Top 65+ Coding Questions and Answers for Interviews in 2025
Updated on Mar 07, 2025 | 42 min read | 46.0k views
For working professionals
For fresh graduates
Updated on Mar 07, 2025 | 42 min read | 46.0k views
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Did you know? The demand for coders with skills in Python, JavaScript, and Java is very high – around 40% of recruiters look for coders with these skills. Preparing for coding interviews can, thus, be a game-changer in shaping your career.
Mastering basic coding questions is your key to building a career in software engineering and development, data science, and cutting-edge technology fields.
This guide is designed to help you tackle coding challenges across all levels, from beginner-friendly basic coding questions for interviews to advanced scenarios. By focusing on critical concepts, practical examples, and interview-focused exercises, you’ll improve your technical skills and build the confidence to ace technical interviews.
As a beginner, your focus should be on grasping the essential concepts that shape the core of coding. This section introduces basic coding questions designed to help you build the confidence and problem-solving skills necessary for your interviews.
Mastering data structures like arrays and linked lists is key to acing coding interviews. These basic coding questions for interviews will test your ability to explain, optimize, and implement efficient data handling techniques.
1. What is a Data Structure?
This is one of the most common coding questions for interviews, designed to test your fundamental understanding of how data is stored and organized in programming.
Direct Answer: A data structure organizes and stores data efficiently, enabling quick operations like searching and updating. It’s vital for optimizing algorithms and solving practical problems.
Here’s why data structures are essential.
Example: Think of an array as a bookshelf where each slot holds a book. You can instantly grab a book by knowing its position, just as you can access an array element using its index.
Learn what data structure is through upGrad’s tutorial. Understand its types, operations, and key attributes to ace your coding interviews.
Check Out upGrad Advanced Certification in DevOps
2. What is an Array and How is it Used?
When faced with this question, your goal is to clearly explain the concept of arrays in Python and other programming languages and demonstrate their practical use.
Direct Answer: An array stores elements of the same type in contiguous memory, enabling efficient fixed-size data storage and manipulation.
Here’s how you can further explain their significance.
Example: Imagine you’re building an app to store temperatures recorded daily. Arrays let you store all the temperature readings for a week in a single variable, making it simple to retrieve, modify, or analyze the data.
3. What is a Linked List and its Applications?
This is one of the basic coding questions for interviews that often comes up to test your understanding of dynamic data structures and how well you can explain a core concept.
Direct Answer: A linked list is a dynamic data structure where elements, called nodes, are connected using pointers. Each node contains two parts.
Example: Let’s say you’re building a to-do list app. Tasks can be added or removed at any time, and their order might change dynamically. A linked list is ideal here because it allows efficient operations without shifting elements like an array.
Here are some applications of a linked list.
Feature | Description |
Task scheduling | Used to maintain an ordered list of tasks that can be modified dynamically. |
Undo/redo functionality | Found in text editors or design tools, tracking changes made over time. |
Build your basics stronger and learn what a linked list is through upGrad’s free tutorial. Explore its types, advantages, and drawbacks. In fact, learn how to make one too.
4. Can You Explain the Difference Between an Array and a Linked List?
This is one of the most basic coding questions for interviews that test your understanding of arrays and linked lists, focusing on their differences in structure and use cases.
Direct Answer: Arrays store elements in contiguous memory locations, enabling quick random access via an index. Linked lists, however, consist of nodes connected by pointers, with each node holding data and a reference to the next.
Here’s how they differ: arrays vs linked lists.
Feature | Arrays | Linked Lists |
Structure | Arrays are faster for random access. | Linked lists allow flexible non-contiguous storage. |
Size | Arrays have a fixed size. | Linked lists grow dynamically. |
Insertion/Deletion | Slower in arrays due to shifting elements. | Faster in linked lists by adjusting pointers. |
Memory Usage | Arrays are efficient for fixed data. | Linked lists require extra memory for pointers. |
Example: If you’re implementing a student attendance tracker:
Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code compares arrays and linked lists for managing student lists.
# Example 1: Using an Array
students_array = ["Sneha", "Dinesh", "Arup"]
# Accessing the second student
print("Array: Second student:", students_array[1])
# Adding a new student
print("Array: Updated list:", students_array)
# Example 2: Using a Linked List
class Node:
def __init__(self, student):
self.student = student = None
# Creating a linked list of students
student1 = Node("Sneha")
student2 = Node("Dinesh")
student3 = Node("Arup")
# Linking the students = student2 = student3
# Adding a new student
new_student = Node("Pooja") = new_student
# Traversing the linked list
print("Linked List: Student List:")
current_student = student1
while current_student:
current_student =
Array: Second student: Dinesh
Array: Updated list: ['Sneha', 'Dinesh', 'Arup', 'Pooja']
Linked List: Student List:
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Also Read: Top 4 Python Challenges for Beginners [How to Solve Those?]
Prepare for coding interviews by mastering these OOP-related basic coding questions for interview : encapsulation secures data, inheritance enables reusability, polymorphism adapts behavior, and abstraction simplifies systems. Have a look.
5. Can You Explain the Concept of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)?
This is one of the most basic coding questions for interviews that aims to assess your understanding of one of the most important programming paradigms.
Direct Answer: OOP organizes code into objects, instances of classes that encapsulate data (attributes) and behavior (methods). It enhances modularity, reusability, and maintainability by modeling real-world systems.
