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SQL Tutorial: Learn Structured…

  • 81
  • 9 Hours

Stored Procedures in SQL

Updated on 31/01/2025461 Views


Imagine repeatedly placing complicated stored procedures in SQL assertions. Sounds tiresome, wouldn't it? Techniques that may be stored are accessible! These pre-written SQL code blocks offer many benefits, functioning in your database like minimum programs.

Think of them as reusable recipes for often accomplished tasks. Need to validate customer facts in the course of order placement? A stored procedure can deal with that. Want to calculate a customer's lifetime value? Boom, some other stored procedure may be your secret weapon. Stored procedures emerge as your allies in the warfare towards database drudgery by streamlining complex operations and eliminating repetitive code.

Stored procedures boast more robust security by centralizing good judgment and restricting the direct right of entry to underlying tables. Plus, they improve maintainability – update the code once in the system, and the trade ripples through all your packages that call it.

Ready to unlock the strength of stored procedures in SQL workflow? Dive into this complete guide, packed with coding examples, to become a master of database performance!


One of SQL's most beneficial functions is the capability to package and deal together reusable SQL statement blocks into stored approaches. Numerous benefits are provided by them, along with advanced code reuse, excellent safety, quicker database interfaces, and optimized complicated processes. This thorough guide is your avenue map to getting to know SQL and stored procedures.

We will explore intermediate principles, step-by-step creation techniques, and first-class practices for growing resilient and steady stored solutions. To use stored procedures, you may inspect input/output parameters and errors and cope with glide statements and cursors. We can show you how to use stored procedure for your programs nicely, bridging the space between them and your programs. Security continues to be of the utmost significance; consequently, we will pass over the key elements to ensure your stored procedures are finished effectively.

When you finish analyzing this tutorial, you may have the competencies and expertise to create and use stored processes with self-belief, enhancing your SQL talents and changing how you interact with databases!

Building Your First Stored Procedure: A Step-by-Step Guide

Imagine you run an internet store and need to calculate the total value of an order each time a consumer checks out. While you can write an SQL statement every time, is it easier to have a pre-described function cope with this repetitive assignment? Enter stored procedures – reusable blocks of SQL statements that streamline your database interactions.

Let's break down the crucial components of building your first stored procedure in SQL:


This kickstarts the system introduction manner. To run the SQL stored procedure, type the following procedure syntax in SQL:


CREATE PROCEDURE [Procedure Name] ([Parameter List])

The above code is used to create a stored procedure in SQL. It defines the grammar for a procedure creation but doesn't have a specific procedure function in SQL.

  • CREATE PROCEDURE: This keyword signals that the stored procedure is being created.
  • [Procedure Name]: This is a placeholder you would replace with the name you want to give to your procedure. Choose a descriptive call that reflects the method’s motive (e.g., CalculateOrderTotal).
  • ([Parameter List]): This part explains the constraints of the method. Parameters are substitutes for placeholders that allow you to send specific values when you call the procedure. The part enclosed in brackets stands for the list of parameters, where each parameter is defined using its name and data type. You can specify different data sorts depending on the data you need. Here's an instance:


CREATE PROCEDURE CalculateOrderTotal (@OrderID INT, @Quantity INT)

This is an example of stored procedure in SQL named CalculateOrderTotal that takes two parameters:

  • @OrderID (INT): The particular identifier for the order.
  • @Quantity (INT): The number of gadgets bought within the order.

Procedure Body: This is the heart of the stored procedure, in which you write a stored procedure on an SQL server. Calculate and manipulate records or call different stored processes within the frame.

RETURN Statement (Optional)

You can use the RETURN function if your technique desires to return a Value (like the calculated general value). For instance:


SELECT @Quantity *UnitValue AS TotalCost
FROM OrderItems
WHERE OrderID = @OrderID;
RETURN @TotalCost;

This example retrieves the unit value for the order gadgets and calculates the overall fee by multiplying @Quantity by UnitValue. Finally, it RETURNs the calculated TotalCost fee.

