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Demystifying Cursors in SQL: This Guide will include Practical Examples

Updated on 28/01/2025566 Views

Introduction: What is a Cursor in SQL?

Consider being a waiter in a crowded restaurant. After the customers have ordered, you don't have to bring the dishes; you can eat them all at once. On the other hand, you will not collect all the orders and take them to the dining area simultaneously. Rather, you grab each order from the kitchen and then take it to the corresponding table. By this, you are acting like a cursor in SQL.

An SQL cursor is a brief database object that is a pointer to a particular row in a result set. It lets you proceed with the retrieved data after running the query, one row at a time. Imagine it as a loop that repeats each time a row is added to the result set, like a waiter walking up and down the tables.

Purpose and Basic Functionalities

This is done by using cursors that allow a user to view and process information from a result set one row at a time. Here's a breakdown of their core functionalities:

  1. Declaring a Cursor: The cursor is defined by the use of the DECLARE statement, which specifies the SQL statement that will provide the result set that the cursor will operate on.
  2. Opening the Cursor: The OPEN statement initializes the cursor. It gives us access to the result set.
  3. Fetching Data: FETCH statement retrieves the next row from the result set and moves the cursor to this row.
  4. Processing Data: Once a row is fetched, you can get the column values from it and make changes like updates and/or deletions.
  5. Closing the Cursor: After the data is processed, the CLOSE statement inactivates the cursor and frees up resources.

When to Use Cursors?

While cursors can be very helpful but they are not always the most effective way. Here are some scenarios where they might be beneficial:

  • Iterative Processing: As an example, if you are required to perform complex calculations or transformations on each row of a result set individually or in a particular order.
  • Conditional Updates: A cursor is needed so you can check the provided conditions before performing the data update in each row.
  • Handling Large Result Sets: For the huge datasets, cursors help the data processing in smaller chunks to avoid the database server being overwhelmed.

Pros and Cons of Employing Cursors

The cursor is the tool to process data set row by row in SQL. Think of yourself as an accurate museum curator who is meticulously inspecting a collection of artifacts with great care, one by one. Cursors are another way that users can have a high level of detail while working with data.

Here's a closer look at the strengths and weaknesses of using cursors:

Pros of Cursor in SQL:

  1. Row-by-Row Processing: Cursors can focus on tasks requiring each data row to be received individually. As an illustration, you could use a cursor to update customer information records by record using certain conditions.
  2. Conditional Processing: The cursors allow you to implement conditional logic within the loop. This will allow you to make decisions and perform actions based on the values in each column.
  3. Navigation Flexibility: Certain pointers, such as scrollable pointers, allow users to navigate spaces in both directions and jump to a particular position in the result set. Such adaptability is often helpful in specific situations.

Limitations of Cursor in SQL:

  1. Performance Overhead: Cursors may induce more overhead in processing than set-based operations in SQL. This is because they operate on one row at a time, which can be less efficient for large datasets.
  1. Error Handling Complexity: Error handling when it comes to cursors might be quite complex compared to simple SQL statements. Special attention should be taken into account for the cases in which "NOT FOUND" exceptions may occur.
  1. Code Readability: The lengthy cursor logic can be a reason for the code to become not readable and hard to keep, as well as for the developers who are not familiar with the cursor functions.

Core Concepts and Functions of Cursors in SQL

Cursors are the most effective tool in SQL. They allow you to process data row by row. Picture yourself working in a library. You have to check each borrower's record to update each individual's borrowing history.

The cursor performs its function like a virtual pointer that navigates your database results. When you use it, you can perform one row of data operations after another.

Cursor Syntax in SQL:

Consider a cursor as an array of sequential actions that are used to effectively communicate with the database results. Here's a breakdown of the key steps involved:

DECLARE Statement

The first step in this process is to identify the cursor and issue the required SQL statement that will display the result set through which the cursor will iterate. Here's an example of a DECLARE statement that will create a cursor in SQL to retrieve customer information from a customer table:


DECLARE customer_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT customer_id, name, email FROM customers;

OPEN Statement

Once you've defined the cursor, you need to activate it using the OPEN statement. This essentially prepares the cursor to process the data in the result set.


OPEN customer_cursor;

FETCH Statement

In this section, you will witness the magic! FETCH statement fetches the following row from the cursor's result set. You can do this by iterating over the FETCH statement, thus accessing each row one by one.


