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PostgreSQL vs MySQL: Explore Key Differences

Updated on 19/07/2024448 Views


Finding the correct database management system (DBMS) is sometimes overlooked in web development. We get it—frameworks come with object-relational mappers (ORMs) that seemingly mask system differences. This makes the default option, often MySQL, feel sufficient. But a good developer knows better!

I have worked with both PostgreSQL and MySQL. I can attest to the fact that making the proper decision may expedite development, maximize performance, and guarantee a database that scales well. In this tutorial, we will look at PostgreSQL vs MySQL comparison.

With the help of this in-depth tutorial, you will be able to compare and see the differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL with confidence. We will cover everything from design and data types to security precautions and performance concerns between PostgreSQL and MySQL.

Understanding PostgreSQL

For years, PostgreSQL (or Postgres) has been my preferred object-relational database management system (ORDBMS) due to its extensive feature set. Unlike MySQL's purely relational approach, Postgres incorporates object-oriented concepts such as inheritance, allowing for more flexible data modeling, particularly in complex projects.

Here's an overview of what makes Postgres unique:

  • Move beyond basic data types and take advantage of Postgres' ability to generate custom data types and use various indexing techniques. 
  • Postgres is designed with scalability in mind. 

Understanding MySQL

MySQL, a well-known web development tool, has proven to be a dependable relational database management system. MySQL lacks Postgres’ object-oriented capabilities. But, it is still great for many projects due to its simplicity and efficiency.

Here's what makes MySQL shine:

  • MySQL provides a robust set of relational database features, which frequently result in exceptional read performance.
  • While less extensive than PostgreSQL, MySQL offers a solid set of data types and indexing mechanisms.
  • MySQL scales well and offers a straightforward management experience.

Similarity between PostgreSQL and MySQL

Here are the similarities between PostgreSQL and MySQL:




PostgreSQL and MySQL are open-source database management systems freely available for download and modification.

Structured Query Language (SQL)

Both systems utilize SQL for data manipulation and retrieval, offering a familiar interface for developers with SQL experience.

ACID Compliance

PostgreSQL and MySQL adhere to the ACID properties, ensuring transaction data integrity.


Both offer replication capabilities, enabling data synchronization across multiple servers for disaster recovery and scalability.

Popular Platforms

Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are supported by major cloud providers and hosting services, offering convenient deployment options.

Differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL

Here are some of the differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL:




Database Model

Object-Relational (ORDBMS).

Relational (RDBMS).

Data Types

It offers a broader range of data types (geometric/GIS, network addresses, JSONB, and user-defined types).

Offers a solid set of standard data types.


Provides advanced indexing techniques (expression-based, partial indexes).

Offers standard indexing mechanisms.


Extensibility, features, data integrity, SQL standards.

Simplicity, performance, an ease of use, adoption.

Concurrency Control

Uses MVCC for better concurrent operations handling.

Relies on locking mechanisms (which can impact concurrency).


Gaining traction, but less popular.

The most widely used open-source RDBMS.

Learning Curve

Steeper due to broader features.

Generally easier to learn due to simpler architecture.

Feature Comparison between PostgreSQL and MySQL

While both PostgreSQL and MySQL provide robust functionality, they serve different purposes. Here's a breakdown of some key features.

Data Integrity and ACID Compliance

Both PostgreSQL and MySQL adhere to the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability) properties. These properties are critical for ensuring data integrity in mission-critical applications.

Atomicity makes sure all activities inside a transaction are executed correctly or reversed completely. The operation is reversed if any part of the transaction fails, ensuring data consistency.

Consistency ensures that a transaction transitions the database from one valid state to another, ensuring that data complies with the defined business rules.

Isolation makes sure that concurrent transactions do not interfere with one another's data. This is accomplished using locking mechanisms (MySQL) or Multiversion Concurrency Control (MVCC) in PostgreSQL.

Durability ensures that the changes are saved to the database once a transaction is committed and will not be lost in a system failure.