Putting all of it Together:

Let's construct our pattern stored procedure to calculate the overall Value of an order:


CREATE PROCEDURE CalculateOrderTotal (@OrderID INT, @Quantity INT)
DECLARE @UnitValue DECIMAL(10,2); -- Variable to keep unit value
SELECT @UnitValue = UnitValue
FROM Products
WHERE ProductID = (SELECT ProductID FROM OrderItems WHERE OrderID = @OrderID);
DECLARE @TotalCost DECIMAL(10,2); -- Variable to shop general fee
SET @TotalCost = @Quantity * @UnitValue;
RETURN @TotalCost;

The above-stored procedure in SQL is called CalculateOrderTotal. Let's break down how it works:

Procedure Name: CalculateOrderTotal


  • @OrderID: This is the integer (INT) parameter that contains the order id.
  • @Quantity: This is another integer (INT) parameter which specifies the quantity of the product being ordered and is also included in this.

Steps Performed

Declare Variables:

  • @UnitValue: This is a DECIMAL (10, 2) variable of type, which can hold decimal values with up to 10 digits in total and two decimal places. This variable will be used for the unit value of the product.
  • @TotalCost: Another DECIMAL(10,2) variable to store the overall cost of the order, which is obtained by multiplying the unit value with the quantity.

Retrieve unit value:

  • A SELECT query is used to get the unit value of the product from the Products table.
  • It applies the WHERE clause to the results and this is based on the ProductID that is retrieved from the OrderItems table. This ProductID in turn is itself retrieved by another SELECT statement within the line, which means that the unit value will match the specific product or SP in SQL server.
  • The UnitValue variable stores the retrieved unit value.

Calculate Total Cost:

  • The SET statement is responsible for the total cost of the order calculation.
  • It multiplies UnitValue by Quantity and assigns the result to the TotalCost variable.

Return the Result:

  • The RETURN statement returns the @TotalCost variable that contains the calculated value to the program that called the stored procedure.
  • This is the value that displays the total cost of the order, which is the combination of the unit value and the quantity.

Overall, the stored procedure called CalculateTotalCost() will get the unit value from the Products table based on the given OrderID and Quantity and then multiply them.

Best Practices for Naming:

  • Use clear and concise names that replicate the process's purpose.
  • Consider using prefixes like SP_ (Stored Procedure) for better organization.
  • Keep parameter names descriptive and constant with their record types.

By following those steps and satisfactory practices, you'll be properly on your way to crafting your first stored procedure! Remember, clear naming conventions enhance clarity for yourself and make your code less complicated to apprehend for others.

Advanced Stored Procedures

We've established the muse for constructing stored procedures in SQL. Now, let's delve deeper and explore superior capabilities that increase them from primary utilities to powerful tools for complicated duties. Buckle up as we explore enter/output parameters, error dealing with, manipulate waft statements, and cursors!

1. Input and Output Parameters

Imagine needing a stored technique to calculate the standard order fee for a selected consumer. While you may obtain this with calculations inside the manner itself, an improved method includes using enter and output parameters.

Input Parameters: These act as placeholders that let you skip records (like a purchaser ID) into the stored procedure when you call it. This makes the process reusable for particular scenarios.


CREATE PROCEDURE GetAverageOrderValue (
IN customerID INT
DECLARE totalOrders INT;
DECLARE totalAmount DECIMAL(10,2);
-- Calculate total orders and general quantity for the consumer
SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalOrders, SUM(amount) AS totalAmount
FROM Orders
WHERE customerID = customerID;
-- Calculate and set the output parameter (common)
SET @average = totalAmount / totalOrders IF totalOrders > zero;

In this example, customerID is the input parameter. Notice the IN keyword before the parameter assertion. You may offer the precise client ID you need to investigate when calling this procedure.

Output Parameters: These act as go-back values for the stored procedure. They will let you retrieve facts calculated or manipulated inside the process.

Extending the GetAverageOrderValue Example:


CREATE PROCEDURE GetAverageOrderValue (
IN customerID INT,
OUT averageOrderValue DECIMAL(10,2)
... (technique body as before) ...
-- Set the output parameter with the calculated common
SET averageOrderValue = @average;

Here, we've added the OUT keyword and a new parameter, averageOrderValue, to store the calculated average. Now, while calling the system, you can capture the Value again using the appropriate variable on your application.

Benefits of Input/Output Parameters:

  • Enhanced Reusability: Procedures emerge as adaptable to numerous conditions through accepting exceptional enter values.
  • Improved Readability: Code becomes clearer by isolating entered facts from calculations in the technique.
  • Modular Design: Procedures focus on unique tasks, selling better code agencies.

