements based on their state or position in the document. Both play essential roles in CSS to create visually appealing and interactive web pages.
Pseudo-classes in CSS provide a powerful way to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to HTML elements without the need for additional JavaScript or altering the HTML structure. They enable developers to target elements based on their state or position in the document tree, enhancing user experience and engagement on web pages.
By utilizing pseudo-classes in CSS alongside classes and other CSS features, developers can build responsive, user-friendly websites with intuitive interactions, making the browsing experience more enjoyable and efficient for users. Pseudo-classes remain an essential tool in the CSS toolbox, contributing to modern web development's overall design aesthetics and functionality.
Yes, you can combine multiple pseudo-classes in a selector to target elements with specific states or relationships. For example: `button:hover:active` will target a button element when it's both hovered and clicked.
Pseudo-elements in CSS allow you to style specific parts of an element, like the first line or first letter, using double colons (::), while pseudo-classes (single colon) target and style elements based on their state or position in the document tree.
No, pseudo-classes are predefined by CSS and cannot be customized or created.
Pseudo-elements in CSS allow you to style specific parts of an element, such as the first line or first letter, using a single line of code.
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