The primary purpose of OOP is to make code more modular, reusable, and easier to maintain by modeling real-world systems.
Example: Imagine you’re designing a system for an online store:
Also Read: What are the Advantages of Object-Oriented Programming?
6. What are Classes and Objects in OOP?
This is one of those basic coding questions for interview that test your grasp of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) basics.
Direct Answer: A class is a blueprint defining attributes (data) and methods (functions) for creating objects. An object is an instance of a class, holding actual values and behaving as defined by its class.
Example: In a student management system, a class defines attributes like name and age and methods like updating marks. Each object represents an individual student with specific data.
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7. Understanding Inheritance in OOP with Examples: Can You Explain?
This question evaluates your understanding of inheritance, a core principle of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
Direct Answer: Inheritance allows a class (child) to derive properties and behavior from another class (parent). The parent class provides common functionality, while the child class adds or overrides attributes or methods.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code demonstrates inheritance with a Vehicle parent class (shared attributes like brand, model, and start_engine method).
# Parent class
class Vehicle:
def __init__(self, brand, model):
self.brand = brand
self.model = model
def start_engine(self):
return f"{self.brand} {self.model}: Engine started!"
# Child class inheriting from Vehicle
class Car(Vehicle):
def __init__(self, brand, model, airbags):
super().__init__(brand, model) # Reusing the parent class constructor
self.airbags = airbags # Specific to Car
# Overriding the start_engine method
def start_engine(self):
return f"{self.brand} {self.model}: Engine started with advanced features!"
# Additional method
def safety_features(self):
return f"{self.brand} {self.model} has {self.airbags} airbags."
# Child class inheriting from Vehicle
class Motorcycle(Vehicle):
def __init__(self, brand, model, type_of_handlebars):
super().__init__(brand, model)
self.type_of_handlebars = type_of_handlebars # Specific to Motorcycle
# Creating objects
car = Car("Toyota", "Camry", 6)
motorcycle = Motorcycle("Harley-Davidson", "Street 750", "Cruiser")
# Using methods
print(car.start_engine()) # Output: Toyota Camry: Engine started with advanced features!
print(car.safety_features()) # Output: Toyota Camry has 6 airbags.
print(motorcycle.start_engine()) # Output: Harley-Davidson Street 750: Engine started!
Toyota Camry: Engine started with advanced features!
Toyota Camry has 6 airbags.
Harley-Davidson Street 750: Engine started!
Harley-Davidson Street 750 has Cruiser handlebars.
8. What is Polymorphism in OOP, and Why is it Important?
This is one of those basic coding questions for interview that evaluate how you explain the ability of a single method or interface to adapt to different scenarios.
Direct Answer: Polymorphism allows a method to perform different tasks based on the object calling it, enabling seamless interaction with various object types.
It is important because of the following reasons.
Example: Think of a “perform” button on different types of devices.
The button is the same (shared interface), but its behavior depends on the device (object) you’re interacting with.
9. What is the Difference Between Public, Private, and Static Classes?
This is one of those basic coding questions for interview that test your understanding of access modifiers and class types.
Direct Answer: A public class is accessible from anywhere in the program. It’s used when the class needs to be widely available.
A private class, on the other hand, is restricted to the containing class or module. It’s useful for internal logic that shouldn’t be exposed.
Lastly, a static class doesn’t need objects to be instantiated. It’s great for grouping methods that don’t depend on specific objects.
Example: A public class is like a library (open to all), a private class is like a personal notebook, and a static class is like a toolbox for instant use.
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Here are some basic coding questions for interview that will test your knowledge about algorithms and control structures. Dive in for details.
10. What is a Loop in Programming and its Types?
This is one of those basic coding questions for interview that test your understanding of loops, essential for automating repetitive tasks.
Direct Answer: A loop repeats code based on a condition, optimizing tasks like processing lists or performing calculations efficiently.
Different Types of Loops
Loop Type | What Is It? | Example |
For Loop | Executes a block of code a specific number of times. | Iterating through a list of numbers. |
While Loop | Repeats a block of code as long as a condition is true. | Continuously reading data from a file until the end. |
Do-While Loop | Executes a block of code at least once, even if the condition is false, because the condition is checked after execution. | Asking a user to input a number and displaying it, even if they input an invalid number the first time. |
11. Can You Explain Conditional Statements with Examples?
Interviewers ask this to evaluate your ability to write programs that adapt to varying conditions, which is critical for decision-making in real-world scenarios.
Direct Answer: Conditional statements execute specific code blocks based on conditions, like if statements for checking seat availability.
Here are the main types of conditional statements.
Example: Checking if seats are available.
Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code checks if the number of available seats is greater than 0. If the condition is true, it prints that seats are available. This is a simple condition with one outcome.
seats_available = 5
if seats_available > 0:
print("Seats are available!")
Example: Informing customers when seats are unavailable.
Code Snippet and Explanation:
Here, the code evaluates whether seats are available. If seats are greater than 0, it informs customers that seats are available. Otherwise, it prints a message saying no seats are available.
seats_available = 0
if seats_available > 0:
print("Seats are available!")
print("Sorry, no seats are available.")
Example: Prioritizing customers with special needs while managing seat availability.
Code Snippet and Explanation:
This snippet handles multiple conditions.
special_needs = True
seats_available = 0
if seats_available > 0:
print("Seats are available!")
elif special_needs:
print("Prioritizing customers with special needs.")
print("Sorry, no seats are available.")
