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LIMIT in SQL: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Updated on 23/06/202442 Views


SQL is a powerful tool for managing data in databases. The LIMIT in SQL is an important command here. With this command, you can control how many rows appear in your query results. This is very useful when you have tons of data but only need a small part of it.

The LIMIT command works well with other commands like ORDER BY and makes it easy to sort and pick data. You can also pair it with OFFSET to sort large datasets page by page. This makes data handling efficient and user-friendly.

For users of SQL Server, the approach varies slightly but aims for the same control over data. Tools like SQL Server Management Studio and SQL Developer offer visual aids to apply LIMIT effectively.

If you understand how to use LIMIT, you can significantly speed up your work. It helps manage large volumes of data without feeling overwhelmed.

Understanding the Basics of LIMIT in SQL Query

The LIMIT in SQL helps you choose how many rows you want to see after running a query. Imagine you have a huge box of toys but only want to see the top five. LIMIT does just that with data. It picks the exact number of rows you ask for.

You use LIMIT by adding it to the end of your SQL query. If you say "LIMIT 5," SQL shows you the first five rows it finds. This is super handy when you have a lot of data but only need a small slice to look at.

Let's say you are curious about the newest members of your club. You have a list of everyone, but you only want to see the latest 10. By using "ORDER BY" with "LIMIT," you can easily get this list. It sorts your data then LIMIT picks the top 10.

Remember, SQL starts counting from 0. This means if you ask for "LIMIT 1," you get the very first row, which is considered 0. It's like when you are lining up and the first person is number 1, but in SQL, they are number 0.

To avoid confusion, always double-check your LIMIT number to make sure you are seeing all the rows you need. SQL is a tool, and LIMIT is a way to make that tool work exactly how you want.

How to Effectively Use LIMIT and OFFSET in SQL for Data Pagination

To use LIMIT and OFFSET in SQL, think of flipping through a book. LIMIT decides how many rows you see at a time. OFFSET picks where you start. This combo lets you go through data just like pages in a book.

First, write a basic query. Add LIMIT at the end with a number. This number is the count of rows you want to see. For example, LIMIT 10 shows the first 10 rows.

Next, bring OFFSET into play. After LIMIT, write OFFSET followed by another number. This number skips that many rows before starting to count. So, LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5 skips the first 5 rows then shows the next 10.

This method is perfect for websites with lots of pages. You can show a set amount of items per page without loading everything at once.


Let's say you have a table named Books with hundreds of entries. It has columns ID, Title, and Author. You want to organize how you view these books on a website, showing only 5 books at a time. Here’s how you'd use LIMIT and OFFSET to paginate your data.





This command shows the first 5 books, sorted by their titles.

Now, say you want to see the next 5 books. This is where OFFSET comes into play:





Here, OFFSET 5 skips the first 5 books, and LIMIT 5 shows the next set of 5 books.

Imagine your Books table looks like this:





A Tale of Two Cities

Charles Dickens


War and Peace

Leo Tolstoy


The Great Gatsby

F. Scott Fitzgerald




After running the first query, you will see the top 5 books sorted by title. If there are hundreds more, applying OFFSET 5 with LIMIT 5 in the second query lets you view books 6 through 10 in your list, sorted by title.

Implementing LIMIT in SQL Server: Techniques and Tips

If you have a list of movies in a Movies table and you only want to see the first 5, use TOP:



ORDER BY ReleaseDate;

This query grabs the first 5 movies based on their release dates.

Getting More Control with OFFSET-FETCH

For more control, like skipping a certain number of rows before starting to count, SQL Server use OFFSET-FETCH. This is great for paging through data.

Imagine you want to skip the first 10 movies and then see the next 5:



ORDER BY ReleaseDate



This says, "Skip the first 10, then give me the next 5."

Remember, OFFSET-FETCH needs an ORDER BY clause to work.

Quick Tips

  • Always use an ORDER BY with OFFSET-FETCH. It ensures your data comes back in a predictable order.
  • Test your queries to make sure they return the right data. Especially with OFFSET-FETCH, it's easy to skip too much or too little.

Mastering Data Sorting with ORDER BY and LIMIT in SQL

Sorting data with ORDER BY and limiting results with LIMIT is like picking the best apples from a tree. First, you decide which apples (data) look the best (sorting). Then, you pick just a few to take home (limiting).

How ORDER BY Works

Say you have a table named Pets with pet names and their types. To see the pets in alphabetical order, do this:



This command lines up all pets by their names, from A to Z.


Now, if you only want to see the first 5 pets on this list, add LIMIT:




Why Use Both?

Using ORDER BY and LIMIT together helps you find and focus on the most important data. It's perfect when you have loads of data but only need a small, specific part.

For example, to find the 3 oldest pets, you'd sort by age in descending order and then LIMIT to 3:




This command tells the database, "Show me the top 3 oldest pets."

