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Python Tkinter Tutorial

Updated on 29/03/20241,937 Views

What is Tkinter?

Have you ever wondered how Python applications with graphical user interfaces (GUIs) can transform your Python script into a sleek desktop application? Welcome to the world of Python Tkinter!

In this Python Tkinter Tutorial, we will unravel the step-by-step process using Python GUI programming with Tkinter to navigate from basic building blocks to advanced widgets, culminating in the creation of fully-fledged applications.

If you are a developer trying to take a command-line script to a graphical interface, then one of the most potent toolkits at your disposal is Tkinter. Its simplicity and robustness pave the way for a seamless and efficient utilization of GUI creation. The result: an enhanced user experience and interactivity.

Tkinter, at its core, is a wrapper around the Tcl/Tk GUI toolkit. In layman’s terms, it empowers Python developers with tools like windows, buttons, and labels to enable them to craft interactive desktop applications.

Why Use Python GUI Programming with Tkinter?

  • Hassle-free integration with Python: As part of the Python standard library, you are free from additional tedious installations.
  • Multi-platform availability: Tkinter caters to Windows, macOS, and Linux equally efficiently.
  • Beginner-Friendly: Its easy-to-use syntax and approach are ideally suited for beginners. Thus, this Tkinter tutorial for beginners is an apt platform to start understanding the nuances of GUI programming.

Installing Tkinter

While most Python distributions have ready-to-use Tkinter, you sometimes need a manual installation.

You can use the given pip to secure Tkinter:


pip install tk

Output: Successfully installed tk

Getting Started with Tkinter

Let’s start your journey into the Python Tkinter GUI Tutorial by creating a basic application window:


import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
root.title("Tkinter Basics")

Output: A window pops up, titled "Tkinter Basics".

Creating the Main Application Window

Consider this window as your canvas for GUI programming in Python. The Tk() function is your foundation, initializing your main application window. This is where widgets, the building blocks of your GUI, will reside.

Understanding Widgets

Widgets are the DNA of your application. With each serving a unique purpose and specific function, the widget elements of your GUI- the buttons, labels, text boxes, etc.—determine the look and feel of your application.

Configuring Widgets

The appearance and behavior of each widget in Tkinter are determined by the configurable options they come with.

For example, you can set a button's color, size, and action when pressed.

btn = tk.Button(root, text="Click Me!", bg="blue", fg="white")

Output: A blue button with the text "Click Me!" appears on the window.

Binding Events to Widgets

For a GUI to be interactive, it must respond to user actions or events. With Tkinter, you can "bind" functions to these events.


def on_button_click():
    print("Button was clicked!")

btn.bind("<Button-1>", lambda event: on_button_click())

Output: When the button is clicked, "Button was clicked!" is printed to the console.

Handling User Input

At the heart of a GUI application lie the fundamentals of interactivity. Receiving and processing inputs from end-users prevents a GUI from being a mere static display.

  • Entry Widget: The Entry Widget collects single-line text inputs from the user. It provides options like show (to mask characters, critical for passwords) and methods like get() to collect the input value. The insert() method is also available to pre-fill values.
  • Text Widget: Text is an advanced widget typically implemented for multi-line text input. It supports rich text, various internal tags, and markers. Methods like insert() and get() allow developers to manipulate content based on specific requirements.

Basic Widgets in Tkinter

The building blocks of most Python applications are the basic widgets in Tkinter.

  • Button: Besides being clickable, it can hold text and images. Only upon clicking does the command parameter specify the function to be executed.
  • Entry: As mentioned earlier, ‘Entry’ is a single-line input box.
  • Label: Labels are generally not meant to be interactive. They are primarily used for displaying text or images.

Geometry Management in Tkinter

The placement of widgets within the application window is paramount. Tkinter offers various methods:

  • pack(): Arranges widgets in blocks, either vertically or horizontally. It's simple but less precise. You can't mix grid() and pack() in the same master window.
  • grid(): Aligns widgets in a grid structure, making use of rows and columns. Offers fine-grained control over widget placement. You can specify column-span or row-span for spanning multiple cells.
  • place(): Uses x and y coordinates for positioning, offering the highest precision but requiring meticulous handling.

Tkinter Advanced Widgets

For more sophisticated implementations, Tkinter provides advanced widgets:

  • Canvas: This widget is ideal for drawing shapes, plots, images, or even custom designs. Its versatility supports several items like lines, ovals, arcs, images, and more.
  • Menu button: It’s a part of the menu system in Tkinter that is used to create dropdowns and hierarchical menus.
  • Scrollbar: This comes in handy, particularly when the content exceeds the visible area, like in a Text widget or Listbox. Scrollbars can be oriented both horizontally and vertically.