12. How Do You Implement a For Loop and While Loop?
This is one of those basic coding questions for interview that test your ability to use loops effectively for solving problems, as well as your understanding of the differences between them.
Direct Answer: A For loop is best for iterating over a known sequence, like a list or range of numbers. A While loop, on the other hand, is used when the number of iterations depends on a condition.
13. What is Recursion, and How Does it Work?
By asking this one of the most basic coding questions for interview, interviewers assess if you can use recursion effectively and understand how it works internally.
Direct Answer: Recursion occurs when a function calls itself to solve smaller instances of a problem, stopping when a base condition is met.
Here is how it works.
Example: Imagine counting down from 5 to 1. Instead of writing separate instructions for each number, a recursive function does this by repeatedly calling itself to count the next number.
Also Read: Recursion in Data Structure: How Does it Work, Types & When Used
This section covers essential coding exercises that evaluate your understanding of basic algorithms. These more than basic interview questions are commonly asked to gauge your grasp of fundamental programming skills.
14. How Do You Reverse a String in Your Preferred Language?
This tests your ability to manipulate strings efficiently and implement basic algorithms.
Direct Answer: To reverse a string, iterate through it backward or use built-in functions.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code reverses the string "hello" by using Python’s slicing feature ([::-1]), which starts from the end and moves backward to create a reversed version of the string. It then prints the reversed string.
s = "hello"
reversed_s = s[::-1]
print(reversed_s) # Output: "olleh"
Input: s = "hello"
Output: "olleh"
15. How to Determine if a String is a Palindrome?
This assesses your ability to compare strings and implement basic logic for string manipulation.
Direct Answer: A string is a palindrome if it reads the same forwards and backwards. Compare the string with its reverse.
16. Can You Calculate the Number of Vowels and Consonants in a String?
This tests your ability to analyze and process string data.
Direct Answer: Iterate through the string and count vowels and consonants using conditions.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code counts vowels and consonants in the string "hello world" by iterating through each character. It checks whether a character is a vowel or consonant using conditions and sums them up separately.
s = "hello world"
vowels = "aeiou"
vowel_count = sum(1 for char in s if char.lower() in vowels)
consonant_count = sum(1 for char in s if char.isalpha() and char.lower() not in vowels)
print(f"Vowels: {vowel_count}, Consonants: {consonant_count}") # Output: Vowels: 3, Consonants: 7
Input: s = "hello world"
Output: Vowels: 3, Consonants: 7
17. How to Find the Maximum Element in an Array?
This evaluates your ability to work with arrays and implement logic to find specific elements.
Direct Answer: Iterate through the array to find the largest element or use a built-in function.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code sorts the array in ascending order using sorted() and selects the last element (largest) with [-1]. It then prints the largest value, which is 10 in this case.
arr = [7, 2, 10, 4, 6]
max_element = sorted(arr)[-1] # Using sorting to find the maximum
print(max_element) # Output: 10
Input: arr = [7, 2, 10, 4, 6]
Output: 10 # The largest element in the array
18. How to Sort an Array of Integers in Ascending Order?
This is one of those basic coding questions for interviews that assesses your ability to implement sorting techniques or use built-in methods.
Direct Answer: Use built-in sorting functions or implement a sorting algorithm like Bubble Sort.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code sorts the array [5, 3, 8, 1, 9] in ascending order using Python’s built-in sorted() function. It creates a new array with the elements arranged from smallest to largest and prints the result.
arr = [5, 3, 8, 1, 9]
sorted_arr = sorted(arr)
print(sorted_arr) # Output: [1, 3, 5, 8, 9]
Input: arr = [5, 3, 8, 1, 9]
Output: [1, 3, 5, 8, 9]
This section focuses on more than just simple basic coding questions. They test your problem-solving skills and ability to understand advanced topics, preparing you for challenging scenarios in coding interviews.
This section covers advanced data structures (stacks, queues, trees, graphs) and algorithms (sorting, searching), focusing on interview topics like binary search trees, linear vs. non-linear structures, and practical uses of stacks and queues.
19. What is LIFO, and How is it Implemented Using a Stack?
Interviewers ask this question as it tests your understanding of how data is managed in stacks and how Last In, First Out (LIFO) principles are applied in real-world scenarios.
Direct Answer: LIFO (Last In, First Out) means the last element added to a stack is removed first, like a stack of plates where the top plate is removed first.
Example: A stack can be implemented in programming using arrays or linked lists. Common operations include the following:
20. What is Your Understanding of FIFO and Queue Implementations?
This question assesses your understanding of queues and the FIFO (First In, First Out) principle.
Direct Answer: A queue is a linear data structure where the first element added is the first removed, like a ticket line.
Queues can be implemented using arrays and linked lists.
21. Can You Explain Binary Trees and Their Uses?
Binary trees are foundational in data organization and retrieval. This question checks your understanding of their structure and applications.
Direct Answer: A binary tree is a hierarchical structure where each node has up to two children (left and right). It is used for efficient searching, sorting, and representing hierarchical data.
Here are the key uses:
22. What are Binary Search Trees, and How Do They Work?
Binary Search Trees (BSTs) are critical for efficient searching and sorting. This question is asked to ensure you understand how they work and their practical importance.
Direct Answer: A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a type of binary tree where:
Here’s how they work.