2. Error Handling

Even fine-written techniques can encounter mistakes. Robust errors dealing with mechanisms are essential to prevent unexpected behavior and ensure the clean operation of your utility.

TRY...CATCH Block: This powerful construct permits you to outline a block of code to execute (TRY) and every other block (CATCH) to address any mistakes within the TRY block.



CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateCustomerEmail (
IN customerID INT,
IN newEmail VARCHAR(255)
-- TRY block to execute the update declaration
UPDATE Customers
SET e-mail = newEmail
WHERE customerID = customerID;
-- CATCH block to handle capability mistakes (e.g., invalid e mail format)
DECLARE errorMessage VARCHAR(255);
RAISERROR ('Error updating patron email: %s', 10, 1, errorMessage);

This instance demonstrates a TRY...CATCH block. The TRY block attempts to replace the consumer email. The CATCH block captures the mistake message if an error occurs throughout the update (e.g., invalid e-mail layout). It uses RAISERROR to show the user or utility log a custom error message.

Benefits of Error Handling:

  • Graceful Error Management: Procedures can manage mistakes gracefully, stopping surprising crashes or information inconsistencies.
  • Improved User Experience: Informative blunders bring manual users closer to resolving issues.
  • Enhanced Debugging: Captured error messages, a valuable resource in troubleshooting and fixing underlying troubles.

3. Control Flow Statements

Control drift statements will let you add a stored procedure to the SQL server with proper judgment. This enables them to make selections based on precise situations and execute code.

IF...ELSE: Use these statements to execute extraordinary code blocks depending on whether or not a favorable circumstance is actual or false.



IN orderID INT,
IN discountRate DECIMAL(five,2)
DECLARE orderAmount DECIMAL(10,2);
-- Retrieve order quantity
SELECT quantity INTO orderAmount
FROM Orders
WHERE orderID = orderID;
-- Apply bargain best if the order amount exceeds a threshold (e.g., $a hundred)
IF orderAmount > 100.00
SET amount = quantity * (1 - discountRate)
WHERE orderID = orderID;
-- Handle state of affairs wherein order amount doesn't meet bargain criteria
DECLARE message VARCHAR(255);
SET message = 'Order amount does now not meet the minimum threshold for cut Value.';
RAISERROR (message, 10, 1);

In this case, the IF...ELSE assertion exams if the order amount is extra than a selected threshold. If true, the cut Value is implemented. Otherwise, a blunder message is raised with the usage of RAISERROR.

WHILE Loop: Use this statement to execute a code block repeatedly so long as a specific condition remains authentic.



CREATE PROCEDURE UpdateCustomerInventory (
IN customerID INT
-- Loop via client's inventory objects
WHILE finished = zero
-- Logic to retrieve the next product ID from the customer's stock
SELECT TOP 1 productID INTO productID
FROM CustomerInventory
WHERE customerID = customerID
ORDER BY productID;
-- Check if there are greater gadgets to the method (no rows returned)
SET finished = 1;
-- Update inventory for the contemporary product (replace with your good judgment)
UPDATE CustomerInventory
SET ... (replace common sense) ...
WHERE customerID = customerID
AND productID = productID;

This example showcases a WHILE loop that iterates via a purchaser's inventory objects, updating every object's information until no more items are in the system (checked by using @@ROWCOUNT).

Benefits of Control Flow Statements:

  • Conditional Logic: Procedures could make informed choices and execute code based on particular criteria.
  • Repetitive Tasks: Automate repetitive duties within procedures, improving performance.
  • Complex Workflows: Handle complex situations regarding a couple of steps or conditions.

4. Cursors

Cursors provide an effective mechanism for processing records row-by-way of a row within a stored manner. They act like temporary pointers that iterate via a result set, permitting you to perform specific actions on every row.

While cursors offer advanced functionality, they can be less green than set-based total operations. It's advocated to discover set-based total solutions each time viable for higher overall performance.

High-Level Overview of Cursors:

  • DECLARE: Define a cursor variable with a CURSOR statement, specifying the SQL declaration that retrieves the information set.
  • OPEN: Open the cursor to set up the beginning place for iteration.
  • FETCH: Use FETCH NEXT to retrieve information for the following row inside the result set.
  • PROCESS: Perform the desired operation at the fetched data within a loop.
  • CLOSE: Close the cursor after processing all rows.
  • DEALLOCATE: Release resources related to the cursor.

