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Robin Joseph Abraham

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How Much Does YouTube Make in India? What Does YouTube Pay for Views?
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How Much Does YouTube Make in India? What Does YouTube Pay for Views?

YouTube Monetisation: How Much Money do Indian Creators Make? The world is rapidly moving towards online visual content, and engaging video content is constantly evolving to cater to the needs of this generation. Though there are numerous video content platforms, YouTube definitely tops the list. Individuals from all backgrounds, with a few basic types of equipment, can start on their YouTube journey. There is no basic qualification or work experience required to become a Youtuber. This widens the scope for Indians from any nook and corner to join this platform. As of January 2023, Youtube has 46.7 crore active users per month. By selecting a smart niche and applying a few video blogging tricks, creators can attract crores of viewers. The more innovative and quality-rich video one uploads, the more possibility to get a higher number of views.  Learn digital marketing courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. But how much does YouTube pay to the creators on its platform? Let’s look at the current monetisation chart for YouTube videos in India. View Count Estimated Earnings in India  10,000 (10k) INR 200-500 1,00,000 (100k) INR 2000-5000 10,00,000 (1 million) INR 7000-30,000 1500,00,000 (150 million) INR 1,50,000-6,00,000 Source The most critical aspect of earning money on YouTube is the number of views. YouTube pays the creators per 1000 views on their videos. But a YouTuber salary in India is not exactly the revenue generated per video. YouTube pays 55% of the earnings to the creator and takes 45% of the revenue generated.  How to earn money on YouTube in India? A side hustle or a full-time job, YouTube has proved to fit all criteria for Indians. The country with one of the largest youth populations has aptly utilised this social media platform to its full potential, and YouTube has not disappointed in any way.  To own a monetised channel and generate revenue is the dream of every content creator on YouTube. The best ways to earn money on YouTube in India are – 1. Monetising the YouTube channel through YouTube Partner Programme  To monetise your YouTube channel, you need to join the YPP of YouTube and start obtaining more views through quality content, after which you will receive some monetary benefit per 1000 views on your videoes.  2. Affiliate Marketing on YouTube All you do is promote a product via a link, and you earn a percentage from every sale via that link. 3. Sponsoring brands with specific content Sponsorship channels have become quite popular these days as brands pay them handsomely to endorse their products.  4. Selling merchandise A YouTube channel dedicated to niches such as technology, fashion, and others can be used to sell your personalised merchandise. 5. By creating a premium channel on YouTube  Having a premium channel means you make your viewers pay you directly by giving them a premium quality video-watching experience. 6. Good quality YouTube Shorts videos To earn through Shorts, you need to join the YPP after fulfilling all its eligibility criteria. With a consumer generation with a reduced attention span, YouTube Shorts is a valuable medium to generate income on Youtube. 7. Crowdfunding via Live streaming Big YouTube channels with a sizeable number of subscribers opt for this option. Their loyal followers join their live streams, where creators can pitch for their cause and gather funds online. 8. Running ads One can run various types of ads, such as skippable, non-skippable, bumper, display, discovery, and others. The advertiser pays the creators every time their ads are run or for each click on their ad. For this, longer videos benefit from running multiple and generating higher revenue per video. How much do YouTubers earn in India?  On a worldwide platform such as YouTube, creators can generate a handsome income by gathering a sizeable number of views. While the revenue per 1,000 views generated in India is comparatively lower than in other counties like Norway, the UK, and the USA, it is estimated that the top 10% of YouTubers in India earn about Rs 2.9 lakhs per month, whereas the top 1% make an average of Rs 13 lakhs per month. On average, an Indian Youtuber earns Rs 0.053 per view. It should also be noted that the amount of income also depends on the quality of content, the location of the viewers, the niche of the video, the types of ads running, along with the views on the channel. Which categories make the most money? The revenue generated by a video majorly depends on the niche of the video. Creators choose their niche based on their level of expertise on the topic. Based on the type and quality of content, it is decided how much YouTube pay to the creators.  The categories which generate the highest revenue are – Affiliate marketing Stock market Investment Drop shipping Content creation Personal Finance Sports Beauty and fashion Comedy Entertainment Types of Monetisation on YouTube The money flow on YouTube directly depends on the content’s quality and views. When creating content on YouTube, the content creators need to monetise their channels to start earning from their creation. For this, the YouTube channel first needs to be part of the YouTube Partnership Programme (YPP). Now, for a Channel to be eligible to join the YPP, it should have 4,000 valid watch hours 10,000 subscribers for the last 365 days The creator should live in a country where the YPP is available The channel must not have any Community Guidelines strikes The creator duly follows all the YouTube channel monetisation policies As of the announcement made by YouTube, from February 2023, YouTube channels can monetise their short video content (Shorts) through the YouTube Partnership Program. The eligibility criteria are that the channels should have 1,000 subscribers 10 million public shorts views in the past 90 days  The creator should live in a country where the YPP is available The channel must not have any Community Guidelines strikes All the content is original and does not have fake views from bots Subsequent to monetisation, the factors that affect how much do YouTubers earn per video are – Cost Per Mile (CPM) CPM is the value advertiser pays content creators for every 1,000 views of their advertisement. CPM values majorly differ based on the location of views. The country with the highest CPM rate is Norway, with a value of Rs 3,561/ 1,000 views (approx), followed by Germany, Moldova, Algeria, South Korea, Sweden, Finland, the UK, Canada and the US. India has a CPM value of Rs 53.46 for every 1,000 views. Revenue Per Mile (RPM) RPM refers to how much YouTubers earn for every 1,000 views on their videos. This is the metric creators are most concerned about. The RPM varies with the niche of the video. The niches with the highest rates of CPM are affiliate marketing, stock market, investment, drop shipping, content creation, personal finance, sports, beauty, and fashion. Cost Per Click (CPC) CPC is the value an advertiser pays per click on their ads.  Best Digital Marketing Courses Online Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management - MICA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication - MICA Performance Marketing Bootcamp - Google Ads from upGrad To Explore all our courses, visit our page below. Digital Marketing Courses Factors Affecting Revenue Generation Length of video – Longer videos give more watch hours and the opportunity to run more ads  Quality of content – Good quality content brings loyal viewers and more revenue Consistent sharing of content – Consistency keeps viewers interested and entertained In-demand Digital Marketing Skills Advertising Courses Influencer Marketing Courses SEO Courses Performance Marketing Courses SEM Courses Email Marketing Courses Content Marketing Courses Social Media Marketing Courses Marketing Analytics Courses Web Analytics Courses Display Advertising Courses Affiliate Marketing Courses Strategies to Increase YouTube Earnings in India Focus on High-Quality Content To increase your YouTube income in India, prioritize creating high-quality content that perfectly resonates with your target audience. This means ensuring your videos are engaging, informative, and visually appealing. This will not only attract more viewers but also keep them coming back with time. Understand Your Audience Take the time to understand the likes and interests of your Indian audience for youtube income per view. Consider factors such as demographics, cultural nuances, and trending topics. Tailor your content to cater to their needs and interests, which can lead to higher viewer engagement and, ultimately, increased earnings. Optimize Monetization Options Explore and leverage different monetization options available on YouTube, such as ads, channel memberships, merchandise shelf, and Super Chat for getting to know how much youtube pay in india. Experiment with these features to find the best combination that maximizes your earnings without compromising the viewer experience. Strategic Video Publishing Schedule Consistency is key on YouTube to know how to get monetized on youtube. Develop a strategic publishing schedule that aligns with your audience’s viewing habits. Analyze your channel analytics to identify peak times when your viewers are most active and schedule your uploads