This continues until the value is found or the search terminates at a leaf node.
Example: Imagine you are building a contact list. A BST helps organize the contacts alphabetically, so when you search for a name, you only check relevant branches rather than scanning the entire list.
23. What is the Difference Between Linear and Non-Linear Data Structures?
Interviewers ask this question to test your ability to categorize data structures based on how they organize and store data.
Direct Answer: Linear data structures store elements sequentially, like arrays and linked lists. Non-linear data structures, on the other hand, represent hierarchical relationships, like trees and graphs.
The key difference between the two is that linear structures are ideal for simpler, ordered data. Non-linear structures, on the flip side, handle complex relationships and large datasets efficiently.
Also Read: Binary Tree vs Binary Search Tree: Difference Between Binary Tree and Binary Search Tree
This section has a compilation of all more than basic coding interview questions with solutions that will test how well-aware you are of sorting and searching algorithms. Buckle up!
24. How Would You Implement the Bubble Sort Algorithm?
This question tests your understanding of basic sorting algorithms and their step-by-step implementation.
Direct Answer: Bubble sort repeatedly compares adjacent elements in an array, swapping them if they are in the wrong order. This process continues until the array is sorted. It’s called "bubble" sort because smaller elements “bubble” up to the top of the array in each pass.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code sorts a list by repeatedly comparing two adjacent numbers and swapping them if they are in the wrong order.
def bubble_sort(arr):
n = len(arr)
for i in range(n): # Pass through the array
for j in range(0, n - i - 1): # Compare adjacent elements
if arr[j] > arr[j + 1]: # Swap if out of order
arr[j], arr[j + 1] = arr[j + 1], arr[j]
# Example input
numbers = [5, 3, 8, 4]
print(numbers) # Output:
# Input list of numbers to sort
numbers = [5, 3, 8, 4]
# Output after sorting
[3, 4, 5, 8]
Explore the basics of the Bubble Sort Algorithm with upGrad’s free tutorial. Learn how to write one from scratch.
25. Can You Explain How Insertion Sort Works with an Example?
Interviewers ask this to evaluate your ability to understand and explain sorting techniques that involve minimal comparisons for partially sorted data.
Direct Answer: Insertion sort builds the sorted array one element at a time by comparing each new element with the sorted part of the array and placing it in the correct position.
Example: Imagine you're sorting playing cards in your hand.
26. How Do You Implement Binary Search in a Sorted Array?
Binary search is a fundamental algorithm for efficient searching. This question evaluates your understanding of its divide-and-conquer approach.
Direct Answer: Binary search repeatedly divides the search interval in half. It compares the middle element of a sorted array to the target value. If the middle element is smaller, search the right half; if larger, search the left half. This continues until the value is found or the interval is empty.
Example: Think of guessing a number between 1 and 100. Instead of guessing randomly, you keep halving the range.
This is exactly how binary search works!
27. What is the Best Sorting Algorithm and Why?
This question tests your knowledge of different sorting algorithms, their complexities, and their use cases.
Direct Answer: There is no single "best" sorting algorithm — it depends on the dataset and requirements.
For general-purpose sorting, Merge Sort and Quick Sort are often considered efficient due to their average-case time complexity of O(nlogn)O(n \log n)O(nlogn).
For nearly sorted data, Insertion Sort or Bubble Sort may perform better due to their simplicity.
These questions test your problem-solving skills and understanding of efficient data handling techniques, focusing on tasks like detecting patterns in strings, manipulating arrays, and optimizing operations.
28. How Do You Find Anagrams of a Given String?
Interviewers ask this to evaluate your understanding of string manipulation and your ability to compare patterns and handle edge cases efficiently.
Direct Answer: An anagram is a word formed by rearranging the letters of another, like "listen" and "silent." To find anagrams of a string, sort the characters of the string and compare it with the sorted characters of other strings.
Example: To check if "listen" and "silent" are anagrams, here’s what’s done:
29. What are the Methods to Remove Duplicates from an Array?
This tests your ability to handle duplicate elements in an array while considering efficiency, order preservation, and resource constraints.
Direct Answer: There are three main methods to remove duplicates.
30. How to Find the Second Largest Number in an Array?
This tests your understanding of array traversal and optimization for edge cases, like arrays with duplicate values.
Direct Answer: To find the second largest number, you need to follow two steps:
Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code finds the largest number in the array (5) and then checks the remaining numbers to find the largest one smaller than 5, which is 4. It ignores duplicates of the largest number during the process.
arr = [5, 3, 1, 4, 5]
largest = max(arr) # Find the largest number
second_largest = float('-inf') # Initialize as the smallest possible value
for num in arr:
if num != largest and num > second_largest:
second_largest = num # Update second largest
print(second_largest) # Output: 4
# Input array
arr = [5, 3, 1, 4, 5]
Output: 4
31. How to Reverse an Array Without Using Additional Data Structures?
This tests your understanding of in-place array manipulation and memory efficiency.
Direct Answer: Array can be reversed by swapping elements from the start with those at the end until you reach the middle.
Example: Imagine a line of people where the first swaps with the last, the second swaps with the second-last, and so on, until the order is completely reversed. This process happens directly without moving them to a new location, just like swapping elements in an array.
This section focuses on most asked coding questions in interviews to assess your ability to write efficient, real-world solutions. These more than simple basic coding questions test your understanding of recursion, mathematical logic, and problem-solving for string and sequence-based problems.