FETCH NEXT FROM customer_cursor INTO @customer_id, @customer_name, @customer_email;
-- Process the retrieved data (e.g., display or update)
WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 -- Loop continues as long as rows are fetched successfully
-- Your data processing logic here
FETCH NEXT FROM customer_cursor INTO @customer_id, @customer_name, @customer_email;

CLOSE Statement

When you're done with the processing data via the FETCH statement, it is equally important to close the cursor. This would thus free up the resources that take up the cursor and enable the database manager to perform its tasks smoothly.


CLOSE customer_cursor;
DEALLOCATE customer_cursor; -- Deallocate memory used by the cursor

Types of Cursor in SQL

Cursors come in different flavors, each suited for specific needs:

  1. FOR loop cursor: This is the simplest of them all, ideal for a straightforward and one-to-one mapping of the result set row after row.
  2. WHILE loop cursor: This kind of data is more flexible. You can use a condition within the WHILE loop to select rows depending on a given criterion.
  3. FORWARD-ONLY cursor: This is the simplest cursor type with only forward movement possible through the result set. When you have the row, you can't restart it.
  4. SCROLLABLE cursor: This up-to-date cursor type gives you the authority to move up, down, or to specific positions within the results that you are viewing, which gives you more control over data navigation.

Practical Examples

Let's explore some practical scenarios where cursors can be beneficial:

Displaying Customer Information One by One:


DECLARE customer_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT customer_id, name, email FROM customers;
OPEN customer_cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM customer_cursor INTO @customer_id, @customer_name, @customer_email;
PRINT 'Customer ID: ' + CAST(@customer_id AS varchar(10)) + ', Name: ' + @customer_name + ', Email: ' + @customer_email;
FETCH NEXT FROM customer_cursor INTO @customer_id, @customer_name, @customer_email;
CLOSE customer_cursor;
DEALLOCATE customer_cursor;

This code snippet specifies a cursor, opens it, and then processes customer information row by row by using a FETCH loop. The retrieved data then gets displayed with the use of a PRINT statement.

Updating Inventory Levels Based on Stock Changes:


DECLARE stock_update_cursor CURSOR FOR
SELECT product_id, quantity_change FROM stock_updates;
OPEN stock_update_cursor;
FETCH NEXT FROM stock_update_cursor INTO @product_id, @quantity_change;
UPDATE inventory
SET quantity = quantity + @quantity_change
WHERE product_id = @product_id;
FETCH NEXT FROM stock_update_cursor INTO @product_id, @quantity_change;
CLOSE stock_update_cursor;
DEALLOCATE stock_update_cursor;

This example shows how a cursor cycle through a table with stock updates (stock_updates) is used. The FETCH block works in tandem with an UPDATE statement, which updates the inventory table with the retrieved quantity changes.

Advanced Cursor Techniques in SQL

We've been through the main SQL cursor features. Now, buckle up as we delve into some advanced techniques to make them even more powerful and versatile:

Working with Cursor Parameters

Visualize a situation where you are a botanist and are discovering different plant species. It is an ordinary protocol to test plants' properties, but you have to create a special procedure for each plant species. Cursor parameters are the tools that can be used to incorporate such dynamics into your SQL queries.


DECLARE update_plant_data CURSOR FOR
SELECT plant_id, name, growth_rate
FROM plants
WHERE genus = @chosen_genus;

In this case, the @chosen_genus parameter is used to filter the list of plants and only those of the specified genus will be updated in the cursor loop.

Error Handling with Cursors

In the same way any other code can have errors, a cursor can encounter the same. Having in place a strong error-handling system will make sure your cursors work properly.

Common Errors: This could be that you get to the end of the result set (NOT FOUND), seeing the wrong data, or the database connection problems.

Handling Strategies: Include the error handling in the FETCH loop by using TRY ...CATCH blocks. Here, you can avoid errors, give informative messages, and even take actions such as skipping a row or logging the error.


DECLARE update_customer CURSOR FOR
SELECT customer_id, email
FROM customers;
OPEN update_customer;
FETCH NEXT FROM update_customer INTO @customer_id, @customer_email;
-- Update customer email logic here
PRINT 'Error: Reached end of result set.';
PRINT 'Error encountered: ' + CAST(@ERROR AS varchar(5)); -- Log or handle other errors
FETCH NEXT FROM update_customer INTO @customer_id, @customer_email;
CLOSE update_customer;
DEALLOCATE update_customer;

This example shows the block of TRY...CATCH within the loop of the FETCH. It scans for coded errors (e.g., NOT FOUND) and makes the necessary adjustments.