accordingly to maximize engagement and monetization opportunities. Promote Your Videos If you are thinking about how to earn money from YouTube, don’t just rely on YouTube’s algorithms to promote your videos. Actively promote your content across various social media platforms, forums, and communities relevant to your niche. Engage with your audience and encourage them to share your videos, which can lead to increased views and earnings. Collaborate with Other YouTubers Collaborating with other popular YouTubers in India can help expose your channel to a wider audience and attract new viewers. Look for creators who share similar interests or target demographics and explore collaboration opportunities such as guest appearances, co-hosted videos, or cross-promotions, helping with 1 million views on youtube money. Engage with Your Audience If you are wondering how do you make money on youtube, foster a sense of community on your channel by actively engaging with your audience through comments, polls, and live streams. Respond to viewer feedback, address their questions, and incorporate their suggestions into your content where appropriate. Building a strong connection with your audience can lead to increased loyalty and support, translating into higher earnings. Diversify Revenue Streams In addition to YouTube earnings, consider diversifying your revenue streams by exploring alternative monetization avenues such as sponsored content, affiliate marketing, and selling digital products or services related to your niche. This can help supplement your YouTube income and provide more stability in the long run. Stay Updated with Trends Keep a close eye on the latest trends and developments in the Indian YouTube ecosystem for YouTube income. Stay updated on popular topics, viral challenges, and emerging content formats to stay relevant and capitalize on opportunities for increased visibility and earnings and how much a youtuber earn in india Monitor and Analyze Performance Continuously monitor and analyze the performance of your videos and channel using YouTube Analytics for youtube income details. Identify trends, patterns, and areas for improvement, and adjust your strategy accordingly to optimize your earnings potential over time. How Much Does YouTube Pay Creators in India? Google’s AdSense Program Google’s AdSense program is a primary method through which YouTube creators in India receive payment for their content. This program allows creators in the YouTube Partner Program to earn money based on the number of views their videos receive. To start earning through AdSense, creators need to set up an AdSense account through YouTube Studio and enhanced youtube income per view. To qualify for AdSense monetization, creators must meet certain criteria. This includes having at least 1,000 subscribers and accumulating 4,000 hours of watch time on their channel within the past 12 months. Earnings Based on Various Factors The amount of money a creator earns per view on YouTube in India depends on several factors. These factors include the number of views their videos receive, the size of their subscriber base, the engagement level of viewers with ads, and the cost per click of those ads. The actual payment amount varies depending on factors such as the overall popularity of the channel and the revenue generated from specific advertisers. YouTube Partner Program (YPP) The YouTube Partner Program (YPP) offers creators in India additional benefits and monetization opportunities. This program grants access to resources and features that support creators in growing their channels. Additionally, creators enrolled in YPP gain access to dedicated support from YouTube’s Creator Support teams. To qualify for YPP, creators must adhere to YouTube’s monetization policies, reside in a country where YPP is available, have no active Community Guidelines strikes on their channel, enable 2-Step Verification for their Google Account, and link an active AdSense account to their channel. Furthermore, channels must have at least 1,000 subscribers and accumulate 4,000 valid public watch hours within the last 12 months to be eligible for YPP participation. How does YouTube’s monetization system work? YouTube’s monetization system enables content creators to earn money by monetizing their videos through various methods, primarily advertising revenue, memberships, and merchandise. Advertising Revenue YouTube allows creators to earn money through advertisements displayed before, during, or after their videos. Creators can apply for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP) once they meet certain eligibility criteria, including having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once approved, they can enable monetization of their videos and start earning revenue, how much does youtube pay in india. Memberships Another way creators can monetize their content is through channel memberships. This feature allows viewers to become paying members of a channel in exchange for perks like exclusive badges, emojis, and access to members-only content or live chats. Creators can set monthly membership fees and offer different tiers with varying benefits. Merchandise Shelf YouTube offers the option for creators to showcase their merchandise directly beneath their videos using the merchandise shelf feature. Creators can link their YouTube channel with their approved merchandise partners and display their products for viewers to purchase. This provides an additional revenue stream for creators while offering fans a convenient way to support their favorite channels. Transitioning between methods Creators often utilize a combination of these monetization methods to maximize their earnings. For instance, they may start with advertising revenue and gradually introduce memberships or merchandise as their audience grows and engagement increases. Diversifying revenue streams not only enhances earning potential but also fosters stronger connections with viewers through exclusive content and merchandise offerings. Ways for You to Earn Money from YouTube In India Creating Engaging Content The first step to earning money on YouTube is to create content that resonates with your audience. Choose a niche that interests you and that you believe will appeal to viewers in India. Whether it’s cooking, gaming, education, or entertainment, make sure your content is engaging and provides value to your viewers. Building Your Audience Once you’ve decided on your niche, focus on building your audience. Consistently upload high-quality videos and interact with your viewers through comments and social media. Encourage them to subscribe to your channel and share your content with others. Building a loyal fanbase is essential for increasing your views and watch time, which are key metrics for earning money on YouTube. Monetization To start earning money on YouTube in India, you need to meet the eligibility criteria for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP). This includes having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once you meet these requirements, you can apply for monetization through AdSense. Advertising Revenue One of the primary ways YouTubers earn money is through advertising revenue. YouTube displays ads on your videos, and you earn a share of the revenue generated from those ads. The more views your videos get, the more money you can earn from advertising. Channel Memberships and Super Chat Once you have a loyal fanbase, you can offer channel memberships and enable the Super Chat feature during live streams. Channel memberships allow viewers to pay a monthly fee to access exclusive perks like badges and emojis, while Super Chat allows them to highlight their messages during live streams for a fee. Sponsorships and Brand Deals As the channel grows, you may attract sponsorships and brand deals from companies looking to reach your audience. These can be lucrative opportunities to earn money through sponsored content, product placements, or affiliate marketing as 10 million views on youtube money, is sure. Merchandise Sales Finally, now that you know how to monetize youtube channel , the last point you can consider is by selling merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, or other branded products. YouTube has a feature called Merchandise Shelf that allows you to showcase your merchandise directly on your channel for viewers to purchase and know how do you make money on youtube. Conclusion YouTube has proved to be an eminent opportunity for every group of people in India to showcase their talent. Most Indians have taken to the platform to make videos of their specialisation and lifestyle, making YouTube a side hustle. On the other hand, many have grabbed this opportunity fully and made video creation on YouTube a full-time career. An average Indian YouTuber with a decent number of subscribers can earn more than Rs 25,000 INR per month, which is bound to grow with consistent efforts and smart growth tactics. 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Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert Future of Digital Marketing: How It Goes From Here Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs it Digital Marketing Challenges: How to Win Amidst the Challenges in Digital Marketing

by Robin Joseph Abraham

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05 Mar 2024

Zomato Marketing Strategy [2024]: Essential Learnings for Your Business
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Zomato Marketing Strategy [2024]: Essential Learnings for Your Business