Due to their complexity, a deep dive into cursors is past the scope of this blog. However, the points cited above offer basic information about their functionality. We endorse exploring extra assets on cursors for better exploration.

Using Stored Procedures in Applications: Bridging the Gap

Now that you've unlocked the power of stored procedures, let's explore a way to leverage them within your programs. Imagine a state of affairs in which you need to calculate a consumer's overall order cost within your Python e-commerce application. Traditionally, you would possibly write the complete SQL query immediately for your Python code. However, the usage of a stored technique offers several benefits:

  • Code Reusability: The stored manner encapsulates the logic, making it reusable throughout one-of-a-kind elements of your software or maybe different programs.
  • Maintainability: Complex SQL logic is living within the database, maintaining your application code purifier and less difficult to hold.
  • Security: By granting suitable permissions on stored processes, you can control person get right of entry to unique functionalities in the database.

Calling Stored Procedures From Applications

The manner you call a stored method out of your application depends at the programming language you are using. However, the overall concept remains similar:

  • Establish a connection: Create a procedure on the SQL server of your software's database driver.
  • Prepare the call: Build an assertion or object representing the stored technique name, inclusive of any required input parameters.
  • Execute the procedure: Execute the organized assertion, passing any important enter values.
  • Process results (non-obligatory): If the process returns output parameters or an end result set, retrieve and technique the information inside your utility.
  • Close the connection: Close the database connection to release assets.

Here's a simple instance demonstrating how to call a stored method (GetCustomerOrderTotal) from a Python application with the use of the psycopg2 library (assuming you have primary expertise in Python):


import psycopg2
# Database connection info (replace with your actual credentials)
dbname = "your_database_name"
dbuser = "your_username"
dbpassword = "your_password"
dbhost = "your_database_host"
# Customer ID to retrieve order general for
customer_id = 123
# Connect to the database
conn = psycopg2.Join(dbname=dbname, person=dbuser, password=dbpassword, host=dbhost)
# Prepare the stored procedure call with enter parameter
cur = conn.Cursor()
cur.Callprocedure('GetCustomerOrderTotal', (customer_id,))
# Fetch the output parameter (assuming the procedure returns a single value)
total_order_value = cur.Fetchone()[0]
# Display the retrieved general order Value
print(f"Customer customer_id overall order Value: $total_order_value:.2f")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error: e")
# Close the connection
if conn:

This instance demonstrates connecting to the database, calling the GetCustomerOrderTotal procedure with a client ID, after which retrieving the back-total order value.

By leveraging stored procedures inside your programs, you can create a smooth separation between enterprise records get right of entry to, selling maintainable, steady, and reusable code.

Security Considerations

With splendid power comes first-rate responsibility! While stored procedures offer a plethora of benefits, safety stays paramount. Here's a way to ensure your processes are applied securely:

  1. Granting Permissions Wisely: Just like handing out keys, granting entry to stored procedures requires a careful method. The precept of least privilege applies – customers should most effectively have the permissions necessary to execute the procedures applicable to their tasks. Avoid granting overly large permissions like EXECUTE ANY PROCEDURE to limit capability dangers.
  1. Guarding Against SQL Injection: This common web safety vulnerability may be exploited through malicious code embedded in consumer entries exceeding stored procedures. To mitigate this hazard, use parameterized queries. These separate the SQL injection from the person entering, stopping malicious code from being interpreted as part of the real question.

Example 1 (without parameterization):


IN customerID INT,
IN newEmail VARCHAR(255)
UPDATE Customers
SET email = newEmail
WHERE customerID = customerID;

This procedure takes two input parameters:

  • customerID: An integer value that will identify the customer as a unique person.
  • newEmail: A string holding the newly created email address.

It does this in a direct way through the UPDATE statement by assigning the newEmail parameter in the Customers table's email column.

Potential issue: This method doesn't do any validation and sanitization of the newEmail input before updating the database. The malicious users might be able to utilize this for running malicious codes or invalid data injection into the database.

