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Vue JS Tutorial

Updated on 04/03/20242,040 Views


Vue JS is a popular JavaScript framework that has made waves in web development. Its simplicity and flexibility make it a favorite among developers. However, like any new technology, getting started can seem daunting.

In this Vue JS tutorial, we'll begin with the basics, ensuring you understand how it fits into the broader web development landscape. Then, we'll move on to core concepts like components, directives, and Vue Router. We aim to build your confidence and skills in Vue JS, allowing you to easily create engaging and interactive web applications.

Whether you're new to JavaScript or an experienced developer looking to expand your skill set, this tutorial has something for you.


This Vue JS tutorial will delve into various aspects of this robust JavaScript framework. One key point we'll cover is 'Vue JS vs React'. This comparison will help you understand the strengths and weaknesses of each tool and determine which best suits your needs.

Moreover, our tutorial will show you how to integrate Vue JS with Laravel, a widely used PHP framework. This powerful combination can streamline your web development process.

The 'Vue JS documentation' is a goldmine of information and a vital resource for any developer. This tutorial aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of Vue JS, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to create dynamic web applications.

What is a Single Page Application (SPA)?

A Single Page Application (SPA) is a web app that updates an existing web page with fresh information from the server. This happens dynamically and doesn't require loading new pages entirely, which is the traditional approach browsers use. It also creates a smoother, faster experience similar to a desktop application.

Consider the popular social media platform, Facebook. When you click on a post or a profile, you don't see the whole page reload. Instead, only the part that needs to be updated changes. This is a key feature of SPAs.

Here's a simple diagram to help you understand this concept:

In this diagram, the transition from Application A to Application B doesn't involve loading a new page. Instead, only the necessary data is exchanged with the server, and the page updates dynamically.

Google Maps is another great example of a SPA. When you navigate the map, the page doesn't reload. Only the map data updates provide a seamless user experience.

History of Vue.js

Vue.js, a powerful JavaScript framework, was first released in February 2014 by Evan You, a former Google employee. You had previously worked on AngularJS projects at Google, but he wanted to create something lightweight that borrowed AngularJS's good features.

Here's a brief timeline to illustrate the evolution of Vue.js:

  1. 2014: Vue.js is born. It's a flexible and lightweight solution for building user interfaces.
  2. 2016: Vue.js 2.0 is released. It brought significant updates like a virtual DOM, server-side rendering support, and Vue CLI for scaffolding Vue.js projects.
  3. 2018: Vue.js becomes widely popular, and its GitHub repository receives more stars than React’s repository, another leading JavaScript framework.
  4. 2020: Vue.js 3.0 is launched. It includes the Composition API for advanced logic reuse, the Teleport feature for flexible component positioning, and enhanced TypeScript support.

Over the years, Vue.js has gained popularity due to its ease of integration into projects, simplicity, and the strong community that supports and continues improving it. Today, many notable companies, including Alibaba, Xiaomi, and Adobe, use Vue.js in their web projects.

All released versions of Vue.js

Vue.js has had several major releases since its inception in 2014:

  1. Vue.js 1.0 - Released in October 2015, it was the first stable version. It provided developers with a simple and intuitive API for building dynamic user interfaces.
  2. Vue.js 2.0 - Released in September 2016, this version introduced significant changes. The template-to-virtual-DOM compiler and the runtime were separated, improving performance and making server-side rendering possible.
  3. Vue.js 3.0 - Known as "One Piece", this version was released in September 2020. It brought improvements like the Composition API for better code organization, the Teleport feature for handling complex user interfaces, and improved TypeScript support.

Vue.js also has minor versions and patches released between these major versions, which include bug fixes, security updates, and small feature additions.

Features of Vue.js

Vue.js comes with many powerful features that make it a favorite among developers. Let's explore some of these:

  1. Components - Vue.js uses a component-based architecture. Each component represents a part of the user interface and can be reused. For example, you might have a 'Button' component that you can use multiple times across your application.
  2. Templates - Vue.js uses an HTML-based template syntax, allowing you to declaratively render dynamic data into the DOM. You can easily interpolate values, bind attributes, and handle user inputs.
  3. Reactivity - Vue.js has a reactive data system. When you change data, Vue automatically updates the view. You don't have to manually manipulate the DOM or manage state updates.
  4. Routing - With Vue Router, Vue.js provides a deep and flexible system for building single-page applications. You can configure different routes and assign them to different components.
  5. Transitions - Vue.js provides several methods to add transition effects as elements are added, modified, or removed from the DOM. This gives you the ability to create visually appealing user interfaces.

Vue JS vs React

Vue.js and React are both popular JavaScript libraries used for building user interfaces, but they have some differences.