Marketing and communications play a crucial role in the success of any business. The ability to effectively promote and communicate a brand’s value proposition can make all the difference in reaching and engaging with customers. Zomato is a prime example of a company that has mastered the art of marketing and communications and, as such, serves as a valuable case study for learners looking to understand more about these vital business functions. Zomato’s marketing and communication strategy is an excellent example of how a company can use a combination of advertising, digital marketing, and strategic partnerships and acquisitions to establish itself as a leader in its domain. The company’s use of data and analytics to track customer behaviour and preferences has also been a key driver of its digital marketing success. As a student, understanding the strategies and tactics used by Zomato can provide valuable insights into creating and executing effective marketing campaigns and communication strategies for your own business. Learn digital marketing courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. In this article, we will take a deeper look at the Zomato marketing strategy and explore some key takeaways that students aspiring to be marketing and communications professionals can learn from. Advertising Campaigns One of the key elements of Zomato marketing strategy is its advertising campaign. The company has leveraged a variety of mediums, including television, print, and digital, to reach its target audience. The brand’s advertising campaigns have been bold and impactful and have effectively communicated the company’s value proposition.  One of the most successful campaigns was the “Zomato for Couples” campaign, which featured real-life couples and their love stories. The campaign received a lot of attention and helped to establish Zomato as a brand that understands and caters to its target audience.  Another example is Zomato’s “Foodie by birth” campaign, which was launched to target the youth and reached over 50 million people in just three months. The campaign was so successful that it was featured in the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity. Some of the key takeaways from Zomato’s use of clever and precise advertising include:  Effectively communicating a brand’s value proposition is crucial to reaching the target audience.  Utilising multiple mediums, including television, print, and digital, to reach the target audience is important for maximising impact.  Being bold, creative and impactful in advertising campaigns can help a brand stand out from the competition. Understanding and catering to the target audience’s needs and emotions can be done by creating campaigns that resonate with them. Being creative and innovative in advertising campaigns can help to reach a wider audience. Building trust and relatability with the target audience helps to establish a strong brand image. Digital Marketing Strategy Another key aspect of any Zomato marketing strategy is its strategic approach to effectively leverage digital marketing. The company has an active presence on various digital platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, and uses these platforms to engage with customers, share updates, and run promotions.  Zomato digital marketing strategy incorporates the use of search engine optimisation (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) to drive traffic to its website and increase visibility. Apart from this, the way Zomato has been on top of its analytics in order to properly understand its customer behaviour, and cater to them accordingly, has been truly commendable. According to a study by KPMG, Zomato’s digital advertising expense in India in 2019 was around INR 100 crores, roughly 14 million US dollars. This shows the company’s focus on digital marketing. Here’s what you can take away from Zomato’s digital marketing stunts: Being active on digital platforms is crucial to reaching a wider audience and engaging with customers. Search engine optimisation and search engine marketing strategies can help increase brand visibility and reach a wider audience. Using data and analytics to track customer behaviour and preferences is essential to make data-driven decisions and measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts. Reaching a wider audience and increasing brand awareness are crucial to driving business growth. Partnerships and Acquisitions In addition to its advertising and digital marketing efforts, Zomato has also made strategic partnerships and acquisitions to expand its reach and offerings. For example, the company’s acquisition of TongueStun, an online food delivery platform, helped it to expand its presence in the South Indian market.  Similarly, the company’s partnership with BookMyShow, an online ticketing platform, has allowed it to offer customers the option to book tables at restaurants through the Zomato platform. Such strategic moves have helped the company to increase its market share and reach more customers. Some of the important pointers to note from how Zomato goes about with its acquisitions and partnerships include: Identifying potential partners and opportunities that can help grow a business and reach new audiences. Strategic partnerships and acquisitions can help expand a business’s reach and offerings in a particular market. What can we take away from Zomato’s marketing and communications genius? Evidently, Zomato has worked hard on its digital marketing and communications front, and the results speak for themselves. Amidst all this, there are a lot of important lessons that one can take away from Zomato’s excellent marketing strategies. Here are some of them:  Understanding your target audience Zomato has demonstrated exceptional acumen in identifying and catering to its target market through targeted marketing campaigns and the shrewd use of data and analytics to gauge customer behaviour and preferences. This shows the importance of precisely identifying and understanding your target audience by conducting market research and analysing data to gain insights into their needs and preferences. Leveraging the power of digital platforms Zomato advertising campaigns have effectively leveraged the power of digital platforms to reach its target audience and drive business growth. This includes using social media to engage with customers, running promotions and leveraging SEO and SEM to increase visibility. In doing so, Zomato has clearly highlighted the importance of being present and active on different digital platforms and tools to reach your target audience and track your marketing efforts. Using data and analytics Zomato’s proficiency in utilising data and analytics to monitor customer behaviour and preferences has been vital to its digital marketing success. This exemplifies the importance of data and analytics in comprehending customer behaviour, evaluating the performance of marketing strategies, and making informed decisions. Creativity and Innovation Zomato advertising campaigns have been bold and impactful due to their creativity and innovation. Such outside-the-box thinking is always something to learn from to develop new and novel ways to reach your target audience and execute effective marketing campaigns. Apart from the creative campaigns already discussed, Zomato has also been responsible for quirky campaigns like “Ghar ka Khaana”, “Zomato Boy”, “Ride to Fame”, and more.  Best Digital Marketing Courses Online Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management - MICA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication - MICA Performance Marketing Bootcamp - Google Ads from upGrad To Explore all our courses, visit our page below. Digital Marketing Courses Strategic Partnerships and Acquisitions Zomato’s partnerships and acquisitions have played a crucial role in expanding the reach and offerings of the company. By partnering with other businesses, Zomato has been able to offer its customers a wider range of products and services. For example, Zomato has partnered with various food delivery services and acquired companies like UrbanSpoon, a restaurant discovery platform, to expand its services. This shows the importance of being on top of the general happenings in the business world so that you can identify relevant partnership or acquisition opportunities when they arrive. In-demand Digital Marketing Skills Advertising Courses Influencer Marketing Courses SEO Courses Performance Marketing Courses SEM Courses Email Marketing Courses Content Marketing Courses Social Media Marketing Courses Marketing Analytics Courses Web Analytics Courses Display Advertising Courses Affiliate Marketing Courses Consistency in Branding Zomato has been consistent in its branding, which has helped to build a strong brand image and reputation. This reinstates the importance of consistency in branding, messaging, and visual elements that help to establish a strong brand identity and make a lasting impression. One of the clear ways to spot this consistency is by going through a few of their campaigns. There’s one thing that you just won’t be able to miss – the quirkiness and the tongue-in-cheek humour. This attitude has also been reflected in Zomato’s other marketing initiatives, including its social media presence, emailers, billboard posters, and more.  All in all, Zomato digital marketing strategy highlights how important it is for a business to thoroughly understand its target audience and use creative methods of reaching out to them. Digital Marketing Free courses to Learn Influencer marketing free course Introduction to advertising free course Influencer marketing right free course SEO basics free course SEM basics free course Email marketing free course Social media marketing introduction free course How to leverage user generated content free course Content marketing free course Fundamentals of marketing free course Brand marketing masterclass free course Conclusion The Zomato marketing approach is an admirable illustration of how a firm can leverage a combination of advertising, digital marketing, and strategic partnerships and acquisitions to establish dominance in its industry. There is a lot to learn from each and every campaign that Zomato initiated – and this blog makes it very clear!  To further deepen your understanding of marketing strategies and brand communication, Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management Program, brought to you by upGrad from MICA, can be an exceptional pick to strengthen your career. Learn how to create and execute effective marketing campaigns and track their performance for enhanced progress from industry experts in this course. Enrol now to jumpstart your career with upGrad! Popular Digital Marketing Blogs Beginners Guide to YouTube Marketing : Complete List How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel? Top 5 Actionable Steps The Complete Guide on setting up a LinkedIn Company Page Everything You Need To Know About Digital Marketing A Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy: What it is and How to create it? Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert Future of Digital Marketing: How It Goes From Here Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs it Digital Marketing Challenges: How to Win Amidst the Challenges in Digital Marketing

