HomeData Science & AnalyticsPython Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

Python Interview Questions and Answers in 2023

Python has several applications in fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning, web scraping, and more. Therefore, the demand for Python developers has increased considerably in 2023. But your first Python interview can be quite intimidating, especially if you don’t know what to expect. 

If you strive to impress recruiters with your knowledge of this programming knowledge, you should be aware of the top questions that they might ask. In this article, you will find the top Python interview questions and answers that you can prepare to solidify your chances of getting the job.
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What are the benefits of using Python?

This particular question will assess your basic knowledge of Python. A few benefits of Python that you can cover in your answer are as follows:

  • Python is a general-purpose programming language with a simple and easy-to-learn syntax. Since Python emphasizes readability, it can reduce the expense of program maintenance. 
  • The language is open-source and supports various third-party packages that encourage modularity and code reuse. 
  • The high-level data structures of Python can be combined with dynamic typing and binding. It is used by a huge community of developers for rapid application development and deployment.

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What do you understand by scope in Python?

All objects in Python operate within a scope. The scope is a block of code within which an object remains relevant. Namespaces can identify all the objects within a program. But these namespaces also have a defined scope where you can use objects without any prefixes. Some examples of scope during code execution in Python are as follows:

  • Local Scope: It refers to the local objects present in the current function.
  • Global Scope: It refers to the objects found throughout code execution from their inception.
  • Module-Level Scope: It indicates the global objects of the current module present in a program.
  • Outermost Scope: It refers to the built-in names inside a program. The objects under this scope are searched in the end to spot the referenced names.

Note: Keywords like global can help sync local and global sync objects. 

How can multithreading be achieved in Python?

Multithreading ensures that several threads can be executed concurrently. The Python Global Interpreter Lock prevents multiple threads from holding the Python interpreter at the same time. Therefore, multithreading in Python can be achieved via context switching. 

While answering this Python interview question, you should also mention that multithreading is different from multiprocessing. The concept of multiprocessing is associated with opening up multiple processes across different threads. 

What are the private, protected, and global attributes in Python?

  • Private attributes have double underscores fixed to their identifier. For instance, __house. You cannot access or modify a private attribute from the outside. If any such attempt is made, the outcome will be an AttributeError. 
  • Protected attributes have a single underscore with their identifier. For instance, _house. Protected attributes can be accessed and modified from the outside. But all responsible developers refrain from doing that. 
  • Global attributes or global variables happen to be public variables that are defined in the global scope. You can use the global keyword to add the variable within the global scope inside a function. 

How does memory management take place in Python?

It is one of the Python interview questions where you need to talk about the Python Memory Manager. The memory allocated is available in the form of a private heap space for Python. All Python objects get stored inside this heap. 

Since it is private, the programmer does not have access. But Python offers some core API functions for the private heap space. Moreover, Python comes with a built-in garage collection to recycle unused memory within the private heap space.

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How does Python get interpreted?

It is one of the trickiest Python interview questions. Python as a language cannot be compiled or interpreted because it is an implementation of the property. Python is a bytecode or a set of interpreter readable instructions that get interpreted generally. 

Python puts together the source code with a set of instructions applicable to a virtual machine. A file with a .py extension is the source code. An implementation of that virtual machine is referred to as the Python interpreter. This immediate format is referred to as the bytecode. 

Can you call the parent class in Python without the instance creation?

It is possible if other child classes instantiate the base class. It is also possible when the base class is static.

What do you understand about decorators in Python?

Decorators in Python can add design patterns to a function while maintaining its structure. Usually, programmers need to define the decorators before the function they intend to enhance. Before applying a decorator, you need to define the decorator function. 

After that, you will have to specify the function to which you want to add the decorator. Next, you can easily apply the decorator to the intended function. You should use the @ symbol before the decorator to add it to the function. 

What are the in-built data types in Python?

Some of the common built-in data types in Python are as follows:

  • List: It is an ordered sequence with elements from different data types. 
  • Numbers: They can include complex numbers, integers, and floating-point numbers.
  • String: A string is a character sequence declared within single or double quotes.
  • Tuple: Tuples are also an ordered sequence of elements, but they cannot be changed. 
  • Set: Sets are collections of unique items that are not found in chronological order.
  • Dictionary: A dictionary contains values in key and value pairs in which every value can be accessed using the key. The order of items is not relevant here. 

What are the different literals in Python?

While answering this Python interview question, you should describe the five different literals:

  • String literal: It can be created by allocating some text within single or double quotes to a variable. If you want to create a multiline literal, you will have to allocate the multiline text within triple quotes.
  • Character literal: It can be created by allocating a single character within double quotes.
  • Boolean literals: These literals can be either True or False.
  • Numeric literal: It can include numeric values like floating point values, integers, or complex numbers.African American Student

What are the latest features available in Python version

The latest features available in Python version are as follows:

  • String methods to eliminate suffixes and prefixes
  • Modules like graphlib and zoneinfo
  • Elimination of erroneous functions, methods, and more
  • New Parser dependent on PEG instead of LL1
  • Type hinting generics for standard collections
  • Optimized built-ins, signal handling, and idiom for assignment
  • Deprecated functions, commands, and symbol modules

Final Words

Similar to data science interview tips, Python interview tips also include staying confident and showcasing your awareness of relevant concepts. If you don’t have knowledge about something, inform the interviewer that you aren’t aware of it, but you are willing to learn new concepts and upgrade yourself. Give honest answers to ensure that you have a greater chance of cracking the interview and getting selected. 


  • Is a Python job difficult?

Python is considered one of the simplest programming languages for a beginner to learn. However, mastering the language requires a lot of patience and practice. You can become a successful Python developer only when you work hard to acquire a complete understanding of the programming language. 

  • Which companies use Python?

Python is one of the four languages used at Google. In fact, YouTube is completely written using Python. Some other companies that use Python include JP Morgan, Netflix, Pixar, and Facebook. 

  • What is the purpose of a loop in Python?

In Python, a loop is useful for iterating over a sequence. At first glance, it might seem similar to keywords in different programming languages. But it is more similar to the iterator method associated with object-oriented programming languages. 

  • What are arrays in Python?

Arrays are containers in Java that can hold a specific number of items of the same type. Several data structures use arrays to implement their algorithms. 

  • How should I prepare for a Python interview?

You can prepare for a Python interview by gaining knowledge about the top concepts associated with the programming language. You should demonstrate your hobby projects and develop an in-depth understanding of different front-end technologies.

Vamshi Krishna sanga
Vamshi Krishna sanga
Vamshi Krishna Sanga, a Computer Science graduate with a master’s degree in Management, is a seasoned Product Manager in the EdTech sector. With over 5 years of experience, he's adept at ideating, defining, and delivering E-learning Digital Solutions across various platforms

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