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    Cloud Computing Course Overview

    What is Cloud Computing?

    Cloud is a broad term referring to the Internet or a Network. It is something existing in a remote location. Cloud can deliver services over private networks (like LAN, WAN, VPN) and public cloud computing. Applications like web conferencing, e-mail, CRM, etc., operate on Cloud.

    With this overview of the Cloud, the next step involves defining cloud computing. Cloud computing refers to offering computing services that encompass databases, networking, servers, software, storage, analytics, and intelligence on the Internet.  The cloud computing overview states that it provides flexible resources, speeds up innovations, and enhances economies of scale. The fundamentals of cloud computing conclude that you only need to pay for the Cloud services you use. So, it operates your infrastructure more proficiently, reduces your operating costs, and scales according to changes in your business needs.

    How does cloud computing work?

    If you have decided to learn cloud computing, understanding only its overview will not suffice. Learning basic cloud computing is incomplete without understanding how it works. Whether you aspire to become a Cloud engineer or want to explore more knowledge on Cloud, you should know the working of Cloud.

    Let’s understand the functioning of basic cloud computing:

    The cloud is categorised into various layers like front-end and back-end layers. In the front-end layer, users can interact. This layer comprises the computer network of the client and the application for accessing the cloud system. Keep in mind that all Cloud systems do not have identical user interfaces.

    Here is an example that lets you learn cloud computing. Suppose, you log in to a Gmail account, you notice the UI wherein everything operates in the front-end layer of the cloud. Contrarily, the back-end layer contains hardware and software that conveys the back-end data from the database to the front-end layer. Factors like data storage systems, servers, and computers constitute the Cloud.

    With the help of a network layer, Cloud connects various devices to provide access to resources existing in the central data centre of the cloud. Cloud technology users can use the data centre via the company's Internet or network facilities.

    The ability to access Cloud anytime, anywhere is one of its key benefits. Note that the network bandwidth must be more. Not only a laptop and desktop users but mobile users too can access their business systems as per their demand.

    Another method exists for shifting the workload in the cloud computing system's architecture. Local machines need not work on enormous lifting operations for running the applications. Cloud technology can quickly and efficiently deal with such tasks. So, this reduces the software and hardware needs. The user must focus on the system's cloud computing interface. This software behaves like a web browser at the user's front end. The cloud's network handles the backend side of things.

    The front end embraces the cloud computing network for accessing the cloud computing system. Note that the interface of cloud computing systems is unique in each cloud.

    An Internet or virtual network connects the back-end. Service providers equipped with various computers, servers, data storage facilities, and virtual machines use the back end to set up the cloud technology. The dedicated server deals with every application in the system.

    In addition to front-end and back-end, cloud computing architecture includes other components like cloud resources, middleware, etc. Middleware is specific software that can process and connect networked computers.

    A central server manages the whole cloud system architecture. The server is accountable for ensuring flawless traffic flow without interruption. The cloud service provider provides storage based on the user’s demand.

    Characteristics of Cloud Computing

    Characteristics of Cloud Computing

    i. Easy maintenance:

    It is hassle-free to install and set up the Cloud servers. These servers are also easy to manage. Usually, they feature extremely low downtime and deliver constant service to customers.


    ii. Resource pooling:

    All Cloud companies use computing resources and subsequently provide Cloud services to various customers. These resources are either classified into physical or virtual resources. They can be used and assigned to users as per their demands.


    iii. Access to a huge network:

    The users can access the huge Cloud network and use the services and resources offered by the cloud provider. They can use the Cloud network for data access and data upload from remote locations. Also, they can use Cloud services from any device. The only requirement is the Internet connection for connecting to the cloud network.


    iv. Cost-effective:

    Large organisations can offer a tiny portion of the Cloud to single or multiple small organisations. Doing this increases the affordability of the service, and everybody can benefit from the cloud services.


    v. Availability:

    Cloud services are available 24x7 to users. They can use a cloud network for storage or purchase more space as required. The user can access the data from the network whenever they want.


    vi. Pay-as-you-use

    Cloud services are such that the user needs to pay for only those services they use. No extra cost or hidden charges are involved.


    vii. Broad network access:

    Cloud computing resources are accessible from a broad range of devices like smartphones, desktops, laptops, etc.

    When was cloud computing invented?

    Cloud computing has been prevalent since the 1960s. In that era, J C R Licklider envisioned the idea of building computation as a global network. In the same era, John McCarthy assumed that computation was accessible as a public utility, identical to water or electricity.

    The two principles that motivated the evolution of Cloud Computing are a global network and utility computing in a cloud computing model. However, its execution demanded a high level of technological advancement, but the technology had not developed to that level at that time. Hence, for the subsequent few years, the idea stayed as it is without implementation.