by Robin Joseph Abraham

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12 Mar 2023

Abandoned Carts: How to Send Remarketing Emails to Follow up?
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Abandoned Carts: How to Send Remarketing Emails to Follow up?

Perhaps, one of the biggest challenges the e-commerce business faces today is when customers or shoppers add any particular product to their cart and abandon it at checkout.  Studies indicate that as much as 70% of shoppers tend to abandon their carts during checkout. The worst part? This number has been consistently increasing in recent years.  Now, there can be multiple reasons behind doing so. For example, some might feel that the shipping costs of the product are too high, or they might want to consider comparing the product prices with other online sites. Nonetheless, marketers are always trying to encourage these said shoppers to complete their transactions, even after leaving the site.  So, what is the solution to this problem?  Let’s explore abandoned cart emails, their various types and also a few successful abandoned cart recovery strategies to make well-informed decisions and tackle similar situations.  Learn digital marketing courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. Understanding Abandoned Cart Emails Before we delve deeper into the various abandoned cart recovery strategies, let’s start with the basics. What exactly do we mean by abandoned cart emails?  To put it simply, abandoned cart emails, also referred to as remarketing emails, are follow-up emails sent by online retailers to those customers who have added a particular item to their cart but did not purchase it during the checkout process and simply abandoned it.  The main purpose of sending these follow-up emails is to remind the consumers of the items left in the cart and urge them to purchase. Various studies have been conducted on this problem, and it has been found that most online retailers have an abandoned cart rate of as much as 15%. However, simply sending a follow-up mail does not guarantee that the consumer will make the purchase after all. You have to curate the mail in a specified manner and send it at the right time if you wish to get any results. Therefore, it is always advised to send your first remarketing email within 60 minutes of the customers leaving your site, abandoning the product in their cart.  Remarketing Emails: Making the Most of It There are three ways to make the most out of your remarketing emails. Immediate Follow-Up This refers to the email you will send to your customer within the first 60 minutes of them leaving your site. You can personalise the mail by adding images of the product they have left behind, or you can simply use personalised text.  Second Follow-Up A second follow-up mail refers to the email sent to the consumers within 24 hours of leaving the site. Much like the previous one, you should personalise the email in an interesting manner, or you can also add reviews or testimonials of other consumers who have purchased the same product. The idea is to present yourself as the best brand in front of your audience.  Final Follow-Up Last but certainly not least, if none of the above has worked, you can try out a final follow-up email containing exciting offers such as free shipping, additional discount, or a free gift.  Source Why Are They Important? Abandoned cart emails are important for a plethora of reasons. The following list highlights some of the most crucial ones. Improves Customer Experience The first and foremost reason abandoned cart emails are so important is that it helps you as a retailer improve the shopping experience for your customers. Wondering how so? Even after sending a remarketing email, if the customer does not respond or make the purchase, you can still collect vital information, such as why that particular product was abandoned in the first place and similar things. This, in turn, helps you make a well-informed decision to satisfy your customer’s needs and demands in the future.  Saves Resources Time and money are the two most important resources for any business. Therefore, if you wish to save up on these resources, then setting up remarketing emails is the best way to do so.  Improves Customer Relationships The first and foremost reason abandoned cart emails are so important is that it helps you as a retailer improve the shopping experience for your customers. Once a customer feels that a company values them, they are automatically drawn to that particular brand, which ultimately leads to a long-lasting relationship. A Few Successful Abandoned Cart Recovery Strategies Here are some crucial abandoned cart recovery strategies that every business owner should keep in mind if they wish to improve their recovery rate. Source Ratings and Reviews Trust and loyalty are the two main pillars on which the business world thrives. Therefore, if you want your customers to make a purchase from your brand or site, it is very important to gain their trust. One way to do this is by including reviews and ratings of your products in the emails. In fact, a recent study has concluded that ratings and testimonials of previous customers influence as much as 88% of consumers. So why not use this opportunity to expand your business?  Focus on a single product Generally, customers tend to add multiple types of the same product to their cart. It can be safe to assume that, in these situations, the shopper might not have the same buying intention for all these products. Therefore, you can select the best-selling product in the cart as a retailer instead of focusing on the ten different types. Once you have selected that product, you can market it in various manners to the customer, such as highlighting its top features or communicating the USPs of that particular product.  Best Online Digital Marketing Courses Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management - MICA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication - MICA Performance Marketing Bootcamp - Google Ads from upGrad To explore all our certification courses on Digital Marketing, kindly visit our page below. Digital Marketing Certification Discount Coupons One of the most common strategies used by retailers is giving discount coupons to lure in more customers. However, most do not realise that this can bear the loss for your brand if you are not doing it tactfully.  The ideal way is to provide discount coupons to new customers instead of your loyal consumers since they have already indicated a willingness to purchase from your brand. To retain their loyalty, you can develop various reward and loyalty programs so that they continue to feel valued and important by the brand.  Top Digital Marketing Skills Online Advertising Courses Influencer Marketing Programs SEO Optimisation Courses Performance Marketing Certification Search Engine Marketing Course Email Marketing Strategy Content Marketing Strategy Social Media Advertising Digital Marketing Analytics Website Analytics Online Display Advertising Best Affiliate Programs Utilise different tools and platforms Another effective abandoned cart recovery strategy is exploring various fun tools and platforms instead of just focusing on one tactic. For example, you can try out tools such as Shoelace that lets you create automated retargeted ads or harness the power of push notifications or texts.  Implementing these additional tactics in your marketing plan surely improves your chances of increasing your recovery rate. However, while doing so, ensure that the message you are distributing through these different channels is consistent and does not contradict each other.  Digital Marketing Free courses to Learn Influencer marketing free course Introduction to advertising free course Influencer marketing right free course SEO basics free course SEM basics free course Email marketing free course Social media marketing introduction free course How to leverage user generated content free course Content marketing free course Fundamentals of marketing free course Brand marketing masterclass free course Conclusion Customer retention is one of the most prominent means of business growth, and remarketing emails work as a powerful tool to fuel the same. Remember that, in any industry, be it the fashion industry or financial sector, customer retention is very important. The best way to do so is by securely establishing a long-term connection with them. If you face challenges in turning your potential customers into buyers, you should follow the strategies compiled in our blog to avoid abandoned carts and improve sales.  Additionally, you can also check out the Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication course from upGrad to sharpen your marketing skills. Offered under the guidance of the nation’s most reputable institute, MICA, this certificate program comes with diverse benefits, including lectures from industry professionals and 24/7 student support. The program offers four specialisations, enabling candidates to pave a career in their chosen field of interest.  Check out the course to start your journey to becoming a leading marketing professional! Popular Digital Marketing Blogs Beginners Guide to YouTube Marketing : Complete List How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel? Top 5 Actionable Steps The Complete Guide on setting up a LinkedIn Company Page Everything You Need To Know About Digital Marketing A Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy: What it is and How to create it? Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert Future of Digital Marketing: How It Goes From Here Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs it Digital Marketing Challenges: How to Win Amidst the Challenges in Digital Marketing