Cursors with Temporary Tables

Temporary tables are just like a hidden table within you database. Cursors can use temporary tables to store intermediate outputs or obtain complex data manipulations.


DECLARE order_summary CURSOR FOR
SELECT customer_id, order_id, amount
FROM orders;
OPEN order_summary;
DECLARE @temp_table TABLE (customer_id INT, total_amount DECIMAL(10,2));
INSERT INTO @temp_table (customer_id)
SELECT DISTINCT customer_id FROM orders;
FETCH NEXT FROM order_summary INTO @customer_id, @order_id, @amount;
UPDATE @temp_table
SET total_amount = total_amount + @amount
WHERE customer_id = @customer_id;
FETCH NEXT FROM update_customer INTO @customer_id, @order_id, @amount;
-- Process the customer order totals stored in the temporary table (@temp_table)
DROP TABLE @temp_table;
CLOSE order_summary;
DEALLOCATE order_summary;

Here, the temp table @temp_table is created to hold customer IDs and their corresponding totals of orders. The 'cursor loop' updates the temporary table with every record it reads from the order data.

Wrapping Up: Cursors – a Precise Weapon in Your SQL Weaponry

Cursors are a special feature in SQL that gives an additional ability to process only one row at a time. This functionality makes them valuable for specific scenarios:

  • Complex Data Validation: You may use cursors to perform precise validations on each data row, ensuring that the information meets certain criteria before being entered or modified.
  • Step-by-Step Processing: Cursors are great in tasks that require processing each data row in a specific order. In the middle of this process, calculations or decisions based on the current row's data can be made.
  • Error Handling at Row Level: Cursors provide fine error control within the FETCH loop, and they are designed to get back error codes in case of some failure. For example, you can deal with the processing of an error of a certain row without hindering the entire operation.

Remember, cursors are a powerful tool but not a universal one. Consider other options (set-based operations or BULK operations) when processing large data sets or performance is crucial.

Proper cursor management and following the best practices outlined can unlock and maximize the benefits of SQL development.


1. What is a cursor and an example?

The cursor in SQL is an object that is used to retrieve data and manipulate it row by row. It is used to traverse the outcome that is displayed when a SELECT statement is executed. Here's an example:


SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name;

2. When do I need to use the cursor in the SQL example?

Cursors are used in SQL when you need to go through a result set one row at a time, do operations on each row individually, or when you cannot use set-based operations. To illustrate, consider the situation where one is doing row-by-row processing or complex data manipulations.

3. What are cursor and trigger in SQL?

The cursor is a database object that is used to scan through the result set of a query, whereas the trigger is another database object that automatically executes a set of actions in response to a certain event, for example, when an insert, update, or delete operation is performed on a table.

4. What is the cursor in SQL interview questions?

During SQL interviews, questions on cursors will relate to the syntax of creating and using cursors, understanding their purpose, why to use them, and possible performance implications.

5. What does the cursor mean in SQL?

The function of a cursor in SQL is to give a tool that is used to navigate through a result set in a sequential manner and this enables one to manipulate and process the data row by row.

6. What is the distinction between cursor and stored procedure?

A cursor is a database object that is used to get and change data records by record, whereas a stored procedure is a set of SQL statements stored in the database and executed as a single command.

7. What are the possibilities of using the cursor in the procedure?

Yes, cursors can be applied during a stored procedure to process each row or to loop through the result sets returned by queries.

8. What is the meaning of cursor and trigger?

A cursor is a database object that moves through the result set of a query. On the other hand, a trigger is a database object that automatically executes in response to certain events like INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE operations on a table.

9. What is the syntax of ref cursor?

The syntax of a ref cursor declaration in Oracle PL/SQL is as follows:


TYPE cursor_name IS REF CURSOR RETURN table_name%ROWTYPE;

10. How to create the cursor in SQL?

To create a cursor in SQL, you utilize the DECLARE CURSOR statement and a SELECT query to declare the result set to be traversed. Here's an example:


SELECT column1, column2
FROM table_name;
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