    In the mid-twentieth century, the Internet began to evolve and the same instilled several key evolutions in technology. In the late 1990s, the Internet reached its maturity with several providers appearing with fast-speed Internet proposals. It was the ideal time to introduce cloud computing to the world.

    Therefore, the history of cloud computing is directly proportional to the development of the Internet. From then onwards, the Cloud form is being used to signify the Internet.

    Who Invented Cloud Computing?

    Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider invented Cloud Computing in the early 1960s. He was a Computer Scientist and an American Psychologist. He invented Cloud Computing when attempting to connect people and data throughout the world in his network research work on the ARPANet (Advanced Research Project Agency Network).

    Types of cloud computing service providers?

    It represents computing services offered via the public internet from third-party suppliers. These services are made accessible to those who intend to use them or purchase them. Moreover, it can be either on-demand or free for customers. So, customers can pay for the cycles, storage, or bandwidth being consumed.

    In other words, in Public Cloud, the cloud provider provides a public cloud environment model via the internet on a pay-per-use basis to suffice the needs of multiple businesses.

    Examples include AWS, Sun Cloud, and Microsoft Azure


    ii. Community Cloud:

    In this type, cloud services are provided to a specific group of customers from those organisations with shared issues. The cloud computing infrastructure can be owned, functioned, and handled by a single or multiple communal organisations/third-party organisations or a combination of both. In other words, it is a private cloud functioning like a public cloud in a controlled environment.


    iii. Private Cloud:

    It is a cloud computing system wherein IT services are delivered for the dedicated use of an organisation across private IT facilities. In this model, a single organisation only runs the cloud infrastructure. It can be operated on-site or off-site through a third party or organisation.

    Usually, private cloud terminologies are used interchangeably with the VPC (virtual private cloud). A VPC is a private cloud using the cloud computing infrastructure of any third-party cloud provider; the inner cloud is obligatory.

    Benefits of using a private Cloud include higher customizability, more security, and improved control over the server. Although the private cloud is costlier than the public cloud, it is appropriate for large-scale businesses looking for higher security, privacy, and safety.  


    iv. Hybrid Cloud:

    Hybrid cloud computing refers to a computer environment that assimilates a private and government cloud to share apps and information. This model lets organisations benefit from a government cloud's computer capacity and flexibility for critical and impervious computing functions. Also, hybrid cloud computing assures safety behind a commercial firewall for high-priority information and apps.

    The hybrid cloud model is popular as one of the greatest flexible, scalable, and economic environments with superior cloud computing security.        

    A basic understanding of Cloud Computing

    Get to know the fundamental aspects of Cloud Computing from the below sections:

    1. Shared resources, software, and information:

    Shared resources:

    Cloud services are like freeware. The resources in the Cloud would be available in the shared pool. If there is a requirement for any resources on a dynamic basis, then they request to share a pool, and specific resources will be delivered to the users.

    Resources are present as clusters. The group of clusters is selected with the help of the Advanced Ant colony optimisation algorithm. Every node communicates using the heartbeat messaging, stating their distinct status to the neighbouring and primary nodes. Moreover, the users request data or applications from the servers. After the request is approved, it will be securely delivered through DMZ (De-militarized zone) techniques. Various algorithms work to provide data security in three layers.

    The cloud computing network model allows access to computer resources and information from anywhere a connection is available. The shared pool of resources that Cloud computing offers includes networks, data storage space, computer processing power, and dedicated corporate and user applications.


    Cloud computing characteristics incorporate the definition of cloud computing software. The establishment of remote services defines what software is in cloud computing. Cloud computing software represents an innovation from conventional local storage and computing. The reason is an enhancement in data, infrastructure, and applications. All of them are available over the Internet.

    You can visualise the expediency of IT operations with an Internet connection and a browser. This defines software in cloud computing for typical cloud functions. When connected to decent Internet connectivity, the cloud computing software guarantees efficient distribution of cloud computing services. Consequently, it unlocks the likelihood of remote work and access anywhere, anytime.

    List of functions that define Cloud computing software:

    • Email
    • Creating and testing apps
    • Storage, backup, and data retrieval
    • Software delivery on-demand
    • Audio and video streaming


    Before the advent of cloud computing, IT professionals and other individuals were wholly dependent on local hardware stores. It implies that all the data professionals will store their information and data over a physical device for quick and easy data access. But in that case, the access is restricted to a single physical location, and there are more chances of data loss if the physical data storage components get damaged.

    On the other hand, when network connectivity is in cloud computing, the access is not limited to a single physical location, and there are reduced chances of data loss.