by Robin Joseph Abraham

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18 Feb 2023

What Is Facebook Pixel? Learn in Details
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What Is Facebook Pixel? Learn in Details

Online transactions are widespread, especially on social media. Everything from massive, global enterprises to modest artists who operate from home may be found online. Any business owner, salesperson, digital marketer, or upcoming YouTube podcaster wishes to have a clear picture of how users act on their websites and interact with their ads, regardless of the size of the firm. Facebook Pixel code is one such tool to assist users in leveraging analytics and enhancing their service promotion through better campaigns and advertising endeavours. Facebook Pixel code, being the third most prominently used analytics tracking tool in India, observes great popularity among digital marketers aiming to enhance their marketing tactics. Let’s explore how Facebook Pixel works and how it can be leveraged towards growth! Learn digital marketing courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. Understanding Facebook Pixel Facebook Pixel, a web analytics script, is a piece of code that is added to your website. Facebook Pixel integration enables you to gather information to improve your ads, create target audiences for future advertising, and remarket to website visitors who have already interacted with them.  The Pixel gathers crucial information from each website activity that helps you to build ad campaigns that improve your chances of continuing to run a successful Facebook ad campaign. By using the Facebook Pixel code, you may provide your advertising campaigns with strong capabilities like retargeting, lead generation, and in-depth audiences. What can Facebook Pixel be used for? A Facebook Pixel code is used to track events like –  Page View Time Scroll Depth Add to cart Purchase Create retargeting campaigns Since Facebook is presently one of the most popular social media sites, Facebook Pixel enhances your advertising performance and is a powerful resource to have access to and be knowledgeable about.  The Pixel collects vital information from each action taken on your website, enabling you to develop marketing plans that increase the probability that Facebook advertisements will be successful. For instance, if you run advertisements, Pixel logs every click on your website and connects the related traffic to an advertisement. You may set up Pixel to track user activity in the background on your website if you don’t want to further personalise the data collected.  How Does Facebook Pixel Work? Thanks to Pixel, which connects the data and behaviours of website visitors to their Facebook profiles, you can add complex features like conversion optimisation, retargeting, and in-depth audiences to your ad campaigns. If you don’t want to further personalise the recorded data, you may configure Pixel to operate in the background of your website and track user activity.  The usage of sophisticated features like conversion optimisation, retargeting, and in-depth audiences may be added to your ad campaigns, courtesy of Pixel, which links the data and activities of website visitors to their Facebook profiles. Let’s say you want to see growth in your internet business. Then, you must have a firm grasp of social media marketing analytics, and Pixel enables you to leverage consumer activity data to target your audience. What are the Benefits of Facebook Pixel? Since we already understand what Facebook Pixel is and how it works, let’s look at its benefits in detail –  It is a free tool. It is a great way to check Facebook ads’ effectiveness. It is a great conversion-tracking tool. Pixel boosts your revenue and sales by tailoring advertisements to website users most inclined to take a particular action. Pixel targets advertisements to the appropriate audiences who do specific activities, resulting in more and better data-driven decisions. It gives you a better understanding of your audience. You get access to Facebook Analytics. With the help of audiences with similar interests and demographics to your main target audience, Pixel even enables you to grow your Facebook advertisements profitably. Conversions with Facebook Pixel Events You’re more likely to make a loss with Facebook advertising without a Pixel. Pixel enables you to customise your efforts to more profitable objectives. Again, the Pixel is the key component to ensuring that your Facebook advertisements get the best possible outcomes. Let’s take a look at how Facebook Pixel enhances your Facebook advertising strategies.  Retargeting with Facebook Pixel  You may design complex and simple combinations to retarget your consumer the way you want by using events and custom conversions. You may utilise Facebook advertising more effectively with the help of a Pixel to boost its effectiveness and profitability. Customising and Optimising Audiences Follow the following steps for building your audience –  You must go to “Audiences” in your ad account to build a custom audience using Pixel data. Choose “website” as the data source and make sure the appropriate ad account and Pixel are shown there.  You can now build your custom audience with the filters provided.  Lookalike Audiences  The ability to deploy lookalike audiences in your Facebook advertising is perhaps one of the best features that the Pixel gives you access to. You may rapidly find new users and clients that have the same traits as people already using your website by utilising lookalike audiences. How do you set up Facebook Pixel? Knowing its purpose, you should install the Facebook Pixel on your website. You can accomplish it by performing the steps mentioned below –  Create an account on Facebook Pixel  You must first create your account on Pixel. Go to your Facebook Events Manager and choose ‘Web’ under ‘Connect a Data Source’. To proceed, pick Facebook Pixel, then click Connect. You must then add all the Pixel details.  Add the Pixel to your website  Here is how you can integrate Facebook Pixel into your website –  Manually Facebook Pixel works well when it is available on each page of the website. The process is very simple since you do not need to integrate it on every page; you can just put the required code under the global header between <head> and </head> of the website. Use a ‘tag manager’ or ‘integration’ Under ‘settings’, click on ‘data sharing settings’, click on the ‘customer data sharing’ section and then on ‘enable data sharing’.  You can choose the data sharing level, which is ‘standard’, ‘enhanced’, or ‘maximum’.  Follow the instructions on the screen and create your Facebook Pixel. Once you confirm, your setup will be complete.  Email all your instructions to your developer You may also email instructions and the necessary code to the web developer who manages your website so they can add the Facebook Pixel. Enter the developer’s email address and choose the option ‘Email Instructions to a Developer’. Utilise the Facebook Pixel Helper to check the code’s functionality after implementation. Facebook Pixel Helper also alerts you to issues so you may repeat the installation process and make sure everything is running well.  Via Shopify Go to your Shopify online store settings and put your Pixel ID where it asks to install Pixel. Best Online Digital Marketing Courses Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management - MICA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication - MICA Performance Marketing Bootcamp - Google Ads from upGrad To explore all our certification courses on Digital Marketing, kindly visit our page below. Digital Marketing Certification Via Squarespace You must visit your Marketing settings in Squarespace to install the Pixel. Your marketing options may be found by selecting Marketing from the Home Menu, clicking Facebook Pixel & Ads, and then pasting your Pixel ID into the form. Top Digital Marketing Skills Online Advertising Courses Influencer Marketing Programs SEO Optimisation Courses Performance Marketing Certification Search Engine Marketing Course Email Marketing Strategy Content Marketing Strategy Social Media Advertising Digital Marketing Analytics Website Analytics Online Display Advertising Best Affiliate Programs Via WordPress Install the Facebook plugin and Pixel in WordPress. Start by selecting WordPress in the partner integration area of the Pixel setup. You will receive a link to download the plugin from there. Install the plugin on WordPress, then fill in the forms with your ID. Digital Marketing Free courses to Learn Influencer marketing free course Introduction to advertising free course Influencer marketing right free course SEO basics free course SEM basics free course Email marketing free course Social media marketing introduction free course How to leverage user generated content free course Content marketing free course Fundamentals of marketing free course Brand marketing masterclass free course Conclusion Facebook Pixel aims to enhance your advertising outcomes on the network, and by gathering data, it aids in the development of your website as well. Additionally, because Facebook Pixel is free, easy to install, configure, and, most importantly, utilise and analyse, many businesses may immediately begin utilising them to benefit from them. Knowing the ins and outs of Facebook Pixel can help you boost your business at an exceptional rate! While Facebook Pixel can be a revolutionary addition to your digital marketing strategy, knowing your way through other marketing tools and platforms is equally important. Strengthen your digital marketing skills with the Digital Marketing Job Linked Bootcamp provided under the guidance of leading industry professionals, brought to you by upGrad! Check out the course to initiate your path to becoming a leading digital marketing professional! Popular Digital Marketing Blogs Beginners Guide to YouTube Marketing : Complete List How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel? Top 5 Actionable Steps The Complete Guide on setting up a LinkedIn Company Page Everything You Need To Know About Digital Marketing A Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy: What it is and How to create it? Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert Future of Digital Marketing: How It Goes From Here Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs it Digital Marketing Challenges: How to Win Amidst the Challenges in Digital Marketing

