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1. Introduction
6. PyTorch
9. AI Tutorial
10. Airflow Tutorial
11. Android Studio
12. Android Tutorial
13. Animation CSS
16. Apex Tutorial
17. App Tutorial
18. Appium Tutorial
21. Armstrong Number
22. ASP Full Form
23. AutoCAD Tutorial
27. Belady's Anomaly
30. Bipartite Graph
35. Button CSS
39. Cobol Tutorial
46. CSS Border
47. CSS Colors
48. CSS Flexbox
49. CSS Float
51. CSS Full Form
52. CSS Gradient
53. CSS Margin
54. CSS nth Child
55. CSS Syntax
56. CSS Tables
57. CSS Tricks
58. CSS Variables
61. Dart Tutorial
63. DCL
65. DES Algorithm
83. Dot Net Tutorial
86. ES6 Tutorial
91. Flutter Basics
92. Flutter Tutorial
95. Golang Tutorial
96. Graphql Tutorial
100. Hive Tutorial
103. Install Bootstrap
107. Install SASS
109. IPv 4 address
110. JCL Programming
111. JQ Tutorial
112. JSON Tutorial
113. JSP Tutorial
114. Junit Tutorial
115. Kadanes Algorithm
116. Kafka Tutorial
117. Knapsack Problem
118. Kth Smallest Element
119. Laravel Tutorial
122. Linear Gradient CSS
129. Memory Hierarchy
133. Mockito tutorial
134. Modem vs Router
135. Mulesoft Tutorial
136. Network Devices
138. Next JS Tutorial
139. Nginx Tutorial
141. Octal to Decimal
142. OLAP Operations
143. Opacity CSS
144. OSI Model
145. CSS Overflow
146. Padding in CSS
148. Perl scripting
149. Phases of Compiler
150. Placeholder CSS
153. Powershell Tutorial
158. Pyspark Tutorial
161. Quality of Service
162. R Language Tutorial
164. RabbitMQ Tutorial
165. Redis Tutorial
166. Redux in React
167. Regex Tutorial
170. Routing Protocols
171. Ruby On Rails
172. Ruby tutorial
173. Scala Tutorial
175. Shadow CSS
178. Snowflake Tutorial
179. Socket Programming
180. Solidity Tutorial
181. SonarQube in Java
182. Spark Tutorial
189. TCP 3 Way Handshake
190. TensorFlow Tutorial
191. Threaded Binary Tree
196. Types of Queue
197. TypeScript Tutorial
198. UDP Protocol
202. Verilog Tutorial
204. Void Pointer
205. Vue JS Tutorial
206. Weak Entity Set
207. What is Bandwidth?
208. What is Big Data
209. Checksum
211. What is Ethernet
214. What is ROM?
216. WPF Tutorial
217. Wireshark Tutorial
218. XML Tutorial
Ruby was created in the mid-1990s by Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto in Japan. It is a dynamic, open-source programming language with cross-platform support. Some key highlights of Ruby:
Ruby syntax is clean and easy-to-read which emphasizes programmer happiness and productivity. The language design avoids complex syntax and favors plain English keywords over cryptic symbols. This makes Ruby easy to learn and use for beginners but powerful for experienced developers.
The Ruby interpreter seamlessly handles memory allocation and garbage collection, so the developer can focus on the code. The dynamic typing system infers types during runtime rather than requiring explicit type declarations.
Some major companies and websites built with Ruby include Airbnb, GitHub, Shopify, Basecamp, Twitter (early versions), and the Ruby on Rails web framework. Ruby continues to be a popular choice for building web applications due to its focus on developer productivity.
In this Ruby tutorial, we will explore the fundamentals of Ruby, its syntax, data types, and much more to help you get started with this versatile programming language. Some key aspects of the Ruby language include:
These characteristics make Ruby a flexible, expressive, and powerful scripting language.
Some notable features of the Ruby language include:
These features allow Ruby to provide elegant syntax for common programming tasks while still being a fully featured language suitable for large applications. The dynamic aspects make the language very expressive.
Some common application areas and uses of Ruby include:
Due to its flexibility and productivity-oriented design, Ruby is used in a wide range of applications today.
Ruby can be installed on Windows, Mac, and Linux environments. Here are some simple steps to install Ruby on Windows:
Follow the steps below to create and execute a simple Ruby program:
1. Open an online Ruby editor and create a file like hello.rb.
2. Add Ruby code like:
puts "Hello World!"
puts "Hello World!"
3. Save the file as hello.rb.
4. Open the command prompt in that directory and run:
ruby hello.rb.txt
ruby hello.rb.txt
This will execute the Ruby script and print "Hello World!".
For larger Ruby programs, it is common to separate code into classes and modules in different files. Ruby files end in.rb. At a minimum, all Ruby statements must end with a new line.
The puts keyword prints a string to the console. The power of Ruby comes from its extensive libraries and elegant syntax for object-oriented coding.
This Ruby language tutorial summarizes Ruby as an expressive, dynamic language well-suited for scalable web applications. Ruby's blend of simplicity, transparency, and balance renders it an accessible and delightful language for learning and professional work.
The interpreter enables fast development cycles while still allowing performance tuning for production. Ruby shines in terms of developer happiness and productivity. The ecosystem provides excellent tools for all aspects of professional application development.
Whether building web applications, scripting system tasks, or prototyping ideas, Ruby is an excellent programming language.
1. What are the common uses of Ruby?
Ruby is commonly used for building web applications, scripting tasks, parsing and extracting data, prototyping ideas, data analysis, machine learning, and general programming tasks. The Ruby on Rails web framework is one of the most popular uses of Ruby.
2. What companies use Ruby?
Prominent companies using Ruby include Airbnb, GitHub, Shopify, Heroku, Basecamp, Hulu, Twitter, Coinbase, and Square. Ruby on Rails powers much of the backend for these sites and services.
3. Is Ruby object-oriented?
Yes, Ruby is a fully object-oriented language. Even simple data types like strings and integers are objects in Ruby, not primitive types. Everything can be modeled using classes and objects.
4. Is Ruby interpreted or compiled?
Ruby is an interpreted language. The Ruby interpreter executes the code line-by-line at runtime rather than being precompiled. This allows for dynamic features but prevents some low-level optimizations.
5. Is Ruby worth learning in 2023?
Yes, absolutely. Ruby continues to be a solid backend language choice for building scalable systems and web applications. The huge ecosystem of tools plus Ruby's elegance and productivity make it a worthwhile language to learn today.
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