    2. Ubiquitous network access:

    Ubiquitous computing processes information which connects processors and devices to benefit from continuous availability. The purpose is to make processing and computing available anytime and anywhere, with the help of any connected device or sensitive edge device.

    Ubiquitous computing can be a system that transmits information to another system seamlessly. For example, a fitness watch alerts when there is an incoming call from a cell phone and lets the call be completed from the watch. Another example can be systems that study and regulate relevant parameters like the thermostat (regulates temperature) or smart speakers (controls sound).

    In Ubiquitous network access, you can perceive the use of cloud computing as versatile. Data available as images, documents, email, etc., can be transferred to the cloud. Subsequently, users can access information from a smartphone, tablet, desktop, or any other cloud computing network device anytime, anywhere.

    3. Rapid elasticity:

    Rapid elasticity denotes scalable provisioning or the potential to offer scalable services. Many Cloud Computing experts consider this type of scalable model as one of the five core facets of cloud computing.

    Rapid elasticity helps to obtain scalable services and additional space in the use of cloud computing. Cloud computing services permit businesses and clients to carry out their work seamlessly. Rapid elasticity lets users and clients benefit from the scalable services of cloud computing.

    This concept enables users automatically request extra space in the cloud. Since cloud computing services are already deployed, provisioning can be unified for the users and clients.

    The key goal of Rapid elasticity in cloud computing is to benefit clients and users with practical computing.

    4. Measured service:

    Measure service implies that cloud services are supervised for quality and efficiency.  The corresponding metrics can streamline decisions about which services to adopt and the perfect way to compute the pricing of services.

    In other words, a measured service is the one in which the cloud provider measures or supervises the delivery of services. The reasons for measurement can be billing, productive use of resources, or comprehensive predictive planning.

    The NIST refers to measured service as a setup wherein cloud systems may regulate a tenant or user’s use of resources by implementing a metering capability in the system. Moreover, in automated remote services, measurement tools will provide the provider and customer with an explanation of what is already used.

    Measured service guarantees that although direct interaction exists for a service change, the service change is still recorded to let it negotiate or deal with a later date. For example, a service charge can be recorded at a later date in a billing cycle.

    Cloud Computing Services Model

    The three prominent models of Cloud services are SaaS (Software-as-a-Service), PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service), and IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service). An organisation can use any one or all three as per the requirements. Two other models of Cloud services are Serverless computing and FaaS (Function-as-a-Service).

    1. SaaS (Software-as-a-Service):

    The saas in cloud computing is alternatively known as Cloud applications or Cloud-based software. It is application software being hosted in the Cloud. It can be accessed and used in any of the three ways. These ways are a web browser, an API integrating your mobile operating system or desktop, and a dedicated desktop client.

    In the majority of the cases, SaaS users pay a monthly or yearly subscription fee. In some cases of saas in cloud computing, the ‘pay-as-you-go’ pricing option as per your actual usage is also available.

    Apart from quick deployment, cost savings, and scalability, SaaS also provides the following benefits:

    • Protection against data loss:

    Since your application data is present in the cloud, you will not lose data of your application when the device breaks or crashes.

    • Automatic upgrades:

    As soon as the providers add new features, they get updated for you. No need to organise an on-premises upgrade.

    • Versatility:

    SaaS is the key delivery model for most commercial software prevalent today. But there are myriad—SaaS solutions available, ranging from focused industry applications to AI software to business software databases.

    2. PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service)

    The platform as a service in cloud computing (PaaS) facilitates software developers with an on-demand platform. This platform has a comprehensive software stack, hardware, infrastructure, and development tools. These tools enable applications' operation, development, and management without the expense, complexity, and rigidity of upholding that platform on-premises.

    The PaaS in cloud computing allows the cloud provider to host everything, including networks, servers, operating system software, storage, databases, middleware, etc.  They can host all of these in their data centre. Developers must choose from a menu to boot up environments and servers they require to operate, develop, test, set up, upkeep, update, and scale their applications.

    Recently, PaaS in cloud computing is usually developed over containers representing a virtualised compute model. Containers will virtualise the operating system so that developers can bundle their applications with only the operating system services required to operate on any platform. During application packaging, there is no need for modification and middleware.

    One of the famous paas examples in cloud computing is Red Hat OpenShift. It is developed based on Docker containers and Kubernetes.

    3. IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service):

    The infrastructure as a service in cloud computing facilitates on-demand access to the core computing resources. These resources can be networking, physical and virtual servers, and storage on the Internet on a ‘pay-as-you-go’ basis.

    IaaS in cloud computing allows end-users to scale and contract resources as required. So, it decreases the need for upfront capital expenses or needless on-premises or owned infrastructure. Also, it eliminates the need for overbuying resources to house periodic spikes in usage. 