by Robin Joseph Abraham

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17 Feb 2023

Rich Snippets Layout Potential on Google: All you need to know
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Rich Snippets Layout Potential on Google: All you need to know

Today’s Google SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is packed with useful tools and enhanced organic results, or “rich snippets.” Rich snippets are a new way of presenting snippets that uses Google’s algorithms to draw attention to structured data embedded in web pages. Featuring under more than 19% of SERPS, rich snippets extend informative, data-backed results to help users obtain better answers to their queries. Learn digital marketing courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. But exactly what are Google Rich Snippets? Let’s explore! What are Rich Snippets? Snippets are the initial results that appear when a user searches for anything on Google and include specialised information like definitions and direct answers, in addition to providing photos and other supplementary material. Initially, the most helpful and informative links would show up first, but the order was the only determining criterion for ranking. Every result contained an identical layout, informational content, and word count. This improved over time as businesses increased their user experience investments. They concluded that in order to simplify locating relevant information for users, the SERPs needed to be given more context. As a result, rich snippets were incorporated, which offered a more approachable, logical, and objective way. Google features these SEO snippets by extracting the structured data it deems important for a better understanding of the content from the HTML of the page. It may be a rating for a film, the preparation time for a dish, or an image of the item you’re describing. Because of this, obtaining rich snippets requires both quality material and appropriate coding.  Benefits of Rich Snippets layout potential –  While Rich Snippets has a positive impact, let us deeply understand its benefits to better comprehend its implementation. Presented at the top of the search results Featured Rich Snippets are the first listings consumers see on search results pages, ahead of sponsored adverts. Considering that rank improvement in search results is the main objective of SEO, having one of these response boxes provides you with a distinct edge. Ahref conducted a study that stated that featured snippets comprise 8.6% of the clicks on SERPs, while the top organic search takes up about 19% of the clicks. While the clicks on featured snippets are fewer, it still takes up some traffic.  Helps you get more traffic Rich Snippets aid in increasing traffic to the websites they are linked to by being at the top of the Google results pages or close to it. More traffic boosts your website page’s credibility in Google’s eyes, which is important for improved SEO ranking. When it comes to search rankings, it increases the importance and power of the pages in your subject clusters. Types of Rich Snippets  Rich snippets come in different varieties. Depending on the structured data or schema markups you apply, Google will present one of these options or another –  Product Snippets This organised data is crucial for internet retailers. The product information like price and availability is communicated using the appropriate rich snippets. Events Rich snippets for events include details like the event’s category, location, and time. Source Review Snippets Star ratings are probably something you’ve seen in search results a few times. Such rich bits elicit trust. If the rating is good, it may influence visitors to browse your page rather than one of your competitors. Snippets from reviews are excellent for movies and novels, among other things. Recipes Rich recipe snippets include extra details like preparation time, ratings and even the calorie count of the featured dish.  What is Structured Data in Rich Snippets? Google Rich snippets cannot be obtained without adding structured data (schema markups) to a page. You give some required information to search engines in this standardised style. With structured data, the Google crawler is able to recognise specific numeric and letter combinations such as opening times, addresses, and ratings right away.  Consequently, structured data acts as a sort of reading assistance for search engines. They also set up the environment for Rich Snippets. Inclusion in Knowledge graphs. Display of videos alongside some information under search results for ‘videos’. How to get support for creating Structured Data? Structured data creation, due to its simplicity, is readily understood by non-programmers as well. You can leverage Google Data Highlighter and its markup assistance to create structured data for your website. Using techniques like marking and labelling page areas can assist you in optimising your content without the need to learn any special coding.  Another option is structured data generators. They can only be used to produce specific kinds of structured data, though. With Google Tag Manager, you can now add structured data to your sites. The usage of JavaScript, however, forces the Googlebot to activate the code. While this may not be a preferred option for many, people still use it as an alternative.  How does a page qualify for Rich Snippets? If you want to create Google rich snippets for your page, you must do the following –  Select the required structured data or snippet type Add this structured data to your page Conduct a test to make sure it is added Make sure you only include schema markup for features that consumers to your page will view. The requirement that structured data be a “true-to-life representation of the website content” is also emphasised by Google. You shouldn’t designate streaming events as local events, for instance.  The available formats for structured data are – JSON-LD JavaScript Object Notation for Linked Data is known as JSON-LD. It assists users in embedding schema data in Javascript as opposed to microdata added to your HTML tags. If you are not comfortable with Javascript, you can use free online tools to complete the process.  RDFa RDFa is an HTML5 extension that adds HTML tag characteristics that match the user-visible material you wish to describe for search engines, supporting linked data. RDFa is frequently used in the HTML page’s body and head sections. Microdata  Microdata is a freely available HTML standard for nesting structured data inside HTML text. Similar to RDFa, it names the features you want to expose as structured data using HTML tag attributes. Although it may be used in the <head> element, it is commonly used in the <body> element. Google advises using JSON-LD. If you choose this option, the associated vocabulary is stored in the body or head of the page’s code. Different markup types may be combined simply in a single script. Source Best Digital Marketing Courses Online Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management - MICA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication - MICA Performance Marketing Bootcamp - Google Ads from upGrad To Explore all our courses, visit our page below. Digital Marketing Courses The Effect of Rich Snippets on SEO Now that we know what rich snippets are and how we can use them, we must understand the direct and strategic effects it has on SEO –  More information is shown when your page is highlighted with a rich snippet than in a typical search result. That fact alone is sufficient to capture the user’s interest and make your material stand out. Without having to navigate back and forth along the SERP, a rich snippet gives users the extra information they need to determine whether the link will fulfil their needs. People believe disclosing personal data on the results page will discourage users from returning to the website. In most instances, this is not the case. A rich snippet increases user confidence and ensures that your material meets their demands. With that guarantee, it will always be the first-click preference for them. A corporation gradually establishes a reputation as a reliable brand when it continuously presents itself as relevant and helpful for the public’s inquiries. Over time, you may establish a strong presence on SERP based on the keywords pertinent to your company as more SEO snippets are added. This great digital marketing plan will help you get organic traffic with minimum investment. In-demand Digital Marketing Skills Advertising Courses Influencer Marketing Courses SEO Courses Performance Marketing Courses SEM Courses Email Marketing Courses Content Marketing Courses Social Media Marketing Courses Marketing Analytics Courses Web Analytics Courses Display Advertising Courses Affiliate Marketing Courses Conclusion  Now that you have a plan, a greater comprehension of your customer persona, and knowledge of what has to be done to produce structured data, your team is prepared to develop compelling, rich snippets. Getting to the point efficiently should be the main focus. Users may leave your website if it is not closely related to the information they seek. Following that, you should make sure the material provides depth and leads to further points of connection with your brand. After all, you will undoubtedly receive more visitors if you receive a rich snippet.  To better understand digital marketing and rich snippets, you must consider the Digital Marketing Job Linked Bootcamp from upGrad. It is a 6-month program with an online format that provides more than 200 online marketing classes. It will also help you secure a job as a digital marketing professional with endless support from a team of industry experts and great mentorship sessions.  Enrol now to pursue a successful career with upGrad! Digital Marketing Free courses to Learn Influencer marketing free course Introduction to advertising free course Influencer marketing right free course SEO basics free course SEM basics free course Email marketing free course Social media marketing introduction free course How to leverage user generated content free course Content marketing free course Fundamentals of marketing free course Brand marketing masterclass free course Popular Digital Marketing Blogs Beginners Guide to YouTube Marketing : Complete List How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel? Top 5 Actionable Steps The Complete Guide on setting up a LinkedIn Company Page Everything You Need To Know About Digital Marketing A Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy: What it is and How to create it? Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert Future of Digital Marketing: How It Goes From Here Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs it Digital Marketing Challenges: How to Win Amidst the Challenges in Digital Marketing

by Robin Joseph Abraham

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16 Feb 2023

Nike Marketing Strategy [2024]: Things to Learn
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Nike Marketing Strategy [2024]: Things to Learn