32. Can You Print a Fibonacci Sequence Using Recursion?
This question tests your understanding of recursion and how it can be used to solve sequence-based problems.
Direct Answer: The Fibonacci sequence is a series where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones. Using recursion, the function calls itself to calculate each term based on the previous two terms.
Example: To print the first 5 Fibonacci numbers:
Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code calculates each Fibonacci number by calling the Fibonacci function recursively.
def fibonacci(n):
if n <= 1:
return n
return fibonacci(n - 1) + fibonacci(n - 2)
# Print the first 5 Fibonacci numbers
for i in range(5):
print(fibonacci(i), end=" ") # Output: 0 1 1 2 3
n = 5 # Generate the first 5 terms of the Fibonacci sequence
0 1 1 2 3
Also, see this free upGrad tutorial on Fibonacci Series in Python.
33. How Do You Check if a Number is Prime?
This question evaluates your understanding of loops and mathematical logic to identify prime numbers.
Direct Answer: A prime number is greater than 1 and divisible only by 1 and itself. To check if a number is prime, test if it’s divisible by any number from 2 to the square root of the number.
Example Code Snippet and Explanation:
The code checks if the number is divisible by any smaller number (starting from 2 up to the square root of the number).
def is_prime(num):
if num <= 1:
return False
for i in range(2, int(num ** 0.5) + 1):
if num % i == 0:
return False
return True
print(is_prime(7)) # Output: True
num = 7 # Check if the number 7 is prime
True # 7 is a prime number
34. Can You Calculate the Factorial of an Integer Using Iteration and Recursion?
Factorial problems test your understanding of iteration, recursion, and mathematical operations.
Direct Answer: The factorial of a number is the product of all integers from 1 to that number. It can be calculated using two ways:
Example: For 5! = 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 120.
Iteration Code Snippet and Explanation:
The iterative function uses a loop to multiply all numbers from 1 to n step by step.
def factorial_iterative(n):
result = 1
for i in range(1, n + 1):
result *= i
return result
print(factorial_iterative(5)) # Output: 120
n = 5 # Find the factorial of 5
120 # Factorial of 5 is 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
Recursion Code Snippet and Explanation:
The recursive function breaks the problem into smaller pieces by multiplying the current number (n) with the factorial of the previous number (n-1).
def factorial_recursive(n):
if n == 1:
return 1
return n * factorial_recursive(n - 1)
print(factorial_recursive(5)) # Output: 120
n = 5 # Find the factorial of 5
120 # Factorial of 5 is 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
35. Can You Find the Length of the Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters?
This tests your understanding of strings, sliding window algorithms, and efficient data structures like sets.
Direct Answer: To find the longest substring without repeating characters, use a sliding window approach. Track characters in the current substring and update the maximum length when the window expands or shrinks.
Example: For the string "abcabcbb", the longest substring without repetition is "abc" (length 3).
These are not simple basic coding questions for interviews. These advanced questions are designed to test not just your technical expertise but your ability to solve real-world problems under constraints.
The advanced coding questions for interview in this section focus on critical concepts like hashmaps, graphs, linked lists, and binary search trees.
36. Can You Explain the Concepts of Hashmaps and Their Applications?
This question evaluates your knowledge of efficient data storage and retrieval techniques, along with real-world applications.
Direct Answer: A hashmap is a data structure that stores key-value pairs and allows fast access to values using keys. It uses a hash function to map keys to specific indices in an array. Hashmaps are highly efficient for operations like search, insert, and delete, often achieving O(1)O(1)O(1) time complexity.
Applications of Hashmaps:
Example: Hashmaps are used in programming dictionaries, where you store words (keys) and their definitions (values).
37. What is a Graph, and How is it Used in Programming?
Graphs are foundational for solving problems involving relationships and networks. This question checks your understanding of graph structures and their use cases.
Direct Answer: A graph is a collection of nodes (vertices) connected by edges, representing relationships between entities. Graphs can be directed (edges have direction) or undirected (no direction).
It’s used in programming in these key ways:
Example: Graphs are used in social networks like Facebook, where nodes represent users and edges represent friendships or connections.
38. Can You Explain Singly and Doubly Linked Lists?
This tests your knowledge of linked lists, their structure, and when to use singly vs. doubly linked lists.
Direct Answer: A singly linked list has nodes that contain data and a pointer to the next node. It’s simple but only allows traversal in one direction.
A doubly linked list has nodes with pointers to both the next and previous nodes, allowing two-way traversal.
Examples of When to Use Them:
39. How to Implement a Binary Search Tree?
This question tests your understanding of tree structures, efficient searching, and practical implementation skills.
Direct Answer: There are a few steps to follow in order to implement a Binary Search Tree.
Example: Binary Search Trees are used in database indexing, like finding a record in a database table quickly by organizing keys hierarchically.
This section focuses on explaining Big O notation, algorithm optimizations, and the differences between key traversal methods like BFS and DFS, helping you tackle high-level interview questions with confidence.
40. Can You Explain Big O Notation and Its Importance in Coding?
Interviewers ask this to test your understanding of how to evaluate and compare the efficiency of algorithms. Big O is a critical concept for writing scalable and optimized code.
Direct Answer: Big O notation measures how an algorithm's runtime or memory usage grows with input size. It helps you understand the efficiency of your code, ensuring it can handle large datasets without performance issues.