    Contrasting PaaS and SaaS, IaaS lets the users employ the least possible control of computing resources. In the early 2010s, when IaaS was introduced, it was the famous cloud computing model. For several years after its launch, it remained the Cloud model for several types of workloads. But nowadays, the usage of PaaS and SaaS is progressing faster.

    4. Serverless computing:

    Also known as simply serverless, the Serverless cloud computing model unloads all the tasks related to backend infrastructure management. These tasks are patching, provisioning, scheduling, and scaling. Cloud providers will look after these tasks. Hence, developers can concentrate on the code and implement better business logic relevant to their applications.

    This model operates application code according to a per-request basis only. It automatically scales the supporting infrastructure up according to the number of requests.  Moreover, customers only have to pay for the resources used when the application operates. No charges for idle capacity.

    5. FaaS (Function-as-a-Service):

    FaaS is a subset of serverless computing. It enables developers to implement fragments of application code (known as functions) according to specific events. Tasks except the code include virtual machine operating system, physical hardware, and web server software management. The cloud provider automatically handles these tasks in real-time when the code runs. When the code execution finishes, these tasks will stop operating. The start and end of billing happen as per the execution of the code.

    Benefits of Cloud Computing

    • Economical:

    Cloud computing services discard the capital expenditure of purchasing software & hardware and setting up and operating an on-site data centre. A Cloud network includes continuous electricity for power and heat dissipation, racks of servers, and IT experts for dealing with the infrastructure.

    Irrespective of the Cloud computing service model being used, organisations only have to pay for the computing resources used. No need to extend data centre capacity to administer unforeseen spikes in demand or business growth. Moreover, by implementing cloud computing services, they can appoint their IT staff to focus on more strategic tasks.

    • Fast speed:

    The biggest benefit of cloud computing is fast speed. The majority of the Cloud computing services provide on-demand and self-service. Hence, even a massive amount of computing resources can be handled in minutes. It only demands a few mouse clicks. So, businesses benefit from excellent flexibility and can enhance their work productivity.

    • High efficiency:

    Usually, on-site data centres need ample ‘racking and stacking’ that includes software patching, hardware setup, and other laborious IT management tasks. This is where the benefits of cloud computing are significantly noticeable. Cloud computing eliminates a lot of these tasks. Hence, IT teams can dedicate their time to accomplishing other significant business objectives.

    Enterprises need not worry about the core infrastructure. They can develop new applications and quickly bring them into production.

    • Performance:

    Even the largest Cloud Computing services operate on a global network of secure data centres. These data centres are repeatedly upgraded to the newest generation of quick and efficient computing hardware. Compared to a single corporate data centre, it offers various benefits like enhanced economies of scale and low network latency for applications.

    • Security:

    Several Cloud providers present a broad collection of technologies, policies, and controls. As a result, there is an enhancement in the strength of data security in cloud computing. Hence, your data, apps, and infrastructure stay safe against impending threats.

    Compared to enterprise data centres, Cloud computing security is stronger due to the high-level security mechanism that Cloud computing services implement.

    • Reliability:

    Cloud computing services make disaster recovery in cloud computing, data backup, and business continuity less expensive and easy to use. The reason is data can be mirrored at numerous redundant sites on the Cloud provider’s network.

    • Flexibility:

    The architecture of cloud computing lets enterprises and their users access Cloud services from any place with decent Internet connectivity. They can scale services economically and easily.

    Instead of buying excess capacity that remains unused during low traffic, the elasticity of Cloud computing lets you scale the capacity according to the traffic. Also, you can benefit from the global network of your cloud provider to extend your applications to users all over the globe.

    • Provides strategic value:

    Cloud providers stay abreast with cutting-edge innovations and provide them as services to customers. So, enterprises can obtain more competitive benefits. Also, they can get a better return on investment than if they would have invested in soon-to-be outdated technologies.

    • Less dependency on on-site IT staff:

    With Cloud computing deployed, there is no need for on-site data centres. So, no on-site IT staff is required for supervising the data centres. By offering 99.99% uptime Service Level Agreements, Cloud service providers have removed the dependency on on-site IT staff. But you’ll need staff that knows how to manage Cloud resources, migrate to the cloud, and underwrite the latest DevOps requirements in your fresh deployment.

    • Backup and disaster recovery:

    The users need not buy new infrastructure. The reason is Cloud environments offer various methods to effortlessly set up backup and disaster recovery. The users can make their data redundant across various geographic areas. Moreover, they can leverage various cost and speed options for different levels of backups to tailor their disaster recovery plans.