Building a brand is no overnight deal. It is a journey that the makers take along with many others, imbibing so much more than just plain marketing rules. Nike marketing strategy is an ode to such efforts that have built a global brand. Founded in 1962 by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight, the name Nike came into being only in 1978!  Image Source From its founder’s perspective, the brand’s origins had always been to find speed-boosting running shoes. And voila! The exact concept seemed to be a marketing pitch for what came to be Nike’s moon star shoes! Nike’s journey in terms of brand placement, market positioning and, finally, popularity has been worth penning down in detail.  Learn digital marketing courses online from the World’s top Universities. Earn Masters, Executive PGP, or Advanced Certificate Programs to fast-track your career. For now, let’s look at the top marketing and Nike advertising strategy. The campaigns have been inciting, emotionally tugging, and, finally, a means to take away pretty good lessons. So, let’s jump straight into it! Breaking Down Nike Marketing Mix and its Takeaways For 2022 alone, Nike advertising strategy and promotion costs touched 3.11 billion dollars. Meanwhile, its global revenue touched 46 billion dollars. The most obvious of Nike’s advertising tools, its ads or videos, are directed straight to the emotions of the watchers. These are mostly filmed to underline the comfort angle and connect with its customers, which you can easily assimilate into your marketing strategy. Collaboration with Top Industry Names Hiring top celebs, athletes and influencers is a strategy that Nike has been using over the years to develop a solid customer base. Having top names like Michael Jordan and Serena Williams endorsing Nike products leaves behind the message of trust and also hooks prospective buyers. Minimalistic Logo The logo or the famous tick sign is another clever mode for marketing that signifies the “right-ness” in choosing the brand for your feet. The symbol could have been just anything else, but cleverly positioning the tick has been a super strategic means to let customers know that Nike, indeed, is something to place a tick on. Over the past years, the most popular campaigns that Nike developed have solidified its market base and sealed customer loyalty. Eyeing The Key Campaigns Through the years, Nike marketing mix and campaigns have been the concept of storytelling and appeal creation. Let’s explore various such campaigns which caught the attention to skyrocket its already reigning reputation in the market and what you can learn from them. Image Source Hello World The 1996 Tiger Woods campaign simply introduced Woods and portrayed him to be a game-changer in golf. No one knows how Nike placed a bet on this beginner back then, but the ad simply seemed to be a predictor of the icon that Woods went on to become. Mamba Mentality Controversy has often been the centre point of a number of Nike campaigns. Mass interest was perhaps a direct result of such controversial footing that Nike placed itself on. Kobe Bryant and the basketball campaigns make it to this list notably. One Day We Won’t Need This Day The International Women’s Day campaign had a strong message driving the point that not one specific day might be needed going down the line! Celebrating women icons of the time, Nike drove home the need to treat women such that one day needn’t celebrate their “place in the world.” Nike: Equality The Equality campaign, based on equality with several stellar names, appealed to fans and sceptics alike. Thanks to the strong message for equal treatment. It tackled difficult issues of discrimination people face on a regular basis. Such thoughts are indeed common across cultures and continents, but Nike gave these a platform that made millions of viewers associate with the same. You Can’t Stop Us The You Can’t Stop Us campaign, extended by one of the leading industry names, Wieden+Kennedy, was a step to underline the need to incorporate diversity and inclusion. According to the Top Design Firms study, the campaign was so effective that around 46% of customers were likely to purchase Nike products post-viewing this advert. Image Source Nike has implemented effective targeted marketing tactics without ever being product-laced or placed in your face, justifying its position as the market leader.  Nike Marketing Mix Emphasis on Visuals A report from SEMRush analyses that Nike gets around 60 million visitors on a month-on-month basis. The website is designed not just as a casual marketplace for its products. The entire website is made with immense thought, ideating what effective marketing could be about. Images on the official Nike website boast of clarity. The videos are made in full screen and are spine-chilling nonetheless. Nike values social values and showcases people openly expressing emotions without a hitch. No wonder the website has the power to engage and finally convert visitors into customers. Valuable and Relevant Collaborations Assessing the marketing mix of Nike campaigns, it is easy to see that Nike mostly collaborates with prominent sports figures and athletes. After all, back in the heyday, the sports genre was what the company wanted to cater to originally. Later on, after a few goof-ups with forays into the casual shoe market, Nike turned around by prioritising athletes, players and sports influencers at the top of its target pyramid- always! The fact that athletes are involved in designing specific Nike products testifies to the brand’s commitment to creating shoes that are a class apart.  