Styling Tkinter Widgets

Each widget's visual appeal can be customized:

  • bg and fg: Refers to the background and foreground colors, respectively.
  • font: Specifies the font family, size, and style.
  • relief: Determines the style of the border. Common values include FLAT, RAISED, and SUNKEN.

Event Handling and Callbacks

Events are actions or occurrences, such as a button click or a keypress that the program detects.

  • Binding: You can use the bind() method to attach an event to a widget. For instance, <Button-1> refers to the left mouse button.
  • Event Patterns: You can define which events to respond to, including widget-specific events, like <Enter> and <Leave> for mouse hover events.
  • Callbacks: These are functions or methods that get executed in response to an event.

Dialogs and Message Boxes

These are predefined pop-up windows to offer information, warnings, errors, or gather user inputs:

  • messagebox: Provides methods like showinfo(), showwarning(), and showerror() to display relevant dialog boxes.
  • filedialog: Offers functions like askopenfilename() or asksaveasfilename() for file operations.
  • simpledialog: Used for basic inputs like asking for text, integers, or floats.

Building Applications with Tkinter

Tkinetr allows you to create an entire application, weaving together the concepts of widgets, geometry management, event handling, and more. For instance, in a basic calculator, you would have buttons for digits and operations, an entry widget to display calculations, and event handling to process each button click.

Tkinter advanced examples

Threading in Tkinter


Tkinter applications can be effectively used for computational or I/O-bound tasks that take a long time. You can use a Tkinter application to freeze it, making it unresponsive to user actions. Threading helps by allowing these tasks to run in parallel with the main program, ensuring that the UI remains responsive.

How it Works

In Python, the threading module helps in building threads. When integrated with Tkinter, it's critical to ensure that only the main thread interacts with the GUI components to avoid unexpected behaviors or crashes.



import tkinter as tk
import threading
import time

def long_running_task():
    print("Task Finished")

root = tk.Tk()

start_button = tk.Button(root, text="Start Long Task", command=threading.Thread(target=long_running_task).start)



In this example, pressing the "Start Long Task" button will run the long_running_task function in a separate thread, allowing the UI to remain responsive.

  • The script uses Tkinter to create a GUI and the threading module to run lengthy tasks without making the GUI unresponsive.
  • Essential imports include tkinter for the GUI, threading for parallel execution, and time to simulate a delay.
  • The function long_running_task mimics a 10-second task, post-completion of which "Task Finished" is printed.
  • A button labeled "Start Long Task" is introduced. Upon clicking, the extensive task runs in a separate thread, ensuring the GUI remains active.
  • The script's main event loop, root.mainloop(), manages user interactions and keeps the application running until closed.

Databases with Tkinter


Applications often require persistent storage, and databases provide a structured way to store, retrieve, and manipulate data.

SQLite with Tkinter

SQLite is a serverless and self-contained SQL database engine that’s also lightweight, meaning minimal space usage. Its Python integration makes it an excellent choice for desktop applications built with Tkinter.



import tkinter as tk
import sqlite3

def save_data(name):
    conn = sqlite3.connect('example.db')
    c = conn.cursor()
    c.execute("INSERT INTO names (name) VALUES (?)", (name,))

root = tk.Tk()

name_entry = tk.Entry(root)

save_button = tk.Button(root, text="Save Name", command=lambda: save_data(name_entry.get()))



Here, the user's input gets saved to an SQLite database when the "Save Name" button is pressed.

  • The script employs Tkinter for GUI creation and sqlite3 to interface with SQLite databases.
  • The save_data function connects to an SQLite database example.db, inserts a given name into the names table, then commits the change and closes the connection.
  • The GUI contains an entry widget (name_entry) for users to input a name.
  • A button (save_button) is introduced; upon clicking, it retrieves the entered name and invokes save_data to store it in the database.
  • On execution, a window with an entry field and "Save Name" button emerges, allowing users to input names into the names table of the example.db SQLite database.

Third-party Libraries with Tkinter


By incorporating third-party libraries, you can significantly expand the capabilities of a Tkinter application, thus making room for a wide array of functionalities.

Pillow with Tkinter

Pillow, a fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL), has vast usage when it comes to opening, manipulating, and saving different image file formats.

Example: Displaying an image in Tkinter using Pillow:


from tkinter import Tk, Label
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
root = Tk()

image ="example.jpg")
photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image)

label = Label(root, image=photo)


image ="example.jpg"): This line opens the image file named "example.jpg" and returns an Image object. You can then perform various operations on this object, like resizing, cropping, or applying filters.

photo = ImageTk.PhotoImage(image): While the Image object allows for various manipulations on the image, it's not directly displayable in a Tkinter GUI. This line converts the Image object into a format that Tkinter can understand and display. The ImageTk.PhotoImage function returns an object that can be used in various Tkinter widgets, like Label or Canvas, to display the image.