    • Continuous revolution:

    Cloud offerings are constantly updated to be cheaper and faster. For instance, AWS EC2 instances have perceived several generational modifications over the years. Moreover, owing to the à la carte usage (which can be prepaid for short periods or fully on-demand), users can anytime upgrade to the latest instance types.

    Cloud computing strives to offer new services constantly. The relevant examples can be the ability to work across various Cloud providers and enhanced support for Machine Learning. Consequently, users can easily access the newest advancement without huge initial overheads.

    Next step is to learn how to build a web application in the cloud.

    You can follow these steps to build a web application in the Cloud:


    Step-1: Understanding the Infrastructure

    The traditional infrastructure is supposed to be failure-proof and robust. But when using a Cloud infrastructure, app developers can expect resource failure. The reasons for failure can be server crashes, instability of AWS services, and network switches functioning inefficiently.  Hence, it is important to defend the application from failure. You can do that with the next step.


    Step-2: Design for Failure

    The most suitable way to manage the unreliable Cloud infrastructure is to design considering the redundancy. Ascertain that all operational components of the application execute in a paired topology at least. So, it can be two web servers or two application logic layers, or mirrored database servers.

    Once you have ascertained this, the next step is to scatter the redundant segments of the application. You can position them in various data centers or in the diverse region or position them such that any outage will not influence the working of the application.


    Step-3: Estimate Load Variance

    Since the applications are the fundamental customer interface, one must anticipate erratic loads. The underlying reasons are the number of customers is significantly growing and the customer use can differ as per the impulse of the hour. Hence, the solutions must be formulated such that they allow appending extra resources when required and dropping off them when traffic decreases.


    To estimate load variance, you will need a database. The DBA installs MySQL, configures it, and connects it to the storage. Finally, an operations group will look after keeping the MySQL system up and running. It is essential to outspread your thinking beyond ‘cloud as infrastructure’ and perceive its true worth as ‘cloud as computing capability.

    Understanding Cloud Computing

    1. PaaS:

    Platform as a Service (PaaS) deals with the core infrastructure like network, servers, storage, and databases. It looks after these aspects when organisations focus on supervising and setting up the applications. The cloud computing examples for platforms that provide a PaaS environment include Microsoft Azure, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Apache Stratos, and Google App Engine.

    2. SaaS:

    SaaS (Software as a Service (SaaS)) allows hosting and supervising the software application. It focuses on security patching, software up-gradation, and fundamental infrastructure. It delivers comprehensive software apps on the Internet. This delivery is according to the demand and subscription to the particular service that is operated and managed by the cloud service provider.

    The saas examples in cloud computing include Salesforce, Cisco WebEx, Microsoft Office 365, and Google Apps.       

    3. IaaS:

    The iaas in cloud computing is an extensively used category of cloud computing service. This is why it is often visualised as basic cloud computing. It contains fundamental building blocks of the Cloud. It offers access to the networking functionalities like operating systems, virtual servers, and data storage.

    The benefit of using ideas in cloud computing is that it permits rental services to data storage space and computers. Moreover, it helps in improving the reliability, scalability, flexibility, and control of IT services on the Internet. It accomplishes this by eliminating the hardware in the workplace.

    A few cloud computing examples of IaaS include Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Compute Engine (GCE), and Cisco Metacloud.

    4. Examples of Cloud Computing services include:

    Here are the various examples of Cloud Computing services:

    1) Gmail, Facebook, Dropbox:

    Cloud Computing is extensively used for file storage. This is because it offers ease of backup. The files are automatically synchronised from the desktop. The Social Networking platform demands efficient hosting to administer and store the data in real-time. Cloud communication offers click-to-call potentials from social networking sites and easy access to Instant messaging systems.

    2) Banking and Financial Services:

    Consumers can store financial information on the database of Cloud Computing service providers. Also, they can store the tax records through online backup services.

    3) Education:

    Microsoft and Google offer different services free of cost to their students and staff in various learning organisations. For example, Google App Education (GAE) lets users make the most of their workspace to make teaching more engaging.

    4) Health Care:

    Cloud computing helps medical professionals host analytics and information and perform diagnostics remotely.  Doctors across the globe can instantly access the same medical information for quick prescriptions.

    5) Big data Analytics

    Cloud computing helps data scientists analyse their data patterns, predictions, correlations, and predictions and enhance their decision-making strategy. Open source tools like Cassandra and Hadoop can help with such tasks.

    Drawbacks to Cloud computing:
    • It faces privacy and security and privacy issues when utilising services from third-party providers
    • It faces the threat of downtime, which results in poor connectivity or Internet breakdown
    • Cyber-attacks can influence the implementation of Cloud Computing service
    • A vendor lock-in situation may arise in which a consumer desires to shift to another vendor’s services; however, they need to pay a substantial cost for this shift.