Example 2 (with parameterization):


IN customerID INT,
IN newEmail VARCHAR(255)
DECLARE @sanitizedEmail VARCHAR(255);
SET @sanitizedEmail = newEmail; -- Perform any necessary enter validation right here
UPDATE Customers
SET electronic mail = @sanitizedEmail
WHERE customerID = customerID;

The procedure also has two input parameters same as the first query.

  1. It introduces an additional factor, @sanitizedEmail, which is defined as a string with the same maximum length as newEmail.
  2. And it sets the newEmail variable to the @sanitizedEmail variable.

Improvement: This version can possibly be changed to make it possible to modify the email address if it is not clean before updating the database. You just need to type instead of the commented line (-- Perform any necessary email validation right here) the code to validate and sanitize the email address according to your rules. This might imply that the system should check for the presence of special characters, validate the email address format, or apply other validation rules.

Lastly, it updates the Customers table using the UPDATE statement, but it uses @sanitizedEmail that is the value potentially sanitized.

By keeping apart the e-mail deal from the SQL statement, parameterized queries save you from malicious code injection attempts.

  1. Secure Coding Practices: Always adhere to steady coding practices. This includes warding off hardcoded credentials inside procedures and the use of stored procedures for sensitive operations as opposed to embedding complicated good judgment at once inside your software code.

Wrapping It Up!

This comprehensive guide has prepared you with the knowledge to build and implement secure stored procedures in SQL. The key takeaways are:

  • Stored procedures enable code reusability, enhance protection, and simplify complex tasks.
  • Use input/output parameters for flexible information coping with.
  • Leverage blunders handling and manage go-with-the-flow statements for robust procedures.
  • Explore cursors for unique situations requiring row-by-row processing.

Don't stop here! Experiment with those concepts, delve into more superior functionalities, and confer with online tutorials and documentation for in-intensity studying. With exercise and a protection-aware technique, you may be able to examine the artwork of stored procedures in SQL!


1. What are the two types of stored procedures?

There are more than two sorts; however, here are common ones:

  • Stored Procedures: These are widespread-purpose processes that could perform various obligations like records manipulation (inserts, updates, deletes), calculations, and fact retrieval.
  • User-Defined Functions (UDFs): These functions return as output, just like a mathematical function. They are frequently used within stored procedures or SQL queries for calculations or information changes.

2. Where are SQL procedures stored?

Stored procedures are bodily stored within the database, along with your tables and other database items. This makes them comfortably accessible to authorized users who can execute them whenever needed.

3. What is the use of a stored procedure?

Stored procedures offer multiple applications, including:

  • Code Reusability: Write a procedure once and use it a couple of instances with exclusive inputs, saving you effort and time.
  • Improved Security: Centralize complicated common sense within procedures, granting permissions to specific users for execution, improving facts security.
  • Simplified Code: Break down complex responsibilities into plausible processes, making your code cleaner and easier to understand.
  • Reduced Network Traffic: Procedures can doubtlessly reduce community visitors using complex logic at the database server instead of sending more than one query back and forth between the software and the database.

4. What are the advantages of stored procedures?

Stored procedures offer many benefits for streamlining your database interactions and enhancing your SQL development. Here are a few key advantages:

  • Code Reusability
  • Enhanced Security
  • Simplified Code
  • Reduced Network Traffic
  • Improved Performance

5. Are stored procedures still used?

Absolutely! Stored procedures stay a treasured tool inside the SQL developer's arsenal. While some object-relational mappers (ORMs) could provide alternative techniques, stored procedures offer a mature, reliable, and performant manner to manage complex database interactions.

6. How do I run a stored procedure?

The genuine technique relies upon your unique database management system (DBMS). However, you can commonly execute a stored procedure by way of the use of a CALL or EXECUTE assertion accompanied by the procedure call and any required input parameters.

7. Can I call a function in a stored procedure?

Yes, you can call a function within a stored procedure! This practical feature allows you to further modularize your code and leverage features for calculations, facts manipulation, or specific tasks inside your approaches. You can create even more flexible and reusable stored procedures by incorporating features.

8. What are the risks of stored procedures?

While stored procedures provide sizable benefits, it is essential to be aware of capacity dangers:

  • Increased Complexity
  • Security Concerns
  • Potential Performance Drawbacks

By identifying these capability risks and following first-rate practices for steady and green improvement, you could leverage the power of stored procedures to beautify your SQL information seriously.

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