This application will allow you to share detailed recipes of a variety of dishes. You will use HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX to build this application.
Learn to develop a dynamic website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and AJAX. The application will help you search for hotels in different cities across the world and make bookings.
Learn how to build a full-stack application using React in the frontend, NodeJS and ExpressJS in the backend and MongoDB as the database. You would learn to develop an online movie booking application that supports features like book ticket, search for movies, register etc. This project will give you hands-on experience of how to create a full-stack web application.
Develop an application to rent cars that has features such as create profile, add cars, book cars for a duration of your choice. Learn to create the backend for a web application in NodeJS and ExpressJS, perform CRUD operations on MongoDB and build a dynamic real-time frontend using React.
Learn how to create the backend for a web application in NodeJS and ExpressJS and frontend using React. In the backend, also learn how to interact with the database layer for performing CRUD operations with MongoDB. The application will allow the admin to add/remove products to/from the inventory and customers to browse and order products from different categories.
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