Key Points to Remember

  • ORDER BY sorts your data and makes it easier to find what you need.
  • LIMIT picks a set number of rows after sorting and helps you focus on key information.
  • Together, they handle large datasets easily and are manageable, making your searches more precise.

LIMIT in SQL Server Management Studio: A Practical Approach

In SQL Server Management Studio, limiting how much data you see is a bit different than in other SQL environments. Here, you don't use the DESC LIMIT in SQL as you might elsewhere. Instead, you focus on using TOP and OFFSET-FETCH to manage your data.

Let's say you have a Customers table and you want to see just the top 10 customers by their registration date. You would write:

SELECT TOP 10 * FROM Customers

ORDER BY RegistrationDate DESC;

This command helps you quickly see the newest customers without sifting through everyone.

For more detailed control, like when you are browsing through pages of data, you can use OFFSET-FETCH. Suppose you want to skip the first 20 customers and then look at the next 10. Here's how:

SELECT * FROM Customers

ORDER BY RegistrationDate DESC



This command flips past the first 20 customers and checks out the next set of 10.

Why This Matters

Using these tools helps keep your database work efficient and focused. You avoid getting overwhelmed by too much information at once. Whether you are doing routine checks or digging for specific data, commands like these keep things manageable.

Key Takeaways

  • Use TOP to quickly limit your query results in SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Use OFFSET-FETCH for precise navigation through large sets of data.
  • Remember, SQL Server doesn't use DESC LIMIT in SQL like other databases. It has its own ways of managing data limits.

Enhancing Data Analysis with LIMIT in SQL Developer

When you work as a data analyst and use SQL Developer, knowing how to limit your data is very important. A LIMIT in SQL helps you focus on the most relevant information without getting lost in a sea of data.

Why Limit Your Data?

Imagine you have a Sales table filled with thousands of transactions. To get a quick overview, you might want to see just the first 10 records. Here's how you do it:


ORDER BY TransactionDate


This command highlights the first 10 sales transactions based on the date.

The Practical Side

The practical use of LIMIT in SQL makes your analysis faster and more efficient. It's like choosing the most interesting chapters of a book to read rather than the whole book. You get to the good parts without the wait.


  • Limiting data helps you manage large datasets effectively.
  • It's perfect for getting a quick snapshot or focusing on top performers.
  • Use it to make your data analysis tasks more manageable and focused.

Wrapping Up

We have covered a lot. From the basics of what the LIMIT in SQL queries is to how it can shape data analysis, we have seen its power. LIMIT and OFFSET help us navigate through vast data oceans with ease, allowing for precise control over the data we examine. Techniques like using DESC and LIMIT together refine our searches, making sure we get exactly what we need.

Whether you are a beginner or brushing up on skills, understanding how to apply LIMITs in SQL, including in environments like SQL Server, is crucial. It's not just about managing data; it's about making data work for us in the most efficient way possible. As we have learned, with the right commands and a clear goal, the vast world of SQL data becomes much more navigable and meaningful.


Q: What is the LIMIT in SQL query?

A: The LIMIT in an SQL query specifies the maximum number of records to return from a query. It manages large datasets by fetching a subset of rows.

Q: What is LIMIT 1 OFFSET 2 in SQL?

A: This means the query will skip the first 2 records and return the next record. It's used for paging through results, showing data one piece at a time.

Q: How do I limit results to 100 in SQL?

A: To limit results to 100, you would add LIMIT 100 at the end of your query. This tells SQL to return only the first 100 records found.

Q: What are DESC and LIMIT in SQL?

A: DESC is used with ORDER BY to sort results in descending order. Combined with LIMIT, it controls the number of sorted records returned from the top.

Q: What is LIMIT 1000 OFFSET 0?

A: This command returns the first 1000 records starting from the beginning, as OFFSET 0 means no records are skipped before counting begins.

Q: Why LIMIT 1 in SQL?

A: Using LIMIT 1 ensures that only the first record matching the query criteria is returned. It's efficient for checking the existence of records or fetching a unique entry.

Q: How to SELECT LIMIT last 10 in SQL?

A: To select the last 10 records, you would order the results in reverse using ORDER BY and then apply LIMIT 10. For some databases, you might need to use a subquery.

Q: How do I limit SQL query results?

A: You can limit SQL query results by adding the LIMIT clause followed by the number of records you want to retrieve.

Q: Can I use LIMITs in SQL Server?

A: SQL Server does not use the LIMIT clause. Instead, you achieve similar functionality using the TOP keyword or the OFFSET-FETCH clause in combination with ORDER BY.

Q: Is there a LIMIT in SQL Server?

A: SQL Server allows you to limit query results using the TOP keyword or the OFFSET-FETCH clause. While it doesn't have a LIMIT keyword, these methods provide equivalent functionality.

Ankit Mittal

Ankit Mittal

Working as an Senior Software Engineer at upGrad, with proven experience across various industries. 

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