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Ruby On Rails

Updated on 04/03/20242,404 Views


Explore the world of Ruby on Rails, a dynamic web development framework. This Ruby on Rails tutorial empowers you to efficiently design web applications, whether you're a novice or a seasoned developer.

Ruby on Rails, renowned for its elegant syntax and "Convention over Configuration" philosophy, streamlines development by reducing repetitive code. Learn about concepts like MVC architecture, error handling, security, and testing.

This Ruby on Rails tutorial is suitable for all skill levels, providing a systematic exploration of Ruby on Rails, including MVC architecture. With practical Ruby on Rails examples and hands-on exercises, it empowers individuals to build web applications, enhance coding skills, and embrace a versatile web development framework.

What is Ruby on Rails?

Ruby on Rails (Rails) is an open-source web development framework written in Ruby, which is a programming language. It offers an organized and efficient approach to building dynamic web apps, following the MVC pattern for better organization and maintainability.

Example: Creating a Blog Application
Read the below Ruby tutorial with a basic blog app example.

Model (M):

A model in Rails represents the app's data structure and database interactions. In our blog app, for example, the Post model represents blog postings.

View (V):
The view is responsible for presenting data to the user. In this case, the view for a blog post might be an HTML template that displays the post's title and content.

Controller (C):
Controllers manage user requests, mediate between models and views, and facilitate interaction with the application's logic. In a blog, a controller might fetch and pass a specific post from the database to the view.

Benefits of Ruby on Rails

Here are some key advantages of Ruby on Rails with examples:

1. Rapid Development:
Rails emphasizes convention over configuration, providing default structures and settings. This accelerates development by reducing repetitive coding needs.

Example: Creating a CRUD app in Rails is a breeze thanks to its conventions. A few lines of code and you have a working app:

rails new Blog
rails generate scaffold Post title:string content:text

2. Concise and Readable Code:
Ruby's elegant syntax and Rails' conventions lead to clean, readable code, enhancing collaboration and simplifying maintenance. For instance, ActiveRecord, Rails' ORM, enables intuitive database queries.

#Finding all posts with 'published' status
@published_posts = Post.where(status: 'published')

3. Model-View-Controller (MVC) Architecture:
Rails enforces MVC for organized and maintainable code. For a user profile page, the model handles data, the controller manages actions, and the view displays information.

# Model (User model)
class User < ApplicationRecord

# Controller (UsersController)
class UsersController < ApplicationController
    def show
       @user User.find(params[:id])

# View (users/show.html.erb)
<h1><%= %></h1>
<p>Email: <%= %></p>

4. ActiveRecord ORM:
Rails' ORM, ActiveRecord, simplifies database tasks by turning tables into Ruby objects. For instance, defining a 'User' model and creating a new user record is straightforward.

class User < ApplicationRecord

# Creating a new user
new_user = 'John Doe', email: '')

5. Automated Testing:
Rails encourage test-driven development with built-in tools for robust, bug-free apps. For instance, writing a test to validate the 'title' presence in the 'Post' model is easy.

# Test (post_test.rb)
test "should not save post without title" do
      post = "Sample content")

6. Community and Ecosystem:
The Rails community offers many gems to boost functionality and tackle common problems. For example, 'Devise' gem streamlines authentication with pre-built solutions for user registration, login, and password management.

Getting Started with Ruby on Rails

To begin with Ruby on Rails, follow these steps with examples:

1. Install Prerequisites:
Before you start, ensure you have Ruby and Rails installed on your system. You can check their versions using these commands:

2. Create a New Rails Application:
To create a new Rails application, open your terminal and run:

This command generates a new Rails application named "MyBlog" in a directory called "my_blog."

3. Navigate to the Application Directory:
Move into the application directory:

4. Generate a Scaffold:
Let's create a simple blog application. Generate a scaffold for managing blog posts:

This develops the necessary files for creating, reading, updating, and deleting posts.

5. Run Migrations:
Apply the database changes:

6. Start the Server:
Launch the Rails server:

Your application will be accessible at ‘http://localhost:3000’.

7. Explore the Application:
Open your browser and go to 'http://localhost:3000/posts' to view the scaffold-generated list of posts.

8. Create a New Post:
Select "New Post," input title and content, and hit "Create Post" to add a new blog post.

9. Edit and Delete Posts:
Edit and delete posts from their respective individual pages.

10. Customize Views:
Explore the ‘app/views/posts’ directory to customize the display of your posts.

11. Controller and Model:
Review 'app/controllers/posts_controller.rb' for post actions and 'app/models/post.rb' for the 'Post' model definition.

12. Routes:
Lastly, explore the routes in 'config/routes.rb' that link URLs to controller actions.

Setting Up the Development Environment

Here's a step-by-step guide with examples:

1. Installing Ruby:
First, verify if Ruby is installed on your system. If not, follow these steps:

a. Linux/Mac:

Utilize a package manager like 'rbenv' or 'rvm' for Ruby installation. For instance, with 'rbenv':

b. Windows:

- Get RubyInstaller for Windows from, selecting your desired Ruby version (e.g., Ruby+Devkit 2.7.2-1).

- For better gem installation with native extensions, install the Devkit:

2. Installing Rails:
Open a Command Prompt and run:

3. Configuring the Development Environment:
Set up environment variables for a smooth Rails app experience.

a. Database Setup:
Rails relies on databases for data storage. Install and configure one like PostgreSQL, MySQL, or SQLite. For instance, with PostgreSQL:

b. Environment Variables:

  • Configure environment variables for sensitive data, like API keys and database credentials, using 'dotenv' and store them in a '.env' file.


By the end of this Ruby on Rails tutorial, you must have understood or gained web app development skills. You must have learned key concepts from MVC to authentication, forms, APIs, and optimization. Rails simplifies technical details, but it's only the start. Embrace curiosity, tackle challenges, collaborate, and contribute to web development using the tool. Explore, innovate, and unleash Rails' vast web development potential. So, continue learning and upgrading your coding skills.


1. How do I create a basic Rails application?
You can create a basic Rails application by using the “rails new” command. For example:

2. When should I use Ruby on Rails?
Ruby on Rails is ideal for web projects, excelling in rapid and efficient development. it is a main choice for startups and small-to-medium projects.

3. What is the purpose of the Ruby on Rails framework?
It simplifies web app development through conventions, tools, and DRY coding principles.

4. What's the difference between Ruby and Ruby on Rails?
Ruby is a programming language, and Ruby on Rails (Rails) is a web development framework built with Ruby, simplifying web app creation.

5. Why is Ruby on Rails documentation important?
Ruby on Rails documentation is essential for developers to effectively use the framework's features, follow conventions, and write clean and efficient code.

6. How is the Ruby on Rails guide useful?
Ruby on Rails guide offers clarity, best practices, and practical insights for implementing Rails features effectively.

7. When should I consider taking a Ruby on Rails course?
Consider taking a Ruby on Rails course if you're interested in web development, want to build dynamic web applications, or enhance your programming skills.

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