HomeMBAThe Role of Leadership in Shaping Organisational Behaviour: A Case Study

The Role of Leadership in Shaping Organisational Behaviour: A Case Study

The foundation of any successful organization is its leadership. It involves inspiring and motivating people to accomplish shared objectives rather than merely making choices or issuing commands. Successful leadership influences organizational behavior, impacting a company’s culture and success. This article examines leadership and organisational behaviour and highlights its critical role in cultivating a constructive and efficient work atmosphere.

Understanding Organizational Behaviour

leadership and organisational behaviour

The concept of organizational behaviour describes the actions of individuals and groups inside a company. It covers their general behavior, attitudes, and interactions. A company’s structure, culture, and leadership all impact its behavior. How leaders set the tone for behavior impacts every level of the organization, shaping how staff members behave and relate to one another.

The Impact of Leadership on Organizational Culture

Employees’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are shaped by the common values, beliefs, and practices that make up their organizational culture. This culture is created and sustained in large part by leaders. Here are a few ways that organizational culture is impacted by leadership:

  • Vision and Mission: The organization’s leaders establish its vision and mission, which also serve as its compass. A distinct vision unites workers’ efforts with the company’s objectives and helps them understand why they are doing what they are doing.
  • Values and Ethics: Leaders set the organization’s fundamental principles and ethical standards. Leaders who exhibit honesty, integrity, and respect set an example that staff members must follow.
  • Communication: Open communication is fostered by influential leaders. They welcome criticism, pay attention to issues, and ensure that information is shared efficiently throughout the company.

Leadership and Employee Motivation

Leaders significantly influence employee motivation. Motivated employees are more engaged, productive, and dedicated to their jobs. Here are a few strategies for inspiring team members and leaders:

  • Recognition and Rewards: Recognizing staff members’ efforts and accomplishments raises their spirits and motivates them to work harder.
  • Empowerment: Granting employees freedom and confidence to make decisions can increase their sense of ownership and accountability.
  • Career Development: Employee sense of ownership and accountability can be increased by granting them freedom and confidence to make decisions.
  • Positive Work Environment: Leaders who establish a welcoming and inclusive workplace foster employee loyalty and happiness.upgrad referral


Leadership is essential when it comes to influencing corporate behavior. Successful leaders impact an organization’s culture, motivation, and overall success. Leaders may foster a productive and happy work environment by being aware of the various leadership philosophies and their effects. Making a significant difference at work starts with you, as a leader or aspirant, realizing the significance of leadership in organizational behavior.


1. What is the role of a leader in Organisational Behaviour?

One of the most crucial facets of organizational behavior is leadership. It is the process of persuading people to pursue a shared aim or purpose. A strong leader can inspire and motivate people to collaborate and accomplish great things.

2. What are the 7 roles of a leader in an organization?

As part of their responsibilities, leaders create a plan, bring people together, inspire and motivate others, develop individuals, encourage creativity, and establish connections.

3. What is the impact of transformational leadership on an employee motivation?

Transformative leadership encourages and challenges staff members to perform above and beyond expectations, dramatically increasing employee motivation. By emphasizing individual growth and praising staff members’ accomplishments, these leaders encourage a feeling of dedication and purpose. This strategy produces a motivated and passionate workforce committed to reaching individual and company objectives.

4. Why is communication important in leadership?

Communication is essential for leaders to maintain clarity, openness, and trust inside the business. Influential leaders who communicate openly with their team members about goals, expectations, and feedback promote a sense of inclusion and alignment of the team’s efforts. In addition to resolving disputes and swiftly addressing issues, effective communication keeps the workplace peaceful and productive.

Anupriya Mukherjee
Anupriya Mukherjee
Anupriya Mukherjee is a passion-driven professional working as a Content Marketer and earlier worked as a Digital Marketeer. With around 6 years of work experience, she has experience creating high-quality, engaging content for websites, blogs, news articles, video scripts, brochures, and ebooks.

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