    Limitations Of Cloud Computing

    Although there are myriad benefits of Cloud Computing, it has certain limitations, as discussed below:

    • Variable performance:

    When working in a Cloud environment, your application runs on a server that simultaneously offers resources to several other businesses. Any DDOS attack or covetous behaviour on your Cloud computing platform can influence the overall performance of your shared resource.

    • Prone to technical issues:

    There are high risks of outages and other technical issues with Cloud technology. Even the renowned cloud service providers might perceive this trouble notwithstanding preserving the high maintenance standards.

    • Downtime:

    Your Cloud provider might suffer from poor Internet connectivity, power loss, service maintenance, etc.

    • Odds of security threat in the Cloud:

    Before implementing Cloud technology, keep in mind that you would be sharing your organisation’s sensitive info with a third-party type cloud computing service provider. This information may be susceptible to hackers.

    • Depends on Internet connectivity:

    Decent Internet connectivity is mandatory in cloud computing. It is impossible to access Cloud in the absence of an internet connection. No other way is available to assimilate data from Cloud.

    • Lower Bandwidth:

    Several cloud storage service providers restrict the bandwidth consumption of their users. If an organisation exceeds the specified allowance, extra charges can be significantly expensive.

    • Limited flexibility and control:

    The Cloud infrastructure is wholly owned, administered, and supervised by the respective service provider. So, it assigns minimal control over the customer.  A Cloud provider's management policies and end-user licence agreement (EULA) may levy limits on what customers can accomplish with their deployments.

    • Risk of data privacy:

    Customers often fear for their data safety. With cloud, there remains an issue regarding data confidentiality or breach. Thus cloud providers must ensure confidentiality and security.

    • Inadequate Support:

    Cloud Computing companies are unable to offer adequate customer support. Furthermore, they anticipate their user to rely on online help or FAQs. This can be a challenging task for non-technical individuals.

    Types of Cloud Computing Services

    Every organisation involved with Cloud computing must have a thorough knowledge of the types of cloud computing. The lack of understanding of the types of clouds in cloud computing can lead to incorrect implementation of the Cloud computing service.

    Let’s check out the details of the three key types of cloud computing services:

    1. Public cloud:

    This service is open to all to store and access information through the Internet via the pay-per-usage method. In this form of Cloud computing service, computing resources are administered and executed by the Cloud Service Provider (CSP).

     Examples of Public Cloud:

    • Amazon elastic compute cloud (EC2)
    • IBM SmartCloud Enterprise
    • Microsoft, Google App Engine
    • Windows Azure Services Platform

    2. Private cloud:

    Alternate names for Private clouds are internal cloud and corporate cloud. Private cloud computing is used by organisations to build and administer their own data centre in cloud computing either internally or through a third party. Moreover, private cloud computing can be deployed through Open Source tools like Eucalyptus and Openstack.

     Depending on the management and location, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) categorises private cloud into two parts:

    • On-premise private cloud
    • Outsourced private cloud

    3. Hybrid cloud:

    The hybrid Cloud represents a blend of the private cloud and public cloud. It is partially secure since anyone can access services that are operating on the Public Cloud. On the other hand, only the organisation's users can access the services which are operating on a private cloud.

    Examples of Hybrid Cloud:

    • Office 365 (MS Office and OneDrive)
    • Google Application Suite (Google Apps, Gmail, and Google Drive)
    • Amazon Web Services

    Why online Cloud Computing Course is better than Offline Cloud Computing Course?

    The online cloud computing courses are better than offline cloud computing courses based on the following points:

    • Many leading organisations look for candidates with online certification in cloud computing and relevant training to ensure their requirements for filling a cloud-related job role are best fulfilled.

    • The best cloud computing courses in online mode thoroughly train students on how to develop and manage whole Cloud computing systems. Also, they teach how to construct critical cloud computing security measures that prevent attacks from hackers.

    • Some of the best cloud computing certification courses in online mode involve students working on many different cloud computing projects along with easy-to-understand cloud computing tutorials. Students can showcase project experience in their CV and online certification in cloud computing.

    • Many organisations perceive hassle when finding proficient Cloud computing specialists. So, they insist on hiring candidates from online cloud computing certification courses to save time and effort. Therefore, it is recommended that one must first obtain the online cloud computing training certification.