Example: If you’re searching for a value in a list:
41. Can You Compare and Contrast Breadth-First Search and Depth-First Search?
This question evaluates your understanding of graph traversal methods and when to use each. BFS and DFS are foundational in solving problems like pathfinding and dependency resolution.
Direct Answer: Breadth-First Search (BFS) explores all neighbors at the current depth before moving deeper. It’s ideal for finding the shortest path in unweighted graphs.
Depth-First Search (DFS), on the other hand, explores as far as possible along one branch before backtracking. It’s better for tasks like detecting cycles or exploring all possible paths.
42. How Do You Optimize Algorithms for Better Performance?
This tests your ability to improve the efficiency of algorithms by analyzing their weaknesses and applying optimization techniques.
Direct Answer: Algorithm optimization involves identifying inefficiencies and improving runtime or memory usage.
Here are the key strategies.
Example: Optimizing a recommendation system by caching user preferences reduces repeated database queries, improving response time significantly.
Build your basics on data structures and algorithms strong so you can ace your next coding interview – enroll in upGrad’s free Data Structures & Algorithms course. Learn time complexity, basic data structures (Arrays, Queues, Stacks), and algorithms (Sorting, Searching) with just 50 hours of learning.
These more than basic coding interview questions with solutions are designed to challenge your logic, string manipulation, and algorithmic thinking, preparing you for high-stakes coding interviews.
43. How to Find the First Non-Repeated Character in a String?
Interviewers want to test your ability to process strings efficiently and identify unique patterns while handling edge cases like repeated or missing characters.
Direct Answer: To find the first non-repeated character in a string, traverse the string and count the occurrences of each character. Return the first character that has a count of 1.
Example: For the string "swiss", the first non-repeated character is 'w'.
44. How to Reverse Words in a Sentence Without Using Library Functions?
This tests your understanding of string manipulation and your ability to implement fundamental operations like reversing words manually.
Direct Answer: There are simple steps to reverse the words in a sentence:
Code Snippet and Explanation:
This code splits the sentence into words manually, stores them in a list, and then rearranges the words in reverse order to form a new sentence. It avoids using built-in functions like split() or join().
def reverse_words(sentence):
words = []
word = ""
for char in sentence: # Split words manually
if char == " ":
word = ""
word += char
words.append(word) # Add the last word
reversed_sentence = ""
for i in range(len(words) - 1, -1, -1): # Reverse the order of words
reversed_sentence += words[i] + " "
return reversed_sentence.strip()
# Input
sentence = "hello world"
# Output
print(reverse_words(sentence)) # Output: "world hello"
sentence = "hello world"
"world hello"
45. How to Determine if Two Strings are Rotations of Each Other?
This question tests your understanding of string manipulation and efficient comparison techniques.
Direct Answer: Two strings are rotations of each other if one string can be obtained by rotating the other. To check, concatenate one string to itself and see if the other string is a substring.
Example: For "abcd" and "dabc", concatenating "abcd" with itself ("abcdabcd") contains "dabc", so they are rotations.
46. How to Find All Permutations of a Given String?
This question evaluates your ability to generate all possible arrangements of a string’s characters and handle recursion effectively.
Direct Answer: To find all permutations of a string, use recursion:
Example: For "abc", the permutations are ["abc", "acb", "bac", "bca", "cab", "cba"].
This section addresses coding questions for interview that simulate real-world programming challenges. These are designed to test your understanding of software design principles, error handling, and your ability to implement efficient solutions for complex problems.
47. Can You Explain the SOLID Principles in Software Development?
Interviewers ask this to assess your understanding of best practices for writing scalable, maintainable, and robust code.
Direct Answer: The SOLID principles are a set of five guidelines for object-oriented programming.
Example: Applying SRP, a class Invoice should only handle invoice details, while a separate class InvoicePrinter should handle printing invoices.
48. How Do You Handle Exception Handling in Your Code?
This tests your ability to write robust programs that gracefully handle errors without crashing.
Direct Answer: Exception handling ensures that errors are caught and managed appropriately.
49. How to Implement a Queue Using Two Stacks?
This tests your understanding of data structures and your ability to manipulate them to mimic other structures.
Direct Answer: To implement a queue using two stacks, here’s what you need to do:
50. Can You Write Code to Find the Maximum Depth of a Binary Tree?
This question tests your understanding of recursion and tree traversal techniques.
Direct Answer: Absolutely.
Here’s a code that calculates the maximum depth of a binary tree by recursively checking the depth of the left and right subtrees.
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, value=0, left=None, right=None):
self.value = value
self.left = left
self.right = right
def max_depth(root):
if not root:
return 0
left_depth = max_depth(root.left)
right_depth = max_depth(root.right)
return max(left_depth, right_depth) + 1
# Example Usage
root = TreeNode(1)
root.left = TreeNode(2)
root.right = TreeNode(3)
root.left.left = TreeNode(4)
root.left.right = TreeNode(5)
print(max_depth(root)) # Output: 3
/ \
2 3
/ \
4 5
3 # The maximum depth of the tree is 3
Also Read: 5 Types of Binary Tree Explained [With Illustrations]
Highlighting the most trending coding questions for 2025, this section focuses on the latest topics that are capturing the attention of interviewers. These questions are designed to test your knowledge of current practices, emerging challenges, and foundational coding concepts.