  1. Ease of Learning: Vue.js is often considered easier to learn for beginners due to its simpler syntax and detailed documentation. In comparison, React has a steeper learning curve, especially with concepts like JSX and advanced features.
  2. Performance: Both Vue.js and React use a virtual DOM for updates and rendering, providing good performance. However, Vue.js has an edge due to its smaller size, resulting in faster load times.
  3. Flexibility: React is more flexible and powerful at handling large-scale applications due to its robust ecosystem. Vue.js is more opinionated, offering a better out-of-the-box experience with less setup.
  4. Community Support: As of now, React has a larger community and more available resources due to its earlier release and backing by Facebook. Vue.js, while having a smaller community, is growing rapidly and is known for its comprehensive documentation.
  5. Integration: Vue.js is easier to integrate with existing projects due to its nature as a progressive framework. React requires more configuration and setup but offers more control.
  6. Use Cases: React is often used by large-scale applications and enterprises (like Facebook and Instagram). Vue.js, while it can handle large applications, is often a favorite for smaller projects due to its simplicity and ease of use.

Vue.JS Tutorial With Laravel

Laravel, a popular PHP framework, and Vue.js, a progressive JavaScript framework, often go hand in hand. Laravel makes it simple to set up Vue.js right out of the box.

  1. Install Laravel

To install Laravel, follow these steps:


  • Download and install Composer, a PHP package manager, from
  • Open Command Prompt.
  • Type composer global require laravel/installer, and press enter to download and install the Laravel installer.


  • Open Terminal.
  • First, ensure you have Composer installed. If not, you can download it by running curl -sS | php
  • Move the composer.phar file to /usr/local/bin/composer for global use.
  • Finally, download and install Laravel by typing composer global require laravel/installer


  • Open a new Terminal window.
  • Install Composer with this command: curl -sS | php
  • Move the composer.phar file to /usr/local/bin/composer to make it available globally.
  • Install Laravel globally by typing composer global require laravel/installer into the terminal.

Now, Laravel is installed on your machine! To create a new Laravel project, simply type laravel new projectName in the terminal or command prompt, replacing projectName with the name you want for your project. Laravel will create a new directory with all the necessary files and dependencies to start your new Laravel project.

  1. Set Up Vue.js: Laravel comes with Vue.js scaffolding built-in. You just need to install the necessary dependencies. In your project directory, run npm install to install Node.js dependencies.
  2. Create a Vue Component: Inside the resources/js/components directory, you can create a new Vue component. Let's call it ExampleComponent.vue.
  • Register Your Component: Open resources/js/app.js, and register your component.
  • Use Your Component: In any of your Blade templates, you can now use your Vue component like this:
  • Compile Your Assets: Laravel Mix provides a fluent API for defining webpack build steps for your application. In your terminal, run npm run dev to compile your assets. Now, when you load your Laravel application in your browser, you should see "Hello from Vue!" on the screen.

Remember to re-run npm run dev whenever you make changes to your Vue component to see the updates.

Vue.js Documentation

Whether you're just starting or are an experienced Vue developer, the official documentation is the place to find detailed, up-to-date information on how to use Vue.js effectively.

The Vue.js documentation provides the following:

  1. Guide: This is a detailed guide covering all the major aspects of Vue.js. It starts with the very basics and moves on to more complex concepts. The guide is structured so you can start from the beginning or jump to the sections that interest you.
  2. API Reference: This is a detailed description of all Vue.js methods, options, and directives. It is a handy resource when looking up what a specific part of Vue.js does.
  3. Style Guide: This offers recommendations on how to write Vue.js code. It maintains consistency, especially when working in a team environment.
  4. Examples and Tutorials: The documentation also provides examples and tutorials to help you understand and apply Vue.js concepts.

You can access the official Vue.js documentation at Vue.js Official Documentation. This site is constantly updated with the latest information, making it an essential tool for Vue.js developers.


Vue.js is a versatile, easy-to-learn JavaScript framework perfect for developing dynamic web applications. This Vue JS Tutorial guided you through the basics of Vue.js, its history, and major releases, comparing it with React and illustrating its use with Laravel. The Vue.js documentation can serve as an essential resource. Regardless of your experience level, understanding and using Vue.js will boost your web development skills. So, continue exploring and experimenting with Vue.js, and watch your applications come to life!


  1. What is the Vue CLI?

Vue CLI is a command-line tool used to scaffold and manage Vue.js projects. It helps developers start building in Vue.js quickly, providing a full system for rapid Vue.js development.

  1. How does Vue.js handle forms?

Vue.js provides the v-model directive, which creates two-way data bindings on form input, textarea, and select elements. Based on the input type, it determines the best way to update the element.

  1. What is Vuex in Vue.js?

Vuex is a pattern and library designed for managing state in Vue.js apps. It acts as a single source of truth, managing data for all components in the application.

  1. What is a Vue instance?

In Vue.js, every application starts by creating a new Vue instance with the Vue function. A Vue instance essentially functions as a ViewModel, as outlined in the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern.

  1. What is a directive in Vue.js?

Directives are special attributes with the 'v-' prefix in Vue.js. They are used to apply special reactive behavior to the rendered DOM.

  1. What are filters in Vue.js?

Filters are functionality provided by Vue.js to apply common text formatting. They are used in two places, mustache interpolations and v-bind expressions.

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