The biggest takeaway from Nike marketing strategy and the creatively driven Nike advertising strategy is to make products that speak for themselves and target the audience’s pain points. The mainstream ads and add-on adverts are only offshoots to connect with prospective buyers. The New Age Player-Nike In The Current Times The social media game of Nike is at the very top in its respective genre! The brand boasts 252 million Instagram followers alone and millions on other social media platforms. Let’s explore how Nike leverages differing spaces to expand its influence and reach! Best Online Digital Marketing Courses Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management - MICA Advanced Certificate in Digital Marketing and Communication - MICA Performance Marketing Bootcamp - Google Ads from upGrad To explore all our certification courses on Digital Marketing, kindly visit our page below. Digital Marketing Certification Playing Big on Social The fact that a brand can leverage and stay relevant through the right interactive content on social media handles is another big takeaway from the marketing mix of Nike.  As Sprout Social reports, 55% of consumers are likely to learn about a product via social media. The same report suggests that 68% of consumers are likely to interact with brands using social media.  A Pipsplay study underlines that 59% of buyers or shoppers in the USA trust celebrity endorsements for picking a product. The same study also underlines that 62% believe celebs endorsing a product makes the latter more trustworthy. Nike has understood this mentality very clearly, right from the outset.  Top Digital Marketing Skills Online Advertising Courses Influencer Marketing Programs SEO Optimisation Courses Performance Marketing Certification Search Engine Marketing Course Email Marketing Strategy Content Marketing Strategy Social Media Advertising Digital Marketing Analytics Website Analytics Online Display Advertising Best Affiliate Programs A No Holds Barred Strategy  Nike broke its marketing limits by putting all its strength behind its personalisation strategy. This campaign called Nike By You from 2018 incorporated a unique technology on the Nike app and allowed buyers to simply scan their sole size for the perfect shoe shopping. There are Nike concept stores that “up” the retail experience for shoppers too. These personalisation techniques are one of the most important parts of Nike’s marketing mix that has had customers glued to the brand. The main takeaway is to use such an offering so that the brand gets an edge competently while improving customer retention rate. As per a study from Monetate, marketers get around a 20% average increase in sales on the use of personalised experiences. 80% of shoppers tend to prefer companies that provide personalised service or experience, as per a McKinsey study, which justified Nike’s hit move. Nike has only identified such facts and worked vigorously towards creating a Nike marketing strategy that spells wonders. As Phil Knight put it in an interview, “For years, we thought of ourselves as a production-oriented company, meaning we put all our emphasis on designing and manufacturing the product. But now we understand that the most important thing we do is market the product. We’ve come around to saying that Nike is a marketing-oriented company, and the product is our most important marketing tool.” Digital Marketing Free courses to Learn Influencer marketing free course Introduction to advertising free course Influencer marketing right free course SEO basics free course SEM basics free course Email marketing free course Social media marketing introduction free course How to leverage user generated content free course Content marketing free course Fundamentals of marketing free course Brand marketing masterclass free course Conclusion The Nike advertising strategy and marketing approach illustrate how a brand can use traditional product marketing, brand awareness and digital marketing to dominate its own domain. There is so much difference in every campaign that Nike fires but never a feeling of being cut off from its main products. The products seem to blend into the marketing mix of Nike while becoming a conduit for customer attraction.  If you have an interest in understanding hoow marketing strategies and brand communications work, Advanced Certificate in Brand Communication Management program offered by upGrad can be an excellent pick for your career. Provided under the guidance of MICA, learn how to design effective marketing campaigns, approach winning promotional strategies and analyse their performances with help from industry experts. Enrol now to set sights on a new inning with upGrad! Popular Digital Marketing Blogs Beginners Guide to YouTube Marketing : Complete List How to Monetize Your YouTube Channel? Top 5 Actionable Steps The Complete Guide on setting up a LinkedIn Company Page Everything You Need To Know About Digital Marketing A Complete Guide to Digital Marketing Strategy: What it is and How to create it? Digital Marketing Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide To Become an Expert Future of Digital Marketing: How It Goes From Here Importance of Digital Marketing: Top 10 Reasons Your Business Needs it Digital Marketing Challenges: How to Win Amidst the Challenges in Digital Marketing

by Robin Joseph Abraham

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15 Feb 2023

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