This section explores coding questions for interview about some of the most popular and relevant topics in 2025, such as recursion, modern sorting techniques, dynamic programming, and time complexity.
51. Understanding Recursion with Practical Examples – Explain How?
Interviewers test recursion to assess your ability to break down problems into smaller, manageable parts and implement elegant, self-referencing solutions.
Direct Answer: Recursion involves a function calling itself to solve smaller instances of a problem until a base condition is met.
Here are some practical examples of doing so.
52. Implementing Modern Sorting Algorithms – Explain How?
Sorting is fundamental in programming, and interviewers often test your ability to implement and understand modern, efficient sorting algorithms.
Direct Answer: Modern sorting algorithms like Merge Sort and Quick Sort are frequently used for their O(nlogn)O(n \log n)O(nlogn) performance in average cases.
Merge Sort Code Snippet and Explanation:
This Merge Sort code divides the array into two halves, recursively sorts each half, and then merges the sorted halves into a single sorted array. This process continues until the entire array is sorted.
def merge_sort(arr):
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
mid = len(arr) // 2
left = merge_sort(arr[:mid])
right = merge_sort(arr[mid:])
return merge(left, right)
def merge(left, right):
result = []
while left and right:
if left[0] < right[0]:
result.extend(left or right)
return result
# Input
arr = [8, 4, 2, 6, 5]
# Output
print(merge_sort(arr)) # Output: [2, 4, 5, 6, 8]
Input: arr = [8, 4, 2, 6, 5]
Output: [2, 4, 5, 6, 8]
Quick Sort Code Snippet and Explanation:
This Quick Sort code chooses a pivot (the first element), divides the array into smaller (less) and larger (greater) values, and recursively sorts them. The final result is a merged, sorted array.
def quick_sort(arr):
if len(arr) <= 1:
return arr
pivot = arr[0]
less = [x for x in arr[1:] if x <= pivot]
greater = [x for x in arr[1:] if x > pivot]
return quick_sort(less) + [pivot] + quick_sort(greater)
# Input
arr = [10, 3, 7, 1, 9]
# Output
print(quick_sort(arr)) # Output: [1, 3, 7, 9, 10]
arr = [10, 3, 7, 1, 9]
Output: [1, 3, 7, 9, 10]
53. How to Work with Dynamic Programming Problems?
Dynamic programming (DP) questions evaluate your ability to optimize solutions by breaking them into overlapping subproblems and storing results to avoid redundant calculations.
Direct Answer: DP involves solving problems by storing the results of subproblems for reuse.
Example: Calculating the Fibonacci sequence using memoization
This code calculates Fibonacci numbers using dynamic programming by storing already-computed values (memoization). This avoids repeated calculations, making it much faster than plain recursion. For n = 6, it returns 8.
def fibonacci(n, memo={}):
if n in memo:
return memo[n]
if n <= 2:
return 1
memo[n] = fibonacci(n - 1, memo) + fibonacci(n - 2, memo)
return memo[n]
# Input
n = 6
# Output
print(fibonacci(n)) # Output: 8
Input: n = 6 # Find the 6th Fibonacci number
Output: 8 # The 6th Fibonacci number is 8
54. Can You Explain the Concept of Time Complexity with Real Examples?
Time complexity helps you evaluate how well an algorithm performs as the input size grows. Interviewers test this to ensure you can analyze and optimize your solutions.
Direct Answer: Time complexity measures the growth of an algorithm's runtime as input size increases.
Here’s an explanation through real examples.
1. O(1)O(1)O(1) - Constant Time: The runtime is independent of input size.
Real Example: Accessing an element in an array by its index.
arr = [10, 20, 30, 40]
print(arr[2]) # Output: 30
Explanation: No matter how large the array is, accessing an element by index takes the same amount of time.
2. O(n)O(n)O(n) - Linear Time: The runtime grows linearly with the input size.
Real Example: Finding the maximum value in an unsorted list.
arr = [3, 5, 1, 7, 9]
print(max(arr)) # Output: 9
Explanation: The algorithm must iterate through every element to find the maximum value, so the runtime scales with the number of elements.
This section highlights advanced coding interview questions and answers about key programming languages and paradigms that are essential in 2025.
55. What Programming Languages Should You Know in 2025?
Interviewers want to see if you are aware of industry trends and if your skills align with the most in-demand programming languages.
Direct Answer: In 2025, you should be proficient in these key programming languages:
56. What Are the Differences Between Procedural and Functional Programming?
This tests your ability to differentiate programming paradigms and understand their use cases.
Direct Answer: Procedural Programming follows a sequence of steps or instructions. Functional Programming, on the other hand, focuses on what to achieve by using pure functions and avoiding state or mutable data.
Here are the differences between the two.
Feature |
Procedural Programming |
Functional Programming |
State | Uses and modifies program state (mutable variables). | Avoids modifying state; relies on immutability. |
Code Reusability | Encourages reusability, but often tied to the program's state. | High reusability due to stateless functions. |
Use of Loops | Relies on loops for iteration (e.g., for, while). | Uses recursion or functional constructs (e.g., map, filter, reduce). |
Example Languages | C, Python (procedural style), Java. | Haskell, Lisp, Python (functional style). |
Real-world Examples | Writing step-by-step instructions for task automation. | Data transformation pipelines or mathematical computations. |
57. Can You Explain the Use of NoSQL Databases Over SQL Databases?
This question evaluates your understanding of database systems and when to use each type effectively.