While both systems uphold ACID compliance, there are subtle differences:



PostgreSQL often implements stricter data integrity checks by default, with features such as foreign keys, constraints, and triggers to enforce data consistency.

MySQL may require more manual configuration to achieve the same level of data integrity as PostgreSQL.

Transactions and Concurrency Control

Transactions combine several database operations into a single unit, ensuring that either all or none of the transaction's operations succeed. Concurrency control mechanisms prevent conflicts by managing how multiple transactions access and modify data simultaneously.

Transactions: Both PostgreSQL and MySQL support transactions using the BEGIN, COMMIT, and ROLLBACK statements. However, they handle concurrent transactions differently.

Concurrency Control: PostgreSQL implements Multi-version Concurrency Control (MVCC). MVCC keeps multiple versions of each data row, allowing concurrent transactions to access a consistent data snapshot without locking the rows. This improves scalability and performance when dealing with many concurrent transactions.

MySQL relies on locking mechanisms. When a transaction reads or modifies a row, it gets a lock on that row. The lock stops other transactions from accessing it until it is released. In high-concurrency scenarios, this approach may cause performance bottlenecks.


Replication enables you to make copies of your database on multiple servers. This redundancy ensures data availability and allows for failover during a primary server outage. Both PostgreSQL and MySQL support replication, but with some differences.

PostgreSQL supports a variety of replication methods, including both synchronous and asynchronous replication. Synchronous replication provides more robust guarantees of data consistency, but it can impact performance. Asynchronous replication prioritizes performance but may cause a lag between the primary and secondary servers.

MySQL primarily supports asynchronous replication, with synchronous replication available in specific configurations.

Understanding Benchmarking Metrics: PostgreSQL vs MySQL Performance

Here are some of the benchmarking metrics for PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance.

Transaction per Second (TPS)

This metric measures a system's raw processing power and is especially useful for write-intensive workloads such as e-commerce applications. It indicates how many transactions the system can complete in a single second.

Queries per Second (QPS)

QPS is important for read-heavy workloads such as web applications serving a large user base. It measures the number of queries a system can execute in one second. A higher QPS means faster response times for your users.

Response Time

Reducing response time is critical for both user experience and application responsiveness. This metric determines the average time a system takes to respond to a query.

Handling Complex Queries: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

The ability to efficiently handle complex queries significantly impacts PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance.



With features such as expression-based indexes and function support, PostgreSQL may improve performance for complex queries, particularly those involving aggregations and joins. This makes it an excellent option for data warehouses and analytical applications.

While MySQL is well-known for its raw speed when dealing with simple queries, it may require careful optimization to achieve peak performance for complex queries. This optimization may involve rewriting queries or denormalizing data structures, which may result in trade-offs in data integrity.

Scalability and Resource Utilization: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Scalability is a system's ability to handle growing data volumes and user traffic. The term resource utilization describes the effectiveness with which a system utilizes its hardware resources.

PostgreSQL provides horizontal scalability by adding additional servers to distribute the workload. However, its extensibility and broader features can result in higher resource utilization than MySQL.

MySQL is well known for using resources in an effective manner. Because of this, it's a great option for settings with limited resources or applications with steady workloads. However, vertical scaling (hardware upgrades) may be required sooner than with PostgreSQL for significant growth.

Security Measures: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Securing your database is critical. Here's a look at the PostgreSQL vs MySQL key security features offered.

Authentication and Authorization

These measures guarantee that only those with permission may access and edit data in the database.

Both systems provide several authentication options. Some examples include certificate-based and password-based authentication. Strong authentication practices are critical for preventing unauthorized access.

After authentication, users must have proper authorization to perform actions within the database. This includes granting permission to read, write, create, and delete data. Implementing the concept of least privilege (providing just the necessary rights) is crucial for data security.

Encryption and Access Control: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Encryption protects data at rest (on disk) and in transit (between the database server and applications). Access control guarantees that users only have access to the data necessary for their tasks.