Matplotlib with Tkinter

Matplotlib is a comprehensive library for creating visualizations in Python. Now, you can create dynamic plots with an application by integrating it with Tkinter.

Example: Embedding a Matplotlib plot in a Tkinter window:


import tkinter as tk
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg

root = tk.Tk()

fig = Figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.plot([1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 4, 2, 3])

canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, master=root)
canvas_widget = canvas.get_tk_widget()


In essence, the integration of threading, databases, and third-party libraries expands the functionalities of Tkinter, making it a versatile choice for various applications.

Real-world Applications of TKinter

1. Office Tools:

Document Editors: Just like tools such as Microsoft Word or Notepad, you can utilize Tkinter to create simple document editors. Its useful features, like text widgets, menus, and formatting options, allow users to type, save, and edit documents.

2. Educational Tools:

Flashcard Applications: Flashcards are a great way to set reminders or mark important portions of your study material. Students can use Tkinter-based applications to generate flashcards. You can incorporate randomization of cards, tracking of progress, or even timed quizzes.

3. Utility Tools:

Password Managers: With integrating databases, Tkinter can be used to create basic password managers where users can store, retrieve, and manage their credentials securely.

Expense Trackers: Individuals looking to manage their finances can use Tkinter applications to input, categorize, and visualize their expenditures and savings over time.

4. Gaming:

Board Games: Tkinter can help in designing classic board games like Chess, Checkers, or Tic-Tac-Toe by integrating logic, and a GUI for user interaction.

5. Health & Fitness:

Exercise Loggers: The fitness industry can greatly benefit from Tkinter. Health enthusiasts can employ Tkinter applications to log their exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods and track their progress over weeks and months.

Diet Trackers: Similarly, Tkinter-based diet trackers enable users to input their daily meals, calculate caloric intake, and set dietary goals.

6. Multimedia:

Basic Media Players: One can create applications that play music or video files. Integrating third-party libraries would help in decoding various file formats and controlling playback.

7. Communication Tools:

Local Chat Applications: While Tkinter may not replace mainstream messaging platforms, it can be used to craft local chat applications where users on the same network can send and receive text messages.

8. Home Automation:

Control Panels: Tkinter can serve the fast-growing smart-home appliance industry. It can operate as the interface for simple control panels that communicate with various IoT devices, allowing users to control lights, temperature, or security systems.

9. Science and Research:

Data Collection Tools: Researchers can design custom tools to input and categorize data for various experiments, especially in fields where specific data collection software isn't readily available.

10. E-commerce and Business:

Inventory Management Systems: Small businesses can use Tkinter applications to manage their stock, track sales, and generate sales reports.

With Tkinter in their arsenal, developers are now equipped to let their imaginations fly. The ease of use and integration with various Python libraries make Tkinter a great resource for rapidly prototyping and developing desktop applications across diverse sectors.


Tkinter, an integral component of Python's GUI toolkit, is simple and versatile, with multiple utilities. From games to office tools, Tkinter’s capabilities to integrate with various Python libraries greatly support both new and seasoned developers. Tkinter stands as a robust, reliable choice in the vast programming landscape, allowing you to create enduring desktop applications.


1. What tools or methods can be used for packaging Tkinter applications for multiple operating systems?
Packaging Tkinter applications for various platforms involves tools that bundle the application with a Python interpreter and necessary libraries, creating a standalone executable. Tools like PyInstaller, cx_Freeze, and py2app (for macOS) are commonly used. With these tools, you can specify target platforms, ensuring the resulting executable is compatible across different operating systems and behaves consistently without throwing up regular errors.

2. How can web technologies or web views be integrated within a Tkinter application?
Integrating web views into Tkinter augments its functionalities, enabling web content rendering. For example, the cefpython3 library embeds Chromium browser capabilities within Tkinter for a seamless experience. Additionally, the web browser module opens content externally. Combining web front-ends with frameworks like Flask or Django with Python back-ends is also possible for advanced integrations.

3. How do I enhance the visual appearance of my Tkinter application?

Apart from the native styling options, third-party themes and libraries like ttkthemes allow you to apply modern and varied styles to your Tkinter apps.

4. Are there performance limitations when using Tkinter for larger applications?

While Tkinter is sufficient for many desktop applications, extremely complex or resource-intensive might necessitate the implementation of other frameworks or tools optimized for such workloads. However, proper coding practices and optimizations can alleviate many performance issues.

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