Direct Answer: SQL databases use structured data and predefined schemas, ideal for relational data and complex queries (e.g., MySQL). On the contrary, NoSQL databases handle unstructured or semi-structured data, providing scalability and flexibility (e.g., MongoDB).
Prepare for the non-technical aspects of coding interviews with this section. These basic coding questions for interview are designed to assess your problem-solving mindset and how effectively you collaborate in team environments.
These basic coding questions for interviews assess how well you reflect on past experiences to convey your strengths during an interview.
58. Can You Describe a Challenging Project You Worked On and How You Overcame Obstacles?
Interviewers ask this to evaluate your problem-solving skills, resilience, and ability to handle challenges in real-world projects.
Example Answer: "In my last project, I worked on developing an e-commerce site, where the biggest challenge was optimizing database queries to handle high traffic. By analyzing query performance, implementing indexing, and caching frequent queries, we improved response time by 50%."
59. How Do You Keep Your Coding Skills Up to Date?
This assesses your commitment to continuous learning and staying relevant in the fast-evolving tech industry.
Example Answer: "I regularly take courses on platforms like upGrad and follow tech blogs like Medium and I recently completed a course on cloud architecture to improve my understanding of AWS and Azure services."
60. Can You Discuss a Time When You Had to Learn a New Technology Quickly?
This tests your learning agility and how you handle situations that require adapting to new technologies or tools under time constraints.
Example Answer: "In a recent project, I was tasked with implementing CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, which I hadn’t used before. I dedicated a week to studying its documentation and watching tutorials, then successfully set up the pipeline, reducing deployment time by 30%."
These questions evaluate your ability to ensure your code is accessible to teammates, explain technical concepts to diverse audiences, and handle debugging systematically.
61. How Do You Ensure Your Code is Readable and Maintainable by Others?
Interviewers ask this to understand your practices for writing clean, well-documented code that is easy for others to understand and maintain.
Example Answer: To ensure code readability and maintainability, here’s what needs to be followed:
62. How Can You Explain a Complex Technical Concept to a Non-Technical Person?
This tests your ability to simplify complex ideas and communicate them clearly to stakeholders who may not have technical expertise.
Example Answer: "Here’s how I would explain an API to a non-technical person: An API is like a waiter in a restaurant. You (the app) request an item from the menu (data), and the waiter (API) fetches it from the kitchen (server) and delivers it back to you."
63. How Do You Approach Debugging a Difficult Issue?
This evaluates your problem-solving mindset, debugging techniques, and ability to remain systematic under pressure.
Direct Answer: To debug a difficult issue, here’s what needs to be done:
Also Read: What are Problem Solving Skills? Definition, Examples, Techniques, How to learn
These questions assess your understanding of tools, patterns, and strategies that improve code quality, manage errors effectively, and streamline team collaboration.
64. What is the Importance of Version Control Systems Like Git?
This tests your ability to manage code changes, collaborate effectively, and maintain a reliable development workflow using tools like Git.
Direct Answer: Version control systems like Git are essential for tracking changes, enabling collaboration, and maintaining code history. They allow developers to work on the same project without overwriting each other’s work and provide a safety net to revert to previous versions if needed.
65. Can You Explain Design Patterns and Provide Examples?
This evaluates your understanding of reusable solutions for common coding problems and your ability to apply them effectively.
Direct Answer: Design patterns are best practices for solving recurring problems in software design.
66. How Do You Handle Errors and Exceptions in Your Code?
This tests your ability to write robust code that can gracefully handle unexpected situations.
Direct Answer: Error and exception handling ensures programs continue running smoothly even when unexpected issues occur. Using try and except blocks to catch exceptions, log errors, and provide fallback mechanisms usually works the best.
Preparing for coding interviews requires a structured approach to mastering technical concepts, practicing problem-solving, and building confidence. This section provides actionable strategies to help you excel in your next interview.
Understanding the Basics:
Build a strong foundation in data structures (arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues) and algorithms (sorting, searching) to tackle complex problems confidently.
Regular Practice and Problem-Solving:
Practice coding daily. Focus on a mix of easy, medium, and hard problems to develop both speed and accuracy.
Mock Interviews and Time Management:
Conduct mock interviews and solve problems within time limits to improve efficiency and articulate your thought process effectively.
Staying Updated with Industry Trends:
Learn trending technologies, languages, and frameworks like Python for AI or Go for cloud-native apps to stay industry-relevant.
Enhancing Communication Skills:
Practice explaining your solutions clearly and step-by-step, as interviewers value both coding and communication skills.
Preparing for coding interviews is just the beginning. To truly stand out and accelerate your career, you need comprehensive learning that combines technical skills with hands-on experience.
upGrad’s programming courses offer exactly that — an opportunity to master coding, build real-world projects, and stay ahead in the competitive tech industry.
Here are some of our software development courses that will take you a long way:
You can explore more software development courses by upGrad.
Still worried about which option will future-proof your career? Fret not, upGrad can help – book a free career counseling session with our experts and get the answers – and peace of mind – you deserve.
Mastering coding questions for interview is crucial for securing a tech job in 2025. By practicing these coding interview questions and answers, you can build problem-solving skills, improve coding efficiency, and confidently tackle technical assessments. Stay consistent, focus on optimizing solutions, and keep refining your knowledge to excel in your next interview.
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