    Cloud Computing Course Syllabus

    Any cloud computing courses from any training institute will usually include the following modules:

    • Definition of cloud computing

    • Components of Cloud Computing

    • Categorization of the various service types

    • Drivers of Cloud Solutions

    • Building Cloud Networks

    • Handling cloud security

    • Business Demands for Cloud Computing

    • Deployment of software solutions and web applications

    • Exploring Platform as a Service (PaaS)

    • Exploiting Software as a Service (SaaS)

    • Delivering Platform as a Service (PaaS)

    • Deploying Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

    • Evaluating the architecture

    • Building a Business Case

    • Migrating to the Cloud                  

    • Emergent Trends and Practice

    Projecting Cloud Computing Industry Growth in 2022-23

    In 2022-23, we will witness rapid adaptation and growth of Cloud computing. The focus will be on the deployment of cloud computing platforms andCloud tools to enhance a specific function (for example shifting to Zoom meetings). More holistic strategies focused on corporate-level cloud migration.

    As per the predictions from Gartner, the global expenditure on Cloud services is anticipated to reach over $482 billion in 2022, up from $313 billion in 2020. The availability of Cloud gaming platforms like Amazon Luna and Google's Stadia will perceive an increased amount of investment in 2022-23. Furthermore, we will observe the arrival of augmented reality and cloud virtual (AR/VR) that should facilitate enhanced use of cheaper and smaller headsets.

    By 2022, India is expected to observe more than a million Cloud computing job roles. The reason is more organisations shift their operations to the Cloud infrastructure, as per a report by Great Learning.

    The Accelerating Demand for the Cloud Computing Courses in India

    Cloud computing has become the technology that nearly all organisations look for in recent years. The reason is it is easy, quick, and cost-effective. Note that the traditional computing approach is less cost-effective and time-consuming.  Because Cloud computing technology aids organisations in extending their operations and enhancing their profits, there is accelerating demand for Cloud computing courses in India.

    One of the prominent reasons behind the high demand for this course in India is that it would be a challenging technology to master in the future. Therefore, a lot of organisations migrate their operations to Cloud. The job roles like Cloud Architect, Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Cloud Software Engineer, and Cloud Enterprise Architect are in huge demand in India. This is another reason for the rise in demand for Cloud computing courses in the country.

    Many leading organisations in India prioritise hiring candidates who can look after data security in cloud computing for their business. Therefore, there is a continued rise in the demand for pursuing the course in India.

    Cloud Computing Specialist Salary in India

    The starting salary of a Cloud Computing Specialist is ₹ 501K/year in India. And the average salary of a Cloud Computing Specialist is INR 4,00,238 per year in India. 

    Factors on which Cloud Computing Specialist salary in India depends:

    The salary of a Cloud Computing Specialist in India can vary depending on diverse factors. In this section, we outline a few factors:

    • Salary based on Employer
    • Salary based on the job location
    • Salary based on job role

    1. Salary based on Employer:


    Average Salary (per annum)

    Ikya Human Capital Solutions Pvt Ltd


    INR 12,53,632




    INR 10,64,837

    Source: Indeed

    2. Salary based on job location:

    Highest paying cities in India for Cloud Computing Specialists:

    Job location

    Average Salary (per annum)

    Noida, Uttar Pradesh

    INR 10,07,797

    Bengaluru, Karnataka

    INR 9,56,365

    Hyderabad, Telangana

    INR 8,77,759

    Chennai, Tamil Nadu

    INR 8,16,027

    Pune, Maharashtra

    INR 8,05,837

    Gurgaon, Haryana

    INR 7,88,452


    INR 7,88,151

    Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala

    INR 3,58,379

    Source: Indeed

    3. Salary based on Job role:

    Job role

    Average Salary (per annum)

    SysOps Engineer

    INR 8,35,000

    DevOps Engineer

    INR 7,13,797

    Solutions Architect

    INR 6,46,077

     Source: Payscale

    Cloud Computing Specialist Salary Abroad

    The starting salary of a Cloud Computing Specialist Abroad is $2,555And the total pay for a Cloud Computing Specialist Abroad is $93,325 per year, and the average salary is $66,148 per year.

    Factors on which Cloud Computing Specialist Specialist Abroad salary depends:

    The salary of a Cloud Computing Specialist Abroad depends on various factors, some of which are mentioned below:

    • Salary based on Employer
    • Salary based on the job location

    1. Salary based on Employer:


    Average Salary (per annum)


    INR 10-11 Lac


    INR 10-11 Lac

    Source: Glassdoor

    2. Salary based on job location:

    Job location

    Average Salary (per annum)

    San Jose, CA


    Santa Clara, CA


    Fremont, CA


    Daly City, CA


    San Francisco, CA


    Bronx, NY


    New York, NY


    Brooklyn, NY


    Source: Salary


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    Frequently Asked Questions about Cloud Computing

    What is a cloud?

    A cloud represents a combination of hardware, networks, storage, services, and interfaces that assist in delivering computing as a service. Three types of user bases of Cloud are end-users, business management users, and Cloud service provider

    Which platforms are useful for the implementation of large-scale cloud computing?