Both systems feature encryption options to ensure data secrecy. Encrypting data, especially sensitive data, adds an extra degree of protection while it's in transit or at rest.

Access Control

Granular access control lets you specify user privileges for specific database objects (e.g., tables, views). This ensures that users only have access to the data required to complete their tasks. It reduces the risk of accidental or malicious data modification.

Vulnerability Management

To maintain a secure database environment, you must update your DBMS software regularly and address any known vulnerabilities. Both the PostgreSQL and MySQL communities actively seek to identify and patch vulnerabilities. Staying up to date with security patches reduces the risk of exploits targeting known vulnerabilities.

Deployment Options: Choosing the Right Environment for Your Needs

How you deploy your database can significantly impact performance, manageability, and cost. Here's a breakdown of standard deployment options for both PostgreSQL and MySQL.

On-Premises Deployment

This traditional approach involves installing and managing the database software on your hardware infrastructure. This provides more control and customization but also requires significant investments in hardware, personnel, and ongoing maintenance.

Cloud Hosting Solutions

Major cloud providers, including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), provide managed database services for PostgreSQL and MySQL. These services handle infrastructure management, patching, and scaling so you can concentrate on your applications.

Containerization and Orchestration

Containerization technologies package your database program and its dependencies into a lightweight container. This allows for portability and easier deployment across multiple environments. Orchestration tools such as Kubernetes manage the lifecycle of containerized applications, allowing for automated scaling and high availability.

Migration and Compatibility: PostgreSQL vs MySQL

Migrating from one database system to another can be a complex process. Here are some factors to consider when evaluating migration strategies.

Migration Strategies

Your approach depends on the complexity of your existing database and the desired downtime. Options include full backups and restores, schema conversion tools, and ongoing data synchronization techniques.

Tools and Utilities

Several third-party tools and open-source utilities can simplify migration by automating schema conversion and data transfer.

Compatibility Considerations

While both PostgreSQL and MySQL adhere to the SQL standard. But, some PostgreSQL vs MySQL syntax and feature differences between PostgreSQL and MySQL might require adjustments to your existing code or queries during migration.


In my experience, from PostgreSQL vs MySQL comparison, the choice depends on your specific requirements. PostgreSQL is perfect for data warehouses and analytical applications because of its proficiency with elaborate queries, complex data structures, and integrity. 

However, MySQL shines in terms of speed for basic queries, effective use of resources, and broad acceptance, which makes it perfect for situations with few resources or smaller projects.

Keep in mind that the ideal choice may change. You should continuously evaluate the PostgreSQL vs MySQL performance and resource use of your database as your requirements change. Changing to the alternate choice might be a wise strategic move.


Q: Which is better, PostgreSQL or MySQL?

A: There's no one-size-fits-all answer. PostgreSQL is powerful for complex data and queries, while MySQL is known for speed and ease of use. 

Q: Do companies use PostgreSQL or MySQL?

A: Absolutely! Both PostgreSQL and MySQL are popular choices for businesses of all sizes.

Q: Why is Postgres so popular?

A: PostgreSQL's popularity stems from its advanced features, robust data integrity, and open-source model.

Q: Is Postgres faster than MySQL?

A: PostgreSQL might outperform MySQL for complex queries, while MySQL often takes the lead for simpler ones.

Q: Why choose PostgreSQL over MySQL?

A: PostgreSQL is an excellent choice for handling complex data structures and intricate queries and prioritizing solid data integrity.

Q: Which big company uses PostgreSQL?

A: Many large companies leverage PostgreSQL, including Spotify, Reddit, and Instagram.

Q: Is MySQL free or paid?

A: MySQL offers a free, open-source version and paid commercial licenses with additional features and support options.

Q: What is the disadvantage of PostgreSQL?

A: PostgreSQL can have a steeper learning curve compared to MySQL when it comes to setup and management.

Mukesh Kumar

Mukesh Kumar

Working with upGrad as a Senior Engineering Manager with more than 10+ years of experience in Software Development and Product Management.

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