    Apache Hadoop and MapReduce are cloud computing platforms useful for implementing large-scale cloud computing.

    Which layers define Cloud architecture?

    Different layers that define Cloud architecture are CLC or Cloud Controller, Walrus, Cluster Controller, SC or Storage Controller, and NC or Node Controller.

    What is on-demand functionality in Cloud computing?

    Cloud computing offers access to virtualized IT resources as per demand. Subscribers can use this functionality. Moreover, it employs a shared pool to offer configurable resources. The shared pool can comprise servers, networks, storage, services, and applications.

    How Cloud computing differ from mobile computing?

    There is somewhat similarity between mobile computing and Cloud computing. Mobile computing utilises the concept of cloud computing. In mobile computing, applications operate on the remote server and users gain access to manage and store. Cloud computing provides users with the data that they require.

    What does Cloud computing do?

    Cloud computing provides services like databases, servers, storage, software, networking, intelligence, and analytics on the internet.  It also facilitates quick innovation, economies of scale, and flexible resources. You only pay for the Cloud services you use. Hence, Cloud computing helps you reduce operating expenses, scale your business, and efficiently run your infrastructure.

    Why is it known as cloud computing?

    The Cloud computing fundamental implies the position of the service, and details like the operating system or hardware on which it operates are mainly immaterial to the user. The analogy of the Cloud was derived from obsolete telecoms network plans wherein the public telephone network was commonly denoted as a Cloud to express that location is irrelevant. Being a Cloud of stuff, the name ‘Cloud computing’ was coined.

    What is multi-cloud computing?

    The large Cloud vendors happily fulfil every computing need of their customers. The expanding businesses are on the hunt to extend the load over many suppliers. Both these aspects have led to the development of multi-cloud. The multi-cloud computing allows connection and integration of Cloud services from multiple vendors.

    How do you build a business case for cloud computing?

    Firstly, you must comprehend the costs of your existing infrastructure. This step involves considering the price of operating data centres and leased lines. The next step is calculating the cost of physical hardware, including servers and specifications like cores, CPUs, RAM, and storage. The cost of the application also needs to be considered. Finally, the Cloud business case also involves costs and more advantages of offering new services faster.

    Can cloud computing feature errors?

    Cloud outages exist and will continue to be. These outages may take place at a local level because your internet is interrupted either by physical factors or cyberattacks. However, the big vendors too can have outages. Being dependent on their services, when the Cloud stops working, the other operations also stop.

    Is cloud computing technology?

    Yes, Cloud computing is a technology that lets users access software, files, storage, and servers via their Internet-connected devices. These devices can be smartphones, tablets, computers, and wearables. LinkedIn mentions cloud computing as the most demanding tech skill, along with big data and artificial intelligence. This technology allows those intending to master the fundamental and advanced Cloud computing skills.

    Where is cloud computing applied?

    Cloud computing is applied in various fields like education, data storage, social networking, entertainment, management, disaster recovery, data backup, and big data analytics.

    Will cloud computing kill data centres?

    Cloud computing will not kill the data centre; instead, it will transform it. With the combination of the flexibility of agility of centralised public clouds, the geographic distribution, and efficient performance of localised computing, Cloud computing has facilitated the development of data centres.  With the help of Cloud computing, data centres can now provide benefits like allowing enterprises to set up and substantially scale their applications anywhere without capitalising on new infrastructure.

    How is cloud computing changing management?

    Cloud computing is changing the process of product design. It facilitates excellent collaboration between the business IT department and several other business units such as finance, sales, and forecasting. Also, it promotes powerful customer communication and allows businesses to mutually develop products with their consumers.

    Can Cloud computing affect privacy?

    Cloud computing can cause privacy disabling. The safe processing of personal data in the Cloud denotes a challenge. Without acknowledging the server's physical location or the way the personal data is configured, the end-users utilise Cloud services without knowing what processes are involved.  Storing personal data in cyberspace can present a threat to individual privacy.

    Can cloud computing manage inventory and shipping?

    With the help of Cloud computing, stores can immediately refer to customers' purchasing history. It lets them check the status of orders regardless of the time and place the order was placed. Moreover, it gives retailers real-time access to all the data associated with customers and their orders. So, retailers can provide recommendations, coupon codes, exclusive membership offers, and other deals to enhance their reliability in the market.

    Is Cloud computing the future?

    With the implementation of Cloud computing, businesses can save money on servers, storage, and management services. The reason is these services can be migrated to the Cloud with the least cost, thus increasing their operations' efficiency. Cloud computing is powerful and will continue to develop in the future.